Chapter 3: project man--- mult choice

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Using​ PERT, Adam Munson was able to determine that the expected project completion time for the construction of a pleasure yacht is 2121months, and the project variance is 44. The probability that the project will be completed in 1717 months​


A project being analyzed by PERT has 60​ activities, 13 of which are on the critical path. If the estimated time along the critical path is 214 days with a project variance of​ 100, what is the probability that the project will take less than 224 days to​ complete?


Which of the following statements regarding CPM is​ true? A.The critical path is that set of activities that has positive slack. B.All activities on the critical path have their LS equal to the maximum EF of all immediate predecessors. C.All activities on the critical path have their ES equal to their LF. D.Some networks have no critical path. E.The critical path is the shortest of all paths through the network.

All activities on the critical path have their LS equal to the maximum EF of all immediate predecessors.

The difference between AON and AOA networks is​ that: A.both are acceptable in​ practice; however, Microsoft Project uses AON. B.nodes designate activities in​ AON, while arrows designate activities in AOA. C.AOA networks sometimes require dummy activities. D.nodes consume no resources or time in AOA networks. E.All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

The​ ________ distribution is used by PERT analysis to calculate expected activity times and variances. A.Normal B.Gaussian C.Alpha D.Binomial E.Beta


The main difference between PERT and CPM is​ that: A.PERT employs three time estimates for each activity. B.PERT assumes that activity durations are known. C.CPM assumes activity durations can vary. D.PERT ignores activity costs. E.PERT is more accurate than CPM.

PERT employs three time estimates for each activity.

Which of the following statements regarding PERT analysis is NOT​ true? A.Project variance is the sum of all critical activity variances. B.The most likely time is different from the expected activity time. C.Only critical activities contribute to the project variance. D.Each activity has three estimates of its duration. E.Project standard deviation is the sum of all critical activity standard deviations.

Project standard deviation is the sum of all critical activity standard deviations.

Which of the following statements regarding PERT times is​ true? A.The most likely time estimate is an estimate of the maximum time an activity will require. B.The optimistic time estimate is an estimate of the maximum time an activity will require. C.The optimistic time estimate is usually the same as the most likely time estimate. D.The expected time estimate is calculated as t​ = ​(a​ + 4m​ + b​)/6. E.The pessimistic time estimate is an estimate of the minimum time an activity will require.

The expected time estimate is calculated as t​ = ​(a​ + 4m​ + b​)/6

Which of the following statements is an assumption PERT makes regarding the probability of finishing the project on​ time? A.Total project completion times follow a normal probability distribution. B.Activity times are statistically dependent. C.Activity times are statistically identical. D.Total project completion times follow a uniform probability distribution.

Total project completion times follow a normal probability distribution.

Slack is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the entire project. True False


The standard deviation of project duration is the average of the standard deviation of all activities on the critical path. True False


The critical path of a network is the A. longest time path through the network. B. path with the fewest activities. C.path with the most activities. D.shortest time path through the network.

longest time path through the network.

The phases of project management​ are: A.different for manufacturing projects than for service projects. B.GANTT, CPM, and PERT. C.planning, organizing,​ staffing, leading, and controlling. D.planning, programming, and budgeting. E.planning, scheduling, and controlling.

planning, scheduling, and controlling.`

PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time as

the sum of the variances of all critical activities.

The slack for any activity on the critical path will be A. negative. B. infinite. C.positive.


An activity on a PERT network has these time​ estimates: optimistic​ = 2, most likely​ = 3, and pessimistic​ = 10. What is its expected activity time and variance​?

​4; 1.78

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