Chapter 4

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

childhood obesity video

Socio economic status increases risk of being overweight Busy families stop off at fast food restaurant and basically feed a whole family on 5 bucks vs expensive groceries Studies show higher economic class are m0ore active bcv time and money influence activity level Low income families tend to work two jobs and kids are made to stay indoors so they eat junkier foods Then again parents are in control of access to food from parents They bring it in and kids eat what parents bring and do If parents eat well, kids eat well In video example parents make healthy meal with meat entrees etc, and parents encourage kids to move Mom admits that since she is mexican she ate more fried food as a child but now as an adult she ate better When she was pregnant she has prenatal diabetes and therefore she began to eat better so that her kids could be healthier She teaches her kids that protein helps with muscles and carbs give energy for sports She talks about how it's probably she's a stay at home mom and she understands it's different for working moms She says "quicker isn't always better but sometimes that's what they have to " Second example; mom is busy in school and work and she tells daughter how sad she is Her daughter admits that she doesn't eat vegetables eber Mom says that her kids are "fat like [her[" she is sad bc she "can't help them lose weight" bv she hasn't done so herself/ isn't able to She is teased about being fat and is called a potato ; she says that it makes her sad Stop at 16:42

authoritative parenting

Supportive +Demanding -relationship is reciprocal, responsive; high in bidirectional communication

unvaccinated children

Those who cannot access medical care regularly Those whose parents decide not to vaccinate for a variety of reasons (avoiding perceived risks, religious beliefs, etc.) Reasons vary by social class (and other influences such as community, culture, and traditions): --Actual reasons why piper don't vaccinate kids Distrust of medical systems Hospitals with residential schools were bad and effect why people refuse vaccines and medical Same in some african countries; they don't understand the fascination with drawing blood; think that their blood is being stolen or that they are being injecting to be infertile

childhood obesity (and parenting)

To what extent is the obesity epidemic related to parental choice? What role does privilege play in child health?

the vaccine narrative

Vaccine knowledge is a conversation rather than based on medical professionals or medical knowledge Vaccination is a success story; mastery over death; we learned to protect ourselves Vaccine narrative has a moral : vaccines is best bc it works However there's still some uncertainty

vaccine fears in the past

Vaccines emerged with a lot of uncertainty A Lot of physicians thought vaccines were completely crazy Fears at the times was if you were to be injected with animal vaccines you would get animal tendencies or become an animal


Vaccines emerged with a lot of uncertainty A Lot of physicians thought vaccines were completely crazy Fears at the times was if you were to be injected with animal vaccines you would get animal tendencies or become an animal Now the fear is that it leads to autism Vacaciones means injecting people with cowpox in latin He noticed milkmaids didn't get smallpox; used materials from milk maids and put it into child who then didn't get smallpox There has always been uncertainty around vaccines

religiously-based health decisions

Variety of decisions Most neutral or beneficial Religiously-based medical exemption: Parental rights to refuse medical care for children based on religious beliefs Health professionals' cultural competency Risk to children ---If you're sick ppl say they will pray for you which gives comfort and feeling of support which helps you gain strength and heal In us there is a concept of religiously based conduct; children passed away and parents haven't been sentenced Risk to children can accommodate some health care decisions




_______ provide socialization to their children, care for their children's needs, social reproduction , generational, daily survival, social position -capital (discussed earlier) -children learn to have children through their parents -reproduce social inequalities that are present in society -reproduce gender roles


a lot of fears of boys being raised by their mothers not being able to become men -Child psychology; Middle-class parenting ideals.

universal child care benefit

all parents with children UNDER the age of 6 are currently entitled to the ___________ of $1,200 a year

families now

are recognized as increasingly diverse Immigration means there is more cultural diversity in Canada More awareness of the implications of racism, colonialism, and other problems More ways to have children than in the past Gender roles are changing -Popular media still present families as all the parenting being done in a nuclear family Surrogate mothers->>> a little bit of co-parenting Happens in cases where there is divorce Blended and same sex couples becoming more common More unmarried couples without kids than married couples with kids now Rise in lone fathers, but still a minority People are getting married later-> having children later-> having less children

contemporary childhods

as a formative life stage Anxieties about development Parents spend more time with children Intensive parenting in affluent families ---Social class is still a primary determinant of wellbeing- the amount of time you can spend with your child is based on social class (how much does a parent have to work to support their family?)


canada lacks a national _______ program -varies but very costly in most provinces


cannot be absolute


compared to other men, _________ men are more geographically mobile and nine times more likely to be incarcerated


gaps in knowledge

traditional gendered discourses

good mothers- Prioritizes family over work Selfless Emotionally available Devoted to parenting good fathers-Prioritizes paid work to provide for family Disciplinarian Rational authority You have to do very little to be considered a good dad, but also very little to be considered a bad mom


knowledge about what exists; hat we can know about what exists


marked the time that unmarried couples without children outnumbered married couples with children


measurable possibilities of harm


often seen as an individual problem rather than a population problem

life course perspective

parenting is a possible life stage -family members have "linked lives"

institutionalized heterosexuality

parents socialize children to fit normative gender roles -Parental roles also gendered Fatherhood associated with masculinity Motherhood with femininity -parentes are SUPPOSED to socailize children to fit societys gender roles


parents who work part time or seasonally are often _______for income support from the government if they become unemployed

forgoing christian science treatment

people who no longer believe in christian science


political philosophy geared towards restructing society to meet demands of the global market -policies reflect ideas about who is deserving or not deserving -People internalize these values, raise children to compete, and to be self-sufficient -Useful for understand constraints on parent choice More responsibilities put on individuals and families to solve social problems Tends to privilege certain social classes and ethnicities over others White upper class can benefit and fit into these understanding mores -Useful for understand constraints on parent choice More responsibilities put on individuals and families to solve social problems Tends to privilege certain social classes and ethnicities over others White upper class can benefit and fit into these understanding mores How mothers make decision about vaccinations

neoliberalism and parenting

prepare your children to become independent and fully responsible for themselves economically

vaccine anxieties

reactions to uncertainties and risks about vaccines and or diseases Gaps in knowledge, professional practice; what you can know; different from doubting it Even those medical professionals who have questions, are very supportive of it bc its works Even though vaccines are proven safe there are instances of problems; mistakes happen; people were supposed to be injected with dead polio but it was the live one so many ppl got polio and some even died The case of the girl who went in for dental surgery; came out with disabilities The fraudulent case of the guy who wrote the fake paper on vaccines ⇒ autism; retracted years after being taken seriously

gender dysphoria

refers to stress or discomfort stemming from the self-knowledge that one's biological sex does not conform to, or is the opposite of, his or her personal gender identity


regulates child care for all parents regardess of income; they pay $7 a day for childcare -the province continues to revamp its policies to reflect the increased need and desire to assist families and women with the mounting challenges associated with jggling paid and unpaid work

rejecting-neglecting parenting

relationship is rejecting or neglecting; uninvolve

Pro-vaccine discourses

simplified scientific information Statistical and clinical information, "the benefits outweigh the risks," some personal stories Moral: Vaccines are the best and only way to fight disease


socially and culturally constructed life state -it has changed a lot -Was not considered a special life stage as it is now You used to become an adult through marriage A lot of changes and influences on parenting

emotional impetus

stacey argues that an ______ underlies the decision to parent today, more so than the economic one of the past when children were sources of labour and financial security


tax free, based on income -Canada Child Benefit: tax free, based on income Canada Childcare Tax Benefit and National Benefit Supplement are deducted from total social assistance


the number of times a process will be repeated


they don't understand the fascination with drawing blood; think that their blood is being stolen or that they are being injecting to be infertile

permissive parenting

undemanding + supporting relationship is indulgent; low in control attempts

authoritarian parenting

unsupportive +demanding -relationship is controlling, power assertive; high in unidirectional communication

Anti-vaccine discourses

use pseudo-scientific or fraudulent information Often personal stories, some statistical information, or argue stats are inaccurate for individual children Moral: Medicine and pharmaceuticals are to be viewed with suspicion

vaccine fears now

vaccines lead to autism


values social harmony, clear lines of authority and the meeting of collective rather than individual needs are historically embedded in familial relationships including specific gender roles and expectations such as the idea that fathers hold power and authority within the family

motherly privilege

"As in other mothering projects, women who are able to negotiate with providers, complete paperwork, and move through social worlds without fear of state surveillance are best able to exercise choice."

parental choice

"Good" mothers: Extensively research vaccine safety Recognize child's unique immune system Boost immune system with nutritious foods Maintain "safe" social networks within imagined gated communities Good mothers put in resarch; mother knows her child's best interest better than any physican Emphasis on parental choice and ability to do research Bad mother = no research time; inability to take kids to get vaccines etc; Safe social networks with good mothers; they stay within their communities Anyone that isn't privileged is excluded from their imaginary gated community (not outright but implies|)

christian science healing and children

"I phoned the hospital and asked them to take the cast off. Of course, the doctor said no he would not do it. He said, 'You know, she/he could have possibly one leg shorter than the other, she/he could have a limp.' He would not take the responsibility" --Family got bones set not when bones broke but when social services was threatening to be called

christian science in combination with medicine

"I'm not a Christian Science martyr.... I've just seen too many people, wonderful people ... pass on or die because they didn't even know they had a problem, ... And if they did; then they weren't doing much about it." ---Need to know ailments in order to use christian science to heal them


"Nuclear families"; Changing dominant norms

cultural diversity

-causes different influences on how to parent (colonialism, immigration, cultural differences) The more immigration reproduces the population, the more differences we will see Because of their past, some aboriginals practice parenthood in a way where they work together as a community to raise a child (But not all) When people immigrate they can see how their cultural norms and parenting practices differ from the surrounding environment May have challenges settling ex, Syrian refugees and sponsorship is running out, but many haven't even gotten English training yet to even be able to look for a job


-is often associated with choice (whether to or how to) -this is influenced by man things such as... Institutionalized heterosexuality Social support and kin networks Tradition and culture Access to capital (social, economic, and so forth) Stigmatization: racism, classism, ageism, ableism Neoliberalism - a lot of this is organized around heterosexuality- people want to be economically secure before they start this and most are spending more time at work and also doing this

intensive mothering

: "a gendered model that advises mothers to expend a tremendous amount of time, energy and money in raising their children" (Hays in Reich, p. 681). Expert-driven Has permeated all social classes, but most intense in the middle class. it is still based on an intensive model Advises mothers to spend extreme amounts of time, money and effort into their children ex. Delayed vaccination, breast feeding on command


: Governing through choices; shaping of individual rationalities and desires so that you will make the right choices and you are at fault if you make the wrong choices.

constructionist grounded theory

A method Reich used to analyze her interviews.

Vaccine Policy

Aim: Universal health intervention Relies on "herd immunity," which requires nearly all people to be vaccinated. Most vaccines are for children and rely on parental compliance with a public health procedure. -Focus is on indiv parents; reliance on consent Away from Paternal relationships with medicine; doc says and you listen Flu is not a mild illness; used commonly; comes annually Big example is disneyland bcx that outbreak spread it internationally due to tourism


Anxieties and intensity of parenting; Parents having fewer children -concerns about how to raise a good child

"good" fathers

Brannen and Nilsen found 3 models: "Work-focused" "Family men" "Hands-on" or "Involved"

childcare benefits

Canada Child Benefit: tax free, based on income Canada Childcare Tax Benefit and National Benefit Supplement are deducted from total social assistance -


Canada lacks a national childcare program Varies, but very costly in most provinces


Child labour outlawed

types of healthcare decisions

Christian Science as the Best (Often Only) Healing Option Christian Science Unless Others Disapprove Christian Science Only if it Works Effectively Forgoing Christian Science Treatment -Whenever she asked about medical decisions made in past; most answers were "i don't remember" 1 ⇒ exception of setting bones and eyeglasses etc 2 ⇒ when others begin to stigmatize THEN use it; christian science says that you should maintain good relations and work with surrounding society 3⇒ believe it works but it isn't working so go to medical help as last resort; guilt usually as an after thing; personal failure not failure of christian science 4⇒ rejecting it for medical help Methods of alternative to medicine = pray that you never even had that illness rather than pray for it to go away

parents & vaccines

Concerns about mainstream health advice and their need to manage childhood risks May feel that their concerns were unaddressed when they visit physicians and nurses. Websites and other information sources can be very convincing Minority of religious objectors Parents think that professionals are against them They have unanswered questions Anti vaccination is less of a movement more of a desiree to understand A Lot of these websites have pseudo scientific, real looking diagrams and research Nosode = now illegal but was advertised as alternative to vaccine

"good parenting"

Covey to other people, family, social workers, and others that you are a good parent Confirmation from others in talk or actions Influenced by social institutions, social class, culture -social class is huge in the ability to do this ex. If parents are not educated they may not be able to help the kids with homework

stay at home dad (video)

David: as a stay-at-home dad, sees low expectations, library has play group things, only man there More common to have paternity leave: good, but still lowers the income Dad as stay-at-home, mom owned 2 businesses. Grandpa would express gendered assumptions Mom worked night shifts: dad often helped get daughters ready for school, did everything with hair and clothing. Dads need to be given credit when they fill traditional "mom" roles Realizations of how difficult some daily talks are when you take on a stay at home role Impact of expectations on the dads themselves. Dads feel comfortable doing feminine roles but if they saw themselves as feminine they wouldn't like that

Jennifer Reich

Disease can get into wealthy community especially if everyone in that community lives the same way; Those imaginary gates don't mean anything bc disease travels as seen with sidney example ] Rich are more to travel therefore more likely to get disease Strong responsibility to kin A Lot of time and money to invest in children

vaccination in alberta

Disease outbreaks measles whooping cough Influenza Communities with low vaccine compliance Religious objections Perceived risks Access Vaccination through Public Health Clinics and schools

medical refusals

Ex little girl broke her arm and was muslim and her family doctor put a pig stain graft on her arm without consulting family who later took it off which lead to complications Jehovah's witness don't take blood transfusions; for an expense can break it down and just take minerals Catholic medical alongside public one in canada There was a doc who refused to prescribe birth control for acne bc of her own personal beliefs

heternormativity & non-heterosexual parents

Exposed to discourses about masculinity and femininity Its possible to navigate discourses differently: Can parent in opposition to traditional gender roles Parenthood separate from biological reproduction Stigmatization -How much money did the couple in the past video have to invest in the three triples? As opposed to fostering/adopting

intensive parenting

Extreme child-centered family unattainable—especially for working parents Ideology makes it easy to associate "poor parents" with "poor parenting" -not attainable for most people -in REALITY Engaging in paid labour does not seem to hinder child development

Parental Choice and Neoliberalism

Focus on parental decisions that ensure competitiveness and child's success and reduce risks. Idea that individual parents have agency and ability to decide ignores social restraints, economic inequality, class differences, any of the "isms" (sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, etc.) There is a focus on parental decisions that ensure child success You are trying to make your children be in competition with other children based on your parental investment With intensive mothering, it is still based on an intensive model


Hospitals with residential schools were bad and effect why people refuse vaccines and medical

Neoliberal Mothering and Privilege

Idea that it comes down to individual choice Overlook social constraints -Calculating what they perceive to be risks; treating the healthcare system as a market to pick and choose from Might not reject all but may accept/ reject Thought of it as only their own children; didn't think of how others affect them and they affect others Gendered ideas of mothers; not everyone has time to do all this Able to understand what doctor is telling them; able to fill out forms to stop schools from vaccinating Seen as happy middle class families; more likely to be seen/ aided by state

hands on fathers

Increased caregiving Promotion of play Independence (emotional, intellectual) Involve children in housework -Encourage different things from children Promote risk-taking Some softness and emotional intimacy ("feminine" traits)

parenting and poverty

Inequality: 1/10 adults were part of the working poor for at least one year between 1996-2001 Child poverty: 2% of children with two working parents 5.6% of single income children with two parents 9.9% of single mothers; 5.9% of single fathers Gendered inequalities -----Most families in Canada need two income to make ends meet More economic stability than we used to For rates of child poverty; varies by family structure Alberta is one of the worst provinces for gender inequalities

colonial canada

Infancy: anyone dependent on parents under 5-6 years Children: as "adults in training" Adulthood: began with marriage and financial independence.

state support (for families)

Leaner than in the past 1944-1980: all mothers entitled to Family Allowances until children are eighteen. 1980s: Family Allowances Act was reformed Employment Insurance: more difficult to access Parental leave from federal government (employers may top it up)

state support for families

Leaner than in the past 1944-1980: all mothers entitled to Family Allowances until children are eighteen. 1980s: Family Allowances Act was reformed Employment Insurance: more difficult to access Parental leave from federal government (employers may top it up)

parental choice and children's health

Legal responsibility to ensure child is healthy enough Parental freedom with most health choices Universal healthcare eases some parental decisions Individualization of health problems, including epidemics like obesity Legal responsibility has some challenges; it's assumed that mom knows best about health of child This is based on availability of universal health care Hard to access dental care bc that's not included in universal healthcare individualization of certain health conditions Ex obesity → population problem or indiv problem? Usually seen as indiv problem

Mothers in Reich's study

Most work less than full-time Most were married Most have post-secondary education All but one were white None listed religion as a reason to refuse

mothers in reich study

Most work less than full-time Most were married Most have post-secondary education All but one were white None listed religion as a reason to refuse

gender creative child video

Normal for a girl to grow up and be called a "Tom boy" The parents said their entire world changed when they found out CJ like girls things They are learning how to parent and accepting their child, gender norms are so engrained in our society , he is not "naturally" interested in boys thing They knew since he was 2 years old. 6 years old at time of video If he grows up to be gay, they want to be in his life Young children often given things to "like" May form some preferences as young as 1 years old You have to be exposed to things to show that they like it Influence of other social settings (social institutions) from outside enforce gender norms Example: 2 weeks of preschool and start labelling girl colors Societal pressures about how to raise a child into gender roles Parents have options in how to socialize children about gender ; Society based in patriatachy: girls dress as boys as good thing more powerful; boys are "taking a step back" Older brother accepting of CJs preferences parents made the household safe and Chase got used to it Gender dysphoria

social class

Obesity is a poor people problem First generation ever now is said to not outlive parents Privilege and social; class affect parents and the decisions they make for kids Video: Kids like sweets Studies show 5/100 kids is obese; now 13/100 obese and 2/100 is overweight Rising number of obese kids brings question of public programs for fitness There is a lot of blame on parents Raising a generation that won't be as healthy or live as long as parents

christian science

Several North American groups refuse medical treatment. Christian Science is the largest and most recognized. --started in late 1800s in us ; fit in well in mainstream society; Responsible for a lot of the religious exemption clauses; lobbied for religious rights God is good therefore nothing evil exists; physical world is not real therefore it's all in your mind and you don't need medicine

parenting and social class

Social institutions fail to recognize that many children are parented outside of the idealized nuclear family. For instance: Lower class children experience disadvantages in their upbringing due inadequate economic resources. Middle class children also face high pressure to over-preform. -----Poverty being produced by social reproduction Social institutions failed to recognize Many children are in poverty in Canada Many users of food banks in Canada are children

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