chapter 36 and 58
its important to check the dam after removal to look for missing pieces. determine where it's missing from and floss or use the explorer to find the missing piece
when the dam is removed,you see that a piece of the dam has been torn away and is missing. what do you do to retrieve the missing piece
buccal mucosa
where are dri-angles placed?
rubber cup polishing
which is the most common techniwue for stain removal
the cotton roll may pull on the lining mucosa
why is it important to wet a cotton roll before removing it from the mouth
lingual surface of tooth #3
with the high speed handpiece positioned on the occlusal surface of tooth #4 where would the hve be positioned?
cleaning and polishing surfaces
zirconium silicate
intrinsic stains
stains that occur within the tooth structure and may not be removed by polishing are
removed blood, tissue, debris
surgical suction tips are used to
teeth that are visible after the dam material is placed are referred to as being
the _____ is the part of the dental clamp that is stabilized around each anchor tooth
the ______________ is rounded part of the dental dam clamp that is visible in the mouth after the dam material has been placed
the dental dam is ________ around each tooth to create a seal to prevent the leakage of saliva
after anesthesia has been given
the dentist has indicated for you to place the dental dam. at what point in the procedure will place the dental dam
the end of the hve tip is ________ sot that it can be positioned parallel to the site for better suction
silex, fine pumice, zirconium silicate, premixed
the four types of abrasives used for polishing the teeth
remove saliva and water
the main function of the saliva ejector is to
clinical crown
the portion of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity is the
prevent saliva leakage
the rationale for inverting the dental dam is to
the rubber dam punch has a ______, which is a sharp pointed too used for cutting
endogenous and exogenous
the two categories of intrinsic stains?
the_________ is a position that provides stability for the operator
toward the incisal and occlusal
toward which direction should the polishing stroke be directed
it can cause frictional heat
what damage can result from using the prophy angle and a high speed
is used to remove plaque and stains from the coronal surfaces only
what is coronal polish?
is the complete removal of calculus, debris, stains, and plaque from teeth
what is prophylaxis?
to provide stability to the hand
what is the purpose of a fulcrum
to remove stains and plaque
what is the purpose of coronal polishing
denal dam frame
what piece of equipment stabilizes and stretches the dam away from the face
not to traumatize the tissue
what precaution should be take when one is using a bristle brush
dental floss
what should be positioned on the dental dam clamp before it is postioned on the tooth in the patients mouth
what size hole would you punch in the dental dam for mandibular anteriors?
when a tooth is visible in the dental dam, it becomes ______
when something is not straight or in line, it is
used for heavily stained surface
extrinsic stains
stains that may be removed from the surfaces of the teeth are
removal of calculus and debris
An oral prophylaxis includes...
extrinsic stains
stains that occur on the external surfaces of the teeth and may be removed by polishing are
_________ means to inhale or swallow something
rubber cup polishing
___________________ is a technique used to remove plaque and stains from the coronal surfaces of the teeth
a _______ is the piece of the dental dam between each punched hoel
oral prophylaxis
a ___________ is the complete removal of calculus,debris, stain, and plaque from the teeth
a saliva ejector or hve used with air/water tip to rinse after anesthesia
after administration of anesthesia, which type of moisture control would be used to tinse the taste from her mouth
an instrument or item that is adaptable or adjustable to the maxillary or mandibular right or left is said to be __________
when no stains in present, patients at high risk for caries, then enamel, sensitive teeth, newly erupted teeth
contraindictions for coronal polishing
saliva ejector and HVE
define the two types of oral evacuation system used in dentsitry
used for limited or full mouth rinsing
define the use of the air water syringe
the hve may be held in the thumb to nose grasp or the pen grasp
describe the grasp and positioning of the high volume oral evacuator tip
low abrasive pastes should be used such as diamond paste. esthetic and porcelain restorations should be polished first and remaining teeth then polished with the apropriate methods for stain removal
discuss considerations when esthetic-type restorations are polished
from medications, excessive flouride
environmental such as tobacco stains or dental amalgam
for more persistent stains
fine pumice
chin upward
how should the patients head be postioned for access to the maxillary anterior teeth
the clamp will secure the dam and the frame will keep the dam stretched and out of the way
how will the dental dam be held away from the working area
before placing sealants, before placing dental dam, before cementing ortho bands, before etching, before cementing crowns and bridges
indications for coronal polishing
is a hard mineralized deposit attached to the teeth
rubber dam, rubber dam clamp,rubber dam forceps, rubber dam punch, ruber dam frame, floss
list the equipment and supplies used in dental dam application
cotton rolls, dry angles, dental dams, and oral evacuations
list the isolation techniques used to decrease moisture during a dental procedures
teeth #9-15 willl be isolated, size #2 for 9-11, #3 for 12-13, #4 for 14 and #5 for 15
list the teeth that will be isolated, what size hole will be punched for each tooth
stains on the exterior of the tooth that can be removed, stains from food, drink and tobacco
name and describe te types of extrinsic stains
available in different grits