Chapter #2 Study Guide

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sport history

The descriptive and analytical examination of significant people, events, organizations, and trends that shaped the past. •Descriptive history explains: •Events •Individuals' contributions •Pivotal happenings •Analytical history explains: •The significance of historical occurrences •Interpretations within the societal context

characteristics of academic discipline

A body of knowledge. A conceptual framework. Scholarly procedures and methods of inquiry. Both the process of discovery and the end result

academic discipline

A formal body of knowledge discovered, developed, and disseminated through scholarly research and inquiry.


Help focus on the aesthetic aspects of movement, such as through art, literature, and music. •Art includes various forms of dance and sculptures and frescos of athletes and human movement. •Literature can include sports biographies as well as analytical critiques about sport and physical activity. •Music can accompany human movement to enrich the experience.


Incorporates the use of computer software as a tool to achieve physical education, exercise science, and sport goals •Exercise and sport scientists use technology to help in the analysis of human movement, to measure the effectiveness of exercise programs on bodily functions, and for data collection and analysis. •Databases with the help of search engines provide online access to professional journals and other information.

difference between motor development and motor learning

Motor development is about the development of fundamental movement patterns at any age, including factors such as genetic or environmental limitations. Running, jumping, throwing, and kicking are examples of motor development skills. •Motor learning is about making advances in motor skills through repetition and practice. Motor learning involves enhanced learning and skill enhancement such as through transfer of throwing skills from one sport to another and using feedback to change performance.

how motor learning and sport and exercise psychology are related

Motor learning emphasizes motor skill enhancement using a variety of practice approaches, repetition, and knowledge of results. Motor learning focuses on bodily movements. •Sport and exercise psychology emphasizes mental skill development, such as how the mind relates to positive and negative reinforcement and how the mind responds to motivation, arousal, and stress. Sport and exercise psychology focuses on how the mind impacts or influences how or why the body performs skillfully.

how sport history and sport sociology are intertwined

Sport history describes and analyzes the past with an emphasis on who, what, when, where, why, and how. It interrelates with sport sociology whenever interpretations are made about past occurrences within the societal sporting context. •Sport sociology seeks to understand social behaviors and interpersonal relationships as impacted by class, culture, ethnicity, gender, race in the context of sport. It interrelates with sport history through gaining an understanding of the role that sport serves in people's lives and identities.

research methods and scientific method

The discovery of knowledge must follow a rigorous process including research questions, experiments, data collection and analysis, reporting of results, and discussion of findings.

motor development

The maturation and changes in motor behavior throughout life and the factors that affect them. •Performance of motor skills is influenced by genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. •Throughout life, individuals progress from unskilled movements to the learning of complex motor patterns. •Perceptual-motor skills are especially important to the learning of sport skills.

athletic training

The study and application of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries. •Design and help implement conditioning programs. •Assess injuries and needs for immediate first aid. •Provide preventive taping and treatment modalities. •Work with physicians to help athletes regain their abilities to perform.

sport and exercise psychology

The study of human behavior in sport, including an understanding of the mental processes that interact with motor skill performance. •Includes a study of the theories of learning, importance of reinforcement, and linkages of perceptual and motor factors. •Involves a understanding of achievement motivation, arousal, attribution, and personality development.

sport philosophy

The study of the beliefs and values of humans as displayed within sport and an analysis of their meaning and significance. •Examines the beautiful and ugly and the good and bad in sport. •Seeks an understanding of how and why people play and engage in sport.

exercise physiology

The study of the causes and consequences of bodily functioning and changes occurring due to physical activity. •Based on an understanding of the anatomic and physiological bases of human movement. •Investigates the biochemical reactions* that supply muscles with energy. •Examines changes in the cardiovascular system and other physiological parameters.

sport biomechanics

The study of the effects of anatomical and physiological effects of natural laws and internal and external forces acting on the human body during movement (application of physics). •Factors that influence human movement include: •Force of muscular contractions •Flexion, extension, pronation, and supination of muscles •Composition of muscle fibers •Equilibrium, center of gravity, and base of support •Transfer of momentum •Force absorption •Leverage •Biomechanical analyses examine acceleration, energy, mass, power, torque, and velocity.

motor learning

The study of the internal processes associated with movement or repetitive actions that result in changes in response or performance. •Important to the learning of motor skills are: •Relationship of movements to prior knowledge and skills •Transfer of learning •Involvement of cognitive processes •Types of practice sessions •Feedback and knowledge of results •Building on the neuro-muscular pathways learned through motor control, motor learning adds knowledge of results, feedback, and optimal practice methods.

sport sociology

The study of the social relationships of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and culture in the context of sport and the social behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and societies in a sporting context. •Seeking to understand why people play and how their involvement with sports influences them. •Examines concepts such as social mobility, class and gender stratification, racial and ethnic discrimination, team dynamics, and social consciousness and values.

sport management

The study of the theoretical and applied aspects of leading, planning, organizing, staffing, funding, and conducting sporting events. •Includes these management functions: planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating. •Involves business components of marketing, accounting, economics, finance, and law.

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