Chapter 33-- Life During the Cold War

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government takes responsibility for providing citizens with services and a minimal standard of living

what is a welfare state?

it was the world's largest exporter and and purchaser of raw materials

what makes the European Economic Community significant?

free trade between the member nations; 1957

what was the European Economic Community/Common Market? When was it established?

Increased minimum wage, 39- hour industries, government took over many industries

what were some of the changes/reforms implemented by Socialists in France?

banking, shipbuilding, oil refineries, and electronics.

what were some of the products produced in Singapore in the years following World War II?

not a stable time for americans-- assassination, vietnam war, etc.

describe american society in the 1960s?

elimination of the more ruthless policies of Stalin

describe de-Stalinization.

tensions relaxed and US-Soviet relations improved; ended when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan; 1979.

describe detente. when did it come to an end?

women returned to more traditional rolls, the baby boom occured, family size decreased.

describe how american society changed after world war II.

central government is active in the economy - established price & wage policies and subsidized vital industries.

describe state capitalism.

at the end of world war II, they experienced economic problems.

describe the economy of Great Britain after World War II.

economy prospered; unemployment declined

describe the economy of West Germany in the 1940s-1960s.

an economic downturn in the mid-1960s led to a rise in socialism

describe the economy of West Germany in the 1960s.

the economy boomed after world war II

describe the economy of the US after World War II?

liberal government; created a welfare state.

describe the politics of Canada after World War II.

the labour party defeated the conservative party -- set out to create a welfare state

describe the politics of Great Britain after World War II.

power alternated between the conservatives and labour party

describe the politics of Great Britain in the 1960s-1970s.

middle class grew, people moved from rural to urban areas, the number of farmers declined, white-collar workers increased while blue-collar workers declined.

describe the society of Canada after World War II

US boycotted 1980 Moscow Olympics, placed an embargo on the US grain shipped to the soviet union, gave aid to the Afghan rebels

how did the US respond when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan?

a shift to the left; socialists took over

how did the politics of France change during the 1970s?

socialists began to lose power while conservatism grew stronger

how did the politics of France change during the 1990s?

the soviets were harsh rulers

how did the soviets treat the people of the eastern european countries they occupied?


in what year did Charles de Gaulle resign as president of France?


in what year did Chiang Kai-shek die?

Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, & Greece

list several member nations of the European Economic Community

electronic, aircraft, nuclear, and chemical engineering industries on a large scale.

list some of the products Canada produced after World War II.

automobiles and weapons

list some of the products France produced/exported in the years following World War II.

South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong

list the "Asian Tigers"

the soviet union had the right to intervene if communism was threatened in another communist state.

what did the Brezhnev Doctrine state?

ended segregation and discrimination in the workplace and all public places.

what did the civil rights act (1964) do?

limited social welfare; improved the British economy

what effect did thatcherism have on the British economy?

increased the role and power of federal government, a rise in organized labor, beginning of welfare state.

what effects did the New Deal have on the US?

chemicals, textiles, shipbuilding, & automobiles.

what were some of the products produced in South Korea in the years following world war II?

would maintain only enough armed forces for defense, established a parliamentary system (3 branches of government) and reduce the power of the emperor, guaranteed basic and political rights, universal suffrage.

what were some of the provisions of Japan's post-world war II constitution?

February 13, 1960

when did France first explode a nuclear bomb?

in 1997

when did Great Britain return Hong Kong to China?

September 1951

when did Japan gain its independence from allied occupation?

in 1968-1974

when did richard nixon become president of the US? when did he resign from office?

late 1960s

when did the Women's Liberation Movement occur?

April 4, 1968

when was MLK assassinated?


when was roe vs. wade decided? what did it do?


where was Chiang Kai-shek exiled to when the communists took over China?

Carter (Democrat; 1976) -- Ronald Regan (Republican; 1980)

who became president of the US in 1976? 1980?

Charles de Gaulle

who became the first president of France after World War II?

Conservative-- Margaret Thatcher

who became the prime minister of Great Britain in 1979?

Pierre Trudeau

who became the prime minister of canada in 1968?

Krushchev; 1964

who came to power in the soviet union during the 1950s? when was he removed?

Leonid Brezhnev

who came to power in the soviet union during the 1970s?

first female prime minister of Britain; 1979-1990

why was Margaret Thatcher important? How long did she serve?

it became the second-greatest industrial power in the world

within fifty years of the end of world war II, how did Japan change economically?

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