Chapter 33

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Ans: C Feedback: A complicated mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense is called critical thinking. Trial and error problem-solving is an experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not. Scientific problem-solving allows researchers to discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction. Problem-solving is the basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it.

5. A nurse is assigned to care for a client with multiple sclerosis in a healthcare facility. The nurse is expected to apply critical thinking skills when providing care. What is the best description of critical thinking? A) Experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not B) Researchers discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction C) Complex mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense D) Basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse would have to conduct a preliminary assessment of the client by measuring vital signs before reporting the case to the physician. Planning, nursing diagnosis, and implementation come at a later stage during the nursing process.

A client arrives at the healthcare center in a critical state. What step of the nursing process would the nurse have to complete before notifying a physician? A) Nursing assessment B) Nursing diagnosis C) Planning D) Implementation

Ans: C Feedback: Trial and error problem-solving is an experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not. It can be dangerous in nursing because the possibility exists that the client might suffer; it is not an appropriate approach. Scientific problem-solving, allows researchers to discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction. A complicated mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense is called critical thinking.

A client has continuous complaints of alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhea. The nurse provides the client with a different requested medication for the alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhea every day for a week. In this situation, the nurse is utilizing which method of problem-solving? A) Nursing process B) Critical thinking C) Trial and error D) Scientific

Ans: B Feedback: The nurse has applied critical thinking, which involves the ability to grasp the meaning of multiple clues to find quick answers when facing difficult problems. A trial and error approach is used in laboratory studies and is an experimental approach. The results for trial and error are unknown until tried and so it is not used regularly to interpret information. Interpreting results is part of the evaluation stage of the nursing process. Scientific problem-solving is generally used to discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for diseases, not analyzing a client's condition and notifying the physician of a developing problem.

A client is admitted to the healthcare facility with breathing difficulty. The nurse observes that the client has had a productive cough with thick, purulent sputum several times in the past hour. What prompts the nurse to notify the physician? A) A trial and error approach B) Critical thinking C) Interpreting the results D) Scientific problem-solving

Ans: A Feedback: The nursing process is ever changing or dynamic; it contains definite steps, which may overlap or occur all at once. Reassessment, reevaluation, and revision of the nursing care plan indicate its continuous nature. Specific steps to identify and meet the client's needs indicate the systematic nature of the nursing process. The nursing process is not experimental; it is purposeful and methodical.

A client is brought to the trauma center of a major medical center following a serious motor vehicle accident. Using the nursing process, the nurse has to perform timely therapeutic nursing interventions while evaluating their effects and completing further assessments of the client and planning priorities of what to do next. This type of functioning by the nurse demonstrates which aspect of the nursing process? A) Its dynamic nature B) Its continuous nature C) Its systematic nature D) Its experimental nature

Ans: C Feedback: Critical thinking involves logic and past experiences, which prompts the nurse to understand and prepare for a possible complication. Scientific problem-solving involves logical thought and imagination. It will not enable the nurse to prepare for a developing complication as much as critical thinking skills would. Interpreting results is part of the evaluation stage of the nursing process and will not enable the nurse to identify a potential complication. Trial and error is an experimental approach and the results under this method are unknown until tried, so this will not allow the nurse to comprehend a developing complication.

A client with diabetes has taken the usual dosage of insulin. The client refuses to eat despite the nurse's insistence. Which is most useful in prompting the nurse to prepare for a possible complication? A) Scientific problem-solving B) Interpreting results C) Critical thinking skills D) Trial and error

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse performs a diagnosis after systematic and continuous collection of data in the assessment phase. Planning is the development of goals for care; it is performed after the diagnosis. Implementation, when the nursing care is actually given to the client, occurs after planning. Evaluation or measurement of the effectiveness of nursing care occurs after the implementation stage.

A nurse is assigned to assess the condition of a client with dementia. Which step of the nursing process should the nurse complete before identifying goals for care and possible therapeutic nursing interventions to meet them? A) Nursing diagnosis B) Planning C) Implementation D) Evaluation

Ans: C Feedback: When thinking critically, you examine facts and compare these facts with information already known, thereby being actively curious and critiquing ideas for reasonableness. You form ideas or concepts that are mental pictures of reality. You are reasonable and rational, continuously searching to understand the entire situation

A nurse is assigned to care for a client with multiple sclerosis in a healthcare facility. The nurse is expected to apply critical thinking skills when providing care. What does critical thinking in problem-solving involve? A) Examine opinions and compare these opinions with information already known B) Critique ideas for unreasonableness C) Form ideas or concepts that are mental pictures of reality D) Quickly find a solution to understand the entire situation

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse should provide observable evidence, which will help in indicating the effectiveness of nursing care given in any setting. Effective use of the nursing process enables the nurse to focus on not only actual, but also the client's potential problems; however, focusing on them will not allow the nurse to measure the effectiveness and success of the care plan. The client's needs are reassessed only if measurable and observable evidence is available. Setting goals for the client alone will not measure the effectiveness of the care plan. To measure the effectiveness, the nurse has to measure how successful the client has been in achieving the goals formulated for the client.

A nurse is caring for a client in a healthcare facility. Which intervention should the nurse perform to measure the effectiveness of nursing care? A) Document observable evidence. B) Focus on the client's actual problem. C) Reassess the client's needs. D) Set goals for the client.

Ans: D Feedback: When a client is not able to meet the planned short-term goal, the nurse should evaluate or measure the effectiveness of the nursing care and then notify the physician. Nursing assessment is the first step of the nursing process on the basis of which a nursing care plan is prepared and implemented; planning and implementation are performed before the evaluation stage.

A nurse is caring for a client who is not able to meet the planned short-term goals. What step of the nursing process should the nurse follow before notifying the physician? A) Nursing assessment B) Planning C) Implementation D) Evaluation

Ans: B Feedback: The nursing care plan is client-oriented; the nurse identifies the problem and plans to provide care in an effective method. Short-term goals marked in a nursing care plan can be different for clients even if they have the same diagnosis. The approach to client care designed in a nursing care plan is not predictable. It differs according to client needs and demands even if two clients share the same or similar diagnosis. A nursing care plan identifies both actual problems and potential problems.

A nurse is caring for two clients with the same health problem in a healthcare facility. The nurse understands that the nursing care plan has to be different for different clients. What characteristic of a nursing care plan does this highlight? A) Approach to client care is predictable. B) The nursing care plan is client-oriented. C) The short-term goals are likely to be different. D) Actual problems are identified.

Ans: D Feedback: Evaluation is the measurement of the effectiveness of the nursing process. The nurse's role in each other step of the nursing process is as follows: nursing assessment: systematic and continuous collection of data. Planning is development of goals and possible activities to meet them. Implementation: giving of actual nursing care.

A nurse is completing documentation on the electronic medical record for a client. The nurse documents the statement that "client walked 40 feet with a dog and no shortness of breath twice in 30 minutes." Which part of the nursing process does this statement represent? A) Nursing assessment B) Planning C) Implementation D) Evaluation

Ans: C Feedback: Every client has a specific nursing care plan for individualized client care, identifying what is suitable and desirable for that particular person. The client-oriented nursing care plan is the single important factor that allows the nurse to care for the clients efficiently, because it helps the nurse to manage time more effectively. When following the nursing care plan, the nurse should focus not only on clients' potential problems, but also on their actual problems. The physician is involved in the medical diagnosis of the client and so the nurse need not seek the physician's assistance at each stage.

A nurse is required to care for multiple clients in the healthcare facility. Which step should nurses keep in mind to allow them to provide efficient care for the clients without any difficulty? A) The nurse has to focus on clients' potential problems. B) Clients with the same health problem share a single plan. C) Every client has an individualized nursing care plan. D) The nurse seeks the physician's assistance at each stage.

Ans: C Feedback: The step in scientific problem-solving to gather information relative to the problem is related to the nursing assessment step in nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving to identify the problem is related to the nursing diagnosis step in nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving to formulate tentative solutions is related to the planning step in the nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving test solutions is related to the implementation and interventions step in the nursing process. The nursing process is also described as a systematic method that directs the nurse and client as they together (1) determine the need for nursing care, (2) plan and implement the care, and (3) evaluate the results.

The five steps of the nursing process parallel the steps of scientific problem-solving. In the steps in scientific problem-solving the nurse formulates a tentative solution to the client's problem. Which related step is in the nursing process? A) Nursing assessment B) Nursing diagnosis C) Planning D) Implementation

Ans: B Feedback: The step in scientific problem-solving to gather information relative to the problem is related to the nursing assessment step in nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving to identify the problem is related to the nursing diagnosis step in the nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving to formulate tentative solutions is related to the planning step in the nursing process. The step in scientific problem-solving test solutions is related to the implementation and interventions step in nursing process.

The five steps of the nursing process parallel the steps of scientific problem-solving. In the steps in scientific problem-solving, the nurse identifies the client's problem. Based on this information which related step is this in the nursing process? A) Nursing assessment B) Nursing diagnosis C) Planning D) Implementation

Ans: C Feedback: The implementation stage of the nursing process involves the actual giving of nursing care. Planning is the development of goals for care and possible activities to meet them. Nursing diagnosis is the statement of the client's actual or potential problem. Evaluation is the measurement of the effectiveness of nursing care.

The nurse caring for a client administers medications as per the physician's order. What stage of the nursing process is the nurse completing for the client when administering medications? A) Planning B) Nursing diagnosis C) Implementation D) Evaluation

Ans: A Feedback: Trial and error problem-solving is an experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not. Scientific problem-solving allows researchers to discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction. A complicated mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense is called critical thinking. Problem-solving is the basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it.

The nurse educator is reviewing with a group of nursing students the process of problem-solving. The students have been asked to differentiate between trial and error problem-solving and scientific problem-solving. Which response by a student nurse best demonstrates an accurate understanding of trial and error problem-solving? A) Experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not B) Researchers discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction C) Complex mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense D) Basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it

Ans: D Feedback: Problem-solving is the basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it. Trial and error problem-solving is an experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not. Scientific problem-solving, allows researchers to discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction. Complicated mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense is called critical thinking.

The nurse educator is reviewing with a group of nursing students the process of problem-solving. Which response by the student nurse best demonstrates an accurate understanding of the process of problem-solving? Experimental approach that tests ideas to decide which methods work and which do not Researchers discover the best possible safe and effective treatments for disease or dysfunction Complex mix of inquiry, knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense Basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse's role the assessment step of the nursing process is systematic and continuous collection of data. Nursing diagnosis is a statement of the client's actual or potential problem. Planning is the development of goals and possible activities to meet them. Implementation is giving of actual nursing care.

The nursing process provides individualized care that is accountable. What is the nursing role in the assessment step of the nursing process? A) Systematic and continuous collection of data B) Statement of the client's actual or potential problem C) Development of goals for care and possible activities to meet them D) Giving of actual nursing care

Ans: D Feedback: The nurse's role in the implementation step of the nursing process is giving of actual care. In nursing assessment, it is the systematic and continuous collection of data. In nursing diagnosis, it is a statement of the client's actual or potential problem. In planning, the role is the development of goals and possible activities to meet them.

The nursing process provides individualized care that is accountable. What is the nursing role in the implementation step of the nursing process? A) Systematic and continuous collection of data B) Statement of the client's actual or potential problem C) Development of goals for care and possible activities to meet them D) Giving of actual nursing care

Ans: D Feedback: The nursing process is continuous. Because the life and health of individuals change, reassessment of the client's needs is done frequently, sometimes hourly (or more frequently in critical care settings). Therefore, the existing nursing process must be redesigned spontaneously to fit the most current and highest priority needs. The nursing process is systematic. The nurse follows specific, orderly, and logical steps based on the client's most important and often most vital needs, also known as prioritization or prioritizing. The nursing process is client-oriented. The nurse focuses on meeting individualized client needs, rather than on performing specific skills. The nursing process is goal-oriented. Goals, objectives, or expected outcomes are established as an early part of the nursing process.

The steps in the nursing process lead to specific results. The characteristics of the nursing process are critical to its effectiveness. Based on this information, which description best demonstrates a continuous approach to nursing care? A) The nurse follows specific, orderly, and logical steps based on the client's most important and often most vital needs. B) The nurse focuses on meeting individualized client needs, rather than on performing specific skills. C) Goals, objectives, or expected outcomes are established as an early part of the nursing process. D) Existing nursing process must be redesigned spontaneously to fit the most current and highest priority needs.

Ans: A Feedback: The nursing process is systematic. The nurse follows specific, orderly, and logical steps based on the client's most important and often most vital needs, also known as prioritization or prioritizing. The nursing process is client-oriented. The nurse focuses on meeting individualized client needs, rather than on performing specific skills. The nursing process is goal-oriented. Goals, objectives, or expected outcomes are established as an early part of the nursing process. The nursing process is continuous. Because the life and health of individuals change, reassessment of the client's needs is done frequently, sometimes hourly (or more frequently in critical care settings). Therefore, the existing nursing process must be redesigned spontaneously to fit the most current and highest priority needs.

The steps in the nursing process lead to specific results. The characteristics of the nursing process are critical to its effectiveness. Based on this information, which description best demonstrates a systematic approach to nursing care? A) The nurse follows specific, orderly, and logical steps based on the client's most important and often most vital needs. B) The nurse focuses on meeting individualized client needs, rather than on performing specific skills. C) Goals, objectives, or expected outcomes are established as an early part of the nursing process. D) Existing nursing process must be redesigned spontaneously to fit the most current and highest priority needs.

Ans: A Feedback: Identify the problem. Gather information relative to the problem. Formulate tentative solutions (hypotheses); choose preferred solution. Plan action to test suggested solution.

Today's society prefers that only safe and proven effective treatments be given to those who are ill. What is the correct sequence for the first four steps of scientific problem- solving? 1. Identify the problem 2. Plan action to test suggested solution 3. Gather information relative to the problem 4. Formulate tentative solutions and choose preferred solution A) 1, 3, 4, 2 B) 2, 1, 3, 4 C) 3, 1, 2, 4 D) 4, 2, 3, 1

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse should reassess, reevaluate, and revise the nursing care plan if the client is not progressing. Effective use of the nursing process includes the ability to foresee problems and avert complications by reassessing, reevaluating, and revising the nursing care plan, as appropriate. Trial and error and experimentation can have possible harmful effects. The nurse should refer to the nursing care plan when providing care, rather than caring for the client symptomatically without a care plan.

When caring for a client with a concussion, a nurse follows the nursing care plan; however, the client is not progressing according to the plan. Which is the most appropriate therapeutic nursing intervention in this situation? A) Reassess, reevaluate, and revise the nursing care plan. B) Use the trial and error method with another plan. C) Care for the client symptomatically without a care plan. D) Experiment and observe the results.

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