Chapter 2: Trends in HRM, HRIR 3021 (UMN-Peter Ronza), Chapter 2, HRM Chapter 2, HR MANAGE EXAM 1, (Complete) Chapter 2: Trends in Human Resource Management, Chapter 2 - Human Resource Management

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Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970

-As an employer I am allowed to use your credit history to determine employment (if related to the job- finance, accounting, etc.) -Potential employees have the right to see this report and contest it -Must obtain written authorization from applicant -Must notify them of background check before doing it through written consent

Challenges of the internal labor market

-Communication -Skill preparation -Favoritism -Entitlement

Flexible work schedules

-Companies need to be staffed 24/7 -The notion of a 40 hour work week is becoming obsolete -More demanding work results in high employee stress levels, less satisfied employees, and lower productivity -Employees are using flexible work schedules to recruit and retain employees as well as increase employee satisfaction and productivity PEOPLE WANT FLEXIBILITY

Select three core values of total quality management (TQM).

-Cooperation among vendors, suppliers, and customers is promoted. -All employees receive training in quality assessment. -Quality is designed into products so that errors are prevented.

Advantages of a diverse workforce

-Expanded talent pools -Better understanding of a diverse customer base -Enhance creativity of teams -Reduce turnover

Skills shortage

-Gap between needed and available skills has decreased companies ability to compete -May lack the capacity to upgrade technology, recognize work, and empower employees Most serious skill deficiencies -Technology and computer -Problem solving -Basic technical training -Math

A Diverse Workforce

-Growing diversity in race, ethnicity, and gender. -Fastest growing racial group is multiracial, and fastest growing ethnic group is Hispanic. -Immigration is an important source of growing diversity. H R M considerations regarding immigration: • Supply of and demand for labor. • Need to comply with laws.

When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees? (Select all that apply)

-Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing. -Provide downsized employees with outplacement services. -Boost the morale of the remaining employees.

Acceptable BFOQs

-Mandatory retirement ages for public and mass transit drivers or pilots -Religious affiliation for churches and church-operated companies -Hiring of actors or models of a specific national origin, sex, or ethnicity for the sole purpose of the role

Which statements regarding the human resource implications of undocumented immigrant workers are true? (Select all that apply)

-Many U.S. industries rely on immigrants to perform demanding work that may be low paid. -Employers who have difficulty finding enough qualified U.S. workers to fill technical jobs want to be able to hire foreign-born workers.

High-Quality Standards

-Many companies use total quality management (T Q M). -Provides guidelines for all the organization's activities. -Quality improvement can focus on H R M functions. • Applying data to improve business processes.

Several Core Values of TQM

-Methods and processes are designed to meet the needs of internal and external customers -Every employee in the organization receives training in quality -Quality is designed into a product so that errors are prevented from happening, rather than being deleted and corrected in an error prone zone -If you don't start with errors you'll have nothing to fix later down the road -Organization promotes cooperation with vendors, suppliers, and customers to improve quality and hold down costs -Managers measure progress with feedback based on data

How to fix the skills shortage

-Need to attract new skilled candidates -STEM at an early age -Avoid focusing on job specific skills and experiences -Consider one's potential -Build an integrated training system -Support a culture of continuous learning

Skill Deficiencies of the Workforce

-Physical strength and mastery of machinery no longer as important. -Many employers accept candidates without an education; then offer training to correct any skills gaps. -Manufacturing companies are looking for people who can operate sophisticated computer-controlled machinery. Desired skills today: • Mathematical. • Verbal. • Interpersonal. • Decision making. • Computer/technology.

Objectives of a diverse workforce

-Should not penalize the other group -Should be eliminated once goals are achieved -Clear purpose and goals

Cost Control

-Some organizations have a low-cost, low-price strategy. • These organizations rely on HR to identify ways to limit costs of maintaining a qualified, motivated workforce. -HR must lower costs without compromising quality. -H R M can help the organization use human resources more efficiently and make H R M processes more efficient. -H R M can downsize, reengineer, or outsource to control costs.

Job Evaluation - Market Based

-The most popular system in use in the USA -Total external focus -Enables employers to create effective competitive pay plans and allocate compensation costs wisely -Must have reliable 3rd party compensation surveys -You will never be able to match all jobs Pros: More "precise" approach compared to grouping. Internal equity or "pay compression" issues are less likely if you are managing to precise market prices updated annually Cons: Maintenance of numerous reference points year over year is time consuming and costly. Puts excessive emphasis on each survey data to represent the market but ignoring the survey data may be more or less robust from market to market.

An Aging Workforce

-Workers aged 55 and older are the fastest growing workforce group. -The number of young workers between the ages of 16 and 24 is decreasing. -H R M considerations: • Planning retirement. • Retraining older workers. • Motivating workers whose careers have plateaued. • Controlling the rising cost of health care and other benefits.

Reasons to ditch job descriptions

-You don't need job descriptions to source top candidates. They are not objective and don't predict on the job performance. -Top people don't need all of the information on a job description to consider exploring an opportunity with a company -Job descriptions give managers the right to stop thinking -Job descriptions cause fully qualified candidates to exclude themselves from consideration

Automating HR Tasks

-employee selection -workforce planning -compensation -orientation of new employees -training

Global workforce

-offshoring and reshoring Hiring from developing nations has some challenges. • Whether workers in the offshore locations can provide the same or better skills. • How offshoring will affect motivation and recruitment of employees needed in the United States. • Whether managers are well prepared to manage and lead offshore employees.

Three main duties of HR

1. Administrative services and transactions 2. Business partner services 3. Strategic partner

Steps to designing a point factor system

1. Conduct job analysis 2. Determine compensable factors 3. Scale the factors 4. Weight the factors according to importance 5. Train users/prepare manual 6. Apply to all jobs

TQM Core Values

1. Methods and processes are designed to meet the needs of internal and external customers. 2. Every employee receives training in quality. 3. Quality is designed into product or service to prevent errors from occurring. 4. Organization promotes cooperation with vendors, suppliers, and customers to improve quality and hold down costs. 5. Managers measure progress with feedback based on data.

Ethical companies act according to four principles...

1.) Emphasize mutual benefits in their relations with customers, vendors, and clients 2.) Employees assume responsibility for the actions of the company 3.) Such companies have a sense of purpose or vision that employees value and use in their day to day work 4.) Emphasize fairness

If an HR practice is considered to be ethical it must satisfy these three standards

1.) HRM practices must result in the greatest good for the largest number of people 2.) Employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy, due process, consent, and free speech 3.) Managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly

Minimum wage

1st enacted in 1938 at 25 cents an hour Currently at $7.25 an hour States can be more benevolent if they chose so MN: 2015 = $9.65/hr

2018-2028 the fastest growing age group continues to be workers

55 and older, although the growth has slowed from the previous decade. Participation by the 25-44 age group continues to increase. And young workers between 16-24 will actually be fewer in number

Total Quality Management

A company wide effort to continually improve the ways people, machines, and systems accomplish work

What is an HR dashboard?

A display of how the company is performing on specific HR metrics.

Compensation (automating HR task)

A payroll system maintains information about salaries, bonuses, and other pay and automatically computes taxes and benefits costs to be withheld. It keeps pay records up to date and shares information with banks receiving direct employees.

Cloud Computing

A service that provides storage space and other resources on the Internet

artificial intelligence (AI)

A technology that stimulates human thinking. Programmed to conduct queries that enable the software to learn from data, identify trends and patterns that enable it to deliver better results over time.

Using Mobile Devices

Access to an HRIS from mobile devices is helpful for employees who work outside the office because they can receive and share information online easily.

Validity issues

Accuracy -For the information to be accurate, it must be meaningful -While the employee is a possible source of information, they lack context -Trained HR staff are your best resource Rater Bias -People respond based on their perceptions of reality, not reality per se Political Pressure -People respond to the pressure for results to conform to desired outcomes Political Perception -Influential groups that dominate decision making -Need to tell others what they want to hear, rather than the truth Non-Discriminatory

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Age 40+ -Enforced by EEOC1896 - Prohibits mandatory employment at age 70 -Allows for seniority systems -BFOQ can be sued if related to safety and business Allows trial by jury and possible criminal persecution

Training and Development

All attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employee's ability to perform. Training focuses on short-term skills, whereas development focuses on long-term abilities. Orientation, skills training, career development programs

Hours of work

All jobs are eligible for overtime (exemption test by employees can make them ineligible) 40 hours in one week Exemption tests are based on job duties not the people and they must have documentation

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Allows employees to claim discriminatory compensation within a set time after receiving a discriminatory paycheck

The use of independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and contract company workers, collectively constitutes

Alternative work arrangements.

Adverse Action

An employer has negatively impacted an applicant's job prospect due to information gained from the report. -This can also include demoting someone by offering a current employee a lesser position.

What functions would be handled by HRM during a merger or acquisition?

Analyze the difference in compensation structure between the two companies. Understand the employee review system of both companies.

Human Capital Management (HCM)

Another term for human resources that describes the tasks associated with managing a company's workforce.

What technology that simulates human thinking (learning from data, adapting to change, and making decisions automatically) can human resource managers use in the application of people analytics?

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Mentoring Programs

As more and more of the workforce reaches retirement age, some companies have set up mentoring programs between older and younger workers so that knowledge is not lost but passed on.

Performance management

At a consumer products company, the HR and sales departments teamed up to create a model that predicts and corrects problems in sales performance, including poor hiring decisions

Employee Relations

Attitude surveys, labor relations, employee handbooks, company publications

Implications of an aging workforce

Baby boomers are retiring -Difficulty recruiting new staff with technological knowledge -No plan for mentorship -Weird workplace environment when diverse age differences mix

Rationale for regulations

Balance of power, protection of employers, protection of employees

Why are knowledge workers in a position of power within an organization?

Because they own the information the company needs to produce its products and services

Which best describes a high-performance work system?

Best fit between social and technical systems

Which best describes a high-performance work system? Best fit between financial and HR systems Best fit between unions and supervisors Best fit between social and technical systems Best fit between male and female employees

Best fit between social and technical systems

Which best describes a high-performance work system?

Best fit between social and technical systems.


Brining operations back to North America -In 2018 the number of companies reshoring was greater than offshoring -Companies to prepare their employees to go overseas by teaching them about the other countries' norms and culture

Sharon is a very smart and conscientious worker. However, she feels that her ideas are disregarded, and she has not had autonomy in completing her work. This situation is probably caused by a lack of

C. Employee empowerment.

Generational Values (1981 to 1995) "Millennials"

Comfortable with technology, want to be noticed, respected, and involved

Which of the following is an economic effect of having an older workforce?

Companies must cope with rising health care costs.

Role conflict (3 main ethics of HR)

Conflict between HR professional's judgement of what is right and the responsibility as an agent of the employer to do what the employer asks

Legislative branch

Consists of two houses of congress, has enacted a number of laws governing human resource activities. -Develops laws such as those governing equal employment opportunity and worker safety and health

A person who is employed directly by a company for a certain amount of time, specified in a formal agreement between the company and the workers, is referred to as a(n)

Contract company worker.

Which alternative work employee is employed directly by one company for a specific period of time as stated in a written contract?

Contract worker

Strategic partner (3 main duties of HR)

Contributing to the company's strategy through an understanding of its existing and needed human resources and ways HR practices can give the company a competitive advantage. For strategic ideas to be effective, HR people must understand the business, its industry, and competitors

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Department of labor, track changes in the composition of the U.S labor force and forecasts employment trends

Need for discernment (3 main ethics of HR)

Determining the "right" thing to do in very complex situations

Business partner services (3 main duties of HR)

Developing effective HR systems that help the organization meet its goals for attracting, keeping, and developing people with the skills it needs. For the systems to be effective, HR people must understand the business so they can understand what is needed.

Griggs v. Duke Power (1971)

Duke power company in North Carolina required a HS diploma or intelligence test to transfer between different departments. African American employees, aka the plaintiffs, argued that this did not relate to the necessary skill level for the job. The workers argued that because of the inferior segregated education system in NC, a disproportionate number of African Americas were deemed ineligible for promotion, transfer, or employment Reasons they won: -Employers had "black" labor classifications that were paid less than "white" -Employer required a HS diploma or test when race based jobs were prohibited -Minimum qualifications and exams had nothing to do with the job -Supreme court affirmed that jobs must be defined by an objective measure of job analysis

What is one of the main reasons why the traditional 40-hour workweek has become obsolete in many cases and has been replaced by alternative arrangements such as temporary work and flexible schedules?


contract workers

Employed directly by a company for a specific time or on a specific project as stipulated in a written contract

Giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects of product development or customer service is the premise behind ______.

Employee Empowerment

Extra note...

Employee empowerment, teamwork, and a focus on strategy are all key to HR within an organization

Employee Relationships

Employee/Employer, Independent Contractor, Temporary

Sharing of Human Resource Information

Employees can now access much of HR info through self-service. • Especially convenient when combined with mobile computing devices. • Also being used for management tasks, such as compensation and performance management .• Offers benefits in terms of privacy and efficiency. An HR dashboard is a display of how the company is performing on specific HR metrics.

Define the technical component of a high-performance work system.

Equipment and work processes


Ex.A payroll system maintains information about salaries, bonuses, and other pay and automatically computes taxes and benefits costs to be withheld. It keeps pay records up-to-date and shares information with banks receiving direct deposits

Employee selection

Ex.Developers are working on software that can analyze videos of interviews to provide data about candidates' behavior associated with particular characteristics.

Orientation of new employees

Ex.New hires at Royal Bank of Canada use a "preboarding" system to get information about the job, their team, and the company culture.

Workforce planning

Ex.Software can analyze hourly pay to identify and predict situations in which companies are paying for overtime, pointing to opportunities for better workforce management to reduce this expense.


Ex.Training modules are available online for employees to download as they identify relevant skills they want to learn. A training system may also include information about career paths and the necessary skills for each.

True or false: Dylan, who is 21 years old and a college graduate, belongs to the fastest-growing group of workers in the workforce.


True or false: The number and kinds of people in the internal work force determine the kinds of human resources available to an organization.

False it's the external work force

Judicial Branch

Federal court system, influences employment law by interpreting the law and holding trials concerning violations of the law. The supreme court is the head of the Judicial Branch. -Hears cases related to employment law and interprets the law

Recruiting and Selection

Firstjob has a chatbot that fields questions from job candidates; early results show it handling ¾ of their questions


Flexible staffing levels: • Allows an organization to quickly meet changing needs. • Alternative work arrangements include independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and contract workers. • In a gig economy, workers are typically independent contractors who control when and where they work and often are assigned work through a website or mobile app. Flexible work schedules: • Helps protect employees' free time and to more productively use employees' work time. • 24/7 access may result in greater employee stress, less satisfied employees, loss of productivity, and higher turnover.

As technology has caused a shift away from the traditional 40-hour workweek, what is one of the most common ways businesses have compensated employees for the increased stress and intrusion on their free time?

Flexible work schedules

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Forbids employers from using genetic information in making decisions related to the terms, conditions or privileges of employment

Who does NOT have an alternative work arrangement?

Full-time employee


H R M challenged to "surgically" reduce workforce. • Most valuable employees should be kept, but they are often willing and able to find other employment before layoffs. • Early-retirement programs are humane, but they essentially reduce the workforce with a "grenade" approach. H R M must boost morale of remaining workers. • Open communication necessary to build trust: notify employees of reason for downsizing and provide downsized employees with outplacement services.

A Diverse Workforce (continued)

H R M considerations regarding diversity: • Use talents, skills, and values of all employees. • Staffing selection should not use biased tests. • Employees' nonwork needs should be met with flexible schedules. • Educate employees on cultural differences and stereotypes .• Encourage career development for minorities and women. • Provide benefits such as elder care and day care to accommodate the needs of a diverse workforce.

Which statement is true about downsizing?

HRM can provide downsized employees with outplacement services to help them find new jobs.

Administrative services and transactions (3 main duties of HR)

Handling administrative tasks efficiently and with a commitment to quality. This requires expertise in particular tasks

Needs of millennials

Higher pay (74%), Flexible work schedules (51%), Promotion within a year (56%), more vacation or personal time (50%)

What is NOT an effective strategy for companies expanding into global markets?

Hiring entirely from the home country's talent pool

In the coming decade, the fastest-growing ethnic group within the U.S. workforce is expected to be _____, reaching 21% of the workforce by 2028.


In the coming decade, the fastest-growing ethnic group within the U.S. workforce is expected to be _____.


Support for strategy

Human resource planning and forecasting, talent management, and change management. Have taken on more active role in supporting the organization's strategy

Employee relations

IBM has a chatbot that answers employees' HR-related questions, submitted by text, data entry, or voice

Executive Branch

Including the many regulatory agencies that the president oversees, is responsible for enforcing the law passed by Congress. -Establishes agencies such as the equal employment opportunity commission and occupational safety and health administration to enforce the laws by publishing regulations, filing lawsuits, and performing other activities. The president may also issue executive orders, such as requirements for federal contractors.

Select all that apply When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees?

Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing. Boost the morale of the remaining employees. Provide downsized employees with outplacement services.

When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees?

Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing. Boost the morale of the remaining employees. Provide downsized employees with outplacement services.

Recruitment and selection

Interviewing, job postings, testing, recruiting

What is an advantage of using a human resource information system?

It enables a HR professional to store, manipulate, and analyze data

What is an advantage of using a human resource information system?

It enables a HR professional to store, manipulate, and analyze data.

Which of the following describes the current characteristics of the U.S. labor force?

It is growing more diverse

Which of the following describes the current characteristics of the U.S. labor force?

It is growing more diverse.

Job Evaluation - Banding

Job levels are defined. Job descriptions for benchmark jobs are compared to job levels and assigned to the one deemed most appropriate. Considered an "in between" method compared to ranking and point factor. Pros: Fast Cons: Doesn't consider relative importance of job attributes, job attributes may fall into multiple job levels

Which statement is true of employee empowerment?

Jobs must be designed to give employees the necessary latitude for making a variety of decisions.

What information to collect?

Key duties and responsibilities Position in organization Education/experience Knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs) Supervision Working conditions Scope of authority

What is the term for all of the people who are willing to work and are able to?

Labor force

Job evaluation - ranking

Look at the job description for benchmark jobs and rank them from high to low relative value. Limited focus and limited amount of jobs. Pros: Simple, fast, inexpensive Con: Compensable factors aren't clear, no documentation, results are hard to explain, evaluators must be familiar with all jobs

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

Major provisions: minimum wage, child labor, hours of work, equal pay act (1963)

What is NOT a core value of total quality management (TQM)? Quality is designed into products so that errors are prevented. Manufacturing goals are set to expedite production. Processes are designed to meet needs of customers. All employees receive training in quality assessment.

Manufacturing goals are set to expedite production

What is NOT a core value of total quality management (TQM)?

Manufacturing goals are set to expedite production.

External focus of job evaluation

Market pricing system

Job Evaluation - Point Factor

Mathematically based using 3 factors 1. Identify compensable factors 2. Factors are numerically scaled 3. Factors are weighted Developed in 1949 and ditched by most in the 1980s Pros: Best method for measuring initial worth. Mathematical basis encourages acceptance. Cons: Very expensive, does not accommodate market valuation

Performance management

Measures performance, preparation and administration of performance appraisals, feedback and coaching, discipline


Moral issues: boast the morale of remaining workers during this process Outplacement Services: can shout cares about its employees and help them find new jobs by providing this service

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding immigrants who legally come to the United States?

More than half of legal immigrants are relatives of U.S. citizens.


Moving operations from the country where a company is headquartered to a country where pay rates are lower but the necessary skills are available. -It became too easy for companies to use offshoring -Emphasis on reshoring nowadays -Hiring in 3rd world countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and India allows companies to find individuals who are eager to work for much lower wages

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

Necessary employment qualifications that employers are allowed to consider when making decisions about hiring employees Qualification must relate to an essential job duty and is considered necessary for the operation of the particular business Employer must prove this requirement is necessary to the job Employers must demonstrate a necessity for a certain type of worker because all others do not have certain characteristics necessary for employment success FOR GENDER NOT RACE RACE CAN NEVER BE A BFOQ

Three main ethics of HR

Need for discernment, role conflict, and conflict of interest Common challenge with them all is recognizing them


New Job Designs: can help to design and implement changes to work processes and provide training for employees Restructure pay: as the organization develops a new way of operating and reassign jobs. HRM may need to align the organizations pay structure

The practice of a U.S. company hiring local employees to work at a facility in a foreign country rather than sending U.S. employees is called ________


What is an acquisition?

One company buys another.

Why care about the alignment of jobs?

Organization Perspective: cost Don't want to pay any more or less than you should for a jon Paying a job it's value to the company Recognize hierarchy Employee Perspectives: fairness How a job ranks internally is a determinant of pay potential. Compensation is the employee's only source of income and is important Research shows that a perception of internal fairness is more important to most workers than external fairness

What technique uses computers to analyze large quantities of data and help human resource managers make decisions?

People analytics

Compliance with laws

Policies to ensure lawful behavior, reporting, posting info, safety inspections, accessibility accommodations

Personnel policies

Policy creation, policy communication

Collecting Job Information

Position = The work of an individual employee Job = The work of reasonably comparable positions Job Family = A collection of similar jobs performing the same function

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

Prohibits discrimination against disbaled individuals Disability: Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life actions Needs to have a record of this disability. YOUR JOB TO INFORM THE EMPLOYER If the job can be accomodated they must. THE ACCOMMODATIONS MUST BE REASONABLE

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Prohibits employment descrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees? Provide downsized employees with outplacement services. Boost the morale of the remaining employees. Remind workers that downsizing would not have been necessary if they had done their jobs more efficiently. Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing.

Provide downsized employees with outplacement services.; Boost the morale of the remaining employees.; Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Provides for compensatory and punitive damages in cases of discirmination

Internal focus of job evaluation

Ranking systems Banding systems Point factor systems

Employee data and information systems

Record keeping, HR info systems, workforce analytics


Reduces demand for some jobs -Replaces labor -Makes service obsolete Increases demand for some jobs -Need to service technology -New product/service development TECHNOLOGY IS TAKING OVER

Vision descriptions

Replacing job descriptions with vision descriptions Incorporates company strategy and goals Infuse meaning, create targets, clarify focus, fuel motivation -Transforms employment into a forward facing, passion-driven activity -Organizations and individuals reach higher and go further -Focusing on vision rather than duties and tasks

Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Act of 1974

Requires affirmative action in the employment of veterans who served during the Vietnam War

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Requires equal pay for men and women who are doing work that is equal in terms of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994

Requires that employers reemploy service members who left jobs to fulfill military duties

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Requires that the federal contractors engage in affirmative action in the employment of persons with disabilities

Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC)

Responsible for enforcing most of the EEO laws, including Title VII, Equal Pay Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act -They investigate and resolve complaints about discrimination, gather information, and issue guidelines -When an individual feels they have been discriminated against they can file a complaint with the EEOC (Must be filed within 180 days of the incident Then the EEOC has 60 days to investigate)

HR must view employees as having basic rights...

Right of free consent Right of privacy Right of freedom of conscience Right of freedom of speech Right to due process

Independent Contractor

Self-employed individual who works for multiple customers and clients on a project or fee basis.

Job titles

Should describe a job's purpose, level, and role Conforms with organizational, industry and/or professional norms Communicates to external and internal audiences in a consistent manner

gig economy

Situation in which companies rely primarily on alternative work arrangements to meet service and product demands. -gig workers are typically independent contractors who control when and where they work and how often are assigned work through a website or mobile app

Workforce planning (automating HR task)

Software can analyze hourly pay to identify and predict situations in which companies are paying for overtime, pointing to opportunities for better workforce management to reduce this expense.

Needs of CEOs

Strong HR knowledge, good non HR business knowledge, understands operational activity as well as the line managers, understand the organization as a whole and its strategy, business environment, be focused, and look for strategic sustainability for the future.

job analyisis

Systematic processes of collecting relevant, work-related information related to the nature of a specific job

A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____.


Generational Values (1965-1980) "Gen X"

Tend to be pragmatic and cynical, they have well developed self management skills.

expanding into global markets

The Global Workforce and international assignments

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

The agency responsible for enforcing the executive orders that cover companies doing business with the federal government. Companies that have contracts for more than $50,000 may not discriminate in employment based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, and they must have a written affirmative action plan on file. This file must have three basic components.

Why might a company experience negative stock returns and lower profitability after laying off some of its highest-paid salespeople?

The average sales per employee will decrease.

Living wage

The hourly rate that an individual must earn to support their family, if they are the sole provider and are working full time. (2080 hours per year or 40 hours a week) The minimum wage is the same for everyone regardless of their number of dependents

Knowledge Workers

The main contribution to a company is specialized knowledge such as in customers, process, or a profession. Have a position of power. • Employers need the knowledge they possess. • They often have many job opportunities, even in slow economies. Some argue that all workers are knowledge workers.

Select all that apply What are two ways reengineering might affect human resource management?

The pay structure might need to be adjusted. The organization might need to recruit employees with a new set of skills.

Human Resource Management

The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance. Involved "people practices'


The practice of exporting U.S. jobs to lower paid employees in other nations.

Gender diversity in technology

The technology industry has a well documented gender issue. It is male dominated and lacks structure and policies. -Women need to provide more evidence than men to appear equally competent -Women will get promoted without the associated title and pay (just more responsibility and work) -Women face pushback for being "nice" -Mothers are 79% less likely to be hired

People analytics

The use of computers to analyze large amounts of data and offer information to guide decisions

People Analytics

The use of computers to analyze large amounts of data and offer information to guide decisions. Artificial intelligence (A I) can improve HR decisions in: • Job analysis. • Recruiting and selection. • Performance management. • Employee relations.

Why there should not be any job titles

They draw boundaries Limit productivity Individual vs. group achievement

What is a key advantage of human resource information systems?

They help HR professionals think strategically.

Companies today are finding that to survive, they must compete in international markets and fend off foreign competitors' attempts to gain ground in the United States. What would help businesses in the United States meet these challenges?

They must prepare employees for global assignments.

What is a major reason many companies use an alternative work arrangement?

To control costs of a project

An Aging Workforce (continued)

Today's workforce often brings together four or five generations. • Older workers may choose to work part time or take temporary assignments. • Creates a need for understanding the values and work habits that characterize each generation. • HR managers need to address generational differences.

A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____.

Total quality management (TQM)

Training (automating HR task)

Training modules are available online for employees to download as they identify relevant skills they want to learn. A straining system may also include information about career paths and the necessary skills for each

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Training:Ensure every employee receives training to ensure a quality product or service is delivered Problem-Solving: Encourage a culture of problem solving, innovation, creativity, and risk taking to meet customer product or service demands


Transition:can assist with the seamless transition of moving organizational activities and services to an outside company Cutting HR cost:evaluate internal hr functions to determine if another organization can provide these effectively at a lower cost

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Treats dsicirmination based on pregnancny-related conditions as illegal sex discrimination

True or false: Immigration is one important source of racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. work force.


What is a merger?

Two companies join to become one entity.

FLSA - Equal Pay Act (1963)

US law requires that equal pay must be given for equal work Women now hold 50% of jobs compared to 32% in 1964 23% of married women out earn their husbands

What functions would be handled by HRM during a merger or acquisition?

Understand the employee review system of both companies. Analyze the difference in compensation structure between the two companies.


Undertaken to deal with rapidly changing customer needs, new technology. Effects on H R M: • How HR accomplishes goals may change dramatically .• HR must design and implement change so that all employees will be committed to the reengineered organization's success. • Often results in employees being laid off or reassigned to new jobs.

Psychological Contract

Unspoken expectations of both employee and employer. In today's world: • Employees expected to take responsibility in careers. • Employers expected to provide perks in exchange. • Flexible work schedules, comfortable working conditions, more control over their work, training and development opportunities, and financial incentives. In recent years, more people are job hopping. • Staves off boredom and wins rapid increases in pay and responsibility.

What has contributed to a shift in the type of skills needed for employees in the U.S. economy?

Use of computers to do routine tasks

What has contributed to a shift in the type of skills needed for employees in the U.S. economy?

Use of computers to do routine tasks.

The three basic components of a written affirmative action plan

Utilization Analysis - A comparison of the race, sex, and ethnic composition of the employer's workfroce with that of the available labor supply. The percentages in the employer's workforce should not be greatly lower than the percentages in the labor supply Goals and Timetables - The percentages of women and minorities the organization seeks to employ in each job group, and the dates by which the percentages are to be attained. They are meant to be more flexible then quotas, requiring only that the employer have goals and be seeking to achieve the goals. Action Steps - A plan for how the organization will meet its goals. Besides working towards its goals for hiring women and minorities, the company must take affirmative steps toward hiring Vietnam veterans and individuals with disabilities

Generational Values (1996-Present) "Gen Z"

Value individual expression and ongoing dialogue to solve conflicts and improve the world

Generational Values (1946-1964) "Baby Boomers"

Value unexpected rewards, opportunities for learning, and time with management

Generational Values (1925-1945) "Silent Generation"

Values of income and employment security. Tries to avoid challenging authority.

Compensation and benefits

Wage/salary administration, incentive pau, insurance, vacation, paid time off, retirement plans, stock plans

internal labor market

What do you have? What will you need? What can you develop? How much will it cost? How long will it take? Where does that leave you?

Conflict of personal interest (3 main ethics of HR)

When ah HR's professionals personal differs from the responsibility as an agent of the employer

Job Analysis Decision Process

Why collect the info? What info is needed? How to collect the needed data? Who should be involved? How useful is the collected data?

Analysis and design of work

Work analysis; job design; job descriptions

What is expected to be the fastest-growing age group in the labor force in the next decade?

Workers 55 and older

A description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and what the employer will provide in exchange for those contributions is called a(n) _____. a. psychological contract b. employee bill of rights c. independent contract d. employment contract


A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities is known as a _____. a. disability b. liability c. restraint d. detriment


A set of related duties is called a(n) a. job. b. work flow. c. analysis. d. position.


All of the following are areas in which supervisors have responsibilities related to HR functions EXCEPT a. overall direction of the company. b. employee training. c. performance appraisals. d. determining staffing requirements. e. job analysis and design.


Bruce works for an energy company in Houston but has recently been assigned to the company's office in Indonesia. He will work in Indonesia for the next two years. Bruce is an example of a(n) ______. a. expatriate b. recruit c. external worker d. contractor


If the EEOC believes a complaint is not valid or fails to complete its investigation in the proper time frame, what is the next step for the person who filed the complaint? a. The individual has the right to sue in federal court. b. The individual has no recourse but to change jobs. c. The individual has the right to file a second complaint with the EEOC. d. A judge will advise the individual to discuss the complaint with the local media.


In addition to training, what activity is often offered for employees to acquire further knowledge, skills, and behaviors that enhance their ability to perform their jobs? a. Development b. Selection c. Job analysis d. Recruitment


In terms of work characteristics, Millennials on the whole tend to value _____. a. being noticed and respected by others b. avoiding confrontation with authority c. unexpected rewards d. employment security


Jobs that involve teamwork tend to require an organizational structure based on which of the following? a. divisions b. skill levels c. seniority d. functions


Making sure that the activities of employees match the organization's goals is called _____. a. performance management b. training and development c. human resource management d. recruiting


Nici knows that her employer expects her to take a bigger role in the company now that she has been promoted to assistant manager. He hasn't said anything to her directly, but her advancement tells her that's what she must do. This demonstrates the idea of a _____ contract. a. psychological b. hourly c. physical d. commissioned


Over the next decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts most jobs will be in _____. a. service occupations b. sales occupations c. manufacturing occupations d. financial occupations


Over the past few years, employee benefit costs have become particularly relevant to HR managers in the area of _____. a. health insurance b. disability coverage c. paid vacation time d. federal tax rates


Presidential Executive Order 11246 prohibits discrimination on the part of _____. a. federal contractors b. private enterprises c. government funded educators d. union officials


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is enforced by which governmental agency? a. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission b. The Department of Health and Human Services c. The Civil Rights Commission d. The Fair Employment and Wages Commission


The Vocational Rehabilitation Act was the precursor to affirmative action and focused on providing enhanced employment opportunities for _____. a. the disabled b. college graduates c. women d. older workers


The ______ Act has raised the level of awareness of occupational safety. a. Occupational Safety and Health b. Worker Safety and Security c. Civil Rights d. Affirmative Action


The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills is called _____. a. teamwork b. empowerment c. training d. HRM


The federal government's executive branch includes _____, which can affect human resource management. a. regulatory agencies overseen by the president b. the Senate and the House of Representatives c. the federal court system d. the 50 state legislatures


The four-fifths rule is used to find evidence of potential _____ in hiring practices. a. discrimination b. loopholes c. referrals d. candidates


The human resource department maintains positive employee relations by a. preparing employee handbooks and company newsletters. b. communicating with the local media and issuing press releases. c. providing information on competitor's products. d. disregarding discrimination suits and employee complaints.


The human resources department is like a business within the company, which provides what three product lines? a. Administrative services and transactions b. Business partner services c. Strategic partner services d. Financial advising and bookkeeping services


The major law regulating equal employment opportunity in the United States resulted directly from the _____. a. civil rights movement b. abolitionist movement c. women's liberation movement d. equal pay movement


The process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service is called a. work flow design. b. job position. c. job specifications. d. task design.


The right of freedom of conscience means that individuals have the right to a. refuse to do what violates their moral beliefs, as long as these beliefs reflect commonly accepted norms. b. do as they wish in their private lives and control what they reveal about private activities. c. criticize a firm's ethics if they do so in good conscience and their criticism does not violate the rights of individuals in the firm. d. be treated only as they knowingly and willingly consent to be treated.


What is a major reason many companies use an alternative work arrangement? a. To control costs of a project b. To provide work for new hires c. To recognize competitor efforts d. To minimize time spent on a project


What is the commonly used rule that provides evidence of potential discrimination based on a company's hiring rate for a majority group? a. Four-fifths rule b. Three-fifths rule c. Two-thirds rule d. One-third rule


What is the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires? a. Job design b. Job analysis c. Job description d. Job enhancement


What legislation prohibits discrimination based on disability? a. Americans with Disabilities Act b. Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Pregnancy Discrimination Act d. Equal Pay Act


What technology that simulates human thinking (learning from data, adapting to change, and making decisions automatically) can human resource managers use in the application of people analytics? a. Artificial intelligence (AI) b. Cloud computing c. Self-service information technology d. HR information systems


When an employer has the right to terminate employment at any time without notice, it is referred to as _______. a. employment at will b. lifetime employment c. workforce analytics d. age discrimination


Which agency is responsible for enforcing executive orders that cover companies doing business with the federal government? a. Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission c. Department of Labor d. Office of Federal Employee Selection


Which branch of the federal government plays an important role in creating a legal environment for human resource management? a. All three branches b. Executive branch c. Legislative branch d. Judicial branch


Which of the following demonstrates quid pro quo harassment? a. A department head makes a benefit contingent on an employee submitting to sexual advances. b. A supervisor lies about asking out an employee. c. A manager makes critical comments about a colleague's new hair style. d. An employee takes to Facebook to complain about a new colleague.


Which of the following describes the current characteristics of the U.S. labor force? a. It is growing more diverse. b. It is mostly composed of immigrants. c. It is made up of mostly men. d. It is growing younger by the year.


Which of the following is an important element to ensure that HR professionals keep careful and discreet records? a. Sensitivity to employee privacy b. Willingness to share employee information c. Allowing upper management to review employees' files at will d. Eliminating the use of file cabinets to store information


Which type of business would use material safety data sheets? a. Chemical manufacturer b. Public accounting firm c. Pet supply company d. Private investment firm


Which type of charge is the most frequently filed complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? a. Retaliation b. Disability c. Equal pay d. Race


Why are knowledge workers in a position of power within an organization? a. Because they own the information the company needs to produce its products and services b. Because they possess little-known facts about key personnel c. Because they have many years of seniority within the company d. Because they keep company information confidential


Why do many employees fail to report safety concerns at work? a. Employees believe that companies often ignore reports about unsafe conditions. b. Employees tend to be unaware of safety concerns in their vicinity. c. Employees themselves cause most of the unsafe conditions.



a complete review of the organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality

The human resources department is like a business within the company, which provides what three product lines? a. Strategic partner services b. Administrative services and transactions c. Business partner services d. Financial advising and bookkeeping services

a, b

How can organizations meet the needs of their stakeholders and thus achieve sustainability? a. By paying employees a fair wage and maintaining workplace safety b. By delivering an adequate return to investors c. By minimizing their damage to the environment d. By offering low-quality products that reduce expenses and increase profits

a, b, c

Select the categories that are part of the HR success competencies. a. Business acumen b. Ethical practice c. Relationship management d. Marketing management

a, b, c

When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees? a. Provide downsized employees with outplacement services. b. Boost the morale of the remaining employees. c. Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing. d. Remind workers that downsizing would not have been necessary if they had done their jobs more efficiently.

a, b, c

Which of the following describe the characteristics of a company's most talented, committed, and experienced employees? a. Nothing can be substituted for them. b. They are valuable human resources. c. They are rare human resources. d. Other companies can and will imitate them.

a, b, c

What entities are considered stakeholders of a firm? a. The community b. Shareholders c. Employees d. Customers e. Competitors

a, b, c, d

Supervisors are apt to be directly involved in which activities related to human resources? (Select all that apply) a. Recommendation of pay increases b. Performance appraisals c. Employee training d. Overall company direction e. Job analysis and design

a, b, c, e

Affirmative action efforts include which of the following? a. Recruiting minorities on college campuses b. Providing educational opportunities to minorities c. Providing minorities with extra health benefits d. Advertising in minority-oriented publications

a, b, d

After the EEOC verifies an allegation of discrimination, what are the most common outcomes? a. A "right to sue" letter from the EEOC to the alleged victim b. A settlement between the EEOC and the organization that is accused of discrimination c. Dismissal of the charges and a countersuit against the alleged victim d. A federal lawsuit against the organization that is accused of discrimination

a, b, d

The human resources department is like a business within the company, which provides what three product lines? a. Administrative services and transactions b. Strategic partner services c. Financial advising and bookkeeping services d. Business partner services

a, b, d

What differences among countries often make it more difficult for a company to promote safety in its international operations? a. Legal systems b. Cultural variances c. Production models d. Political climate

a, b, d

Which of the following describe the Employee Information Report? a. It breaks down the groups by gender. b. It lists the number of employees by job category. c. It is a document that applicants submit to companies during job interviews. d. It is completed online.

a, b, d

The HR department is involved in establishing and administering personnel policies related to which of the following? (Select all that apply) a. Discipline b. Benefits c. Product development d. Hiring e. Promotions

a, b, d, e

What are the three categories of inputs involved in a work flow analysis? a. equipment b. raw inputs c. customer service d. finances e. human resources

a, b, e

Because it can involve reverse discrimination, how is affirmative action perceived in the United States? a. Least popular when it involves quotas b. Almost universally approved c. Controversial d. Most popular when it involves white women

a, c

If an organization's structure is based on function, workers a. work alone on specialized tasks. b. tend to have high authority. c. tend to have low authority. d. work in teams.

a, c

Which of the following are among the responsibilities of the human resources department? a. Establishing and administering personnel policies b. Analyzing the company's financial statements c. Ensuring that the company complies with labor laws d. Helping the company capture a larger share of the market

a, c

HRM should have a significant role in a merger or acquisition in the areas of a. performance appraisals. b. union membership. c. training. d. compensation.

a, c, d

In a firm that practices sustainability, the HR department focuses on which of the following? a. Long-term planning b. Outsourcing and smooth turnover c. Employee development d. Justice and fairness

a, c, d

Often reengineering results in employees being _____. a. reassigned to new jobs b. promoted to management c. laid off d. retrained

a, c, d

What are the three basic components of an affirmative-action plan for contracts with the federal government for more than $50,000? a. Goals and timetables b. Competitor analysis c. Utilization analysis d. Action steps

a, c, d

What are two ways reengineering might affect human resource management? a. The pay structure might need to be adjusted. b. Licensees might need to redefine shipping parameters. c. The sales force might need to make a lower quota. d. The organization might need to recruit employees with a new set of skills.

a, d

What functions would be handled by HRM during a merger or acquisition? a. Analyze the difference in compensation structure between the two companies. b. Allocate excess manufacturing resources to an outside source. c. Contrast the sales figures of the companies. d. Understand the employee review system of both companies.

a, d

The purpose of ____________ ___________ is to increase the representation of minorities within an organization.

affirmative, action

Bart is working with a new client to develop software that tracks product usage in different areas of the country. Bart meets with the client twice a week to go over the development so the product is a better fit for his client's strategy. This approach is known as _______ and is being used by more and more software companies.


What name has been given for the approach that software-development companies use to weave the development process more tightly into an organization's activities and strategies?


Bart is working with a new client to develop software that tracks product usage in different areas of the country. Bart meets with the client twice a week to go over the development so the product is a better fit for his client's strategy. This approach is known as _________ _________ and is being used by more and more software companies.

agile software

companies that develop software pioneered an approach they call

agile which involves weaving the development process more tightly into organizations activities and strategies

high performance work system

an organization in which technology, organizational structure, people, and processes work together seamlessly to give an organization an advantage in the competitive environment

Internal Labor Force

an organization's workers (its employees and the people who have contracts to work at the organization)

sexual harassment

any unwanted remark, behavior, or touch that has sexual content

Some manufacturing companies have difficulty filling jobs because _____.

applicants lack skills to run computer controlled machinery

Some manufacturing companies have difficulty filling jobs because _____.

applicants lack skills to run computer-controlled machinery

High-performance work systems

are organizations that have the best fit between: • Social system (people and how they interact). • Technical system (equipment and processes).

On-call workers

are persons who work for an organization only when they are needed

What technology that simulates human thinking (learning from data, adapting to change, and making decisions automatically) can human resource managers use in the application of people analytics?

artificial intelligence

What technology that simulates human thinking (learning from data, adapting to change, and making decisions automatically) can human resource managers use in the application of people analytics?

artificial intelligence (AI)

A company hires men who have school-age children but fails to hire women with school-age children claiming the women will be absent frequently because their children could be sick and out of school. This scenario demonstrates the concept of _____. a. affirmative action b. disparate treatment c. age discrimination d. sexual harassment


A systematic effort to find, retain, train, and motivate highly skilled workers is called ______. a. human resource planning b. talent management c. job analysis d. workforce analytics


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026 the labor force in the United States is expected to a. remain steady. b. grow somewhat. c. surpass the 13.1% growth of 1996-2006. d. decrease sharply.


After the Supreme Court overturned an EEOC policy that defined the time frame when employees may file a complaint, what legislation was enacted in response? a. The Americans with Disabilities Act b. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act c. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 d. The Freedom of Information Act


An OSHA inspection has ____ major components. a. five b. four c. three d. six


An organization can succeed if it is better than competitors at something and can stay better at it over a length of time. What is this called? a. High performance work system b. Sustainable competitive advantage c. Marketing mix d. Performance management


As a business within the company, HR has three product lines, one of which involves contributing to the company's goals and plans by understanding how HR can provide a competitive advantage. This is known as ______. a. providing business partner services b. being a strategic partner c. handling administrative services and transactions e. establishing policies


As the human resource manager, Garrett has been asked to find three new marketing employees who can help the company define its social media presence. Which function is Garrett involved in? a. administrative duties b. supporting company strategy c. developing schedules d. defining the firm's benefits


Define the technical component of a high-performance work system. a. People and how they interact b. Equipment and work processes c. Senior management and e-commerce d. Cloud computing and marketing strategies


Ensuring the company complies with labor laws is the responsibility of what department? a. Legal b. Human resources c. Personnel management d. Marketing


From an organization's perspective, the key to survival in a fast-changing environment is _____. a. accountability b. flexibility c. respectability d. employability


In a high-_______ work system, a firm's technology, organizational structure, people, and processes work together seamlessly. This results in the firm having an advantage in the competitive environment. a. expectations b. performance c. end d. resource


In the coming decade, the fastest-growing ethnic group within the U.S. workforce is expected to be _____. a. Caucasians b. Hispanics c. African Americans d. Asians


Juanita is outlining the tasks required for the jobs in her department as well as defining how the work is to be performed. She is completing a(n) _______. a. application b. job design c. job analysis d. organizational chart


Name a method of promoting safety by determining which specific element of a job led to a past accident. a. Risk management review b. Technique of operations review c. Quality assurance review d. Personal liability review


Of the following, which plays the most important role in employee motivation, especially when linked to the individual's or group's achievements? a. The company's mission statement b. Pay and benefits c. The company's market share d. Seniority and job title


One potential sign of _____ is disparate treatment, differing treatment of individuals where the differences are based on the individual's race, color, religion, sex, or other factors. a. employer liability b. discrimination c. affirmative action d. equal opportunity


Patrick has been hired by a chemical plant to test water samples for contamination. He was told that his work might expose him to potentially disease-carrying organisms, and he would be required to wear hazardous material clothing while working. What type of law required the employer to disclose this information to Patrick? a. Material safety data b. Right-to-know c. Quid pro quo d. Hostile work environment


The EEOC requires certain organizations to file a(n) _____ so that it can monitor hiring practices. a. EEOC Complaint b. Employer Information Report c. GINA Report d. Disparate Impact Report


The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is responsible for enforcing orders that cover companies doing business with _____. a. one of its subsidiaries b. the federal government c. a company producing the same good or service d. an international firm


The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is responsible for enforcing orders that cover companies doing business with _____. a. one of its subsidiaries b. the federal government c. an international firm d. a company producing the same good or service


The government forecasts a 6.6% increase in the labor force between 2016 and 2026, which is _____ the increase experienced at the end of the 1990s. a. about the same as b. less than c. more than


The term that describes an organization's active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group is known as _____. a. negative action b. affirmative action c. employment inclusion d. rehabilitation strategies


To ensure safe workplace behaviors, employers should not only define how to work safely but also _____. a. threaten workers with termination if accidents occur b. reinforce the desired employee behavior c. look for job candidates who have spotless work records d. terminate workers who have incurred job accidents


Trevor is tasked with obtaining detailed information about the jobs in his organization. He is performing a job _______. a. design b. analysis c. selection d. recruitment


What institution is head of the U.S. judicial branch, which influences employment law? a. The House of Representatives b. The U.S. Supreme Court c. The U.S. Court of Appeals d. The Senate


What is NOT an effective strategy for companies expanding into global markets? a. Preparing employees for global assignments b. Hiring entirely from the home country's talent pool c. Learning about other cultures d. Keeping up with overseas competitors


What is NOT the responsibility of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)? a. Levying fines for safety violations b. Evaluating discriminatory practices c. Applying safety and health standards d. Inspecting the safety and health of employers


What is an acquisition? a. Two companies join to become one entity. b. One company buys another. c. One company buys materials from another. d. Two companies share resources.


What is performance management? a. The process of establishing policies and practices that influence employees' behavior and attitudes. b. The process of ensuring that employees' activities and outputs match the organizations goals. c. The process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks required for a given job. d. A planned effort to enable employees to learn job-related knowledge, skills, and behavior.


What is the process by which a company seeks applicants for potential employment? a. Team building b. Recruitment c. Job design d. Job analysis


What is the term for all of the people who are willing to work and are able to? a. External labor force b. Labor force c. Internal labor force d. Aging workforce


What is the term for the set of job duties performed by a particular person? a. calling b. position c. employment d. opening


What legislation prohibits discrimination based on disability? a. Pregnancy Discrimination Act b. Americans with Disabilities Act c. Equal Pay Act d. Civil Rights Act of 1964


What name has been given for the approach that software-development companies use to weave the development process more tightly into an organization's activities and strategies? a. placebo b. agile c. contractual d. synergistic


What statement describes the work of an HR generalist? a. HR generalists are responsible only for recruiting new employees. b. HR generalists perform most HRM activities. c. HR generalists perform only the most basic of HR activities. d. HR generalists oversee the department and do not have any specific HR duties.


When an employee wants to file a complaint based on the Lilly Ledbetter Act, what point in time is NOT used to determine whether the complaint falls within the parameters of the legislation? a. When the compensation was affected by the decision or practice b. When the employee started a job with the company in question c. When the employer's decision or discriminatory practice occurred d. When the employee became subject to the decision or practice


When you feel fully involved in your job and committed to your employer, you are experiencing a. teamwork. b. employee engagement. c. human resource management. d. agility.


Which best describes a high-performance work system? a. Best fit between financial and HR systems b. Best fit between social and technical systems c. Best fit between male and female employees d. Best fit between unions and supervisors


Which branch of the federal government is responsible for enforcing the laws passed by Congress? a. The state legislatures b. The executive branch c. The judicial branch d. The legislative branch


Which category of employees is NOT covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? a. Female workers b. Older workers c. Workers of color d. Christian workers


Which law allows for reasons why men and women performing the same job might be paid differently? a. Title VII b. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 c. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. The Equal Employment Act


Which law granted all citizens the right to enter into and enforce contracts, including employment contracts? a. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 c. The Equal Employment Act d. The Civil Rights Act of 1871


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding immigrants who legally come to the United States? a. Every foreigner who wants to come to the United States has the right to obtain a temporary work visa. b. More than half of legal immigrants are relatives of U.S. citizens. c. More than half of legal immigrants come on work-related visas for people with exceptional qualifications. d. U.S. employers have the option of hiring workers who have come either legally or illegally.


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding immigrants who legally come to the United States? a. U.S. employers have the option of hiring workers who have come either legally or illegally. b. More than half of legal immigrants are relatives of U.S. citizens. c. More than half of legal immigrants come on work-related visas for people with exceptional qualifications. d. Every foreigner who wants to come to the United States has the right to obtain a temporary work visa.


Who does NOT have an alternative work arrangement? a. On-call worker b. Full-time employee c. Temporary worker d. Independent contractor


How does the HR function maintain positive employee relations? a. Tracking employees on Facebook b. Sending out a company newsletter c. Preparing employee handbooks d. Complaining about employee unions e. Ignoring discrimination claims

b, c

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees have the right to which of the following? a. Travel freely within the country of origin b. Be informed about exposure to hazards c. Have dangerous substances identified d. Bring lawsuits against sexual harassers

b, c

What are two areas where reasonable accommodation most often comes into play in many businesses? a. Continuing education b. Religious practices c. Individuals with disabilities d. Health care

b, c

The government has established laws and regulations regarding the treatment of employees in which of the following areas? (Select all that apply) a. Internet use b. Employee safety c. Employee privacy d. Job security e. Employee pay and benefits

b, c, d

Which of the following are associated with employee engagement? (Select all that apply) a. low self-esteem b. low turnover rate c. better customer service d. higher productivity

b, c, d

What are the four principles that ethical, successful companies embrace? a. Putting the needs of the company first b. Having employees assume responsibility for company actions c. Emphasizing fairness d. Emphasizing mutual benefits with customers e. Having a sense of purpose or vision

b, c, d, e

Which of the following are external sources of recruitment? (Select all that apply) a. Referrals by current employees b. College recruitment events c. Online social networks d. Promotion from within the organization e. Internet job postings

b, c, e

During work flow analysis, an organization's planners need to analyze a. the company's workspace. b. how many workers will be needed. c. the company's organizational structure. d. what work processes need to be used.

b, d

In terms of work characteristics, Millennials on the whole tend to value _____.

being noticed and respected by others

Which best describes a high-performance work system?

best fit between social and technical systems

silent generation

born: 1925-1945 tend to value income and employment security and avoid challenging authority

A company analyzes employee-related data to determine which departments will need to hire the most employees in the near future. The company then uses this information to hire employees for that department. In doing so, the company is engaged in a. job development. b. job analysis. c. workforce analytics. d. talent management. e. collective bargaining.


A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____. a. high-performance work systems (HPWS) b. employee empowerment c. total quality management (TQM) d. ISO 9000


An intranet provides a solution to the privacy issue associated with e-HRM because it _____. a. limits the amount of information space b. requires users to pay a fee c. limits access to authorized users d. is accessible to the entire company


An organization is identifying applicants who have knowledge, skills, and abilities that will help the organization reach its goals. The organization is in the process of a. expansion. b. job design. c. selection. d. job analysis.


An organization's ability to profit without depleting any of its resources is called a. accountability. b. profitability. c. sustainability. d. reliability.


An organization's employees as well as individuals who have contracts to work at the organization are the a. expatriates. b. external labor market. c. internal labor force. d. labor affiliates.


As a result of the current age-related trends in the United States job market, by 2026 it is likely that human resource professionals will spend much of their time on issues related to a. maternity leave. b. continuing education. c. retirement. d. employee socialization.


As technology has caused a shift away from the traditional 40-hour workweek, what is one of the most common ways businesses have compensated employees for the increased stress and intrusion on their free time? a. Greater job security b. Guaranteed rapid promotion within the company c. Flexible work schedules d. Increased unemployment insurance and bonus pay


Businesses that have government contracts for more than $50,000 may not discriminate in hiring employees and _____. a. must hire a fair number of military veterans b. must have government officials on their executive board c. must have written affirmative-action plans on file d. must be certified by the EEOC


Determining the numbers and types of employees an organization needs to meet its objectives is called a. recruitment. b. human resource policies. c. human resource planning. d. competitive advantage. e. collective bargaining.


Ethics are a. society's way of classifying behavior. b. the body of laws and regulations that govern society. c. the fundamental principles of right and wrong. d. the commonly accepted practices of a society.


GINA is the acronym for legislation that prohibits employers from considering an employee's _____ when making decisions related to the person's job. a. investment profile b. work history c. genetic history d. marital status


HR management can support strategic efforts to control costs through downsizing, reengineering, and _____. a. voluntary turnover b. hiring inexperienced workers c. outsourcing d. collective bargaining


HR's role in maintaining a high-performance work system may include all of the following EXCEPT a. establishing behavioral rewards. b. recruiting people with new skill sets. c. purchasing equipment for the entire company. d. developing training programs.


How long does an individual have to file a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? a. Within 30 days of the incident b. Within 60 days of the incident c. Within 180 days of the incident d. Within 365 days of the incident


In terms of work characteristics, Baby Boomers on the whole tend to value _____. a. income and employment security b. self-management skills c. opportunities for learning d. being noticed by superiors


In the coming decade, the fastest-growing ethnic group within the U.S. workforce is expected to be _____. a. African Americans b. Caucasians c. Hispanics d. Asians


It is predicted that service jobs will have the highest growth rate between 2016-2026, especially those associated with _____. a. education b. religion c. health care d. warehouse assembly


Organizations provide ways for employees to expand their knowledge or refine their skills through which of the following? a. Job design b. Recruitment and selection c. Training and development d. Workforce analytics


Overall, the general public has a(n) _______ perception of the ethical conduct of U.S. businesses. a. positive b. accepting c. negative d. neutral


Some individuals predict that legislation will soon be necessary to protect employees' privacy rights. This need will be driven by the increased use of and access to _______ by employees and employers. a. credit cards b. social security numbers c. electronic databases d. salary schedules


Some manufacturing companies have difficulty filling jobs because _____. a. applicants are overqualified and demand higher starting salaries b. applicants demand too many additional benefits c. applicants lack skills to run computer-controlled machinery d. applicants lack college degrees


Suhindra has a degree in computer science with a specialty in networking. His possession of specialized information makes him a(n) ______. a. candidate for training b. entry-level recruit c. knowledge worker d. skilled laborer


The OSH Act of 1970 establishes standards for worker _____. a. health b. disability c. safety d. retirement


The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills is called _____. a. empowerment b. HRM c. teamwork d. training


The condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin is called _____. a. equality for all b. equal jobs for all citizens c. equal employment opportunity d. fair employment opportunities


The process by which an organization seeks applicants for potential employment is called ______. a. analysis b. selection c. recruitment d. design


There is some concern that increased use of _______ could prompt the need for legislation protecting employee privacy rights. a. outsourcing b. human capital c. electronic databases d. union labor e. flexible schedules


Traditionally, human resource management was seen as an administrative function, while today more companies are looking at HRM to support a company's ______. a. communications b. research and development (R&D) c. strategy d. teamwork


Under Executive Order 11478, the federal government is required to base all its employment policies on merit and _____. a. cost b. time c. fitness d. allocation


Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, employers _____. a. may reduce seniority status for workers returning from military service b. may lower the pay rates for employees returning from military service c. must make reasonable accommodations for military workers returning to the company d. may change the job status of workers returning from military service


Under the general-duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees have a right to a place of employment that is free from _____. a. political containment b. sexual harassment c. recognized hazards d. the glass ceiling


What condition is not covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act? a. Blindness b. Epilepsy c. Obesity d. Paralysis


What does the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution address? a. It ensured freedom of speech. b. It gave women the right to vote. c. It abolished slavery. d. It supports citizens' rights to bear arms.


What is a merger? a. One company buys another. b. One company opens offices in several locations. c. Two companies join to become one entity. d. Two companies agree to share resources.


What is an advantage of using a human resource information system? a. It requires operational supervision 24/7. b. It generates many training exercises. c. It enables a HR professional to store, manipulate, and analyze data. d. It is expensive for the IT department to maintain.


What is the most comprehensive U.S. law regarding worker safety? a. The Occupational Hazard Act b. The Workers Safety Act c. The Occupational Safety and Health Act d. The U.S. Safety Act


What is the process of breaking down each job into basic elements and rating each element for its potential for harm or injury? a. Risk management review b. Technique of operations review c. Job hazard analysis technique d. Quality assurance review


What is the term for an employer's obligation to do something to enable an otherwise qualified person to perform a job? a. Disability accommodation b. Religious discrimination c. Reasonable accommodation d. Discrimination avoidance


What is the term for the activities that the members of a work team use to produce a specific output? a. inputs b. human resources c. work processes d. raw materials


What is the term used to describe a necessary but not merely preferred qualification for performing a job? a. A bona fide occupational hazard b. A certified job qualification c. A bona fide occupational qualification d. A qualified job requirement


What service allows a company to use large databases and sophisticated software, even if the company cannot afford a powerful computer? a. People analytics b. Reengineering c. Cloud computing d. Outsourcing


What technique uses computers to analyze large quantities of data and help human resource managers make decisions? a. High-performance work systems b. Reengineering c. People analytics d. The agile approach


When Kelly called to inquire about the restaurant hostess job, the human resource director mentioned that the uniform only fit women up to size 8 and if Kelly was bigger than that she would not be eligible to apply. This exemplifies the idea of disparate _____. a. treatment b. accommodation c. impact d. accordance


When a U.S.-based employer implemented a new standardized safety policy, its Argentinian affiliate balked because it felt that safety should be controlled by the employees doing the work. What obstacle is the U.S. affiliate encountering? a. regulations b. religion c. culture d. politics


Which act prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth? a. Female Reproduction Act b. Childbirth Discrimination Act c. Pregnancy Discrimination Act d. Childrearing Discrimination Act


Which alternative work employee is employed directly by one company for a specific period of time as stated in a written contract? a. Independent contractor b. On-call worker c. Contract worker d. Temporary worker


Which alternative work employee is employed directly by one company for a specific period of time as stated in a written contract? a. Independent contractor b. Temporary worker c. Contract worker d. On-call worker


Which federal legislation furthers the Thirteenth Amendment's goal of abolishing slavery? a. Equal Pay Act of 1963 b. The Equal Opportunity Act c. Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871 d. Title VII


Which of the following is an economic effect of having an older workforce? a. Multiple generations must coexist within the workforce. b. Older workers are more difficult to motivate. c. Companies must cope with rising health care costs. d. Young managers must supervise older workers.


Which scenario describes a bona fide occupational qualification? a. A male flight attendant working the first class cabin. b. A female manager running the service department of a local auto dealer. c. A female employee handing out towels in a women's locker room. d. A male employee supervising an all-female staff.


Why might a company experience negative stock returns and lower profitability after laying off some of its highest-paid salespeople? a. It would have been preferable to use the "grenade" approach. b. The remaining employees will experience unrealistically high morale. c. The average sales per employee will decrease. d. The company will need to conceal the truth from its remaining employees.


HRM should have a significant role in

carrying out a merger or acquisition

job design and appropriate systems for assessment and rewards have

central role in supporting employee empowerment and work

The use of online remote server computers to do the user's computing tasks is known as

cloud computing

The use of online remote server computers to do the user's computing tasks is known as ___________ __________

cloud computing

What service allows a company to use large databases and sophisticated software, even if the company cannot afford a powerful computer?

cloud computing

Millennials (1981-1995)

comfortable with the latest tech and they want to be noticed, respected, and involved

HRM practices that support diversity management

communication, development, performance appraisal, employee relations

Human resource information style (HRIS)

computer system used to acquire , store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute info related to an organizations human resources

Internal labor force def

consists of the organization's workers-its employees and the people who have contracts to work at the organization

Which alternative work employee is employed directly by one company for a specific period of time as stated in a written contract?

contract worker

The biggest challenge human resource management faces when a company expands into a global market is adapting to the local _____.


A condition in which employment practices seem neutral but disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities is called _____. a. disparate treatment b. affirmative action c. age discrimination d. disparate impact


Alyce works in a customer service department. She was given basic guidelines in responding to customer calls, but she was told that she could make her own decisions regarding product returns based on the customer call. Her company provides her with employee _____. a. promotion b. diversity c. turnover d. empowerment


As a business within the company, HR has three product lines, one of which involves contributing to the company's goals and plans by understanding how HR can provide a competitive advantage. This is known as ______. a. establishing policies b. providing business partner services c. handling administrative services and transactions d. being a strategic partner


As a business within the company, HR has three product lines, one of which involves contributing to the company's goals and plans by understanding how HR can provide a competitive advantage. This is known as ______. a. providing business partner services b. establishing policies c. handling administrative services and transactions d. being a strategic partner


By 2016 the number of manufacturing jobs being reshored in the United States was _____ the number of jobs being offshored. a. not comparable to b. equal to c. less than d. more than


How does work flow design assist managers? a. It helps them hire new employees. b. It helps them decide if a product is going to be manufactured. c. It helps them analyze financial stress points. d. It helps them assess the tasks needed to make a product or a provide a service.


Human resource management requires careful and discreet _____. a. monitoring of off-duty employees b. undermining the reputation of rival companies c. monitoring of personal conversations among employees d. record keeping


Karen can access her available vacation days and the amount of money she has paid in taxes this year through the employee portal on her computer. She doesn't have to ask an HR employee for this information. This demonstrates how employee records have become ______ through the use of technology. a. outsourced b. groupthink c. offshored d. self-service


Lawsuits over job security will continue to influence HRM practices, particularly in the case of an employer terminating employment at any time without notice, otherwise known as a. gender discrimination. b. outsourcing. c. downsizing. d. employment at will.


Linda has decided to look for a new job. She is totally uncomfortable at her current job because her manager, Stefan, constantly tells sex-related jokes and makes suggestive remarks about her appearance. Stefan has created a(n) _____. a. quid pro quo situation b. diversity issue c. glass ceiling environment d. hostile work environment


Many U.S. employers in such fields as construction and farming hire immigrant workers to a. provide their own health care. b. bring their own equipment. c. round out the company's board of directors. d. keep the company's costs low.


Michael is a new employee who doesn't feel confident in his job skills. To help him to learn the knowledge, skills, and behavior he needs, his company will provide him with _____. a. a job analysis b. a job design c. development d. training


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination against workers who are over the age of _____. a. 55 b. 65 c. 50 d. 40


The use of quantitative tools and scientific methods to analyze data from HR databases to make evidence-based business decisions is called ______. a. talent management b. training and development c. job analysis d. workforce analytics


Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, employers must reemploy workers who left jobs to fulfill military duties for up to _____. a. two years b. six months c. one year d. five years


What accusation can be lodged against a company that favors minority or female job applicants over white and/or male applicants? a. Affirmative action b. Discrimination against veterans c. De facto discrimination d. Reverse discrimination


What does EEO stand for? a. Equality for employees overall b. Equality in employment often c. Equal employment on occasion d. Equal employment opportunity


What does the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution address? a. It ensures freedom of speech. b. It gives women the right to vote. c. It ensures the right to bear arms. d. It ensures due process of law.


What has contributed to a shift in the type of skills needed for employees in the U.S. economy? a. Use of more women in scientific research positions b. Use of more physically challenging jobs c. Use of racially diverse teams in factories d. Use of computers to do routine tasks


What is NOT a core value of total quality management (TQM)? a. Processes are designed to meet needs of customers. b. Quality is designed into products so that errors are prevented. c. All employees receive training in quality assessment. d. Manufacturing goals are set to expedite production.


What is expected to be the fastest-growing age group in the labor force in the next decade? a. Workers 16 to 24 b. Workers 25 to 44 c. Workers 45 to 54 d. Workers 55 and older


What is the HR function that handles attitude surveys, labor relations, and outplacement services? a. Training and development b. Recruitment and selection c.Compensation and benefits d. Employee relations


When deciding on the work flow to make new equipment parts, Maxwell realized he would need to hire at least three new people who were skilled in advanced software development. What type of input is Maxwell considering? materials equipment final product human resources


Which law granted all citizens the right to enter into and enforce contracts, including employment contracts? a. The Equal Employment Act b. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 c. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. The Civil Rights Act of 1866


Which of the following describes the process of getting detailed information about jobs? a. Job design b. Job enhancement c. Job description d. Job analysis e. Job enrichment


Which of the following is NOT a major component of an OSHA workplace inspection? a. Discussion of inspection findings b. Walkaround tour of the premises c. Review of company records of deaths, injuries, and illnesses d. Posting OSHA citations at site of violation e. Interviewing company employees


Work teams often assume many activities traditionally reserved for _____. a. vendors b. suppliers c. business consultants d. managers


How does the HR function maintain positive employee relations? a. Complaining about employee unions b. Tracking employees on Facebook c. Ignoring discrimination claims d. Sending out a company newsletter e. Preparing employee handbooks

d, e

Harrison's manager asked if he knew anyone looking for work because the company needed to hire six new sales people. Harrison referred several of his friends. Nisha, who works with Harrison, is frustrated by this because all of his friends are white, wealthy and well-educated and don't represent some of the underserved groups of her company. This scenario demonstrates a ________________ impact.


Typical HR departments help establish policies related to all of the following EXCEPT _____. a. discipline b. promotions c. hiring d. benefits e. financial data


What is one of the main reasons why the traditional 40-hour workweek has become obsolete in many cases and has been replaced by alternative arrangements such as temporary work and flexible schedules?


Employees realize that many companies are no longer able to provide long-term employment security. Instead, the employees now want


temporary workers

employed by a temporary agency; client organizations pay the agency for the services of these workers

Susan is a project manager. She encourages her team members to conduct brainstorming sessions before initiating projects to determine the best method for delivering positive results. She provides them with complete authority to execute all production tasks independently. This scenario indicates that Susan promotes

employee empowerment.

When you feel fully involved in your job and committed to your employer, you are experiencing

employee engagement

When you feel fully involved in your job and committed to your employer, you are experiencing

employee engagement.

The HR function that handles attitude surveys, labor relations and outplacement services is ___________ _________

employee relations


employees assigned to work in another country

Knowledge workers are defined as ______.

employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, or a profession

To meet these human capital needs, companies are increasingly trying to attract, develop and retain knowledge workers. Knowledge workers are

employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, or a profession

Alyce works in a customer service department. She was given basic guidelines in responding to customer calls, but she was told that she could make her own decisions regarding product returns based on the customer call. Her company provides her with employee _____.


Employee _____ occurs when employees are provided with the ability to take on responsibilities and make decisions regarding all aspects of product development or customer service.


Define the technical component of a high-performance work system.

equipment and work processes

The technical component of a high-performance work system is centered around ______.

equipment and work processes

Equity vs. Equality

equity means each person gets what they contributed, equality means each person gets the same no matter what they contributed

______ -based HR uses data to understand how human resource practices affect the company's performance.


An employee who takes an assignment in another country is called a(n) _____.


Bruce works for an energy company in Houston but has recently been assigned to the company's office in Indonesia. He will work in Indonesia for the next two years. Bruce is an example of a(n) ______.


Employees who take assignments in other countries are called


international expansion

expatriates: assist with selecting employees to work abroad and prepare them for these assignments offshoring: experts can help the company determine whether workers in other countries can provide the same or better skills

Internet job postings, online social networks, and college recruiting events are all examples of ___________ sources for recruitment.


To see what human resources are available, an organization determines which individuals are actively seeking employment, otherwise known as the _______ labor market.


To see what human resources are available, an organization determines which individuals are actively seeking employment, otherwise known as the _________ labor market.


organizations internal labor force comes from its

external labor market

True or false: Dylan, who is 21 years old and a college graduate, belongs to the fastest-growing group of workers in the workforce.


True or false: Overall, the general population has a positive perception regarding the ethical conduct of businesses in the United States.


True or false: The ADA definition of disability does NOT include individuals who have a history of a disability, such as someone who has had cancer but is currently in remission.


True or false: The number and kinds of people in the internal work force determine the kinds of human resources available to an organization.


True or false: Under the requirements of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, an employer with 15 or more employees may use genetic information in making decisions related to conditions of work.


True or false: Dylan, who is 21 years old and a college graduate, belongs to the fastest-growing group of workers in the workforce.

false From 2016 to 2026, the fastest-growing age group is expected to be workers 55 and older.

From an organization's perspective, the key to survival in a fast-changing environment is _____.


Alternative work arrangements allow a company to be _____ and change to meet the current needs of the organization.


As technology has caused a shift away from the traditional 40-hour workweek, what is one of the most common ways businesses have compensated employees for the increased stress and intrusion on their free time?

flexible work schedules

Generation Z (Gen Z)

fresh out of college, value individual expression and ongoing dialogue to solve conflicts and improve the world

employee engagement

full involvement in one's work and commitment to one's job and company -is associated with higher productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover

Who does NOT have an alternative work arrangement?

full time employee

All of the following have an alternative work arrangement except ______.

full-time employees

Natalia is a freelance writer. She takes short-term assignments from various publishers in which they pay her to write articles for their publications. She does not work as an employee of any one publisher, but rather as independent contractor. Natalia is part of the ______ economy.


The ______ represents situations in which companies rely primarily on alternative work arrangements to meet service and product demands.

gig economy

Civil Rights Act of 1866 and 1871

grants all persons equal property rights, contract rights, and the right to sue in federal court if they have been deprived of civil rights

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026 the labor force in the United States is expected to

grow somewhat

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2028 the labor force in the United States is expected to ______.

grow somewhat

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026 the labor force in the United States is expected to

grow somewhat.

It is predicted that service jobs will have the highest growth rate between 2016-2026, especially those associated with _____.

health care

Over the past few years, employee benefit costs have become particularly relevant to HR managers in the area of _____.

health insurance

Which of the following are associated with employee engagement? (Select all that apply) higher productivity low self-esteem better customer service low turnover rate

higher productivity better customer service low turnover rate

What name is given to a computer system that is used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information related to an organization's human resources?

human resource information system (HRIS

What name is given to a computer system that is used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information related to an organization's human resources?

human resource information system (HRIS)

When a company attempts to determine what type of employees it needs to meet its objectives as well as the number of employees it will need, it is in the process of _________ _________ _________

human, resource, planning

Foreigners who have entered the United States without following the legal requirements for immigration or asylum are called undocumented or ______ immigrants


Foreigners who have entered the United States without following the legal requirements for immigration or asylum are called undocumented or _________ immigrants.


Foreigners who have entered the United States without following the legal requirements for immigration or asylum are called undocumented or immigrants.


one important source of racial and ethnic diversity is


The use of contingent workers has been _________(increasing/decreasing) recently.


External Labor Force

individuals who are actively seeking employment

External Labor Market Def

individuals who are actively seeking employment

Devin works as a sales associate for a retail store. Devin would be considered part of the store's ______ , labor force. (Enter one word in the blank.)


Devin works as a sales associate for a retail store. Devin would be considered part of the store's _______ labor force.


An organization's employees as well as individuals who have contracts to work at the organization are the

internal labor force

Given the increasing use of computers to do routine tasks, which employee skill is most likely to be actively sought by U.S. employers today?

interpersonal skills

Kaleb works at Growing Green, an environmentally conscious clothing company. He works as a social media analyst, primarily focusing on understanding the tastes and needs of the customers. He achieves this by regularly interacting with customers through various promotional activities and events through social media sites, and then building databases that help the company better develop eco-friendly articles of clothing that appeal to their client base. This implies that Kaleb

is a knowledge worker.


is the assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product, or provide a service


its plan for meeting broad goals such as profitability, quality and market share

Which term refers to the intentional practice of changing jobs frequently?

job hopping

Many U.S. employers in such fields as construction and farming hire immigrant workers to

keep the company's costs low.

Many U.S. employers in such fields as construction and farming hire immigrant workers to

keep the companys cost low

Suhindra has a degree in computer science with a specialty in networking. His possession of specialized information makes him a(n) ______.

knowledge worker

Employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, or a profession are known as ______.

knowledge workers

The Occupational Safety and Health Act divided enforcement responsibilities between the Department of Labor and the Department of Health. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is housed within the Department of ____________


The term used to refer to all the people willing and able to work is ____ force


What is the term for all of the people who are willing to work and are able to?

labor force

is the term for people who want to work and are able to work.

labor force

The government forecasts a 5.5% increase in the labor force between 2018 and 2028, which is _____ the increase experienced at the end of the 1990s.

less than

The government forecasts a 6.6% increase in the labor force between 2016 and 2026, which is _____ the increase experienced at the end of the 1990s.

less than

The government forecasts a 6.6% increase in the labor force between 2016 and 2026, which is _____ the increase experienced at the end of the 1990s.

less than The increase between 1996 and 2006 was 13.1%.

An intranet provides a solution to the privacy issue associated with e-HRM because it _____.

limits access to authorized users

What is the most common reason why U.S. organizations hire employees in foreign countries?

low cost of labor in foreign countries

Target populations of fixing the skills shortage

low skilled, underutilized, ex-cons, long term unemployed, interns/trainees, disabled

Select all that apply Which of the following are associated with employee engagement? (Select all that apply)

low turnover rate better customer service higher productivity

Which of the following are associated with employee engagement? (Select all that apply)

low turnover rate higher productivity better customer service

Work teams often assume many activities traditionally reserved for _____


Work teams often assume many activities traditionally reserved for _____.


More employers are looking for

mathematical, verbal and interpersonal skills such as the ability to solve math or other problems or reach decisions as part of a team. Often when organizations are looking for technical skills they are looking for skills related to computers and using the interent

Alternative Work Arrangements

methods of staffing other than the traditional hiring of full-time employees (for example, use of independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and contract company workers)

By 2016 the number of manufacturing jobs being reshored in the United States was _____ the number of jobs being offshored.

more than

Disparate impact

occurs when policies, practices, rules or other systems that appear to be neutral result in a disproportionate impact on a protected group.

Clarice's U.S.-based company built a manufacturing facility in India and hired only employees from India to work there. This demonstrates the idea of _____.


Sara's U.S.-based company built a manufacturing facility in India and hired only employees from India to work there. This demonstrates the idea of _____.


The practice of a U.S. company hiring local employees to work at a facility in a foreign country rather than sending U.S. employees is called


The practice of a U.S. company hiring local employees to work at a facility in a foreign country rather than sending U.S. employees is called _____


The practice of a U.S. company hiring local employees to work at a facility in a foreign country rather than sending U.S. employees is called _______________


Inside Auto, an automobile parts manufacturer, is headquartered in South Carolina. The firm is shifting its operations from South Carolina to India due to lower labor costs and the availability of required skills in India. This scenario indicates that Inside Auto is engaging in the practice of



one company buying another

What is an acquisition?

one company buys another

In terms of work characteristics, Baby Boomers on the whole tend to value _____.

opportunities for learning

HR management can support strategic efforts to control costs through downsizing, reengineering, and _____.


Matt uses a vendor to provide all of the buttons for his clothing production facility rather than trying to produce buttons himself. Using this vendor is an example of _____.


The practice of having another company provide services is called _____.


What technique uses computers to analyze large quantities of data and help human resource managers make decisions?

people analytics

Companies that use human resource information systems (HRIS) must take particular care regarding what issue?


Nici knows that her employer expects her to take a bigger role in the company now that she has been promoted to assistant manager. He hasn't said anything to her directly, but her advancement tells her that's what she must do. This demonstrates the idea of a _____ contract.


A description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and what the employer will provide in exchange for those contributions is called a(n) _____.

psychological contact The correct answer is not a written sales contract, but a set of unwritten expectations.

A description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and what the employer will provide in exchange for those contributions is called a(n) _____.

psychological contract

A complete review of an organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality is called


A complete review of an organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality is called _________.


A complete review of an organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality is called ___________


Reviewing an organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient is called _____.



reestablishing operations back in the country where a company is headquartered due to quality and flexibility concerns


refers to the practice of having another company provide services

Among the trends that are occurring in todays high performance work systems are

reliance on knowledge workers, empowerment of employees to make decisions and use of team work

The reestablishment of work operations of U.S. companies in the United States is called ______.


As a result of the current age-related trends in the United States job market, by 2026 it is likely that human resource professionals will spend much of their time on issues related to


Select all that apply Often reengineering results in employees being _____.

retrained laid off reassigned to new jobs

A __________-________-__________ law requires employers to provide employees with information regarding health risks associated with exposure to possibly hazardous materials.

right, to, know

___________ is the part of the recruitment process by which the organization attempts to identify applicants with knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that will help the organization achieve its goals.


What two-word term describes when employees have online access to information about HR issues _____-_____?

self service

What two-word term describes when employees have online access to information about HR issues _________________ _____________________

self service

What two-word term describes when employees have online access to information about HR issues ___________-_________

self, service

Anya can access her available vacation days and the amount of money she has paid in taxes this year through the employee portal on her computer. She doesn't have to ask an HR employee for this information. This demonstrates how employee records have become ______ through the use of technology.


Karen can access her available vacation days and the amount of money she has paid in taxes this year through the employee portal on her computer. She doesn't have to ask an HR employee for this information. This demonstrates how employee records have become ______ through the use of technology.


What two-word term describes when employees have online access to information about HR issues


Over the next decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts most jobs will be in _____.

service occupants

Over the next decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts most jobs will be in _____.

service occupations

The bureau of labor statistics forecasts that between 2018-2028 most new jobs will be in

service occupations, especially health care

The growth in e-commerce and the information economy has led to an increase in the demand for employees in

service occupations.

mergers and acquisitions

standardization:consistent structures and practice for compensation and benefits for example will be important to align the organizations and employees conflict resolution:corporate practices and the culture between two organizations will differ requiring HR to provide conflict resolution training

HR professionals are

strategic partners with other managers

Traditionally, human resource management was seen as an administrative function, while today more companies are looking at HRM to support a company's ______.


The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has identified nine categories of skills associated with success that it calls HR __________ competencies.


As the human resource manager, Garrett has been asked to find three new marketing employees who can help the company define its social media presence. Which function is Garrett involved in?

supporting company strategy


system in which employees have online access to information about HR issues and go online to enroll themselves in programs and provide feedback through surveys

Once the human resource needs of a firm have been identified, the firm can concentrate on _______ _________ , which is a systematic, planned effort to attract, retain, develop, and motivate employees and managers.

talent, managment

virtual teams

teams that rely on communications technology such as videoconferences, e-mail, and cell phones to keep in touch and coordinate activities

The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills is called _____.


The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product or provide a service is called _____.


artifical intelligence (AI)

technology that simulates human thinking

Generation X (1965-1980)

tend to be pragmatic and cynical and they have well-developed self management skills

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

tend to value unexpected rewards, opportunities for learning and time with managment

Why might a company experience negative stock returns and lower profitability after laying off some of its highest-paid salespeople?

the average sale per employee will decrease

Equal Employment Opportunity

the condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin (The Federal government's efforts include constitutional amendments, legislation, and executive orders)

Job Analysis

the process of getting detailed information about jobs

labor force

the total number of workers, including both the employed and the unemployed

A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____.

total quality management

A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____.

total quality management (TQM)

In addition to training, a company might offer a ___________ program to help employees acquire knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve their ability to perform their jobs.


___________ is an effort by an organization to help employees acquire skills, behavior, and knowledge for a specific job.


If an organization wanted to provide a way for employees to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities, it would provide for employee __________ and __________

training, development

Select all that apply HRM should have a significant role in a merger or acquisition in the areas of

training. compensation. performance appraisals.

Disparate (impact/treatment) must be proven in court by showing that the employer intended the action.


True or false: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, since 1990 the rate of injuries and illnesses in the workplace has shown a steady downward trend.


True or false: Immigration is one important source of racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. work force.


True or false: Pay and benefits play an important role in motivating employees.


True or false: Under the Equal Pay Act of 1963, men and women must be paid the same amount if they do equal work.



two companies becoming one

Foreign-born workers in the United States who have arrived in this country without meeting the legal requirements for immigration or asylum are called ______.

undocumented immigrants

foreign-born workers in arrived in this country without legal requirements for immigration or asylum. These individuals known as

undocumented or illegal immigrants

Disparate (Adverse) Impact

unintentional discrimination

What has contributed to a shift in the type of skills needed for employees in the U.S. economy?

use of computers to do routine tasks

A ________ team uses videoconferencing and e-mail to keep in touch with each other, rather than speaking face-to-face.


A __________ team uses videoconferencing and e-mail to keep in touch with each other, rather than speaking face-to-face.


Groups of employees who rely on communications technology to keep in touch and coordinate activities are called _____.

virtual teams

An organization involved in reengineering will conduct a complete review of its ______ in order to improve organizational efficiency.

work processes

What is expected to be the fastest-growing age group in the labor force in the next decade?

workers 55 and older

H R M must support company's strategy by:

• Aligning policies and practices with company goals • Supporting company decisions through quality improvement programs, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, reengineering, outsourcing, and international expansion.

Internal Labor Force

• An organization's workers includes its employees and people who have contracts to work at the organization. • Internal labor force has been drawn from the external labor market.

Employee Empowerment

• Employees are allowed to make more decisions; they share in resulting losses and rewards. • Leads to more innovation and sharing of ideas. • H R M practices such as performance management, training, work design, and compensation should be considered. • Employee engagement leads to higher productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover. • Shifts the recruiting focus away from technical skills and toward general cognitive and interpersonal skills.

International Assignments

• Expatriates .• HR must select expatriates carefully and help prepare them to work internationally. • Good candidates understand and respect the cultural and business norms of the host country, while having language skills and technical ability.


• Gives company access to in-depth expertise. • Is often more economical. • HR helps with the transition to outsourcing, and many HR functions are also outsourced.

Declining Union Membership

• Has been declining since 19 80s. • Consistent with individual workers taking responsibility for own careers.

HR Information Systems

• Improve accuracy and efficiency. • Support strategic and day-to-day decision making. • Help avoid lawsuits.• Provide data for evaluating programs or policies. • Cloud computing expands use of HRIS. • Organization can set up an intranet to protect information.


• Increases employee responsibility and control. • Virtual teams rely on communications technology to keep in touch and coordinate activities. • Can motivate employees by making work more interesting and significant, and may lower labor costs. • Being agile involves weaving the development process into the organization's activities and strategies.

External Labor Market

• Individuals who are actively seeking employment • Number and kinds of people in external labor market determine kinds of human resources available to an organization.

Mergers and Acquisitions

• Mergers: two companies become one. • Acquisitions: one company buys another. • HR must be involved in resolving inevitable conflicts between companies' practices.

Trends in high-performance work systems:

• Reliance on knowledge workers. • Empowerment of employees to make decisions. • Use of teamwork.

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