chapter 3 the library as an institution and organizational perspective

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organization of libraries by type

1 public libraries. two. Academic libraries. 3. School libraries. Four. Special libraries.

the five basic functions of the library system that must remain intact

1. identifying and selecting and requiring resources period two. Organizing the resources to promote accessibility. 3. Conserving and preserving materials. 4. Providing educational programs. 5. Maintaining effective operations.

challenges faced by the modern Library today.

1. increase in public accountability 2 changing knowledge of the environment 3 changing technological environment 4 changing financial and economic environment 5 changing Human Resources environment

the three organizational components of the library

1. user services 2. Technical Services period. 3. Support Services.

the public attitude towards public libraries

2011 study found that most people value Library Services. A significant majority valued library is a community center a place for cultural programming and a place to help the community find jobs. The Pew study in 2013 reported that Americans believed money to 94% believed that the library perform several critical functions including giving people a chance to succeed promoting literacy and a left for reading and providing quality of life in the community. Americans also believe that the services would not be available at the library wasn't there. And most people have a very positive view of the library.

audio visual services

Librarians also will have to organize and store and deal with the checkout in circulation of audio visual equipment such as DVD CDs excetera

preservation digital preservation and digital curation

Librarians have needed to become an expert in third parties who store digital and information such as places like Google or jstor. a Librarians Main experience or skills that should be in being able to access and manage this digital knowledge.

the use of the American public library in today's world

and it's 2313 study it found that the 73% come to the library to borrow print materials. 54% to research topic of Interest, 50% to speak to a librarian. And 40% we're doing things like reading materials watching or listening media using a research database attending with a younger person to go to a program borrowing a DVD or just using the internet is also a substantial reason why people are in the libraries today

the statistics of public libraries.

are 9000 public libraries in the US. There are 17000 branches. there are 300 million individuals served by public libraries. Most Public Library Revenue comes from public sources. Most of that public money is at the state level. The library has an expenditure of 10. 5 billion dollars in 2011. there are over 35 million ebooks purchased and that year and in 2012 there were 92 million attendees at 4 million public library programs.

challenges to school libraries in terms of funding

basically funding has been cut over a period of years and unless there is advocacy and action by the slmc that will continue

changing money realities of for the modern modern Library

basically there is a positive support for libraries but very little support for a local tax dollars going to sustain the library budget. the libraries are finding themselves in the position of having to Advocate and prove their Worth to their taxpayers. Many are trying to find data that will show the libraries value in dollars and cents data. and in order for funding to be given to libraries there is according to Holden Elliot you're going to have to shift from what library is due to what they can benefit by providing to their community

the problem with paper / the need to digitize

because paper can be destroyed and because it decomposes there is an urgent need to digitized collections.

the rising popularity of the graphic novel

graphic novels have often been criticized for Topeka violence sexuality Sexes some critics claim that they have promoted delinquency because they are rooted in the comic book culture but many or coming to the top of that or genre and it's evolving and there has been some controversy as to whether or not that should be made available to kids.

academic libraries

in the early 20th century the academic Library shifted in focus from classical learning to that afore technical learning and then following the passage of the GI bill of academic libraries grow and flourish at the University level the GI bill allowed nearly 12 million veterans to attend institutions of Higher Learning and many of them went on to graduate programs this cause expansion in terms of the library research also the Cold War and the Space Race also highly affected their research need for research and academic libraries were on the Forefront of that the academic Library typically its purpose is to support the mission of the University of it serves.

changes in the use of the library in the 21st century

increased cost and scholarly Publications. Financial issues within the institution that trickle down to the library. Libraries are feeling as though they have to prove their worth in order to stay open. And the use of online curriculum puts new demands on the library. And Librarians are being forced to provide more and more personalized services to faculty departments and students.

major developments in challenges in libraries today

new information technology. The introduction of cell phones are a big challenge 2 the library p the library has now needed to have websites. They must have social media accounts. And they need to offer some type of access through mobile devices. And they do need to provide mobile versions of their website. most have lost online card sign ups and online access to catalogs

special libraries and information centers

okay special libraries tended at least up to this point to be smaller and scope. Librarian driven meaning the client would not be searching for the information the librarian would be searching for the information there would be a small amount of users and of this highly specialized collection and the library itself would have to regularly demonstrate their usefulness in order to survive

Information Services

one role that the librarian plays is that of providing reference service. This means that they will assist and instruct users and how to access all forms of recorded knowledge. This might mean that they answer users questions provide face-to-face or electronic support, they are familiar with print and non print and Digital Services and sources. And they're able to a guide and assist patrons in finding basically what they're looking for. They may also provide direct instruction on how to use the library's material and services.

institutional repositories

one solution to the publication Pride crisis is to create Open Access repositories. at the institution level. This led to databases basically that were specific to the hosted academic Library. Of course has had a lot of potential but it also limited who could gain access to this information.

Technical Services

originally this would be the catalogers of the library but now that role is changing and evolving to include more of the digital resource management and these Library these Librarians are responsible for understanding and responding to the technical aspect of the digit atation of Library collections such as e-books journaling collecting and analyzing data from electronic systems conducting database trials maintaining databases dealing with digital preservation basically responding to technological advancements within the library.

censorship within the school library

parents do have the right to protect children from unhealthy and corrupting influences but and parents and schools can do that as well however there has to be a reasonable approach to censoring or limiting access to students to materials

relying more and more on the digital resources in the modern Library

providing digital literacy is going to be a key function of the library in the future and in order to do that Librarians must be digitally literate. One of the main priorities for the library has to be that members understand the benefits of communication that technologies that all members have Equitable and affordable access to Internet and that members can take advantage of Education economic and social opportunities that are made through these digital technology. The Ala imls and the aipac are supporters of digital inclusion and it's important that are at risk minorities are provided with programs access digital literacy service in a range of types of technology to Patron.

archives of special collections

research libraries are more likely to house these type of Collections and Librarians will have to be specially trained in how the house manager preserve these materials. Most of these collections are restricted and great care has to be taken to preserve them. There are also a times when there are digital collections that are made available on the internet

the emergence of the e-library

special Librarians now deliver information and digital access to their clients they are more stewards of information they can provide value-added services to make workflow easier for clients. And special librarians can change the physical spaces the physical space is not as needed as much they said they manage mostly digital content but they do need to stay up-to-date with he Technologies as they evolve. they also need to stay well educated in the licenses in contracts that would be required for their specialized environment.

serving all segments of the community

specifically the ala has strategies for providing services to specific ethnic populations that are at risk for unequal access. Servicing those with low income servicing specifically the elderly and people that live in rural communities and also those with disabilities..

increase attention to Student Success an student retentiona problem of the 21st century Library

the 21st century is challenging to libraries but one of the ways that they can remain relevant and insure their sustainable successes by building and systems that allow Librarians to develop a relationship with her patrons. They do that through Library instruction through for the use of social media to promote Library services. Technology can also help to create simple and convenient interfaces for students offer them tools and allow them to easy access to information.

the crisis in scholarly publishing in the 21st century

the cost of publication has risen by a rate of about 10% since the 1960s and by the end of the 1990s there was a crisis in publication due to the cost of just publishing. There has been a push towards something called open access which would allow access to scholarly publishing for basically free. This of course brings his own problems because publication does cost money. Some have offset those costs and creative ways but some of them put burdens on the people publishing. Some ways that open access may continue would be to allow it to be a cost included in Grant funded research one would be to make it a part of the cost of research. Have all research institutions adopted been access policies we're all fenders require that the deposit.

the future of specialized libraries

the future is actually pretty bright because they tend to be small and focus and that allows them to become experts where this huge Global expanse of knowledge that's out there

the current political climate and its effects on the library

the library does not take side and politics and it does its best to represent both liberal and conservative points of view the library is political in another sense in the sense that there are administrators and Library boards at must preserve effectively working relationships with the community and particularly the politicians that so that approve or disapprove financial support that's needed to maintain the library. Librarians must participate in a BC activities for their through their professional organizations and while libraries cannot Lobby for particular candidates or issues the library can make its case based on its accomplishments and benefits to the library service

Civic engagement libraries

the m excuse me I MLS and the Ala both see the need for civic engagement and that it's important to provide the community with a community anchor such as the librarian being available to support libraries in advancing National priorities such as Education Health Economic Development disaster preparedness excetera

digital curation and preservation

the main issue is the ownership of the digital born content. If a third-party owns content and is not commercially viable they are not always interested in keeping that content around. So Librarians have to figure out a navigate ways to preserve that content even in the circumstances and they need to do it with a limited budget

censorship issues in the modern Library

the public library has a long history of trying to limit and restrict materials to patrons. The focus continues to be on the Restriction towards certain books or resources that might have a negative impact on children. Specifically in today's world access to LGBT individuals are often a focus and particularly dealt with in the children's internet protection act. There have been some censorship attacks on libraries and the ala has done his best to respond to that

services to Native Americans

the tribal archives and library and Museum group has done its best to establish tribal libraries where Native American artifacts and stories and languages are preserved these are often located in Romeo areas and depressed areas where there are limited funds available. The Collection includes several I'm sacred materials which are culturally appropriate and they need to make sure that there are streible access to this material these libraries are often seen in libraries are seeing his culture Keepers and they have to get professional training in the traditional Library Sciences travel libraries are responsible for addressing the needs of traditionally associated with public libraries but they are also needing to make up the disadvantages that were appropriated upon the tribes as well. the tribal Library services in a recent study by the atal M found that the tribal libraries were not funded as well as other libraries that they did not have internet connection they didn't have as much as Internet access they were only provided some Wi-Fi but not all that they Lawford Lassie books that they were that they had a less access to databases that they did not have websites that there was less Technical Training and basically these were not funded or served as well as other public libraries

the mission of public libraries in today's society

their mission is to meet the educational information on recreational and cultural needs of their community. The Public Library Association emphasizes strategic planning for libraries to determine Mission goals objectives and desired competencies. The expectation is that public libraries will involve the community to identify the needs that needs that should be met by the library. they libraries understand that their plans need to be flexible to meat rapidly challenging conditions

on the 21st century there is robust activity currently in most academic libraries

there are 26000 library and some Floyd approximately 2000 libraries Across the Nation there is 52 million dollars and ebooks and 22 million visits the library in a given week there are hundred and 17 million items going into circulation at any given time.

the growth of makerspaces

these are Hands-On activities or people gather to share resources and knowledge and work on projects and to network and build things the library is a community center will provide the space the tools and sometimes expert existence and doing these Hands-On projects it benefits the community by fostering play facility tating informal learning gives peer-to-peer training works with community members as true Partners not just as patrons and it helps to develop a culture of creating as opposed to just consuming there.

special Outreach Services

these are services that relate to those with visual or hearing impairments perhaps those that are physically unable to come to the library such as prisoners nursing home residents homebound Etc bookmobile Services usually are, form of Outreach

the school media center of the future

these will be a place where in curry is leads to learning where I student will learn how to use information ethically where technology skills are placed where there's equal an equitable access to education where information literacy will be taught and demonstrated by the librarian they will continue to expand on information demands there will be learning that happens in the social context and that school libraries will may be continued to be relevant to students

the libraries of the future

they must have be transitioning for a physical spaces to Virtual spaces that they will move from Individual to community libraries that they will move from collection to Creation libraries and that one means that there will be instead of collecting information they will be places where you will be able to convey information about things that you know about like art entertainment they will house equipment and Facilities to help authors editors performers Etc and that they will be portals to archives

embedded Library ship

this is for the library and becomes a embedded into a course and they provide teaching to students they become like a faculty collaborator and they help ensure Student Success and Mastery of the curriculum.

support units

this is the administration the director the treasure Human Resources marketing and public relations are all a big part of supporting the operation of the library it will could also include it people facility and maintenance people and security people..

circulation in Access services

this is the maintenance of the library materials and collecting of fines or dealing with late or loss materials. The staff also answers basic questions about these like hours of operation where to find materials they may get things out of areas that are held for restricted-use and they may help with things like audio-visual materials and other things that needs supervision. They also check in and check out materials as well for patrons

the organization of user services in the library

this term refers to the reference area, subject area units, and the subdivisions of Branch libraries. it can also it can also refer to reference, interlibrary loan, circulation, Media Services, and academic and special Library settings, and Reserve in e-learning services.

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