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A curved rod (comma-shaped bacterium) is specifically described as a(n)_______


A gently curved bacterium is specifically described as a(n) ______. Multiple choice question.


In which of the following circumstances do microbes act as a group? Multiple choice question. when assembled in a biofilm when forming endospores when a capsule is present when inclusion bodies are present

when assembled in a biofilm

Which two of the following situations are opportunities for microbes to act as a group rather than as individuals? Multiple select question. when nanowires are present when forming endospores in a biofilm

when nanowires are present in a biofilm

A typical cell of Staphylococcus would be expected to have a diameter of approximately

1 μm

Which staining technique allows differentiation of mycobacterial cells?

Acid-fast stain

Which of the following describes the function of fimbriae?


Which is true regarding all bacterial cells? Multiple choice question. All cause disease. All lack a nucleus. All contain a cell wall. All are motile.

All lack a nucleus.

What is the glycocalyx?

An extracellular coating that provides protection to the cell

______ only have ribosomes that are 70S (Svedbergs) in size.

Archaea Bacteria

Which three structures comprise a bacterial flagellum? Periplasmic space Centrioles Basal body Filament Hook

Basal body Filament Hook

What structure is used in the Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology to divide bacteria and archaea into four major divisions?

Cell wall

Which cell structure is designed to provide shape, support and resistance to osmotic pressure?

Cell wall

Which of the following structures are possessed by all bacterial cells? Multiple select question. Chromosome(s) Cell wall Glycocalyx Cell membrane Ribosomes

Chromosome(s) Cell membrane Ribosomes

Bacterial DNA is organized into which of the following tightly wound discrete units? Chromosomes Nuclear regions Genomes Genes


Three genera of pathogenic bacteria that form endospores are ________,________- , and Sporosarcina.

Clostridium Bacillus

Which of the following are medically relevant endospore-producing genera? Escherichia Mycobacterium Clostridium Bacillus

Clostridium Bacillus

What is the correct term for describing very short, ovoid, rod-shaped bacterial cells?


What internal structure contributes to cell shape and division?


Multiple Choice Question Which of the following statements concerning biofilm is correct? Multiple choice question. BIofilms form on substances when the surface is dry and devoid of organic matter. Biofilms have a uniform thickness and texture that is characteristic of each organism. DNA molecules may be present in biofilms as an attractant to more cells.

DNA molecules may be present in biofilms as an attractant to more cells.

Which scheme of classification focuses on characteristics such as morphology and physiological traits instead of phylogenetic relationships and nomenclature?


Which of these statements indicate ways that the cell envelope contributes to functional differences between bacterial cells? The LPS found in gram-positive cells can cause shock. Reason: LPS is found in gram-negative cells. It is easier to control gram-negative infections. Reason: Actually, their outer membrane makes control more difficult. Different drugs are often required to kill gram-negative cells. Cell wall components can interact with human tissue and cause disease. The outer membrane in gram-negative cells makes them more resistant to control methods. Correct Answer Different drugs are often required to kill gram-negative cells. Cell wall components can interact with human tissue and cause disease. The outer membrane in gram-negative cells makes them more resistant to control methods. Need help? Review these concept resources. Feedback Next Question Reading

Different drugs are often required to kill gram-negative cells. Cell wall components can interact with human tissue and cause disease. The outer membrane in gram-negative cells makes them more resistant to control methods.

Which two domains are the most closely related? Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea Domain Eukarya

Domain Archaea Domain Eukarya

Domain Archaea is most closely related to Domain______-because they share rRNA sequences and similar ribosomal structures.


True or false: The different coccal arrangements are a consequence of growth in broth or on solid media.


Which appendage(s) provide motility? Flagellum Glycocalyx Fimbriae Axial filaments

Flagellum Axial filaments

Which two of the following statements regarding bacterial ribosomes are correct? Ribosomes are usually attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, giving it its "rough" appearance. Ribosomes can be readily observed in the light microscope with a simple stain. In an electron micrograph, ribosomes appear as small spherical dots. Ribosomes often occur in chains termed polysomes.

In an electron micrograph, ribosomes appear as small spherical dots. Ribosomes often occur in chains termed polysomes.

What is the purpose of mycolic acid in the mycobacterial cell wall?

It reinforces the cell wall and makes the bacterium resistant to certain chemicals and dyes.

Cell breaking or rupturing is known as cell .


_______ is what occurs when a cell breaks or ruptures.


Which of the following is a stimulus for endospore formation? Nutrient depletion Exposure to radiation Extreme temperature

Nutrient depletion

Which of the following are types of flagellar arrangements with more than one flagellum? Peritrichous Amphitrichous Monotrichous Lophotrichous

Peritrichous Amphitrichous Lophotrichous

Which of the following are considered external structures of prokaryotic cells? Multiple select question. Pili Nucleoid Granules Flagella

Pili Flagella

Which organelle's small and large subunits are composed of rRNA and protein?


Proteins are synthesized on the_________ , a small spherical structure located in the cytoplasm.


___________are counterclockwise rotations by flagella that propel a cell forward, whereas________ are clockwise rotations that cause the cell to stop and change its course.

Runs or Run tumbles or tumble

Which of the following represent arrangements of cocci? Sarcina Palisades Streptococci Tetrads

Sarcina Streptococci Tetrads

Which of the following are methods used to identify bacteria? Multiple select question. Serotype Bacterial biochemistry Genetic techniques Form of reproduction Cell morphology

Serotype Bacterial biochemistry Genetic techniques Cell morphology

What are the three most common shapes of bacterial cells? Multiple select question. Irregular Spirillum Coccus Filamentous Bacillus

Spirillum Coccus Bacillus

A _____________is a flexible, spiral-shaped bacterium.


What bacterial cell type is a flexible, spring-like structure?


What term represents chains of cocci?


Which two of the following statements about the bacterial S layer are correct? The S layer consists of thousands of copies of a single protein. The S layer is sometimes using in conjugation for DNA transfer. The S layer is rarely observed in cells grown in the lab in rich medium. The S layer is also referred to as the glycocalyx.

The S layer consists of thousands of copies of a single protein. The S layer is rarely observed in cells grown in the lab in rich medium.

Which two of the following statements are correct regarding the bacterial chromosome? The chromosome is coiled around basic proteins to fit inside the cell compartment. The chromosome is coiled around basic proteins to attach to the cell wall. The chromosome carries the genes required for cell maintenance and growth. The chromosome is a long molecule of double-stranded DNA and double-stranded RNA.

The chromosome is coiled around basic proteins to fit inside the cell compartment. The chromosome carries the genes required for cell maintenance and growth.

Which of the following makes bacteria and archaea different from eukaryotes? Multiple choice question. They have phospholipids in their cell membrane. They lack a nucleus. They lack chromosomes. They possess a cell wall

They lack a nucleus.

Archaea are: Multiple select question. able to exist in extreme environments only found in the environment prokaryotic more closely related to Domain Eukarya than to Bacteria the newest life forms

able to exist in extreme environments prokaryotic more closely related to Domain Eukarya than to Bacteria

The________ _________stain technique would be used to discover Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a sputum sample.

acid or Ziehl fast or Neelsen

In a stratified biofilm, (choose two) Multiple select question. anaerobes are found near the bottom aerobes are found near the bottom aerobes are found near the surface anaerobes are found near the surface

anaerobes are found near the bottom aerobes are found near the surface

Plasmids typically carry ______ genes. antibiotic resistance nonessential required essential

antibiotic resistance nonessential

Cells that are related to eukaryotes but similar in structure to bacteria are called ______.


Cells that are related to eukaryotes but similar in structure to bacteria are called ______. Multiple choice question.


A(n)________ filament is a periplasmic flagellum found in some spirochete bacteria.


Twisting or flexing of spirochete bacteria is attributed to the

axial filaments

A group of cells in a palisade arrangement will have the cellular morphology


The proper term for a rod-shaped bacterial cell is a(n)_________


Cylindrical bacterial cells are called _____, whereas spherical bacterial cells are called_____.

bacillus, bacilli, or rods coccus or cocci

Cylindrical bacterial cells are called _____, whereas gently curved cylindrical cells are referred to as________

bacillus, bacilli, or rods vibrio or curviform

The three most common shapes of bacterial cells are known as_______ __________and spirillum/spirochete bacteria. Use technical terms please.

bacillus, bacilli, rods, or rod cocci or coccus

Peptidoglycan is a component of the cell wall in ________.


Bacteria and archaea were initially classified based on shape, arrangement, and staining, but were found to have significant differences in _____________ ,and genetics.


The prefix "strepto-" is used to indicate that the cells are arranged in


During ______, bacterial cells move by flagellar motion in response to chemical signals.


To move towards a chemical attractant by flagellar motion is referred to as positive


The hereditary material of a bacterial cell is a (normally) single circular strand of DNA known as the bacterial _________-, which is aggregated in the nucleoid.


Which two of the following are found in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell? fimbriae chromosome periplasm ribosomes

chromosome ribosomes

The prefix "staphylo-" is used to indicate that the cells are arranged in:


The term used for a short, plump bacterial rod is______-


The bacterial chromosome is coiled around protein molecules for the purpose of

compaction into the cell

Bacterial ________ is the transfer of genetic material between two bacteria cells.


The genetic transfer of material through pili is termed ______.


Which components of the bacterial endospore are responsible for its resistance to environmental challenges?

cortex coat

The internal gelatinous matrix of a cell, mostly composed of water, is referred to as _________________


The intracellular gelatinous solution is referred to as


Another term for the cell membrane (or plasma membrane) is the ____________membrane.


The cell membrane may also be referred to as the ______.

cytoplasmic membrane

The_______is a network of actin and tubulin filaments that are located just under the cell membrane and that contribute to cell shape.


Which of the following are characteristics of a mature endospore? Multiple select question. susceptible to heat susceptible to chemical disinfectants desiccation-resistant radiation-resistant

desiccation-resistant radiation-resistant

The ______________ , scheme of classification, which is restricted to the analysis of bacterial disease agents, divides bacteria first by cell walls and then by shape, arrangement, and physiological characteristics.


Biofilms are often stratified, meaning that Multiple choice question.

different microbes occupy spaces that best fit their environmental needs

The prefix " _________-" means "in pairs."


The basal body of a flagellum is located

embedded within the cytoplasmic membrane, wall, and outer membrane.

he depletion of nutrients is a stimulus for_____ in bacteria.


The complex external covering composed of two or three layers found on the majority of bacteria is termed the cell


Fimbriae, flagella, and pili are all examples of _____ structures found in some bacteria.


True or false: Bacterial endospores are reproductive structures.


The main function of ______ is sticking to cells and other surfaces.


Appendages that propel bacterial cells through an aqueous environment include axial filaments and __________

flagella or flagellum

The basal body, hook, and filament are components of ___________in bacteria.

flagella or flagellum

The process by which an endospore rehydrates and begins cellular metabolism is termed _____.


__________is the process by which an endospore rehydrates and begins cellular metabolism.


The __________is a polysaccharide protective coating outside of the bacterial cell wall that is called either a capsule or slime layer based on its structure.


Ribosomes make a good target for antibacterial drugs because

human ribosomes have a different structure and would not be susceptible to such drugs.

In bacteria, ribosomes are located ______.

in the cytoplasm

Planktonic bacteria

live as single cells, not in biofilm communities

The peptidoglycan component of the cell wall has _____ sugar chains crosslinked by _____ peptide fragments.

long; short

A tuft of flagella from a single site is referred to as a__________ arrangement, whereas flagella dispersed over the surface of the cell is referred to as

lophotrichous peritrichous

The glycan chains of peptidoglycan can be hydrolyzed by the enzyme _____, a host defense naturally found in tears and saliva.


A typical cell of Staphylococcus would be expected to have a diameter of approximately 1


A cell wall and some form of glycocalyx are found in ______ bacterial cells.


The ability to move is referred to as ______


Motility refers to an organism's ability to ______.


The mycobacterial cell wall is reinforced with_________acid


If a given bacteria is pink following gram staining that bacteria is gram-_________


Only gram-______ bacteria possess an outer membrane.


Gram________cells are typically more resistant to drug treatment and chemical control methods than gram-______cells

negative positive

Archaeal cell walls are distinct from bacterial cell walls in that Multiple choice question.

none contain peptidoglycan

Only gram-negative bacteria possess a(n) ______.

outer membrane

The majority of bacteria have a cell envelope. Which component of the cell envelope is found in only some bacterial cells?

outer membrane

The prefix "diplo-" is used to indicate that the cells are arranged in Multiple choice question.


Bacterial cells have high internal pressure. The________layer of the cell wall provides strength and rigidity to prevent cell lysis.


Lysozyme, an enzyme contained in tears and saliva, is a host defense against bacteria. Its substrate is


The cell wall in bacteria is primarily composed of


During , bacterial cells move by flagellar motion in response to light.


When bacteria move in response to a light source, this overall movement is referred to as ______.


Bacteria that live as single cells are described as


A ______________is an extrachromosomal piece of DNA that contains genes not essential for cell growth.


Which of the following are found in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell? Choose two. Multiple select question. pool of amino acids cytoskeleton flagellum lipopolysaccharide

pool of amino acids cytoskeleton

A bacteria that appears purple following gram staining is considered gram-_________-


The function of the peptidoglycan in the cell wall is to

prevent the rupture of the cell from internal pressure

the functions of the cell wall include preventing destruction with changes in osmotic pressure maintaining the shape of the bacterium containing the components for cellular respiration the storage of nutrients

preventing destruction with changes in osmotic pressure maintaining the shape of the bacterium

The S layer surrounding many bacterial cells is comprised of


The flagellar filament is composed of


Which of the following are components of the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall? Choose two. protein lipid carbohydrate nucleic acid Correct Answer

protein carbohydrate

Archaeal cell walls are distinct from bacterial cell walls in that some are composed almost entirely of ______. Multiple select question. lipids protein polysaccharides nucleic acids

protein polysaccharides

The site of protein synthesis in the cell, known as the______ , is composed of rRNA and protein.


A bacillus is a _____-shaped bacterial cell.


Counterclockwise rotation of the flagellum causes a bacterial cell to swim or ______ towards a stimulus, interrupted by clockwise rotation in which the cell ______ and changes its course.

run, tumbles

Some bacteria are covered with a loose shield called a_________ layer that protects the cell from dehydration and loss of nutrients. Listen to the complete question Need help? Review these concept resources.


Question Mode Multiple Choice Question A type of glycocalyx called the _______ is loosely attached to the bacterial cell and protects it from dehydration and loss of nutrients. Multiple choice question.

slime layer

A strain is a subgroup of a


A coccus is a ______-shaped bacterial cell.


A rigid helical bacterial cell twisted twice or more along its axis is described as a(n) ______.


The helical structure of a_______is more rigid than the spring-shaped form of a spirochete.

spirillum or spirilla

The prefix _________means "in grape-like clusters." Listen to the complete question


A subgroup of a species is referred to as a

strain, type, or subspecies

The prefix "_____-" means "in a chain".


Choose the prefixes that may be used to describe arrangements of bacilli. (Choose two.) vibrio- strepto- staphylo- diplo-

strepto- diplo-

Bacterial endospores are involved in: Multiple choice question.


The origin of the various groupings for cocci, for example strepto-, staphylo-, diplo-, is

the geometry of the cell division planes

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