Chapter 2
Little information is available connecting levels of fitness to academic achievement.
Outcomes and benchmarks of the 2014 National PE Standards are written for each grade, Pre-K to 12.
Physical education is defined as body movements that help increase energy expenditure and fitness levels.
Teachers who are partial to several ideas and philosophies are said to have an inclusive philosophical approach.
A humanistic teaching philosophy reflects the social unrest present during the 1960s.
Jumping rope is considered a bone-enhancing activity.
Teachers who conduct lessons within a realistic philosophy believe in organized progressions of tasks for students to practice.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of physical education?
develops the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity
Physical activity guidelines suggest that students need to participate in 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity how many days a week?
every day
A teaching philosophy is a product of all the following except
Benefits of the cognitive domain include which of the following?
improves mental alertness
The new physical education by Thomas Wood was developed as a result of which philosophical movement of the time?
progressive education
The affective learning domain addresses all the following except