Chapter 3 HTML CSS

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logical tags

allow a browser to interpret the tag based on browser settings, relative other text on a web page

text decoration property

allows text to be decorated with one of 5 values: underline, overline, line through, blink or none


also known as the location


an element like an image allows the element to move to the side indicated in the float statement (allows text wrap)


automatically opens a new message in the default email program and inserts the appropriate contact email address in the To field


decribes the location (folder or external web site ) where the files can be found beginning with the UDISK G:| drive or another drive on your computer


define specific elements of an HTML file as a category or _______


defines a name (or id) for the current anchor so it may be he target or destination of another link. Each anchor on a web page must use a unique one of these


h1 element is an example of a _________

thumbnail image

is a smaller version of the image itself

anchor tag

links to another page in the same web site, to a web page in an external web site, within the same web page and for email links


named location in the same file


remainder of a code


selector to define the style of a link when the mouse pointer points to


selector to indicate the link element


specifies the URL of the linked page


specifies the content type (also known as media types or MIME types) of the linked page or file to help a browser determine if it can handle the resource _____.

absolute path

specifies the exact address for he file to which you are linking or displaying a graphic


specifies the relationship b/t the current doc and the linked doc

physical style tags

specify a particular font change that is interpreted stricly by all browsers

relative paths

specify the location of a file relative to the location of the file that is currently in use


tags create a container into which a user can add an inline level structre or division in the HTML document


the selector to specify that all text on the web page should be one of the font families: arial verdana or garamond in 11 pont font

a:link, a:visited, a:active

to define if a link has been visited, normal or active

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