Chapter 17: The Digestive System

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circular; longitudinal

In the alimentary canal, the muscle fibers of the inner muscular coat are ____ and the fibers of the outer muscular coat are ____.

secretion of bile, storage of glycogen, iron, vitamins A, D, and B 12, removal of toxins from blood, carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism

Indicate which of the following are functions of the adult liver.

cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal

Place the following structure in the correct order through which digested material would pass, with the first structure to receive material at the top

ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon

Place the parts of the colon in order as food moves through, with the part first receiving digested food at the top.

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Place the segments of the small intestine in order of which food travels, with the segment that first receives food at the top.

sublingual glands

The smallest of the major salivary glands; located on the floor of the mouth inferior to the tongue; they contain mucous cells that produce secretions thick and stringy


breakdown of large organic molecules in their component parts


movement of food from one end of the digestive tract to the other


A spongy retroperitoneal organ located posterior to the stomach and partially attached to the small intestines is the ____.

pharynx and esophagus

Food is moved from the mouth to the stomach through muscular contractions in the wall of the ____.

decrease in mucus production, thinning of tooth enamel, reduction in motility

Identify the effects of aging on the digestive system.

oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small, intestine, large intestine, anal canal

List in order the organs of the digestive tract starring from the oral cavity and ending with the anal canal.

submandibular glands

Located in the floor of the mouth on the inside surface of the lower jaw; the secretory cells of these glands are about equally serous and mucous

decline in the liver's ability to detoxify chemicals, decreases in the amount of mucus secreted.

Select the effects of aging on the digestive system.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The alimentary canal is innervated by the ____ and ____ divisions of the autonomic nervous system

esophageal opening

The cardiac region of the stomach is closest to the ____.

large intestine

The digestive organ that is about 1.5 meters long and begins in the lower right side of the abdominal cavity, where the ileum joins the cecum is the ____.

large intestine

The digestive organ that runs up the right side of the abdominal cavity, then across the top and down the left side before entering the pelvic cavity is the ____ ____.


The hollow passageway of the alimentary canal, surrounded by the mucosa, is called the _____.


The insulin-secreting accessory organ of the digestive system that is both an endocrine and exocrine gland is the ____.

parotid glands

The largest salivary glands; they lie anterior and inferior to each ear, between the skin and the master muscle; they secrete a clear, watery fluid, rich in salivary amylase


The largest segment of the stomach is the ____.


The layer in the wall of the alimentary canal that is rich in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels that carry away absorbed materials is the ____.

upper left; inferior

The liver is located mainly in the ____ quadrant of the abdominal cavity just ____ to the diaphragm.

mixing/ segmentation; propelling/ peristalsis

The motor functions of the alimentary canal are ____ movement that combine food with digestive fluids and ____ movements that move materials along the digestive tract.


The organ that starts the digestion of proteins is the ____.

digestive enzymes; insulin

The pancreas secretes ____ by exocrine mechanisms, and ____ by endocrine mechanisms.


The process of breaking down foods, either mechanically or chemically, into forms that cell membranes can absorb is called ____.


The pylorus is nearest the ____ of the stomach


The region of the stomach where the esophagus enter is the ____ region

stomach and large intestine

The small intestine is a tubular organ that connects which two organs in the digestive tract?

digestion, absorption, and movement of food

The stomach is involved in which functions of the digestive system


The storage and concentration of bile between meals is the function of the ____.


The term ____ is used to specify the alimentary canal between the ileocecal junction and the beginning of the rectum.


The thick layer of connective tissue between the mucosa and the muscular external in the wall of the digestive tract is the ____.


The tip of the soft palate, that hangs down posteriorly, is called the ____.

mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach

What are components of the alimentary canal?

mix the contents with fluids, move the contents along the tract.

What are functions of motor movements in the alimentary canal?

dissolves molecules so they can be tasted, aids in swallowing, cleanses mouth and teeth

What are functions of saliva?

Detoxify blood, removal of worn-out red blood cells, break glycogen down into glucose, formation of plasma proteins

What are functions of the liver?

mixes food with gastric juice, absorbs small amount of nutrients, starts the digestion of protein

What are functions of the stomach?

digestion, ingestion, absorption, defecation, propulsion

What are the basic functions of the digestive system?

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

What are the three parts of the pharynx?

the largest portion of the stomach

What is the body of the stomach?


What is the cone-shaped project the extends down from the soft palate on the roof of the mouth?

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

What is the correct order the layers of the wall of the digestive tract starting with the innermost layer?

The dome-shaped, superior portion

What is the fundic region of the stomach?

the opening in the digestive tract that food passes through

What is the lumen?

pharynx, esophagus

What two structures carry food from the mouth to the stomach, but do not digest food?

posterior to the stomach, posterior to the parietal peritoneum

Where is the pancreas located?

posterior to the oral cavity

Where is the pharynx located?

plasma proteins, glycogen, bile, phospholipids

Which are substances produced by the liver?


Which digestive process occurs in the oral cavity?


Which is an accessory organ of the digestive system?

gall bladder

Which is not included in the alimentary canal?

pyloric sphincter

Which muscular band regulates the passage of chyme from the stomach to the duodenum?


before food enter the esophagus, it passes through the lowermost portion of the pharynx, called the ____.


enzymes in saliva begin the chemical digestion of ____ in the mouth.


movement of molecules from the digestive tract into the circulation or lymphatic system


process by which teeth break food into smaller particles to increase the total surface area

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