Chapter 3 - Hinduism

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All reality is made up of one substance

All things are ultimately Brahman-Atman without any qualifications

All things, all creatues, ultimately phases of That One—"the priest by the altar, the guest in the house"

All-inclusive being or reality

The All-Soul is the very stuff of which the human soul is formed

To ignore the inner self and be content with the natural world would be an act of ignorance that could only result in illusion and suffering

Connected in Upanishads w/ the idea of imperishable atman to produce a doctrine of transmigration of soul from life form to life form, the reincarnation of the atman in a succession of bodies

Practice involved Brahman knower meditating in profound quiet of mind, seeking to know, verily know, be spiritually certain that the internal knower and the external world of sense had alike the same ground of being

Pralaya—period of absolute nullity and repose


Priests Priests were fascinated by and completely absorbed in the process of elaborating and interpreting their rituals, and second, that they regarded these rituals as having not only a compelling but even a creative power, for they caused events to occur at the demand of words and ritual acts alone

Pure actions guarantee emancipation from samsara

Rebirth may occur of a finite period in any of the forms of life

Referred to w/o motion or feeling, impersonal matrix from which the universe has issued and to which it will in time return

Vedic Attitude

best described as ritual or devotional henotheism

Marraige Across the Class Barrier

forbidden, as well as friendly social intimacies


formed the upper strata of a still-fluid social order; below them were the non-Aryans

Southern Fire

half moon shaped—representing the dome of air between earth and heaven


largely mothers, wives, sisters, and lovers

1st, there was a trend toward asceticism (away from activity in the world toward inward activity of the mind and spirit)

2nd, there was a trend away from external ritualism—react against ritualism by finding equivalents, for rites around the altar—in the acts & states of the body and mind of ascetics and sages

Saguna Brahman (Brahman w/ attributes)—can be known & described—he is the Lord God regnant in the heavens who responds to human love and prayer

Salvation is best attained by breaking away from the natural world & from one's sensory and mental experiences in it through mediation

Samsara—the belief in a birth-death-rebirth-re-death cycle of change, not peculiar to India

Self and world are held together in their pure essences, striped of all distortion and illusion

Shifting from altar sacrifices to their equivalents, one continued living in the spirit of the rituals of the Brahmanas, and retain their essence after discarding them in practice

Soul is reborn into another existence that will terminate in due time


Storm spirits


may have been surviving representatives of an earlier fast-declining culture—contained the ideas now embodied in the Hindu doctrines of the Law of Karma and reincarnation.


recent coinage; first used by outside observers looking on at what seemed to them a distinctive religious and cultural complex.

"limitless one" "He awakes this world"

Caste system starting to develop

Castes began to form sub-castes

Class in society w/ the best record of spiritual attainment should be at the top


also necessary in sacrifice—during each ceremony, soma juice was poured into the grass where gods invisibly sat

Mind of India has been at work at this for over four centuries

Only hidden Brahman is utterly real and imperishable

"You who think life is evil and are so distressed by the prospect of ever-recurring rebirths are forgetting something. There is a realm that is eternal and changeless, not at all like this world that is so full of change and decay, of becoming and passing away. You can be liberated into it if you try"

"abandoning the body...freeing the soul"


"holy word" "sacred knowledge" "incantation", Mystic utterance

"one reaps, what one sows"

Rig Veda

"the Veda of stanzas of praise" Anthology of religious poetry in ten books containing over 1,000 hymns and reflecting the religious devotion. Earliest were in oral form—prayers addressed to a single or often to two or more deities, called devas (shining ones)

Pure Consciousness: Turiya


Ritual Interiorized


Thoughts of Reincarnation & Karma


Trend toward Monism


(refer to class notes for hierarchy)



Brahman and Atman


Cosmic Cycles


Experiential Unity




A kind of deity endowed w/ personality

A man of low social status now may be reborn as a rajah or a Brahmin, or, more likely, an outcaste, an animal, a beetle, a worm, a vegetable, or a soul in hell

All events both within and outside the body require heat to come to pass

Aryans became inclined to give up the world and seek emancipation from its illusion & pain

Ascetics and meditative thinkers rivaled priest in commanding highest respect

At the bottom there was the untouchables

Atman, the inner self,

Atman—inner self, innermost and unseen self of a person as distinct from the body, sense organs, and mentality

Brahman, the objective All,


Brahmanspati, represented a subtle blending of prayer, had to be present along with the priests or it would be but empty sound

4 Varna

Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Shudra—pictured as separate creations in the original cosmic order.

Brahmins began retiring to forests and engaging in meditation and dialogue

Deep, dreamless sleep is closest to state of union w/ Brahman because it represents a sinking back into a type of non-consciousness in which subject and object are no longer distinguished.

Everything one does determines destiny

Experience is to attain moksha—final liberation—release from rebirth

Hard & fast lines were drawn

Heat is present in the altar, in the sun, etc.

How does one achieve release from the round of rebirths?

How may one know and experience the truly real as against the deceptively and only partially real?

How may one reach a state of experience or being that transcends this life's imperfections?

Human soul knows its complete identity with Brahman

Outcastes constituted the dregs of society, unclean and w/out hope of ever rising in the social scale, unless they happened to be individuals outcasted temporarily for infraction of caste rules

Interiorizing religious practice took two forms:

Karma is the cause of what is happening in one's life now

Law of Karma—the law that one's thoughts, words, and deeds have an ethical consequence fixing one's lot in future existence

Light that shines above all worlds, is the same light that is within man

The Vedas

Magic runes and spells became Hinduism's earliest sacred writings Consisted of: Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda

Maya—the source and ground of all manifested things and beings

Moksha- the realm of true being and freedom


Morally far above the other gods stood the awe-compelling originally the god of the high-arched sky who was later assigned the inclusive function of directing the forces making everywhere for natural and moral orderliness. He upheld the physical order of the world against the forces making for its breakdown—It was his concern to keep men obedient to the moral law, he was the discloser of sin, the judge of truth and falsehood

Neuter word

New emphasis on the high worth of the spirit or soul, one's inner self (atman).

Nirguna Brahman (unmanifest Brahman)—the ultimate, and the personally manifest Saguna Brahman is the immediate, source of the external world

No longer refers only to holy power of prayer but applies directly to ultimate reality

One thing, substation substratum of everything

The Lord of Creatures, Prajapati. The sacrifice = the sacrificer = Prajapati


The god of fire in general, celestial or terrestrial, but especially the altar fire He was praised and adored with utmost sincerity—removed sin and guilt, drove away the demons and protected the home whose hearth he occupied, mediator between gods and human beings

Philosophy of the Upanishads

The oral compositions which expressed the ideas are among the appendages "Vedanta" attached to the Vedas

The state is considered the highest of all states of mind because it represents the purest being of soul, when the soul is sleeplessly intent and when subject and object are indistinguishable in the purity of being

Hinduism (Narrower)

The vast social and religious system that has grown among the peoples of India since bout the third century B.C.E.

There is an actual identify between Brahman and atman—true of every atman whether found in humans or other creatures/things

Three mental states which may be usefully compared with it: state of waking consciousness, state of dreaming sleep, state of deep, dreamless sleep

True self of a person and world soul are one, identical

Two forms of Brahman: formed and formless

Ultimate reality, Brahman-Atman (objective & subjective are one)

Ultimately, all things are bound together, in being

When caste was linked to karma, inequalities of life had a simple explanation

With the rise of caste system, karma, and reincarnation, the development among the sensitive few of a world-denying asceticism, disaffection with the world grew in ancient India

World comes again into being, souls take up a new embodiment in all creatures

World dissolves away at the end of every Kalpa—period of created being, and all of the souls in the universe depart from their bodies into a state of suspended being


a family of religions

Plant described in the Rig-Veda

a plant with no roots, leaves, fruit, or seeds, but with a white stem, red cap, and juice that was golden (mushroom soma came from)


categorized into public and domestic Public were extravagant, domestic were much simpler done in the hearth of the fire at home


classes of castes

Sama - Veda

collection of rhythmic chants mainly for the use of the singing priests at the soma sacrifices, its hymns in great part borrowed from the rig-Veda


common people

Passages in the Vedas

conceive of the universe as having been in its totality a cosmic cow or a horse or man that was primordially sacrificed and dismembered to produce the mountains, rivers, earth, and living creatures of everyday experience.


conceived to be the indwelling principle in everything in the universe that shows regularity and order of action


conclude first half of what later came to be a 2 part classification of Hindu sacred literature: Shruti "that which is heard" and Smriti "That which is remembered" In the form of dialogues, composed with memorization in view Upanishads mostly composed of Brahmins Kshatriyas made up some of them, they were more inclined than the Brahmins to proto-Hinduism surviving from pre-Aryan times...fertility rites/magic practices based on accepting reality of external world & its magical forces


contrast with Indra, dread mountain God not often addressed but greatly feared, the fierce author of disastrous storms sweeping down from the snows of the Himalayas, who in his proper nature, was no ally of the Aryans at all but the destroyer of their goods and persons. Worshipers approached him in humility and trembling supplication, beseeching him as "an immortal one" to be "auspicious" rather than malevolent, and to merciful to their children and grandchildren. Found at times to be a gentle healer—He also was the early form of Later Hinduism's great god Shiva the destroyer

Brahmins - Phenomenal Power

declared that they occupied the central place of power; they were the pivotal beings in a vast process reaching into all parts of the universe, hell, earth, and heaven

Sacrificial rituals

designed to achieve human security in both changing and settled situations; the gods were at times reconceived and endowed with new powers.


directed the priests in hymns and prayers—curious and voluminous body of literature, the textbooks of the different schools or families of the Brahmins

Ushas, The Dawn

is eternally young and nubile, shining afar in her chariot drawn by red-spotted horses

Matar (mother)

joined with husbands in conduction domestic rites.

Yajur - Veda

mostly prose and meant to supply dedications, prayers, and litanies to accompany the devotional use of the Rig-Veda


people of some power and wealth, who for a long time refused to patronize the Aryan priests and their rituals


priest who in his person represented the central sacred petition or Brahman(the prayer) The Brahmin was not merely one who used verbal symbols to point to sacred realities or to address gods—The sacred reality actualized itself in the Brahmin's throat.

Western Fire

round shape—representing the earth


ruler of the gods of the mid-region of the sky and particularly the god of storms, especially of the rainstorms (monsoons) that end the dry season. He was the god of war as well. Seemed a gigantic figure, with long flowing hair and wind-tossed beard through which he shouted and roared with a loud voice. Clasping enemy-destroying thunderbolt, took the field as ally and patron of the Aryans


sacred drink; poured out as libation on a sacred fire or consumed by participants


servants (presumable the Dasas)

Eastern Fire

square shape—representing the four-directional heavens


temporary flattering elevation of one of many gods to the highest rank that can be accorded, verbally or ritualistically the particular god of the moment is made to absorb all the others, he is given attribute which in strict logic could only be given to a sole monotheistic deity


that which is heard


that which is remembered


the far strider who encompassed the extent of earth, air, and sky in three swift strides and thus redeemed the world from night.


the god of loyalty, honor, and promise keeping


the ruling

Hinduism (Broader)

the whole complex of beliefs and institutions that have appeared from the time when their ancient (and most sacred) scriptures, the Vedas, were composed until now.


the wind, bearer of perfumes


treasury of charms, incantations, maledictions, and spells of great antiquity, many of them clearly of non-Aryan origin—espressions offear, passion, anger, hate, physical distress, and the human effort to amend it (rites of atharva-Veda were those of the common people in their homes and villages)


typically composed of tall, light-skinned people of Indo-European stock—Aryans.

Rajah (Chieftain of tribe)

was expected not only to maintain a private army for the protection of his people but also to gather around him numbers of priests to aid him in securing divine blessing on his subjects and the gods' approval of his own acts.

Pitar (father of farmer/herder families)

was family priest


way of life and thought; "duty" determined by one's caste and gender

Devas (shining ones)

whose residences were found in three regions: the earth, the heavens, and the intermediate air.

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