Chapter 3 test: Jesus Christ his mission and ministry

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What words did Jesus speak to Thomas after proving that he indeed rose from the dead?

"Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."

Explain how Jesus used the word amen differently from others.

He used it to introduce, not end, his sense of the world. "Amen, I say..."

Explain why Jesus was crucified as "King of the Jews."

He was crucified as King of Jews because that was the title he had claimed he was.

While some thought of Jesus as a great prophet, what did his critics believe about him?

People had thought that he was out of his mind

The author of the Acts parallels Stephen's martyrdom with Jesus Christ. ( true or false)


The final experience of the Crucifixion of Jesus transformed the Apostles from frightened cowards into bold proclaimers of the Gospel. ( true or false)


The literal sense of Scripture refers not only to the text of Scripture but also to the way realities and events about which it speaks can be signs. ( true or false)


The most important thing the non-Christians sources reveal is that Jesus really did exist, because it would be highly improbable that a movement would carry the name of a man who never existed. ( true or false )


The spiritual sense of Scripture is how the words were understood at the time, and how things actually happened. (true or false)


The testimony of the Apostles is preserved in the four Gospels and the Epistles of the New Testament. ( true or false)


There is historical evidence primarily taken from the Gospels that a real man named Jesus did exist. ( true or false)


There is no reason for even non believers to doubt that Jesus of Nazareth existed. ( True or False )


How does Tacitus describe Christianity?

Tacitus describes chritianity as a degrading and shameful superstition that made its way to rome.

What does Suetonius verify about Christians in Rome?

That Christians were still upsetting Roman authorities even after two decades since the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What did St. Justin Martyr try to explain to the Jews in his Dialogue with Trypho?

That Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah and that the Church was the New Israel.

What was the accusation against Jesus in religious court? Of what was he found guilty?

Blasphemy, he said he was the son of god and the king of jews.

Explain the foremost way the Church knows about the life of Jesus.

From Deposit of faith that passed through sacred scriptures and tradition that is preserved by the magisterium.

What advice did Pliny the Younger seek from Emperor Trajan? What impression of Christians does Pliny give?

He seeked how to deal with christians who would not submit to roman law and beliefs.

What does St. Justin Martyr reveal about the use of the Gospels during the liturgy?

It involves the years when the Good News was shared by the preaching of the Apostles and many other people in union with them about 20-30 years after the Death and Resurrection.

Refers to events that remind us to behave justly or rightly:

Moral sense_

What does Tacitus never deny?

the existence of christ

What words to Peter clearly bind the Church to Christ?

"And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it."

What error did Suetonius make in his account of the Christians? What is more likely?

"Christians" were upsetting Roman authorities just two decades after the Death and Resurrection of Christ.

Abba is the Hebrew word for "Father" or the more familiar, "Dad."


Due to a miscalculation, Jesus was probably born between 4 and 6 AD, rather than in AD 1. ( true or false)


What are three important criteria for reading Scripture in accordance with the Spirit, laid down in Dei Verbum?

-Read the specific passages with the content and unity of the entire Bible in mind. -Read the scriptures within the living tradition of the whole church. -Pay attention to the analogy of faith because this is the unity of truths among themselves.

What are four reasons why the Gospels are the most important part of the New Testament canon?

Authentic testimonies of faith in Jesus Christ. Inspired writings Written sources Expressions of the Church's faith in Jesus

Summarize the three stages in the development of the Gospels.

First stage: The Gospels spans Jesus' early ministry but also his Death and Resurrection through teachings to the public. Second stage: It involves the years when the Good News was shared by the preaching of the Apostles and many other people in union with them about 20-30 years after the Death and Resurrection. Third stage: Period when gospels were written

What do we learn about Jesus from the Babylonian Talmud?

That Jesus practiced magic and led Israel away from true Jewish worship.

What is difficult to explain about the convictions of the Apostles' claims of the Risen Christ?

That the Apostles truly and concretely experienced the Risen Christ to the point where they are willing to die for that proclamation.

What historical evidence for the Christ and the Christian faith does Lucian of Samosata provide?

The belief in resurection

In what sense are the four Gospels like, and unlike, modern biographies?

They are not because they were written from a faith perspective but they are because they contain many biographical elements that can be found in other ancient biographies too

Explain why people freely gave up their lives for Jesus, both in the first century as well as today.

They felt a desire to share the teachings they had received from Jesus directly or from someone who knew Jesus.

How did the early Christian martyrs understand their executions?

They thought of it as giving their life for christ, understanding what it is to be a Christian

What is the historical significance of Mara bar Serapion's letter to his son? What connection does Serapion draw between Christ's death and the Jewish nation?

To tell his son about the tyrants who made the mistake of killing their wise thinkers and rulers.

Refers to the message Scripture has for our place in eternity:

_Allegorical sense__

Refers to the understanding of how events of Scripture relate to Jesus Christ:

_Analogical sense_

Most ancient biographers were much more interested in telling about the childhood or appearance of a person instead of the key events in a person's life. ( true or false)


Pliny was concerned about what he called a "superstition" because it challenged the Roman practice of worshiping YHWH, the one true God. ( true or false )


Some of the Jewish scribes accused Jesus of committing blasphemy because they knew that they alone could forgive sins.


Tacitus is the first known ancient writer to record elements surrounding Christ and Christianity. ( true or false )


Tacitus is the only historian to mention Pontius Pilate. ( true or false)


There are no non-Christian references to Jesus and early Christianity. ( true or false )


it would be an exaggeration to label the Incarnation as the greatest event in history. ( true or false)


The Jewish name "Jesus" was given to Mary by the Angel at the annunciation, a name conferred on the eighth day on the day of his Birth. He was born under the Roman emperor Augustus, when King Herod the Great ruled palestine. While his birth took place in Bethlehem, nazareth was Jesus' hometown in jerusalem.

jesus, annuciation, birth, emperor, palestine, nazareth, jerusalem

Jesus began his public ministry after being baptized by the prophet John the Baptist. According to the Gospel of John, his ministry lasted a total duration of three years, and according to the first chapter of the Gospel of mark, his message was: "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of god is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel."

ministry, John the baptist, mark, three, fulfillment, god, believe.

What is clear about the evidence for Christ's existence provided by the Jewish historian, Josephus?

non believer in christ

What great mystery prompted people to misunderstand how Jesus Christ is both true God and true man?

the incarnation

Although they were offered thirty days to reconsider their decision, all twelve Scillitan Martyrs refused to recant the accusation of failing to worship the emperor. ( true or false)


In addition to Peter, Paul, and Stephen, a multitude of Christians of the Church's first century gave up their lives for Jesus. ( true or false)


Mara bar Serapion mentioned that the teachings of Christ lived on through the teachings he left his followers. ( true or false )


Pliny's letter describes how Christians met together to worship, to sing hymns to Christ, to recite a creed, to promise to live morally, and to worship Christ as God. ( true or false )


Sacred Scripture can be read in two senses: the literalistic and spiritual. ( true or false)


The Emperor Claudius believed that Christians and Jews were members of the same religious sect. ( True or false )


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