chapter 22 quiz

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Building on the philosophical assumption of the material state of nature, the so-called physiocrats argued that freedom and equality should be the standard economic principles and that the state should adopt a _________, or "hands-off", policy in that regard.


________ published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776.

Adam Smith

The machine accepted by the French Assembly for use in executions was designed by:

Antoine Louis

Toussaint Louverture, a grandson of a vassal king in ________, had obtained his freedom in the 1770s.


The successor of Louis XVIII of France, ________, took the extreme course of restoring the property of the aristocracy lost during the Revolution.

Charles X

In retaliation for the defiant actions in Boston Harbor, Britain imposed the so-called _________, also known as the "Intolerable Acts" in colonial North America, which put Massachusetts into effective bankruptcy.

Coercive Acts

_____________ invented a machine which could behead a victim "painlessly", and he later changed his own name to elude association with its use.

Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin

Denis Diderot's most important contribution to the Enlightenment was to assemble all the latest scientific and philosophical thinking into the ________.


The most systematic of the so-called idealist philosophers in Germany, ________ asserted that all thought proceeded dialectically from the "transcendental ego" to matter and from there to the spiritualized synthesis of nature.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The revolution in ________ is clearly the one that realized the Enlightenment principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity most fully.


After achieving independence, the ________ elevated their spoken language, Kreyòl, into their national identity.


In contrast to Rousseau's traditional Christian ethics, ________ sought to build morality on transcendent reason and thus came to the conclusion that his morality had to be erected on the basis of the categorical imperative.

Immanuel Kant

In Tippecanoe, a newly founded town in ________, thousands of Tecumseh's followers from a variety of Native American nations came together, but they suffered a defeat at the hands of US troops in 1812.


In response to the "Boston Tea Party", Britain closed the harbor, demanded restitution, and passed the so-called Coercive Acts (called the "________ Acts" in the American colonies).


The Congress of Vienna restored the French Bourbon monarchy with the coronation of King _________, the brother of Louis XVI.


The United States faced the vital question of how to incorporate new territory after its war with ________ from 1846 to 1848.


Count Camilo di Cavour, the prime minister of ________, was the politician who did the most to realize Italy's unification.


The nation-state of Italy was not fully unified until it established sovereignty over ________ in 1870.


In the courses of his unification of Germany, Bismarck launched wars against all of the following countries except:


Both the American and French Revolutions were outgrowths of the _________ and the later Enlightenment.

Seven Years' War

After supplying the American colonists with money, arms, and officers, in 1778-1779, in alliance with ________, France declared war on Great Britain.


Regarding the newly independent North American republic, which of the following statements is not accurate?

The Articles of Confederation did not grant enough self-governing power to the individual states

The Pure Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Acts were passed during the presidency of ________.

Theodore Roosevelt

__________ wrote the novel Vanity Fair, a book on bourgeois human foibles and peccadilloes.

William Makepeace Thackeray

In peace negotiations concluding the American War of Independence, France incurred ________, an obligation which it ultimately was unable to meet, thus setting in motion one of the underlying causes for the outbreak of the French Revolution.

exorbitant war debt repayments

Between 1877 and 1914, US Southern state legislatures systematically attacked African-Americans' rights in respect to all of the following except:

federal attempts to integrate schools

The ethnolinguistic version of the Enlightenment inspired by Johann Gottfried Herder was:

given a major boost during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars

In his Social Contract, and to the consternation of French radicals, Jean-Jacques Rousseau espoused the notion that humans _________.

had suffered a steady decline from their "natural" state ever since civilization began and imposed its own external authority on them

Publication of Denis Diderot's Encyclopédie was difficult because:

it was banned as subversive by the Catholic Church and the French monarchy

In an address to the National Assembly on October 10, 1789, Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin argued that:

it would be best to abolish capital punishment altogether

Had it not been for ________, the French government, on the verge of Revolution in 1789, would have been well-financed.

its debt, used to finance the Seven Years' and American Revolutionary Wars

Louverture became emperor of Haiti, renaming Saint-Domingue after:

its supposed original Taíno

Austria's Prime Minister Prince Klemens von Metternich, an opponent of constitutional nationalism, in an effort to reinstitute the right of kings and emperors to rule by divine grace, persuaded the Congress of Vienna to formulate two new principles: _________.

legitimacy and balance of power

Fury resulted from a 1791 decision by the white settler Provincial Assembly in Saint-Domingue to:

not grant citizens rights mulattos whose parents were free

Although affirming the concept that the equality of all "men" was "self-evident," the Declaration of Independence tacitly excluded the _________ of all Americans who were Black slaves and the roughly half who were women, as well as Native Americans.


In its final draft, the Declaration of Independence tacitly excluded the ________ of all Americans who were black slaves.


One of the results of the revolutions of 1848 was:

the election of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte as president of France

The Stamp Act of 1765 paid for:

the quartering of troops in the colonies in order to enforce the new taxes

Among the causes espoused by the Paris Commune of 1871 was:

the separation of church and state and a confiscation of church properties

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