Chapter 21: Postpartum Complications

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11. Which condition is considered a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment? a. Inversion of the uterus b. Hypotonic uterus c. ITP d. Uterine atony

ANS: A Inversion of the uterus is likely to lead to hypovolemic shock and therefore is considered a medical emergency. Although hypotonic uterus, ITP, and uterine atony are serious conditions, they are not necessarily medical emergencies that require immediate treatment.

PERRY 3. The perinatal nurse caring for the after birth woman understands that late postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is most likely caused by: a. subinvolution of the placental site. b. defective vascularity of the decidua. c. cervical lacerations. d. coagulation disorders.

ANS: A Late PPH may be the result of subinvolution of the uterus, pelvic infection, or retained placental fragments. Late PPH is not typically a result of defective vascularity of the decidua, cervical lacerations, or coagulation disorders.

3. What is the most common reason for late postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)? a. Subinvolution of the uterus b. Defective vascularity of the decidua c. Cervical lacerations d. Coagulation disorders

ANS: A Late PPH may be the result of subinvolution of the uterus. Recognized causes of subinvolution include retained placental fragments and pelvic infection. Although defective vascularity, cervical lacerations, and coagulation disorders of the decidua may also cause PPH, late PPH typically results from subinvolution of the uterus, pelvic infection, or retained placental fragments.

18. Early after birth hemorrhage is defined as a blood loss greater than: a. 500 mL in the first 24 hours after vaginal delivery. b. 750 mL in the first 24 hours after vaginal delivery. c. 1000 mL in the first 48 hours after cesarean delivery. d. 1500 mL in the first 48 hours after cesarean delivery.

ANS: A The average amount of bleeding after a vaginal birth is 500 mL. Blood loss after a cesarean birth averages 1000 mL. Early after birth hemorrhage occurs in the first 24 hours, not 48 hours. Late after birth hemorrhage is 48 hours and later.

LOWDERMILK 1. A perinatal nurse is caring for a woman in the immediate postbirth period. Assessment reveals that the client is experiencing profuse bleeding. What is the most likely cause for this bleeding? a. Uterine atony b. Uterine inversion c. Vaginal hematoma d. Vaginal laceration

ANS: A Uterine atony is significant hypotonia of the uterus and is the leading cause of postpartum hemorrhage. Uterine inversion may lead to hemorrhage; however, it is not the most likely source of this client's bleeding. Further, if the woman were experiencing a uterine inversion, it would be evidenced by the presence of a large, red, rounded mass protruding from the introitus. A vaginal hematoma may be associated with hemorrhage. However, the most likely clinical finding for vaginal hematoma is pain, not the presence of profuse bleeding. A vaginal laceration should be suspected if vaginal bleeding continues in the presence of a firm, contracted uterine fundus.

1. Which medications are used to manage PPH? (Select all that apply.) a. Oxytocin b. Methergine c. Terbutaline d. Hemabate e. Magnesium sulfate

ANS: A, B, D Oxytocin, Methergine, and Hemabate are medications used to manage PPH. Terbutaline and magnesium sulfate are tocolytic medications that are used to relax the uterus, which would cause or worsen PPH.

2. Lacerations of the cervix, vagina, or perineum are also causes of PPH. Which factors influence the causes and incidence of obstetric lacerations of the lower genital tract? (Select all that apply.) a. Operative and precipitate births b. Adherent retained placenta c. Abnormal presentation of the fetus d. Congenital abnormalities of the maternal soft tissue e. Previous scarring from infection

ANS: A, C, D, E Abnormal adherence of the placenta occurs for unknown reasons. Attempts to remove the placenta in the usual manner can be unsuccessful, and lacerations or a perforation of the uterine wall may result. However, attempts to remove the placenta do not influence lower genital tract lacerations. Lacerations of the perineum are the most common of all lower genital tract injuries and often occur with both precipitate and operative births and are classified as first-, second-, third-, and fourth-degree lacerations. An abnormal presentation or position of the fetus, the relative size of the presenting part, and the birth canal may contribute to lacerations of the lower genital tract. Congenital abnormalities, previous scarring from infection or injury, and a contracted pelvis may also influence injury to the lower genital tract, followed by hemorrhage.

21. Which instruction should be included in the discharge teaching plan to assist the patient in recognizing early signs of complications? a. Palpate the fundus daily to ensure that it is soft. b. Notify the physician of any increase in the amount of lochia or a return to bright red bleeding. c. Report any decrease in the amount of brownish red lochia. d. The passage of clots as large as an orange can be expected.

ANS: B An increase in lochia or a return to bright red bleeding after the lochia has become pink indicates a complication. The fundus should stay firm. The lochia should decrease in amount over time. Large clots after discharge are a sign of complications and should be reported.

19. A woman delivered a 9-lb, 10-ounce baby 1 hour ago. When you arrive to perform her 15-minute assessment, she tells you that she "feels all wet underneath." You discover that both pads are completely saturated and that she is lying in a 6-inch-diameter puddle of blood. What is your first action? a. Call for help. b. Assess the fundus for firmness. c. Take her blood pressure. d. Check the perineum for lacerations.

ANS: B Firmness of the uterus is necessary to control bleeding from the placental site. The nurse should first assess for firmness and massage the fundus as indicated. Assessing blood pressure is an important assessment with a bleeding patient; however, the top priority is to control the bleeding. If bleeding continues in the presence of a firm fundus, lacerations may be the cause.

4. Which client is at greatest risk for early PPH? a. Primiparous woman (G 2, P 1-0-0-1) being prepared for an emergency cesarean birth for fetal distress b. Woman with severe preeclampsia on magnesium sulfate whose labor is being induced c. Multiparous woman (G 3, P 2-0-0-2) with an 8-hour labor d. Primigravida in spontaneous labor with preterm twins

ANS: B Magnesium sulfate administration during labor poses a risk for PPH. Magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant, thereby contributing to uterine relaxation and atony. A primiparous woman being prepared for an emergency cesarean birth for fetal distress, a multiparous woman with an 8-hour labor, and a primigravida in spontaneous labor with preterm twins do not indicate risk factors or causes of early PPH.

4. Which woman is at greatest risk for early postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)? a. A primiparous woman (G 2 P 1 0 0 1) being prepared for an emergency cesarean birth for fetal distress. b. A woman with severe preeclampsia who is receiving magnesium sulfate and whose labor is being induced. c. A multiparous woman (G 3 P 2 0 0 2) with an 8-hour labor. d. A primigravida in spontaneous labor with preterm twins.

ANS: B Magnesium sulfate administration during labor poses a risk for PPH. Magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant, thereby contributing to uterine relaxation and atony. Although many causes and risk factors are associated with PPH, the primiparous woman being prepared for an emergency C-section, the multiparous woman with 8-hour labor, and the primigravida in spontaneous labor do not pose risk factors or causes of early PPH.

2. What is the primary nursing responsibility when caring for a client who is experiencing an obstetric hemorrhage associated with uterine atony? a. Establishing venous access b. Performing fundal massage c. Preparing the woman for surgical intervention d. Catheterizing the bladder

ANS: B The initial management of excessive postpartum bleeding is a firm massage of the uterine fundus. Although establishing venous access may be a necessary intervention, fundal massage is the initial intervention. The woman may need surgical intervention to treat her postpartum hemorrhage, but the initial nursing intervention is to assess the uterus. After uterine massage, the nurse may want to catheterize the client to eliminate any bladder distention that may be preventing the uterus from properly contracting.

13. What would a steady trickle of bright red blood from the vagina in the presence of a firm fundus suggest to the nurse? a. Uterine atony b. Lacerations of the genital tract c. Perineal hematoma d. Infection of the uterus

ANS: B Undetected lacerations will bleed slowly and continuously. Bleeding from lacerations is uncontrolled by uterine contraction. The fundus is not firm in the presence of uterine atony. A hematoma would develop internally. Swelling and discoloration would be noticeable; however, bright bleeding would not be. With an infection of the uterus, an odor to the lochia and systemic symptoms such as fever and malaise would be present.

12. Which is the initial treatment for the client with vWD who experiences a PPH? a. Cryoprecipitate b. Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWf) c. Desmopressin d. Hemabate

ANS: C Desmopressin is the primary treatment of choice for vWD and can be administered orally, nasally, and intravenously. This medication promotes the release of factor VIII and vWf from storage. Cryoprecipitate may be used; however, because of the risk of possible donor viruses, other modalities are considered safer. Treatment with plasma products such as factor VIII and vWf is an acceptable option for this client. Because of the repeated exposure to donor blood products and possible viruses, this modality is not the initial treatment of choice. Although the administration of the prostaglandin, Hemabate, is known to promote contraction of the uterus during PPH, it is not effective for the client who has a bleeding disorder.

24. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders that affect women. While providing care to the maternity patient, the nurse should be aware that one of these disorders is likely to be triggered by the process of labor and birth. This disorder is: a. phobias. b. panic disorder. c. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). d. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

ANS: C In PTSD, women perceive childbirth as a traumatic event. They have nightmares and flashbacks about the event, anxiety, and avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event. Phobias are irrational fears that may lead a person to avoid certain objects, events, or situations. Panic disorders include episodes of intense apprehension, fear, and terror. Symptoms may manifest themselves as palpitations, chest pain, choking, or smothering. OCD symptoms include recurrent, persistent, and intrusive thoughts. The mother may repeatedly check and recheck her infant once he or she is born, even though she realizes that this is irrational. OCD is best treated with medications.

11. What infection is contracted mostly by first-time mothers who are breastfeeding? a. Endometritis b. Wound infections c. Mastitis d. Urinary tract infections

ANS: C Mastitis is infection in a breast, usually confined to a milk duct. Most women who suffer this are primiparas who are breastfeeding.

14. To provide adequate after birth care, the nurse should be aware that postpartum depression (PPD) without psychotic features: a. means that the woman is experiencing the baby blues. In addition she has a visit with a counselor or psychologist. b. is more common among older, Caucasian women because they have higher expectations. c. is distinguished by irritability, severe anxiety, and panic attacks. d. will disappear on its own without outside help.

ANS: C PPD is also characterized by spontaneous crying long after the usual duration of the baby blues. PPD, even without psychotic features, is more serious and persistent than after birth baby blues. It is more common among younger mothers and African-American mothers. Most women need professional help to get through PPD, including pharmacologic intervention.

9. A woman who has recently given birth complains of pain and tenderness in her leg. On physical examination, the nurse notices warmth and redness over an enlarged, hardened area. Which condition should the nurse suspect, and how will it be confirmed? a. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); asking for laboratory tests b. von Willebrand disease (vWD); noting whether bleeding times have been extended c. Thrombophlebitis; using real-time and color Doppler ultrasound d. Idiopathic or immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP); drawing blood for laboratory analysis

ANS: C Pain and tenderness in the extremities, which show warmth, redness, and hardness, is likely thrombophlebitis. A Doppler ultrasound examination is a common noninvasive way to confirm the diagnosis. A diagnosis of DIC is made according to clinical findings and laboratory markers. With DIC, a physical examination will reveal symptoms that may include unusual bleeding, petechiae around a blood pressure cuff on the woman's arm, and/or excessive bleeding from the site of a slight trauma such as a venipuncture site. Symptoms of vWD, a type of hemophilia, include recurrent bleeding episodes, prolonged bleeding time, and factor VIII deficiency. A risk for PPH exists with vWD but does not exhibit a warm or reddened area in an extremity. ITP is an autoimmune disorder in which the life span of antiplatelet antibodies is decreased. Increased bleeding time is a diagnostic finding, and the risk of postpartum uterine bleeding is increased.

17. Complicated bereavement: a. occurs when, in multiple births, one child dies, and the other or others live. b. is a state in which the parents are ambivalent, as with an abortion. c. is an extremely intense grief reaction that persists for a long time. d. is felt by the family of adolescent mothers who lose their babies.

ANS: C Parents showing signs of complicated grief should be referred for counseling. Multiple births in which not all the babies survive creates a complicated parenting situation, but this is not complicated bereavement. Abortion can generate complicated emotional responses, but they do not constitute complicated bereavement. Families of lost adolescent pregnancies may have to deal with complicated issues, but this is not complicated bereavement.

6. The most effective and least expensive treatment of puerperal infection is prevention. What is the most important strategy for the nurse to adopt? a. Large doses of vitamin C during pregnancy b. Prophylactic antibiotics c. Strict aseptic technique, including hand washing, by all health care personnel d. Limited protein and fat intake

ANS: C Strict adherence by all health care personnel to aseptic techniques during childbirth and the postpartum period is extremely important and the least expensive measure to prevent infection. Good nutrition to control anemia is a preventive measure. Increased iron intake assists in preventing anemia. Antibiotics may be administered to manage infections; they are not a cost-effective measure to prevent postpartum infection. Limiting protein and fat intake does not help prevent anemia or prevent infection.

5. The first and most important nursing intervention when a nurse observes profuse after birth bleeding is to: a. call the woman's primary health care provider. b. administer the standing order for an oxytocic. c. palpate the uterus and massage it if it is boggy. d. assess maternal blood pressure and pulse for signs of hypovolemic shock.

ANS: C The initial management of excessive after birth bleeding is firm massage of the uterine fundus. Although calling the health care provider, administering an oxytocic, and assessing maternal BP are appropriate interventions, the primary intervention should be to assess the uterus. Uterine atony is the leading cause of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

13. When a woman is diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD) with psychotic features, one of the main concerns is that she may: a. have outbursts of anger. b. neglect her hygiene. c. harm her infant. d. lose interest in her husband.

ANS: C Thoughts of harm to oneself' or the infant are among the most serious symptoms of PPD and require immediate assessment and intervention. Although outbursts of anger, hygiene neglect, and loss of interest in her husband are attributable to PPD, the major concern would be the potential to harm herself or her infant.

23. Which condition is a transient, self-limiting mood disorder that affects new mothers after childbirth? a. After birth depression b. After birth psychosis c. After birth bipolar disorder d. After birth blues

ANS: D After birth blues or "baby blues" is a transient self-limiting disease that is believed to be related to hormonal fluctuations after childbirth. After birth depression is not the normal worries (blues) that many new mothers experience. Many caregivers believe that after birth depression is underdiagnosed and underreported. After birth psychosis is a rare condition that usually surfaces within 3 weeks of delivery. Hospitalization of the woman is usually necessary for treatment of this disorder. Bipolar disorder is one of the two categories of after birth psychosis, characterized by both manic and depressive episodes.

14. If nonsurgical treatment for late PPH is ineffective, which surgical procedure would be appropriate to correct the cause of this condition? a. Hysterectomy b. Laparoscopy c. Laparotomy d. Dilation and curettage (D&C)

ANS: D D&C allows the examination of the uterine contents and the removal of any retained placental fragments or blood clots. Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and is not the appropriate treatment for late PPH. A laparoscopy is the insertion of an endoscope through the abdominal wall to examine the peritoneal cavity, but it, too, is not the appropriate treatment for this condition. A laparotomy is the surgical incision into the peritoneal cavity to explore it but is also not the appropriate treatment for late PPH.

8. Nurses need to understand the basic definitions and incidence data regarding PPH. Which statement regarding this condition is most accurate? a. PPH is easy to recognize early; after all, the woman is bleeding. b. Traditionally, it takes more than 1000 ml of blood after vaginal birth and 2500 ml after cesarean birth to define the condition as PPH. c. If anything, nurses and physicians tend to overestimate the amount of blood loss. d. Traditionally, PPH has been classified as early PPH or late PPH with respect to birth.

ANS: D Early PPH is also known as primary, or acute, PPH; late PPH is known as secondary PPH. Unfortunately, PPH can occur with little warning and is often recognized only after the mother has profound symptoms. Traditionally, a 500-ml blood loss after a vaginal birth and a 1000-ml blood loss after a cesarean birth constitute PPH. Medical personnel tend to underestimate blood loss by as much as 50% in their subjective observations.

5. The nurse suspects that her postpartum client is experiencing hemorrhagic shock. Which observation indicates or would confirm this diagnosis? a. Absence of cyanosis in the buccal mucosa b. Cool, dry skin c. Calm mental status d. Urinary output of at least 30 ml/hr

ANS: D Hemorrhage may result in hemorrhagic shock. Shock is an emergency situation during which the perfusion of body organs may become severely compromised, and death may occur. The presence of adequate urinary output indicates adequate tissue perfusion. The assessment of the buccal mucosa for cyanosis can be subjective. The presence of cool, pale, clammy skin is associated with hemorrhagic shock. Hemorrhagic shock is associated with lethargy, not restlessness.

6. When caring for an after birth woman experiencing hemorrhagic shock, the nurse recognizes that the most objective and least invasive assessment of adequate organ perfusion and oxygenation is: a. absence of cyanosis in the buccal mucosa. b. cool, dry skin. c. diminished restlessness. d. urinary output of at least 30 mL/hr.

ANS: D Hemorrhage may result in hemorrhagic shock. Shock is an emergency situation in which the perfusion of body organs may become severely compromised and death may occur. The presence of adequate urinary output indicates adequate tissue perfusion. The assessment of the buccal mucosa for cyanosis can be subjective. The presence of cool, pale, clammy skin would be an indicative finding associated with hemorrhagic shock. Hemorrhagic shock is associated with lethargy, not restlessness.

15. To provide adequate after birth care, the nurse should be aware that postpartum depression (PPD) with psychotic features: a. is more likely to occur in women with more than two children. b. is rarely delusional and then is usually about someone trying to harm her (the mother). c. although serious, is not likely to need psychiatric hospitalization. d. may include bipolar disorder (formerly called "manic depression").

ANS: D Manic mood swings are possible. PPD is more likely to occur in first-time mothers. Delusions may be present in 50% of women with PPD, usually about something being wrong with the infant. PPD with psychosis is a psychiatric emergency that requires hospitalization.

10. Which classification of placental separation is not recognized as an abnormal adherence pattern? a. Placenta accreta b. Placenta increta c. Placenta percreta d. Placenta abruptio

ANS: D Placenta abruptio is premature separation of the placenta as opposed to partial or complete adherence. This classification occurs between the 20th week of gestation and delivery in the area of the decidua basalis. Symptoms include localized pain and bleeding. Placenta accreta is a recognized degree of attachment. With placenta accreta, the trophoblast slightly penetrates into the myometrium. Placenta increta is a recognized degree of attachment that results in deep penetration of the myometrium. Placenta percreta is the most severe degree of placental penetration that results in deep penetration of the myometrium. Bleeding with complete placental attachment occurs only when separation of the placenta is attempted after delivery. Treatment includes blood component therapy and, in extreme cases, hysterectomy may be necessary.

7. What is one of the initial signs and symptoms of puerperal infection in the postpartum client? a. Fatigue continuing for longer than 1 week b. Pain with voiding c. Profuse vaginal lochia with ambulation d. Temperature of 38° C (100.4° F) or higher on 2 successive days

ANS: D Postpartum or puerperal infection is any clinical infection of the genital canal that occurs within 28 days after miscarriage, induced abortion, or childbirth. The definition used in the United States continues to be the presence of a fever of 38° C (100.4° F) or higher on 2 successive days of the first 10 postpartum days, starting 24 hours after birth. Fatigue is a late finding associated with infection. Pain with voiding may indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI), but it is not typically one of the earlier symptoms of infection. Profuse lochia may be associated with endometritis, but it is not the first symptom associated with infection.

16. With shortened hospital stays, new mothers are often discharged before they begin to experience symptoms of the baby blues or after birth depression. As part of the discharge teaching, the nurse can prepare the mother for this adjustment to her new role by instructing her regarding self-care activities to help prevent after birth depression. The most accurate statement as related to these activities is to: a. stay home and avoid outside activities to ensure adequate rest. b. be certain that you are the only caregiver for your baby to facilitate infant attachment. c. keep feelings of sadness and adjustment to your new role to yourself. d. realize that this is a common occurrence that affects many women.

ANS: D Should the new mother experience symptoms of the baby blues, it is important that she be aware that this is nothing to be ashamed of. Up to 80% of women experience this type of mild depression after the birth of their infant. Although it is important for the mother to obtain enough rest, she should not distance herself from family and friends. Her spouse or partner can communicate the best visiting times so the new mother can obtain adequate rest. It is also important that she does not isolate herself at home during this time of role adjustment. Even if breastfeeding, other family members can participate in the infant's care. If depression occurs, the symptoms can often interfere with mothering functions, and this support will be essential. The new mother should share her feelings with someone else. It is also important that she not overcommit herself or think she has to be "superwoman." A telephone call to the hospital warm line may provide reassurance with lactation issues and other infant care questions. Should symptoms continue, a referral to a professional therapist may be necessary.

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