Chapter 26

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Fighting Begins?

Germany faced war on the East from Russia and West on France. Schlieffen plan- German troops to quickly defeat France and then head east to fight Russia. Since Russia is so large it would take them a while to get to their western border. Germany began with a quick strike on France. They had to through Belgium to get to France. Even though it was a neutral state it was between Germany and France. This led Great Britain to declare war on Germany. GB saw Germany's attack on a neutral state as an act of war against them. The two sides were all now in the war. Central Power- Austria-Hungary and Germany. Allied Powers- GB, France, Russia, and Serbia.

After the Revolution?

Lenin wanted to end the war with Germany and he made an agreement which caused Russia to loose a large chunk of it's empire.

The World War I battlefield.

The trenches stretched hundred of miles across Western Europe and the use of poison gas were a result of the deadlock due to the trenches.

Russia in World War I?

The war did help unite many rushed to join the military, altogether they had 6 million soldiers. Russia was not prepared for the expensive and supply of their military. The men had outdated weapons and the leaders were not well trained. Millions of Russians were killed in the early battles of WWI.

The Third Battle of Ypres?

1917 continued to go badly for the Allied Powers Spring of 1917 a failed French offensive caused rebellion among the French soldiers. The British launched the Third attack on Ypres (in Belgium) on the German but still no major break through. By the end of 1917 the front lines were virtually unchanged.

The Soviet Union?

1922 Russian economy began to improve. They were reunited with lands that they had lost in 1917. The new country was call The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic- aka Soviet Union. Communist leadership dominated the government. Lenin died in 1924 without a clear successor which lead to a struggle of control of the Soviet Union.

American Neutrality?

American stayed neutral in the early years of the war. Many people openly supported the allies. President Woodrow Wilson did not want to get involved in a conflict across the Atlantic.

War breaks out?

Austria-Hungary ruled in Bosnia where many Serbs lived and had hoped to be united with Serbia. Franz-Ferdinand the archduke of Austria-Hungary decided to visit Bosnia on June 28 1914. Serbian Gavrilo Princip member of Black Hand- Serbian terrorist group opened fire and killed Franz-Ferdinand and his wife Sophie.

Government Actions?

Changes in industry and economics occurred. Many of the factors began to produce military resources. Citizens preserved food and other goods for military use. Countries began to censor newspaper and the truth out the war and causalities. Caused people to be against the war. Government created propaganda to make the enemy look brutal and the war essential.

The years before the war?

Czar Nicholas II promised reform after the revolution of 1905 but little change came. Marxist group known as the Bolsheviks wanted to change Russia through revolution and with their leader Vladimir Lenin. They used Marxist ideas but varied because they wanted to eventually control Russia. In 1914 the economics crisis was at it worst and Czar Nicholas thought the war would help unite the people under his leadership.

Conditions grow worse?

Czar Nicholas II took command of the Russian army in 1915. He knew little of war strategy or commanding an army. With Nicholas II in charge Russia place in the war grew worse. The Central Powers were able to stop a major Russian offensives, which left the Russian feeling defeated and hopeless. In Russia the people were starving. Czarina Alexandra was left in charge and began to take advice from Grigory Rasputin, which made the people dislike the monarchy even more.


European countries were on the quest to build empires which created rivalries between them. Each wanted to be the largest empire.


Each person in Europe had a strong devotion to their country, national group, or culture. New countries were formed because of it. -Germany -Italy The most visible power struggle was in the Balkan Peninsula. Many ethnic groups wanted to break away from the Ottoman Empire that had ruled them for hundred of years. Serbia was an independent state and wanted to expand it's borders because many Serbs lived throughout the Balkan Peninsula. Austria-Hungary wanted to prevent this from happening. They believed Serbia expanding would cause revolts in A-H a place where many Serbs lived.

Europe on the Brink of War?

Europe was on the brink of war. These tensions were the result of four factors: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.

Differing Allied Codes?

Even though war was easily stopped on the battle fields the countries leaders still had to come to a formal peace agreement. Before the war ended Woodrow Wilson proposed his 14 Points for world peace. Reduction of weapons. The rights of all people to choose their own gov't. Creating an organization in which the world's nations would join together to protect each other aggressors- League of Nations. Most of the Allie countries disagreed with Wilson and all had different plans. French leader, Clemenceau, wanted to punish Germany and make them pay for the damage they caused. GB leader, Lloyd, wanted to punish Germany but he didn't want to weaken them so much that they couldn't help stop Russia from spreading communism. Italian leader, Orlando, wanted to gain more land for his nations but was very much ignored by the other leaders.

The Battle of Verdun?

February-December 1916 The fortress of Verdun was a strong hold and important to the French since the Roman times. Germans thought the French would do whatever it took to defend Verdun. They wanted to kill as many French soldiers as possible. "To bleed the French white". By the end of the campaign 400,000 French had died as did Germans. The stalemate on the Western front continued but it weakened both sides.

Trouble on the Seas?

Germany had a policy called unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany would attack any ship leaving or coming to a British port. Even civilian boats because GB would use civilian boats to transport supplies to the troops. Germany would attack with submarines or "U-boats". Useful war tactic because GB was an island. Germany attack a civilian ship The Lusitania and killed 1,200 people and 120 US citizens. They sunk 2 more ships killing more US citizens. America was angry and Germany agreed to end their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. They feared the US would enter the war. By 1917 Germany realized they had to defeat the British Navy to win the war so they went back on their agreement with the US and began firing at civilian ships.

A New German Offensive?

Germany knew that the US entering the war would drastically change the chances of the Allies winning so they needed to weaken the Allies before US had time to send troops over. With Russia out of the war Germany focused on the west with France and GB. In March 1918 Germany sent all of their troops to the Western Front. Germany made great advances on this campaign and came within 40 miles of the capital of France, Paris. By the end of June Germany lost 800,000 men in this campaign. American arrived in France by the end of June 1918 and discouraged the Germans from advancing further.

The Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forced to pay an enormous amount of money to the war's victims. Germany was forced to take full responsibility for the war. Germany had to limit the size of it's military. Germany had to return conquered land to France and Russia. German land was taken to form the new nation of Poland. Germany's colonies around the world were given to various countries around the world. Germany was humiliated at the terms of the treaty but had no other choice to sign. The Treaty crushed the German economy and created bitterness that would effect German politics and WWII. The Treaty created Wilson's League of Nations. LN main goals were to encourage international cooperation and to keep and maintain peace between nations. LN excluded Germany. However, the US gov't did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles so they did not enter into the League of Nations. Largely weakened the LN in years to come.

Revolution Begins?

In 1916 the people began to revolt and the soldiers and police sympathized. Czar Nicholas the II commanded the Duma (Russian legislature) to disband and they refused. On March 15th 1916 he was forced to abdicate the throne. The revolution that led to the end of the monarch is known as the February Revolution.

Early Battles?

In August 1914 Germany fought GB and France in a series of battles called the Battle of the Frontier. Both sides lost many men. Germany won. While France was fighting Germany in the West Russia attacked Germany in the East in the Battle of Tannenberg. The Germans crushed the Russian invasion. However it distracted the Germany's from fighting in the west and allowed the French some relief and time to regroup to begin their attack on Germany.

Trench Warfare begins?

In September 1914 the Battle of Marne, GB and France succeeded in pushing the Germans back near the eastern border of France. After retreating the German dug trenches (ditched) along the Aisne river and waited for the Allied forces to come. They were able to keep them out because of the trenches. Allied forces dug their own trench. Even though many battles were fought their position did not change because of their trenches. The deadlocked region in northern France became known as the Western Front.

The Gallipoli Campaign?

In late 1914 the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. They controlled an important location. They controlled the Dardanelles which was part of water route between the black sea and the Mediterranean. The Allies used it to ship supplies to the Russians. The Allies wanted to destroy the strong hold the Ottoman Empire had in the Dardanelles. Again this was a failure for the Allies and they lost 200,000 men. However, Ottoman Empire fell because it's subject in the Arabian Peninsula rebelled and the British sent troops over (T.E. Lawrence) to help the rebellion. With his help the Arabs overthrew the Ottoman rule.

German Collapse?

In reality the American intervention during WWI had mostly a psychological impact on the Germans, not a military one. In the 2nd Battle of Marne the Allied powers stopped the German defenses. Once the Americans entered the Allies began winning and making great advances pushing Germany out of France. The Allied powers went on the offensive. With the combined effect of aircrafts, tanks, and new soldiers. Many Germans gave up without a fight knowing that they were now fighting a loosing battle. In October 1918 the Allies broke through the heavily fortified Hindenburg Line. Three well developed and defended systems of trenches. From Arras to Laffaux, near Soissons on the Aisne River. After this break through the German leaders approached the Allies seeking an armistice- a truce. By this time the other Central Powers had admitted defeat. Turkey October 20th 1918. Austria-Hungary Nov 3rd 1918. November 11th 1918 peace terms were agreed upon and the War ended. Eyewitness account.

The Italian Front?

Italy entered the war and joined the Allied Powers. Italy sent troops to the Austria-Hungary Italian borders. There were many battles but Italy made little progress.

The Battle of the Somme?

June - December 1916 British launched an attack on the Germans so they would pull them away from Verdun. They attacked on the Somme River in France. By the end 60,000 British had died. No major breakthroughs. Both side lost many men and were weakened even more.

New Economic Policy?

Many peasant suffered through the civil war and Russia was at the end of economic destruction. Lenin enacted the New Economic Policy in 1921 which allowed some capitalist activities. People were allowed to sell their food for a profit.

Civil War?

Many were unhappy with the agreement the Bolsheviks made with the Germans. The wealthy, political opponents, and many military leaders opposed the Bolsheviks and created the White army to fight the Red army and take back Russia. The White army received outside helped and the war continued on until 1920 when the Bolsheviks won. Many Russian lives were lost.

The Bolshevik Revolution?

Mid-1917 Kerensky lead the Russian army in a final offensive attack against the Central Power and failed miserably. Men in the army began to revolt against their officers and people at home were just as unhappy. In November 1917 the Bolshevik led a revolution to take over the government and won easily. Lenin was in charge and implemented a communist gov't and made owning private land illegal and distrusted the land in Russia to the people.


Most European countries had grown their military in the late 1800's and early 1900's to protect their overseas colonies from other nations. Since most European countries had large armies it made them nervous of one another.

Economic Costs?

Most of the fighting happened in France, Belgium, and Russia and it ruined farmland and their economies. The war cost Europe it's place as a dominate power. US and Japan prospered in Europe's decline.

Women and the War?

Most the men were at war so many of the women went to work. Many of the women worked in the factories to produce goods for the war. Many were nurses and helped the wounded in the war. This changed help begin the view of women in society and the workforce. Also helped women gain the right to vote in many countries.

New Weapons?

Neither side was able to advance with the type of war they were fighting, trench warfare. Poison gas was the new weapon. It choked, burned, and blinded the victims. It killed thousands of men. It was very unpredictable, the winds could change and it could blow back on the side that had dropped it. Both side developed gas masks to protect themselves. Rapid fire machine. Modern industry produced artillery and high explosive shells with enormous destructive power.

Trench Warfare?

Not a new form of warfare. Life in the trenches were terrible. Rain produced muddy unsanitary life style. Hard to remove dead bodies sometimes impossible. Full of lice, rats, and many other creatures. Many times the soldiers were ordered "over the top" which meant to leave their trenches and run to the opposing trenches. This meant running across "no man's land" between the two. Thousands of men died there and were left where they fell.

The impact?

Once Austria-Hungary found out a Serb killed their archduke they declare war on Serbia on July 28th 1914. Even though Princip lived in Bosnia a country ruled by A-H, Russia prepared to fulfill their alliance with Serbia and protect them (just send troops). Russia had an alliance with Serbia because many Serbians lived in Russia. Germany saw Russia's actions against A-H as an act of war. Germany and A-H had an alliance. "blank check". They fulfilled their alliance with Austria-Hungary and declared war on Russia and on Russia's ally; France.

Other fighting?

Other battles were fought across the world in Asia and Africa. Japan declared war on Germany in 1914. As a military agreement with GB. They captured German colonies in China and the Pacific. British and French troops attacked German colonies in Africa. Allied colonies scattered across the world contributed in fighting and supplying the Allied Powers. Many worked as laborers to build supplies. India, Australia, Canada, NZ. Many fought in hopes that they would gain their independence, they soon found out these hopes were in vain.

Other Treaties?

Separate Treaties were made with other Central Power countries and made important changes to Europe. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire was spilt up forming the independent nations of Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Turkey. German territories in Africa and the Pacific Ocean were given to other countries to control. In the Middle East former Ottoman lands were turned into mandates- territories to be ruled by European powers. They were suppose to rule them until they could rule themselves but really they just became colonies. Syria and Lebanon became French mandates. Palestine and Iraq became British mandates. 1917 Britain issued the Balfour Declaration which favored the establishment a Jewish state in Palestine. British created Transjordan from the Palestine Mandate and named Abdullah the first ruler.


So they formed alliances with one another to ease their fears of being attacked. In the late 1800's two alliances were formed Europe. Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy. Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia.

Tanks and Aircraft?

Tanks were engineered by the British and could cross large amounts of land and were significant at the end of the war. Aircraft were useful from the beginning. First it was used to see the enemies positions. Later they attached machine guns and began air warfare. However these advances did not help on the battlefield. The trench warfare kept the war in a deadlock.

The Provisional Government?

The Duma place Aleksandr Kerensky in charge. Most of the people disliked him and his continuation in the war. People were more concerned with their starving families and poor living conditions. The Bolsheviks wanted a fundamental change in gov't based off of Marxist ideals. Vladimir Lenin who had been exiled from Russia for his communist ideals was helped back into the country by Germany who hope he would stir up unrest in the country.

The Zimmermann Notes

The Zimmermann Notes provided the last push the US needed to enter the war. The note was between German diplomat Arthur Zimmermann and Mexico officials in which Germany proposed Mexico attack the US. In return Mexico would gain the US states of TX, AZ, and NM. Which once belonged to them. Germans hoped that an American war with Mexico would keep the US out of the war in Europe. The note was discovered and the American people were angered and calling for war. The America's not only sympathized with the Allied powers cause but they benefited financially from them by selling millions of dollars of war goods to the Allies. April 1917 the US entered the war on the side of the Allied Powers.

Unrest in Colonies?

The colonist who helped fight in the war heard the Allied leaders speak of democracy and freedom and believed they would get their freedom as well. They soon found out that they would not get their freedom and that the Allies just split up the Central Powers colonies amongst themselves.

Political Changes?

WWI caused widespread political upheaval. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Ottoman Empire were overthrown. This would change the world in the years to come.

Thirty nations officially took sides in...

WWI moving it from a war in Europe to an actual World War.

Human Cost?

WWI was one of the most devastating conflicts the world had ever seen. 9 million soldiers died and 7 million civilians. Almost entire generation of men died or were wounded in war. In the spring of 1918 influenza swept across the entire globe. It was able to spread because of the crowded military conditions and the men returning home. 50 million died worldwide.

The Armenian Massacre?

When the Gallipoli campaign went on a different conflict arouse in the Ottoman Empire. Russia launched an attack in the Caucasus mountains. Home to many Armenian's. Armenians were the minority group in the Ottoman Empire because they were of Christian religion and the rest of OE was of practiced Islam. Ottoman Empire accused the Armenians of helping the Russians and they began forcibly removing and killing the Armenians in the area. Many accused the Ottoman Empire of genocide- the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

In 1915 many Allies had...

died and the war was looking bleak for the allied forces

These countries realized that...

to win this new type of war, they need to enact total war, which would use all of societies resources. Governments began to take strong control of their citizens lives

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