Chapter 41 Fungal Skin Infections

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Cure athlete's foot in some patients after 1 week

Allure of betnafine hydrochloride and terbinafine hydrochloride

Macerated, denuded, weeping ulcerations on sole of foot, pungent odor, white hyperkeratosis

Characteristics of acute ulcerative type of tinea pedis

Fissuring, scaling, maceration in interdigital space, malodor, pruritus, sting sensation on feet

Characteristics of chronic intertriginous tinea pedis

Found on both feet, mild inflammation and diffuse moccasin-like scaling on soles.

Characteristics of chronic papulosquamous pattern tinea pedis

Small vesicles near instep, scaling, worse during summer

Characteristics of vesticular type tinea pedis

Feet, groin, scalp, under arms

Common places for tinea infections

Bitter orange, tea tree oil, garlic

Complementary therapies

Aluminum acetate solution 2-3x/day for 1 week, then antifungal treatment 2x/day for 4 weeks

For pedis, treatment if lesions with inflammation

Antifungal for 4 weeks + nondrug measures

For pedis, treatment if small vesicles, scaling without inflammation

Non-Rx astringents, antifungals, nonndrug measures to keep area clean and dry

How are they treated?

For between toes tinea pedis, tinea cruris, and tinea corporis -For athlete's foot between toes, twice a day for 1 week -thin film to AA once a day for 2 weeks for jock itch and ring worm

How to use butenafine hydrochloride

For Tinea pedis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis. For athlete's foot and ringworm, use 2x daily for 4 weeks. For cruris, apply twice daily for two weeks.

How to use clotrimazole and miconazole nitrate

-For athlete's foot between toes: apply twice a day for 1 week. -For athlete's foot on bottom or sides of foot, apple twice a day for 2 weeks. -For jock itch and ringworm, apply once a day for 1 week.

How to use terbinafine

Tinea unquium, tinea capitis

Medical referral for ___ and ___

Creams and solutions

Most effective treatment forms

-Primarily valuable in dry, scaly lesions -Apply sparingly twice daily, takes 2-4 weeks.


aluminum chloride2x/day for 1 week until odor and wetness subside. then antifungal 2x/day for 4 weeks.

Treatment of wet, soggy athlete's foot + deep fissures

aluminum chloride 2x/day for 1 week until odor, wetness, whitness abate. antifungal 2x/day after for 4 weeks.

Treatment of wet, soggy type of athlete's foot without fissures

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