Chapter 3: Manage Your Time

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determining an optimal time to study.

A college student taking several courses also needs to work long hours in a new job while managing a family at home. He is under an enormous amount of pressure and physically drained. For an important test next week, he could use his time most effectively by:determining an optimal time to study.

This goal is most likely a long-term goal.

A student recently completed her undergraduate degree and just started her first job. She has set a goal to be promoted to a senior level management position.

Graduate with Honors

An example of an intermediate goal for a college freshman would be:


An important characteristic one must have for successful online coursework is:

Study anywhere and everywhere.

Ben prefers to study in large blocks of time, however, he finds it difficult to find this kind of time. Which time management strategy will accommodate his study needs?

Apply the Adult Learning Cycle to take control of his time and life.

Billy Bob feels lost in his academic life. His major is tough and although he wants to continue, he's not sure he has what it takes. What should he do?


Bradley uses daily to-do lists to help him organize his priorities. This is a time management strategy is usually helpful to use in overcoming:

This is an example of a time management strategy.

Brenda has a paper due tomorrow and has delegated her usual family responsibilities to her husband and children to free up her time to complete the paper.

She is probably making good usage of her time.

Brianne noticed that about 20% of the day is spent on committed time activities, while the remaining 80% of her day is spent on maintenance and discretionary time activities. According to the 80/20 rule:

Tackle the toughest task first.

Darla has a daunting project she needs to complete. She keeps procrastinating yet she still has plenty of time to complete the project. She just can't seem to get started. What should she do?

One strategy she should try is studying in short segments at varying times.

Frances studies for 2-3 hours the night before she takes tests and finds she is not performing as well as she would like. What strategy should she try?

30 days

How long should you give yourself to develop a new habit in your time management strategy?

Flexibility in time management

John is nervous about returning to school while working full time and managing a family. He has a nearly impeccable plan in place to manage work and school effectively with enough discretionary time left for himself and his family. This situation is an example of:

consolidate simular task.

Justin finds he wastes a lot of time handling interruptions like answering phone calls and emails. To save time he should:

He should ask for more time to weigh his options before making a decision.

Lawrence has been asked to join a team project for extra credit. He is not sure it is something he can handle along with his other commitments.

She thinks she works better under pressure.

Mindy always waits until the last minute to complete projects and term papers. She takes pride in the fact that she has never missed a due date, and has earned satisfactory grades. She most likely waits until the last minute to start projects because:.

convergent thinking

The ability to give the "correct" answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity,

divergent thinking

Thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions is known as

Time management strategy

Trying to combine similar tasks such as catching up on phone calls and email during the same block of time, or similar activities like socializing and exercising.

sticky notes and highlighted deadlines on a project board

Xsticky notes and highlighted deadlines on a project boardX p. 90 George is right-brain dominant person. When he is working on a large project one could take a picture of his desk and most likely NOT see:

Anita is a popular full time student. She also works part-time, and plays extra curricular sports. She does not seem to have enough time in the day to complete her academic tasks. Her first step should be to:

determine where her time is going.

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