Chapter 3: The Surgical Patient; Short Answer: Patient Concerns

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Describe what self-actualization means to you. Do you feel that everyone reaches this stage of life?

To understand all of my needs and the world around me, things that make me feel that I have a purpose that is fulfilled. You reach this stage once you have accomplished self-love and feel secure and feel as though you can accomplish anything. Some people reach this and some people simply do not.

In some states, a death that occurs in the OR may be considered a coroner's case. When preparing the patient for a coroner's autopsy, all tubes such as the endotracheal tube, intravenous line, or Foley are left in place. Why do you think that the coroner would want to be notified?

The coroner needs to know that everything in the patient is in place to be identified and it helps maintain the body so that nothing dies too fast.

Describe briefly Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief.

1) Denial: They cannot believe this is happening, doesn't seem real. 2) Anger: "Why is this happening to me?" 3) Bargaining: "I wish they could see me get married" 4) Depression: Excessive sadness 5) Acceptance: Finally at peace with what has happened/ will happen

What is the significance of an advance directive? Could an advance directive be considered euthanasia? If so, what type of euthanasia is it?

Advance directive significance: 1 or 2 legal documents used to speak for the patient if they cannot make their own decisions. Yes; It could be considered voluntary euthanasia since the patient decides what they want done if they are to be in a state where an advance directive is needed.

Compare and contrast the 3 definitions of death. Describe which definition is used when considering the patient as a candidate for organ transplantation.

Cardiac Death: Permanent loss of respiration and heartbeat. Whole-Brain Death: An irreversible loss of entire brain function, current law of what defines death. Higher-Brain Death: Loss of brain function, can live without assistance. Cardiac death when considering the patient as a candidate for organ transplantation due to loss of oxygen to the tissues.

Types of surgery: What type of procedure is intended to provide the patient with symptomatic relief? What type of surgery treats or manages a disease?

Palliative- symptomatic relief Therapeutic- Manages or treats a disease

Imagine yourself as the surgical patient undergoing a body-image-changing procedure. What are your physiological needs vs. your emotional needs? How do you feel while being wheeled into the operating room?

Physiological Needs: Thinking about how to live with the change and/or will this change my basic needs. Emotional Needs: Am I going to be okay, will my family see me the same? While being wheeled into the OR I would be thinking about the outcome of the surgery, what's the best and worst case scenarios, and hope for the best outcome.

The United States is a culturally diverse country. Do you think that understanding cultural and religious beliefs is an integral part of caring for the surgical patient? Provide an example of a culture different from your own, and explain how you could make a patient from this culture more comfortable in the operating room.

Yes; Religions and cultures can have different rituals and beliefs, such as Jehovah's Witnesses not wanting blood. A way I could make a religious patient comfortable is to pray with them before surgery even though I myself am not religious to help them feel safe and at peace.

Some health care professionals have little to no direct contact with patients. Do you feel that a thorough understanding of patient care, patient needs, and therapeutic relationships is necessary to the surgical technologist's role specifically?

Yes; Though there is not as much patient interaction in the ST role, the ST still should introduce themselves to the patient and care for that patient along with everyone else in the OR. It is important that the patient feels comfortable.

Do you agree with Maslow's theory of a hierarchical progression of developmental stages? Why or why not? Is there another developmental theory with which you agree more?

Yes; We need basic needs for survival but as we develop into adults we have a greater understanding and hover over the last 2-3 stages going between them depending on our mental status/health.

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