Chapter 2 - The Self, Perception, and Communication

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What are the steps of the Perception Process?

1. Attention / Selection 2. Organization 3. Interpretation

What are two things that someone with low self-esteem will do?

1. Attribute their successes to luck 2. Put themselves down to avoid hearing criticism of others

What three things is attention based on?

1. Needs 2. Interests 3. Expectations

What two things is self-concept based on?

1. Our own experiences 2. Others' reactions and responses to us.

What three main things can impact our interpretations?

1. Personal Experience 2. Assumptions about human behavior. 3. Expectations

What two things do we first remember of new things?

1. Physical Appearance 2. Behavioral Actions

What are four examples of schemas?

1. Physical Traits 2. Social Roles 3. Interaction Style 4. Psychological Traits

Our inaccuracy of our self-concept is magnified by what three things?

1. Self-fulfilling prophecies 2. Filtering messages 3. Media

What are two things that someone with high self-esteem will do?

1. Take credit for their successes 2. Defend their views

By what age is temperament obvious?


At around what age can be see communication styles and personality start to develop?

3 years old

Describe the Mind of a Champion Theory.

A coach performs an experiment on his team. One group does not practice on free throws for three weeks. The other group practices their free throws for three weeks by playing with an imaginary ball. After three weeks, the second group had improved with their free throws.

Describe the story of the Reimer Family.

A couple had two male twins: Bruce and Brian. Yet, during an accident during a circumcision, Bruce's penis was burned off. So, the doctor stated that Bruce could either be raised as a boy or as a girl. The parents decided to raise him as a girl, changing his name to Brenda. As a child, he was given vitamins to make him seem more female. Yet, it was obvious, in some ways, that Brenda was a boy. This facade lasted for about 14 years until the father, undergoing divorce from the mother, revealed the situation over ice cream. Brenda, who had always felt like a boy, changed his name to David. Both twins would marry, but die by suicide with Brain overdosing and David shooting himself.

Describe the story of Genie.

An American girl that was born to an older couple that consisted of a child-hating father and a blind mother. As a baby, she was confined to her room and was given the bare minimum levels of communication. When she got old enough to crawl, her father wrapped chicken wire around her crib. When she began soiling her clothes, her father would chain her next to a toilet for days. Often, her father would become drunk and verbally harass her by growling and hissing at her. Eventually, Genie and her mother escaped. As a result of her neglect, Genie was deformed (unable to stand up for years), no potty trained (soiled herself after rescue), could not talk (hissed and growled like father), unable to chew (only ever fed baby food), and showed no signs of puberty. With some rehabilitation, she began to talk like a child at an adult age.

As we get old, the power of significant others ___.

As we get old, the power of significant others decreases.

Assumptions are based on ___ ___.

Assumptions are based on personal experience.

When does self-concept develop?

At a young age.

Describe the Rosenthal and Jackson Experiment.

At an elementary school, IQ tests were given. The results were set aside. 20% of the testing pool takers were selected. The teachers of this select few were told that the students were very smart, but since they were so young, they ought to be treated no differently. Later, they went back to the same school and gave the IQ test again. The 20% tested higher and better than the others because the teachers had pushed them, subconsciously, by having higher expectations from them.

Describe the Super Hero Pose Theory.

Before a nerve-inducing event, if one stands in a superhero pose for a couple of minutes, their confidence will increase and their results will be better.

Describe the Interviewing Women in Fiji discussion.

Before television existed, an interviewer asked women of Fiji a couple of questions. 3% of the women had negative body images. About 3% of the women had eating disorders. After television existed, an interviewer asked women of Fiji a couple of questions. 74% of the women had negative body images. About 15% of the women had eating disorders.

Describe how young boys form schemas compared to how young girls do.

Boys - Organize according to skill; achievements Girls - Organize according to background and family

By 2 years old, ___ of our brains is developed.

By 2 years old, 80% of our brains is developed.

What is the tendency to cling to an existing self-concept even when evidence shows it is obsolete called?

Cognitive Conservatism

Fear is both ___ and ___ from our parents.

Fear is both genetic and learned from our parents.

Half of our personality comes from our ___.

Half of our personality comes from our genetics.

What is the effect that states we generalize and perceive a person as a whole set of characteristics when we have only observed one characteristic, trait, or behavior called?

Halo Effect

Give an example as to how we can manage our identities based on setting.

How we choose to decorate our house.

In layman's terms, what is self-esteem?

How worthy we think we are.

What is the communication strategies people use to influence how others view them called?

Identity management

What is the theory that assumptions people have developed about which physical characteristics and personality traits or behaviors are associated with another called?

Implicit Personality Theory

What is the gap between our inaccurate self-perceptions and reality called?


Interpretation is based on ___.

Interpretation is based on relationships.

It is when results do not match our expectations that we notice them the ___.

It is when results do not match our expectations that we notice them the most.

Give an example of the implicit personality theory.

John is a muscular guy who goes the the gym a lot. Ann assumes that he is cocky because of his muscular physical appearance.

Why is it impossible to achieve our ideal self?

Our ideal self changes too frequently as we grow older.

Our natural tendencies tells us what we feel is ___. However, our choices can go against what our bodies ___ to.

Our natural tendencies tells us what we feel is attractive. However, our choices can go against what our bodies react to.

What is reflection of the self-concept or the person you believe yourself to be called?

Perceived self

Perception is ___.

Perception is reality.

Identify one example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Placebo Effect

What is the public image, or the way we want others to view us, called?


Is it easier to change our reality or our selves?


What is the idea that each of us develops a self-concept that matches the way we believe others to see us?

Reflected Appraisal

What is the relatively stable set of principles you hold of yourself?


Self-Concept impacts our ___ ___.

Self-Concept impacts our Self-Esteem.

Self-Concept is synonymous to ___.

Self-Concept is synonymous to self-identity.

What is the overall evaluation of your competence and personal worthiness?


What is the term used to describe the notion that we often judge ourselves more charitably than we judge others called?

Self-Serving Bias

What occurs when a person's expectations of an event make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been true?

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Describe the story of Oxana.

She was a child from the Ukraine that left her abusive household as a child to live with a pack of dogs. When found, she was described as acting more like a dog than a human. After being rehabilitated, she often reverts back to her dog-like self when frustrated or threatened. Since she had some previous knowledge of language, teaching her communication by language was easier than most cases involving feral children.

What are people whose opinions we value called?

Significant Others

What is the theory that describes why we repeat the actions we see called?

Social Learning Theory

What is a basic tendency that helps us try to make sense of the world?


What are schemas?

Stories we tell ourselves to make sense of the world.

Studies have shown that we have ___ roles that are all different, and that be conform to them based on setting.

Studies have shown that we have multiple roles that are all different, and that be conform to them based on setting.

Give an example as to how we can manage our identities based on manner.

The choice to smile and use certain words over others.

What is the Social Comparison Theory?

The concept of comparing ourselves to others to form our ideal selves.

Describe the malfunctions of a serial killer.

The front and back portions of their brains are deformed. These areas mean that serial killers are not functioning properly in the fields of impulsiveness, remorse, and morality. The killers cannot help their struggles, but they can choose how they react to them.

The self-concept is subjective and resists ___.

The self-concept is subjective and resists change.

During a child's life, who is the most significant person in their life? Why?

The teacher because the child spends the most time in a day around the teacher.

The three phases of perception can occur in ___ sequences.

The three phases of perception can occur in differing sequences.

There is a direct link between ___ and social media.

There is a direct link between depression and social media.

True or false: Environment impacts self-concept.


True or false: Self-Esteem impacts how we communicate with others.


True or false: Significant others change over time.


Describe the story about the opposing men.

Two men were asked who influenced what type of dad they are. Man A is a drunk, has a bad life, is hateful, is abusive to his family, and his divorced. He states that he learned how to be a dad from his dad because his dad was abusive. Man B is happy, has a stable job, has a happy life, has a wife, and two beautiful children. He states that he learned how to be a dad from his dad because his dad was abusive. The two men are brothers.

We constantly compare ourselves to what we see on ___.

We constantly compare ourselves to what we see on television.

We know that images can be altered, but they still impact us ___.

We know that images can be altered, but they still impact us negatively.

We listen to some things, but we ___ others.

We listen to some things, but we ignore others.

We make ___ judgments.

We make snap judgments.

We organize perceptions of other people using perceptual ___.

We organize perceptions of other people using perceptual schemas.

We pay more attention to ___ impressions than ___ ones.

We pay more attention to negative impressions than positive ones.

We place a great deal of emphasis on the ___ experience we have with a particular phenomenon, particularity if it is a ___ one.

We place a great deal of emphasis on the first experience we have with a particular phenomenon, particularity if it is a negative one.

Give an example of the halo effect.

We see Susan being friendly with a stranger. Since she's friendly, we assume that she is probably caring, warm-hearted, nice, even though we have only witnessed the solo characteristic of her being friendly.

Describe the Cougar/Sugar Daddy concept.

We see more young and beautiful women with older and unattractive men than handsome, young men with older, unattractive women because men rely heavily on the concept of physical appearances. This is present in shows like the Big Bang Theory, The Flintstones, and The Simpsons.

We see what we want to ___, and we hear what we want to ___.

We see what we want to see, and we hear what we want to hear.

We tend to assume that others are ___ to us.

We tend to assume that others are similar to us.

Give an example as to how we can manage our identities based on appearance.

Wearing a suit for a job interview.

When we expect to see something, we ___ it.

When we expect to see something, we see it.

Describe the concept of The Swan.

Women are chosen to undergo dramatic surgeries and lifestyle changes to turn them into their beautifully, ideal self. Then, the women would compete. The issue is not the physical alterations as to why these bodies do not last. The issue is that the mental self-concepts these women have of themselves does not change.

Young women's perceptions of their bodies changed after ___ minutes of watching televised images of the "___" female form.

Young women's perceptions of their bodies changed after 30 minutes of watching televised images of the "ideal" female form.

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