Chapter 18 History

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The United States granted independence to the Philippines in _____


In ____, Pakistan and India both gained independence


The United Nations negotiated a cease fire over the battle at Kashmir in ______


In ____, a war over Kashmir seemed to be inevitable, but in ____, they began to work towards peace and successfully eased their tension.

2002, 2003

In ____, a government offensive put a quick end to the Tamil forces in Sri Lanka.


The United States demanded a __-year lease on its military and naval bases in the Philippines


____ _______ continued fighting the government, often using terror tactics to try to achieve their goals. The current Philippines president, _______ ______ ________, has launched an all-out military response to this group.

Abu sayyaf, then Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

French-speaking _______ and West _______ began to express their growing sense of black consciousness and pride in traditional Africa.

Africans, then Indians

The leader of the FLN, ______ ______ ______, became the first president of the newly independent Algeria. He attempted to make Algeria a _______ state, but was overthrown in 1965 by his army commander.

Ahmed Ben Bella, then socialist

In 1954, the ______ ______ ______ _______, or FLN, announced its intention to fight for independence. The French sent about half a million troops into Algeria to fight the FLN. The FLN ________, and Algeria gained its independence in July 1962.

Algerian National Liberation Front, then prevailed

___ _____ took control of Pakistan after the Civil War

Ali Bhutto

To the southwest of Congo lies _____, a country that not only had to fight to gain its freedom but to hold itself together after independence.


General Pervez Musharraf who led the military government in Pakistan eventually resigned and ____ ___ ________ won the presidency

Asif Ali Zardari

In Burma, 1988, ____ _____ ____ ___ returned to Burma after many years abroad. She became active in the newly formed National League for Democracy.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Ferdinand Marcos, president of the Phillipines, imposed an _________ regime and stole millions of dollars from the public treasury. The constitution limited Marcos to eight years in office but he got around this by imposing martial law from 1972 to 1981.


After East Pakistan won the civil war, it secured itself as the new nation of ________


Singapore emerged as a ________ center as well as a center of ______. It had a standard of living far higher than any of its Southeast Asian neighbors.

Banking, trade

The _____ ___ would establish free trade between the United States and the Philippines for eight years, to be followed by gradually increasing tariffs.

Bell Act

______ ________, daughter of Ali Bhutto, became prime minister of Pakistan twice

Benazir Bhutto

_______ won military independence in 1948


In August of 1946, the muslims and hindus clashed in _______.


1917, East Pakistan declared itself an independent nation. This caused a ____ ___ , with over one million casualties

Civil War

Civil war also plagued the new nations of Congo and Angola. Of all the European possessions in Africa, one of the most exploited was the Belgian _______. Belgium had ruthlessly plundered the colony's rich resources of ______ and ______. In addition, Belgian officials ruled with a harsh hand and provided the population with no social services.

Congo, then rubber, copper

In the Phillipines, ______ ______ ran against Ferdinand Marcos and won. Marcos declared himself the winner anyways and was exiled to Hawaii due to the public outrage.

Corazon Aquino

Kenyatta became the president of Kenya and served until his death in 1978. His successor, _____ ____ ____, was less successful in governing the country. He ruled very harshly and corruptly, and eventually stepped down.

Daniel arap Moi

__________ was the goal of Bangladesh, but political corruption halted their progress


The _____ attempted to regain control of Indonesia. But after losing the support of the United Nations and the United States, the _____ agreed to grant Indonesia its independence in 1949.


Pakistan was eventually divided into two states. ____ Pakistan had a larger population, but ____ Pakistan held the main Government

East then West

Europe created borders which were ineffective due to having little to do with the areas where ______ ______ actually lived.

Ethnic groups

________ _______ was elected president of the Philippines in 1965.

Ferdinand Marcos

Int eh Phillipines, 1992, ____ _ _____ succeeded Corazon Aquino as president. Ramos was restricted by the constitution to a single six-year term.

Fidel V Ramos

The economy improved under Suharto for a while but from 1997 through 1998 Indonesia suffered one of the worst _________ crises in its history. The crisis prompted Suharto to step down in _____.

Financial, then 1998

In 1997, the _____ ____ _____ _____ listed the world's strongest economies.

Geneva World Economic Forum

After receiving its independence in 1957, the Gold Coast took the name _____.


The British colony of the ____ ______ became the first African colony south of the Sahara to achieve independence.

Gold Coast

Many Sikhs violently attacked Indian authority near the ______ ______, causing the Indian army to overrun it

Golden temple

Using ______ war tactics, the Mau Mau sought to push the white farmers into leaving the highlands of Kenya.


Sukarno was backed by a _____ ______.

Guerilla Army

December 2008, _____ ____ became the prime minister of Bangladesh

Hasina Wazed

Who made up most of the Congress Party in India?


What two groups opposed eachother in India?

Hindus and Muslims

The African nations not only struggled to achieve their independence, they also struggled with ____ __ _____ ____ their independence.

How to deal with

Many Filipinos regarded the bases as proof of American ________. Later agreements shortened the terms of the lease, and the United States gave up both bases in 1992


_____ was the first to explode a "Peaceful" bomb


________ _____, the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, took over after his death

Indira Ghandi

Europe eventually chose to grant their colonies abroad. Colonies under _______ rule generally experienced an easier transition to independence. For colonies under _____ rule, independence came with more difficulty.

Indirect, direct

Indonesia contained the world's largest _______ population.


From 1965 until 1988, Algerians tried unsuccessfully to modernize and industrialize the nation. The chief Islamic party, the ______ ______ ______, won local parliamentary elections in 1990 and 1991. However, the ruling government and army refused to accept the election results. Because of this, a civil war broke out between ______ ______ and the government. The war continues on and off to this day.

Islamic Salvation Front, then Islamic Militants

_________ ______ was the first prime minister of India after it was given independence, he psuhed for reforms and modernized the economy

Jawaharlal Nehru

British settlers were forced to accept Kenya's self-government as a result of two developments. One was the strong leadership of Kenyan nationalist _____ ______. He was the leader of the Kenyan independence movement. The second was the rise of a group known as the ___ ____, which was a secret society of Kenyans who fought against British rule.

Jomo Kenyatta, the Mau Mau

In 2002 East Timor celebrated independence. In May 2007, _____ ______ ______ won the presidency. Today, he faces the challenges of developing the resources of his young nation.

Jose Ramos Horta

______ _____ ______, an East Timorese independence campaigner, won the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to gain independence for East Timor without violence.

Jose Ramos Horta

In January 2001, a bodyguard assassinated Laurent Kabila. His son, ______ Kabila, took power and began a quest for peace. In 2002, the government signed peace deals with rebel groups and neighboring countries. In 2006, Kabila was elected president under a new constitution.


The small region of _________ was eventually fought over by Hindus and Muslims


In contrast to Ghana, nations such as _____ and _____ had to take up arms against their European rulers in order to ultimately win their freedom.

Kenya, Algeria

______ _______ was the leader of the Gold Coast's largely nonviolent movement for independence

Kwame Nkrumah

Mobuto ruled Zaire (Congo) repressively and corruptly and was finally overthrown in 1997 by rebel leader ______ _______ after months of civil war, Shortly thereafter, the country was renamed the _____ _______ __ __ ______

Laurent Kabila, then Democratic Republic of the Congo.

____ ____ ____ ruled Singapore as prime minister from 1959 to 1990.

Lee Kuan Yew

During WW2, the Japanese captured the _____ ______ which had been ruled by the British. The British took it back after Japan's defeat.

Malay Peninsula

The sikh _______ _____ eventually became the new prime minister, and was the first prime minister not to be a Hindu.

Manmohan Singh

The daughter of Sukarno, __________ _________, was elected to the presidency in 2001. She faces enormous challenges, including a fragile economy, ______ _____, security problems, and government corruption.

Megawati Sukarnoputri, then ethnic strife

A coup ousted Nawaz Sharif from being the Prime minister of Pakistan and it came under ______ ____ from general Pervez Musharraf

Military rule

Belgium's granting of independence in 1960 to the Congo (known as Zaire from 1971 to 1997) resulted in upheaval. After years of civil war, an army officer, Colonel Joseph Mobutu, later known as ______ ____ _____ seized power in 1965. For 32 years, Mobutu ruled Congo, which he renamed _____.

Mobuto Sese Seko, then Zaire

In the early 1970s, a group of Moros formed the ____ _____ ____ ____.

Moro National Liberation Front

January 30, 1948, _______ ___ ______ was killed by an assassin due to his support of nonviolence

Muhammad Ali Ghandi

Who was the leader of the Muslim League?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

________ ___ ________, who was the first governor of Pakistan, died shortly following independence

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The ________would live in Pakistan


________ were killed by both Sikhs and Hindus while going to Pakistan


In Burma, 1990, a multiparty election was held. The _____ _____ __ _____ won 80 percent of the seats. The government refused to recognize the election.

National League of Democracy

______ _______ were a common issue in Bangladesh.

Natural Disasters

______ _____ became prime minister of Pakistan in 1997 election

Nawaz Sharif

In Burma, 1962, General __ ____ set up a military government, with the goal of making Burma a socialist state.

Ne Win

French-speaking Africans and West Indians formed the ________ movement which was a movement in which French-speaking Africans and West Indians celebrated their heritage or traditional African culture and heritage.


_____ and ____ regions of India became Pakistan.

Northwest, eastern

Sukarno, who took the official title of "life-time president," attempted to guide this diverse nation in a __________ _________.

Parliamentary Democracy

Britian attempted to divide India using a policy of ______.


Suharto, officially named president in 1967, turned Indonesia into a ______ state and imposed frequent periods of ______ ____.

Police, then martial law

The son of Indira Gandhi, _____, took over the rule after her death, but lost his power due to being accused of corruption


____ ____ ____ became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, declared it a one-party rule, and was eventually assassinated

Sheik Mujibur Rahman

Indira Ghandi was assassinated by the ______.


______ were killed by Muslims as they passed into India


In 1965, _________ separated from the Federation of Malaya and became an independent city-state. The federation then became known as Malaysia.


In 1957, officials created the Federation of Malaya from _______, ______, ________, and ________. The two regions were separated by 400 miles of ocean.

Singapore, Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah

The population of Sri Lanka was made up of the Buddhist _______ and Hindu _______

Sinhalese, then Tamils

In 1996, the government and rebels agreed to a ceasefire, and the Moros were granted an autonomous region in the _______ Philippines.


___ ______, a small island nation off the southeast coast of India, was declared independent from the British in 1948

Sri Lanka

Starting in 1947, Nkrumah worked to liberate the Gold Coast from the British. He organized strikes and boycotts and was often imprisoned by the British government. His efforts were _________.


In 1965, a group of junior army officers attempted a coup. A general named _______ put down the rebellion. He then seized power for himself and began a bloodbath in which _________ to ___________ Indonesians were killed.

Suharto, then 500,000 to 1,000,000

In August 1945, two days after the Japanese surrendered, ________ proclaimed Indonesia's independence and named himself president.


In Sri Lanka, the ____ constantly fought for independence


Why was the Muslim League formed?

To protect Muslim interests from the Hindu dominated Congress Party

In a United Nations-sponsored referendum held in August 1999, the East Timorese voted for independence. The election angered pro-Indonesian forces. They ignored the referendum results and went on a bloody rampage. They killed hundreds and forced thousands into refugee camps in _____ ______, which is a part of Indonesia. UN intervention forces eventually brought peace to the area.

West Timor

In 1977, General ___ led a coup which removed Ali Bhutto


In 1966, while Nkrumah was in China, the _____ and the _____ seized power, and in 2000 Ghana held its first open elections

army, police

On becoming president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Laurent Kabila promised a transition to ________ and ____ ________ by April 1999. However, those elections never came. By 2000 the nation endured another round of civil war, as three separate rebel groups sought to overthrow Kabila's autocratic rule.

democracy, free elections

Bangladesh was in ________ and _________ ruin after the Civil War

economic, communicative

Nkrumah became Ghana's first prime minister and later its president-for-life. He attempted to modernize the country and introduced many well-intentioned programs, but he ended up hurting the _______.


1907, a ______ _____ and large ______ struck East Pakistan and killed 266,000. West Pakistan took a long time to transfer aid it had received

tidal wave, cyclone

Sukarno's efforts to build a stable democratic nation out of Indonesia were _________.


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