Chapter 19: blood

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A/An ________ is an agranulocyte. Multiple Choice A) eosinophil B) basophil C) neutrophil D) monocyte E) erythrocyte

D) Monocyte

Plasma makes up _______ of the total blood volume. Multiple Choice A)30% B)90% C) 75% D) 55%

D. 55%

True or False: Each item is a component of blood. Interstitial fluid Cerebrospinal fluid Lymph Plasma Formed elements

Interstitial fluid (F.) Cerebrospinal fluid (F). Lymph (F.) Plasma (T.) Formed elements (T.)

In adults, red blood cells are made in one place, spend most of their lifespan in another, and most are finally destroyed in yet another place. Which choice lists these locations in the correct chronological order? Multiple Choice A) Bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen B) Bone marrow; spleen; blood vessels C) Spleen; blood vessels; spleen D) Blood vessels; spleen; bone marrow E) Spleen; blood vessels; bone marrow

A) Bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen

Check all that are formed elements. Check All That Apply A) Erythrocytes B) Leukocytes C)Platelets D) Plasma

A) Erythrocytes B) Leukocytes C)Platelets

Which blood type is considered the universal recipient? Multiple Choice A) Type A B) Type B C) Type AB D) Type O

C) Type AB

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct. Hypoxia is inadequate oxygen (___) and can be detected by the kidneys and liver. When inadequate oxygen is detected, (___) is produced and secreted. The hormone will stimulate the red bone marrow to (____) RBCs. This will result in an increase of (____) transport throughout the body. Thus, the correction of hypoxia is controlled by a (___) feedback loop

1 transport 2 erythropoietin 3. produce 4 oxygen 5 negative

Match the blood type with the description. 1) Erythrocytes have neither surface antigen A nor B 2) Erythrocytes have surface antigen A 3) Erythrocytes have surface antigen B 4) Erythrocytes have surface antigens A and B Match each of the options above to the items below. Type A blood Type B blood Type AB blood Type O blood

1) Erythrocytes have neither surface antigen A nor B-- Type O blood 2) Erythrocytes have surface antigen A--Type A blood 3) Erythrocytes have surface antigen B--Type B blood 4) Erythrocytes have surface antigens A and B-- Type AB blood

Select the correct word from the list to complete each sentence. 1) Rh incompatibility can pose a major problem in pregnancy when the mother is (___) and the fetus is (___). 2) If fetal blood mixes with the mother's blood, the mother becomes sensitized to the (___). 3) In the mother's first pregnancy, there is often no problem. However, if sensitization occurs, it can cause problems in a subsequent pregnancy. 4) The mother produces (___) that cross the placenta and cause agglutination and hemolysis of fetal red blood cells. This can result in hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). 5) Prevention of HDN is often possible by injecting the mother with a/an (___) against Rh antigen, which will prevent her from being sensitized.

1) Rh-negative, Rh-positive 2)Rh antigen 3) 4) anti-Rh antibodies 5) antibody

Match the white blood cell with the correct description or function. 1. Nucleus has up to five lobes 2. Phagocytize microorganisms and other substances 3. Attack worm parasites 4. Granules stain blue or purple with basic dyes 5. Release histamine and heparin 6. Produce antibodies 7. Horseshoe-shaped nucleus 8. Become macrophages Eosinophils Neutrophils Lymphocytes Basophils Monocytes

1. Neutrophils 2. Neutrophils 3. Eosinophils 4. Basophils 5. Basophils 6. Lymphocytes 7. Monocytes 8. Monocytes

Choose the arrangement that lists the chemicals in the order in which they would be used for coagulation. (1) thrombin (2) fibrinogen (3) prothrombinase (4) activated factor X


Which of the following functions is associated with the blood? Multiple Choice A) Delivery of oxygen to tissue cells B) Transport of digestive enzymes to the small intestine C) Changing gene expression of target cells D) Transport of neurotransmitters across synapses E) Electrical stimulation of the heart

A) Delivery of oxygen to tissue cells

Mike has blood type A. He needs blood; however blood type A is not available. The next best choice would be blood type _______. Multiple Choice A) O B) B C) AB

A) O

What is the function of the blood vessel constricting during hemostasis? multiple choice A) To reduce blood flow in the injured area B) It is a natural reaction to being hurt. C) To start coagulation D) To attract platelets

A) To reduce blood flow in the injured area

Check all that are functions of the blood in the body. Check All That Apply A) Transports oxygen from the lungs to body cells B) Transports carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs C) Produces hormones to be transported to the endocrine glands D) Regulates body temperature E) Helps maintain normal body pH levels F) Helps guard against infection.

A) Transports oxygen from the lungs to body cells B) Transports carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs D) Regulates body temperature E) Helps maintain normal body pH levels F) Helps guard against infection.

When a person develops a sore throat, white blood cells are drawn to the area of infection by a process called __________. Multiple Choice A) chemotaxis B) diapedesis C) margination D) ameboid movement E) attraction

A) chemotaxis

Which of the following is the name for the process of fibrin formation? multiple choice A) coagulation B) aggregation C) clotting D) hemostasis

A) coagulation

As a platelet plug forms at an injury site, platelets become activated and their cytoplasm Multiple Choice A) degranulates as they release chemicals such as ADP and thromboxane. B) degranulates as they release chemicals such as fibrinogen and prothrombin. C) becomes granular as they take up chemicals such as ADP and thromboxane. D) becomes granular as they take up chemicals such as fibrinogen and prothrombin.

A) degranulates as they release chemicals such as ADP and thromboxane.

During platelet plug formation, Multiple Choice A) platelets stick to the exposed collagen fibers of injured vessels. B) activated platelets release fibrinogen. C) thrombin is released from endothelial cells. D) vitamin K production increases. E) platelets multiply.

A) platelets stick to the exposed collagen fibers of injured vessels.

A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of blood functioning in __________. Multiple Choice A) protection B) excretion C) maintenance D) transportation E) communication

A) protection

An increase in hemoglobin increases Multiple Choice A) the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to various tissues. B) the quantity of plasma protein available for blood clotting. C) the leukocyte count. D) the body's immune response. E) the osmotic pressure of the blood.

A) the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to various tissues.

Organize the steps of the common pathway of blood clotting in the correct sequence from beginning to end. Rank the options below. 1) Thrombin formed 2) Activated factor X 3) Formation of prothrombinase 4) Fibrin + activated factor XIII 5) Fibrinogen converted to fibrin 6) Fibrin polymer formed

Activated factor X Formation of prothrombinase Thrombin formed Fibrinogen converted to fibrin Fibrin + activated factor XIII Fibrin polymer formed

Match the plasma protein with its description. 1. Involved in blood clotting 2. Plays a major role in maintaining colloid osmotic pressure 3. Consists of α, β, and γ subtypes Match each of the options above to the items below. A. Albumin B. Globulins C. Fibrinogen

Albumin- plays a major role in maintaining colloid osmotic pressure Globulins- Consists of α, β, and γ subtypes Fibrinogen- involved in blood clotting

Platelets Multiple Choice A) are also known as thrombocytes. B) are actually fragments of cells. C) play a role in preventing blood loss. D) can become sticky when exposed to connective tissue E) All of these choices are correct.

All choices are correct

Put the life cycle of an erythrocyte in order, beginning with their formation in red bone marrow. Rank the options below. A) Hemoglobin is converted to biliverdin. B) Erythrocytes form in red bone marrow. C) Erythrocytes circulate for 120 days in the bloodstream. D) Erythrocytes are phagocytized in the liver and spleen.

B) Erythrocytes form in red bone marrow. C) Erythrocytes circulate for 120 days in the bloodstream. D) Erythrocytes are phagocytized in the liver and spleen. A) Hemoglobin is converted to biliverdin.

If a blood buffer is absent, what function of the blood would be compromised? Multiple Choice A) Maintenance of body temperature B) Regulation of pH C) Clot formation D) Transport of ions E) Protection against foreign substances

B) Regulation of pH

When defective erythrocytes are broken down, Multiple Choice A) they are removed from the blood by the lungs. B) bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of hemoglobin. C) their heme groups are converted into amino acids. D) their iron is excreted into the small intestine. E) their components cannot be recycled.

B) bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of hemoglobin.

The sequence in the breakdown of the non-iron portion of the heme is Multiple Choice A) heme, bilirubin, biliverdin, conjugated biliverdin, biliverdin derivatives, feces and urine. B) heme, biliverdin, bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, bilirubin derivatives, feces and urine. C) heme, bilirubin, conjugated biliverdin, biliverdin, biliverdin derivatives, feces and urine. D) heme, biliverdin, conjugated bilirubin, bilirubin, bilirubin derivatives, feces and urine. E) heme, conjugated biliverdin, biliverdin, bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, feces and urine.

B) heme, biliverdin, bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, bilirubin derivatives, feces and urine.

A deficiency of __________ cells would likely result in a marked increase in the clotting time of blood. Multiple Choice A) lymphoblast B) megakaryoblast C) monoblast D) myeloblast E) proerythroblast

B) megakaryoblast

Platelets play an important role in preventing blood loss by Multiple Choice A) releasing heparin to aid in the formation of a platelet plug. B) promoting the formation of clots to seal off wounds in vessels. C) producing enzymes that destroy inflammatory chemicals. D) All of the choices are correct.

B) promoting the formation of clots to seal off wounds in vessels.

An increased amount of heparin in the blood might Multiple Choice A) speed up the clotting process. B) slow down the clotting process. C) stop the clotting process. D) enhance the clotting process.

B) slow down the clotting process.

Which plasma protein is correctly matched to its function? Multiple Choice A) Fibrinogen - transport of fatty acids B) Albumin - helps to fight infection C) Globulin - transport and immunity D) Globulin - blood clotting

C) Globulin- transport and immunity

The only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are the __________. Multiple Choice A) thrombocytes B) erythrocytes C) leukocytes D) platelets E) RBCs

C) Leukocytes

Which of the following cell types is incorrectly matched with its description? Multiple Choice A) Neutrophils - most numerous white blood cells B) Basophils - release histamine C) Lymphocytes - become macrophages D) Monocytes - largest of the white blood cells E) Eosinophils - attack worm parasites

C) Lymphocytes - become macrophages

Assuming a person has normal blood values, rank the following blood components from highest percentage to lowest percentage. Multiple Choice A) WBCs, plasma, RBCs B) RBCs, WBCs, plasma C) Plasma, RBCs, WBCs D) Plasma, WBCs, RBCs E) WBCs, RBCs, plasma

C) Plasma, RBCs, WBCs

In the breakdown of hemoglobin, the globin chains Multiple Choice A) are converted into biliverdin by macrophages. B) are converted into bilirubin by macrophages. C) are broken down by macrophages into amino acids. D) are stored in various tissues. E) contribute to the color of feces.

C) are broken down by macrophages into amino acids.

Type AB blood Multiple Choice A) has no antigens on the red cells. B) has O antigens on the red cells. C) has both A and B antigens on the red cells. D) has both A and B antibodies on the red cells. E) has both A and B antibodies in the plasma.

C) has both A and B antigens on the red cells.

Which blood component is not correctly matched with its function? Multiple Choice A) Erythrocytes - transport oxygen B) Leukocytes - protect against disease C) Platelets - phagocytize bacteria D) Plasma proteins - maintain blood osmotic pressure; involved in clotting E) Monocytes - become macrophages

C) platelets-phagocytize bacteria

Each hemoglobin molecule Multiple Choice A) has one heme group. B) contains two polypeptide chains. C) transports four oxygen molecules. D) has two iron atoms and two globin chains. E) transports one oxygen molecule.

C) transports four oxygen molecules.

Which of the following phrases is least likely to be used in describing erythrocytes? Multiple Choice A) Biconcave cells B) Flexible cells that can change shape C) Cytoplasm contains hemoglobin D) Nucleus is centrally located E) Main role is transporting blood gases

D) Nucleus is centrally located

In the breakdown of hemoglobin, the iron Multiple Choice A) is transported by transferrin to the liver. B) is transported by transferrin to the spleen. C) is transported by transferrin to the red bone marrow. D) All of these choices are correct.

D) all of these choices are correct.

Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) occurs when Multiple Choice A) an Rh-positive woman is carrying an Rh-positive fetus. B) an Rh-positive woman is carrying an Rh-negative fetus. C) an Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-negative fetus. D) an Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-positive fetus.

D) an Rh-negative woman is carrying an Rh-positive fetus.

The component of plasma that forms threadlike proteins during blood clotting is ______. Multiple Choice A) sodium. B) albumin. C) globulin. D) fibrinogen.

D) fibrinogen

The globulins are important plasma proteins that function in transport and _______. Multiple Choice A)hormonal regulation B) pH maintenance C) thermoregulation D) immunity

D) immunity

RhoGAM injections are given to Multiple Choice A) desensitize the fetus. B) activate fetal Rh antigens. C) protect the father. D) prevent sensitization of the mother. E) change the mother's blood type.

D) prevent sensitization of the mother.

During platelet plug formation, platelets release _____ and endothelial cells release ____, which lead to vasoconstriction. Multiple Choice A) endothelin; thromboxane B) erythropoietin; thromboxane C) thromboxane; histamine D) histamine; heparin E) thromboxane; endothelin

E) thromboxane; endothelin

Hemostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. (True/False)


Platelets are roughly the same size as erythrocytes, and like erythrocytes, they eject their nucleus just before entering circulation. (True/ False)


Platelets increase the original stimulus by sticking together more. This is an example of negative feedback. (True/False)


Indicate whether the abundance of the given cell type would increase, decrease, or not be affected by the given situation. 1) Neutrophils: streptococcus infection 2) B lymphocytes: influenza infection 3) Basophils: chronic asthma 4) Erythrocytes: malarial parasitic infection 5) Erythrocytes: acute, profuse hemorrhage 6) Eosinophils: tapeworm infection 7) Erythrocytes: acute viral infection

Increase - Neutrophils: Streptococcus infection Basophil: chronic asthma Eosinophil: tapeworm infection B lymphocyte: influenza infection Decrease - Erythrocyte: radiation therapy Erythrocyte: acute profuse hemorrhage Erythrocyte: malarial parasite infection Relatively no change - Erythrocyte: acute viral infection.

Platelets are continually produced in the red bone marrow by cells called _____________. Multiple Choice A) progranulocytes B) plasma cells C) myelocytes D) megakaryocytes


Free bilirubin is transported by the blood to the liver. Group starts (True/False)


Iron is transported in the blood by transferrin. (True/False)


A person with type B blood Multiple Choice A) has antigen A. B) has anti-A antibodies. C) will have a transfusion reaction if given type B blood. D) has anti-B antibodies. E) can receive type A blood.

B) has anti-A antibodies

Because platelets do not have a nucleus, they generally die in about 100 days. (True/False)


Blood consists of a matrix of plasma and cells; blood is a subtype of ______ tissue. Multiple Choice A) nerve B) connective C) endothelial D) muscle E) epithelial

B) Connective

Beginning with the extrinsic pathway, place the steps of clot formation in the correct order from beginning to end. Rank the options below. --Activated factor X, factor V, phospholipids, and Ca²⁺ form prothrombinase. -- Activation of the extrinsic or intrinsic pathway results in the production of activated factor X. -- Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by thrombin. -- Thrombin activates clotting factors, promoting clot formation and stabilizing the fibrin clot. -- Prothrombin is converted to thrombin by prothrombinase. -- The intrinsic pathway of clotting starts when inactive factor XII, which is in the plasma, is activated by coming in contact with a damaged blood vessel. -- The extrinsic pathway of clotting starts with thromboplastin, which is released outside the plasma in damaged tissue.

1) The extrinsic pathway of clotting starts with thromboplastin, which is released outside the plasma in damaged tissue. 2) The intrinsic pathway of clotting starts when inactive factor XII, which is in the plasma, is activated by coming in contact with a damaged blood vessel. 3) Activation of the extrinsic or intrinsic pathway results in the production of activated factor X. 4) Activated factor X, factor V, phospholipids, and Ca²⁺ form prothrombinase. 5) Prothrombin is converted to thrombin by prothrombinase. 6) Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by thrombin. 7) Thrombin activates clotting factors, promoting clot formation and stabilizing the fibrin clot.

Indicate whether each statement is true or false. Hemoglobin consists of four heme polypeptide chains and four iron-containing globin groups. (True/False) Each heme is a pigmented molecule containing one iron atom. (True/False) There are three forms of hemoglobin: embryonic, fetal, and adult. (True/False)

1. False 2. True 3. True

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct. 1. The structure of adult hemoglobin consists of (____) alpha carbon dioxide four heme iron gamma oxygen calcium two polypeptide chains. 2. Two of the polypeptide chains are (____) alpha carbon dioxide four heme iron gamma oxygen calcium two and two are beta. 3. Each of the protein chains are conjugated to a nonprotein (___) alpha carbon dioxide four heme iron gamma oxygen calcium two group. 4. This group contains a(n) (___) alpha carbon dioxide four heme iron gamma oxygen calcium two ion in the center. 5. This center portion will reversibly bind (___) alpha; carbon dioxide; four; heme; iron; gamma; oxygen calcium; two

1. Four 2. Alpha 3. heme 4. iron 5. oxygen

Place each disorder with the description to which it corresponds. 1) (___) results from premature rupture of RBCs, releasing hemoglobin into the blood. 2) (___) describes the general condition of having excess RBCs. This increases hematocrit values and increases blood viscosity. 3) (___) results from the formation of blood clots in unbroken blood vessels. 4) (___) results from a deficiency of intrinsic factor, which is essential for intestinal uptake of vitamin B12 for RBC formation. 5) (___) results from a loss of red bone marrow or its ability to produce sufficient number of RBCs. WBC production is also decreased. 6) (___) results from blood loss through bleeding.

1. Hemolytic anemia 2. Polycythemia 3. Thrombosis 4. Pernicious anemia 5. Aplastic anemia 6. Hemorrhagic anemia

Match the blood disorders with their corresponding descriptions to the left. 1) (___) refers to cancer of the bone marrow cells that form WBCs. 2) (___) results from agglutination by anti-Rh antibodies produced by a previously sensitized Rh negative female carrying an Rh positive fetus. 3) (___) is caused by a virus that infects lymphocytes. 4) (___) is a disease state characterized by excessive WBC production that results in a crowding out of RBCs. 5) (___) is a disease state characterized by excessive WBC production that results in a crowding out of RBCs. 6) (___) is a condition characterized by excessive bleeding because of a reduced ability to form blood clots.

1. Leukemia 2. Erythroblastosis 3. Infectious mononucleosis 4. Leukemia 5. Sickle-cell anemia 6. Hemophilia

What may be affected if the enzyme carbonic anhydrase was not made in the body? Multiple Choice A) Conversion of hemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin B) Conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ion C) Transport of oxygen by hemoglobin D) Elimination of aged red blood cells

B) Conversion pf carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ion

Test your basic knowledge about blood with these four True/False questions. Blood and its fibers are a type of loose reticular connective tissue. (T/F) The liquid portion of blood is called plasma, and plasma makes up about 75% of the total blood volume. (T/F) The total blood volume in the average adult is about 4-5 liters in females and 5-6 liters in males. (T/F) Blood makes up about 8% of the total weight of the body. (T/F)

Blood and its fibers are a type of loose reticular connective tissue. (F) The liquid portion of blood is called plasma, and plasma makes up about 75% of the total blood volume. (F) The total blood volume in the average adult is about 4-5 liters in females and 5-6 liters in males. (T) Blood makes up about 8% of the total weight of the body. (T)

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