Chapter 5

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Although the Seven Years' War has often been called a world war, there was very little international conflict True or False


Britain's adoption of mercantilist policies set it apart from other European powers of the seventeenth century True or False


George Grenville continued the policy of "salutary neglect" True or False


John and Samuel Adams urged their fellow colonists to reject the arguments of Common Sense True or False


Like his grandfather and great-grandfather, George III cared little about England True or False


The Gaspée incident involved the burning of a church in Boston by British soldiers True or False


The Glorious Revolution was bloodier (in terms of battle deaths) than the English Civil War True or False


The Stamp Act placed the first tax on the new colonial postal system True or False


Through the first half of the eighteenth century, the power of the colonial assemblies generally declined True or False


Benjamin Franklin headed the committee that produced the Plan of Union in 1754 True or False


George Washington played a major role in the start of the French and Indian War True or False


In the Dominion of New England, taxes were levied without the consent of the assembly True or False


John Locke's writings justified revolution in some cases True or False


The Quartering Act required the colonies to provide provisions and barracks for British soldiers True or False


Thomas Jefferson was the chief author (or "draftsman") of the Declaration of Independence True or False


As a result of the 1763 Treaty of Paris, Britain acquired what from Spain? a. Florida b. New Orleans c. Mexico d. Cuba e. California

a. Florida

Why did many American colonists object to the Quebec Act? a. It made Roman Catholicism Quebec's official religion b. It permitted criminal cases to be settled without the use of juries c. It created a plan for a military occupation of the colonies d. It transferred Quebec back to France, thereby placing a hostile power at the northern border of the American colonies e. It moved the capital of the Dominion of New England to Montreal

a. It made Roman Catholicism Quebec's official religion

According to the colonists, what did the American Board of Customs Commissioners do? a. It pursued a program that was little more than a system of legalized piracy b. It functioned only if the British government furnished the funds needed to pay the commissioners c. It offered a more efficient and equitable method of collecting customs because it was an American, rather than a British, commission d. It was made up of treasonous Tories who should have been hanged in the town square e. It was hampered in defending merchant John Hancock because of British regulations

a. It pursued a program that was little more than a system of legalized piracy

What did the conflict over the Quartering Act demonstrate? a. It showed that there was strong anticolonial sentiment in the House of Commons and that Parliament would not hesitate to defend its sovereignty b. It showed that there was a strong procolonial bloc in the House of Commons that was prepared to exert considerable pressure on the government to maintain good relations with the colonies c. It showed that neither the king nor Parliament particularly cared about the civil liberties of Americans as long as the colonies were paying their share of colonial defense d. It showed that the British government was caught in a dilemma of wanting to permit continued American self-governance but, at the same time, wanting to reassert at least the principle of parliamentary sovereignty e. It showed that King George III was, in reality, the main force within the British government restraining the ministry of Lord North from imposing a tyranny on the colonies

a. It showed that there was strong anticolonial sentiment in the House of Commons and that Parliament would not hesitate to defend its sovereignty

What was the purpose of the 1764 Sugar Act? a. It was designed to raise revenues to offset British military expenses in North America b. It was designed to provide King George III with the necessary resources to maintain his opulent lifestyle c. It was designed to increase the consumption of sugar in the colonies by reducing its price d. It was designed to create a monopoly over the sugar trade by the British East India Company e. It was designed to eliminate French involvement in the sugar trade

a. It was designed to raise revenues to offset British military expenses in North America

Which of the following was the attorney who defended the British soldiers accused of firing on the civilians in the Boston Massacre? a. John Adams b. Thomas Hutchinson c. Thomas Paine d. John Wilkes e. John Dickinson

a. John Adams

Why did Pontiac's War occur? a. The British stopped distributing food, ammunition and other gifts to the Indians, as the French had done, and colonists were moving onto Native American lands b. The British had abandoned their western forts to the French, who were abusive toward the Native Americans there c. The colonial government of Virginia had been pressuring Iroquois tribes to move west so that white settlement could expand d. Some Indian tribes objected to the alliance that had been formed with the Spanish e. African-American slaves in South Carolina began to fear the loss of status to Indian indentured servants

a. The British stopped distributing food, ammunition and other gifts to the Indians, as the French had done, and colonists were moving onto Native American lands

What did the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 have in common? a. They both interfered with colonial claims to western lands b. They both extended religious freedom to Catholics c. They both were repealed after colonial protests d. They both were designed to reaffirm French sovereignty in Canada e. They both imposed new taxes on goods imported from Europe

a. They both interfered with colonial claims to western lands

The result of General Edward Braddock's effort to capture Fort Duquesne was: a. a devastating ambush and defeat b. a conventional European-style battle c. a prolonged and successful siege d. Braddock's promotion to governor of Virginia e. French withdrawal from the Ohio Valley

a. a devastating ambush and defeat

When the British ship Gaspée ran aground in Rhode Island, the local population: a. burned it b. claimed it c. rescued its crew d. pillaged it e. attacked it

a. burned it

The French and Indian War was triggered by: a. conflicting French and English claims to the Ohio Valley b. religious tension between French Catholics and English Protestants c. the expansionist policies of Louis XIV d. French anger over English restrictions on trade and shipping e. the desire of both sides to pull their economies out of depression

a. conflicting French and English claims to the Ohio Valley

Mercantilism involved: a. government's attempt to maintain a favorable balance of trade b. allowing Americans the ability to govern themselves c. encouraging colonists to develop manufacturing d. a commitment to absolute free trade e. one of the earliest experiments in socialism

a. government's attempt to maintain a favorable balance of trade

In Pennsylvania, the Paxton Boys: a. killed and threatened peaceful Indians b. employed mob violence against British officials c. used vigilante justice against local criminals d. demanded that the governor reduce taxes e. tended to support British policy

a. killed and threatened peaceful Indians

John Locke's contract theory of government argued that: a. men have certain rights in the state of nature, including the right to life, liberty, and property b. governments were formed when strong men seized authority as kings to protect natural rights c. kings have a divine right to rule their subjects as long as their subjects prosper d. the only legitimate governments are ones that allow all adults, regardless of sex and race, to vote e. government's chief duty is to wage war against other nations

a. men have certain rights in the state of nature, including the right to life, liberty, and property

The Currency Act of 1764: a. prohibited the colonies from making their currency legal tender b. created terrible inflation in the colonies c. was designed to ease the shortage of hard money in the colonies d. said that lenders had to accept paper money in payment of debts e. changed the name of the basic monetary unit to "dollar" from "pound"

a. prohibited the colonies from making their currency legal tender

The purpose of the Coercive Acts was to: a. punish Boston for the Tea Party b. arrest the leaders of the Sons of Liberty c. abolish the colonial assemblies d. outlaw any public criticism of British policy e. make Americans drink more tea

a. punish Boston for the Tea Party

The 1765 Stamp Act: a. required revenue stamps on legal and commercial documents b. was approved by the colonial assemblies c. directly affected only a few Americans d. soothed American fears of standing armies e. raised a lot of money for the Crown

a. required revenue stamps on legal and commercial documents

During the period of salutary neglect: a. the British government took less of a role in governing the American colonies b. new and efficient trade regulations were introduced c. William and Mary ruled Britain d. a new trade board, the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, was introduced e. Americans developed a powerful desire for independence

a. the British government took less of a role in governing the American colonies

At the Battle of Bunker Hill: a. the British suffered major casualties b. George Washington won his first victory c. the colonial militia repulsed every British assault d. Americans learned they could easily beat the British e. Americans refused to take prisoners

a. the British suffered major casualties

The Spanish colonies in North America failed, in part, because: a. the region lacked the gold and silver of Central and South America b. the region had a greater native population than Central and South America c. the Spanish colonizers did not pay enough attention to military matters d. Spaniards were lazy and incompetent colonial administrators e. they were under constant attack from the French and English

a. the region lacked the gold and silver of Central and South America

Edward Braddock

a. was a British general in the French and Indian War

At the end of the war, New Orleans and all of the French lands west of the Mississippi: a. went to Spain b. went to Britain c. remained French d. became independent e. became the creole state of New France

a. went to Spain

How did Americans oppose the Stamp Act? a. Street fighters maimed or murdered anyone who supported the act b. Americans damaged and destroyed property c. Gangs of seamen tarred and feathered stamp distributors d. Prominent women led a wide-spread boycott of stamps e. They created a congress that advocated independence from Great Britain

b. Americans damaged and destroyed property

In the South, British troops and colonial militia fought the: a. Iroquois b. Cherokees c. Shawnees d. Hurons e. Creeks

b. Cherokees

How did a writ of assistance work? a. It helped colonial merchants cut through the red tape of imperial trade regulations b. It allowed the British to search a colonial merchant's house where smuggled goods were suspected, without requiring proof or probable cause, and seize any items found c. It required prosecutors to present evidence of probable cause for suspicion of smuggling in requesting a search warrant d. It required that specified colonial products be landed in Britain before being shipped to other countries e. It required that colonial commerce agents provide subsidies to merchants engaged in trade outside the British Empire

b. It allowed the British to search a colonial merchant's house where smuggled goods were suspected, without requiring proof or probable cause, and seize any items found

What was the effect of the Treaty of Fort Stanwix? a. It led to the withdrawal of French forces from the Ohio Valley b. It heightened western tensions as more settlers moved into the Ohio Valley and agitated to establish a new colony c. It forced the Indians in the Ohio Valley to move west of the Mississippi River d. It prevented American settlers from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains e. It opened the Great Lakes to trade by American settlers

b. It heightened western tensions as more settlers moved into the Ohio Valley and agitated to establish a new colony

Why did Virginia send George Washington to the Ohio Valley in 1753 and 1754? a. It wanted Washington to survey the land so that Virginia could settle the area in an organized fashion b. It wanted Washington to remove the French from the region by persuasion or force c. It wanted Washington to build a series of forts that could intimidate the Indians d. It wanted Washington to capture the Indian leader Joseph Brandt e. It wanted Washington to negotiate a treaty with the Indians allowing the safe passage of white settlers

b. It wanted Washington to remove the French from the region by persuasion or force

Who led the group in Parliament who opposed the domestic and foreign policies of George III? a. James Otis b. John Wilkes c. John Hancock d. Frederick North e. Patrick Henry

b. John Wilkes

In the Declaration of Independence, where did Thomas Jefferson place the blame for the problems between the colonies and Great Britain? a. Parliament, because of the oppressive legislation that it had passed over ten years b. King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism c. the king's ministers, because they had refused to compromise and had turned the king and Parliament against the colonies d. British merchants, because their drive for personal profits had caused them to ignore the greater good of the empire e. all of these choices

b. King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism

Perhaps the most radical of the American rebels was Bostonian: a. James Otis b. Samuel Adams c. John Dickinson d. John Adams e. Paul Revere

b. Samuel Adams

Which of the following would have most influenced the opinion of the average colonial American on political issues of the day? a. Political pamphlets b. Sermons c. Newspapers d. Weekly magazines e. Books

b. Sermons

What was the colonial resistance leaders' first attempt at maintaining close and continuing cooperation in defense of colonists' rights over a wide area? a. The Stamp Act Manifesto b. The committees of correspondence c. The Continental Congress d. The circular letter e. The spinning bee network

b. The committees of correspondence

How did the colonists attempt to reconcile with England in 1775? a. They sent Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin to London to express their grievances b. They presented the Olive Branch Petition to King George III as a compromise c. They offered to pay for the tea dumped in Boston Harbor if the British Army was withdrawn d. They agreed to accept all of Parliament's demands for lifting the Intolerable Acts e. They promised to disarm if Parliament would remove the British soldiers

b. They presented the Olive Branch Petition to King George III as a compromise

What did the Townshend Duties do? a. They required that all legal documents and newspapers be printed on special watermarked paper b. They set moderate tax rates on certain imported items to the colonies c. They imposed such heavy duties on imported goods that colonists could no longer afford to buy them d. They removed taxes on all items except those being shipped to the British West Indies e. They raised large amounts of revenue and helped to reduce the British treasury's serious deficit

b. They set moderate tax rates on certain imported items to the colonies

A "writ of assistance" was: a. an order to the public to assist police officers in arresting suspected smugglers b. a blanket search warrant that did not specify the place to be searched c. the legal order that guaranteed trial by jury d. a government document used to assess criminal fines on colonists suspected of smuggling e. official permission to unload cargo in a colonial port

b. a blanket search warrant that did not specify the place to be searched

The major objective of the Tea Act of 1773 was to: a. enrich Lord North and his cronies b. bail out the East India Company c. stimulate England's home economy d. punish American tea importers e. reduce tea prices for Americans

b. bail out the East India Company

The war that erupted between the French and the British in North America: a. lasted two years b. became a world war c. resulted in a draw d. sparked massive protest in London e. was the last war fought between them

b. became a world war

Prime Minister Robert Walpole's relaxed policy toward the colonies: a. was criticized by the king b. enabled the Americans to pursue greater political independence c. resulted in his impeachment d. was seen as a positive policy in colonial relations by the Crown e. reflected his lack of interest in his official duties

b. enabled the Americans to pursue greater political independence

The Battle of Alamance Creek was a. about the limitations of colonial militia b. part of the Regulator movement and triggered by westerners who felt underrepresented in colonial assemblies and were unable to find redress for their grievances c. a battle between colonists on the frontier seeking to expand further west and Native Americans who wanted to protect and keep their land d. evidence that the French were intent on returning to the Ohio Valley despite their defeat in the Seven Years' War e. All of these choices

b. part of the Regulator movement and triggered by westerners who felt underrepresented in colonial assemblies and were unable to find redress for their grievances

The Navigation Act of 1651: a. was contrary to mercantilist principles b. required all goods imported into Britain or the colonies to be shipped in British vessels c. was mainly an attempt to wrest the colonial trade from the French d. was a free trade agreement between England and Holland e. was repealed once Cromwell came to power

b. required all goods imported into Britain or the colonies to be shipped in British vessels

George Washington

b. surrendered Fort Necessity to the French

The Sugar Act of 1764: a. legalized trade with the French West Indies b. was intended to generate revenue from the colonies c. doubled the existing tax on molasses d. aimed to reduce rum drinking in the colonies e. taxed sugar refined in the colonies

b. was intended to generate revenue from the colonies

According to Pontiac, the Master of Life warned the prophet Neolin that the absence of wild animals was a result of a. Commercial overhunting b. The evil environmental effects of European settlement c. A bad spirit who whispers to the Delaware and leads them to do evil d. Intermarriage between Indians and Europeans e. Medicine dances that used the wrong steps

c. A bad spirit who whispers to the Delaware and leads them to do evil

Which is true of the Boston Tea Party? a. Mohawk Indians destroyed the tea b. Benjamin Franklin supported it c. Americans destroyed forty-six tons of tea d. It forced the British to repeal the tea tax e. Most Bostonians did not support it

c. Americans destroyed forty-six tons of tea

Even though most colonists thought Parliament had a lawful right to charge a duty to control trade, why did they ultimately oppose the Townshend duties? a. Because the duty rates were excessively high, making it impossible for them to afford the essential food items b. Because the duties were based on income, and functioned like an income tax c. Because revenue-based taxes could only be considered constitutional if the people had a representative in Parliament who voted on their behalf d. Because the duties were to be collected by an agent of the crown, whose salary was to be paid by the colonists e. None of these choices

c. Because revenue-based taxes could only be considered constitutional if the people had a representative in Parliament who voted on their behalf

At the Albany Congress: a. Americans seriously discussed independence for the first time b. colonists criticized plans for war against France c. Benjamin Franklin and others drafted a plan for a united colonial government d. delegates rejected the idea of seeking Indian allies against the French e. the English and the French tried to negotiate a peace settlement

c. Benjamin Franklin and others drafted a plan for a united colonial government

How did William Pitt plan to encourage the Americans to assume the military burden in the Seven Years' War in America? a. He promised to open the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains to settlement b. He hinted broadly at increased colonial self-government in the post-war world c. He promised that if the colonies raised the necessary men, Parliament would bear the financial burden d. He guaranteed lower tariffs and internal taxes in the post-war era e. All of these choices

c. He promised that if the colonies raised the necessary men, Parliament would bear the financial burden

What made Thomas Paine's publication of Common Sense so significant? a. It became the basis for the arrest of Lord North b. It convinced Parliament to take a more measured approach to the colonies and led to the repeal of some of the hated taxes c. It argued that America had no economic need to be connected to Great Britain and would achieve new heights by breaking from the mother country d. It provided a compromise that gave the colonies their independence while retaining important ties to their British homeland and parliament. e. None of these choices

c. It argued that America had no economic need to be connected to Great Britain and would achieve new heights by breaking from the mother country

Which of the following statements concerning Philadelphia before the America Revolution is not true? a. It grew so quickly that it taxed its water supply and created public health problems b. It suffered from limited or nonexistent garbage and sewage disposal c. It became the official capital of the colonies for the British empire d. Its ideal location made it a leading Atlantic port e. It was the fastest growing American city in the 18th century

c. It became the official capital of the colonies for the British empire

Which is NOT true of the Olive Branch Petition? a. It attempted to reconcile the colonists and the British b. It was authored by John Dickinson c. It changed the thinking of George III toward the Americans d. It rejected independence e. It was issued by the Continental Congress

c. It changed the thinking of George III toward the Americans

What did the 1773 Tea Act do? a. It raised import duties on tea and thereby caused the cost of tea to skyrocket b. It granted the British East India Company a monopoly on all tea sold in the colonies, thereby permitting the company to raise tea prices across the board c. It eliminated all remaining import duties on tea entering England and, as a result, significantly lowered the price of tea in the colonies d. It prohibited the consumption of any tea that had not been shipped in British vessels e. It ended all tea monopolies, thereby opening up competition and putting American smugglers out of business

c. It eliminated all remaining import duties on tea entering England and, as a result, significantly lowered the price of tea in the colonies

Events in the late 1760s and early 1770s helped to bring about a new consensus in the colonies. What was that consensus? a. The government could not tax the colonies because they were not represented in Parliament b. The British constitution could be altered by the passage of new laws c. Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce d. The American colonies would be free from tyranny only when they were independent of British rule e. Only by working within the British constitution could the colonies safeguard their liberties

c. Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce

What agreement did the delegates to the Stamp Act Congress reach? a. They agreed that the colonies should declare their independence if Parliament did not repeal the Stamp Act b. They agreed to boycott any products requiring official British stamps c. They agreed that Parliament did not have the right to levy taxes outside of Great Britain d. They agreed to send delegates to London to petition for recognition as the colonies' true legislature e. They agreed to accept the Stamp Act if Parliament offered membership to American representatives

c. They agreed that Parliament did not have the right to levy taxes outside of Great Britain

Which statement is true concerning British tax rates during the 1760s? a. They were considerably lower than the rates in the colonies b. They were the second lowest in Europe c. They were the second highest in Europe d. They were the same as the rates in the colonies e. They were the same as the rates in most European nations

c. They were the second highest in Europe

A series of British wars against the French began during the reign of King: a. Charles II b. James II c. William d. George I e. Richard III

c. William

French colonists in North America: a. were very diverse in ethnicity and religion b. established large plantations wherever they settled c. established cooperative relations with the Indians d. lived under dictatorial governments e. were the first to call for a revolution

c. established cooperative relations with the Indians

The right to vote for members of the colonial assemblies was: a. greatly restricted because of high property qualifications b. open to women in most colonies c. extended to a greater proportion of the population than anywhere else in the world d. based on the same property qualifications as required to vote for Parliament in Britain e. given to all adult males as a result of the Glorious Revolution

c. extended to a greater proportion of the population than anywhere else in the world

As royal governor of the Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros: a. was popular in Boston b. increased the authority of the Massachusetts assembly c. was deposed as a result of the Glorious Revolution d. initiated the prosecution of Salem's witches e. recognized the Puritan monopoly of religion

c. was deposed as a result of the Glorious Revolution

Thomas Paine

c. wrote Common Sense

Which of the following occurred last? a. Townshend Duties b. Tea Act c. Battle of Concord d. Declaration of Independence e. First Continental Congress

d. Declaration of Independence

Why is Samuel Adams significant to the development of revolutionary thought in America? a. He argued that the colonists must resort to violence to drive the British out of the New World b. He wrote Common Sense which claimed King George III was ruling illegally c. He stressed that Parliament had every right to pass legislation applying to the colonies d. He encouraged Massachusetts' towns to form committees of correspondence to defend colonial rights e. He died during the Boston Massacre and became a martyr for supporters of the Whig Ideology

d. He encouraged Massachusetts' towns to form committees of correspondence to defend colonial rights

Which of the following does not accurately relate to the concept of republicanism that began to circulate in the colonies in the decade before the American revolution? a. It balanced Locke's emphasis on individual rights with the innate good in people b. It included a sense of civic duty c. It argued that citizens had an obligation to practice public virtue and avoid moral and political corruption d. It considered factions that represented different groups would be the key to a truly representative government e. All of these choices

d. It considered factions that represented different groups would be the key to a truly representative government

Where did British and colonial forces first fight in April 1775? a. Fort Sumter b. Breed's Hill c. Fort Ticonderoga d. Lexington and Concord e. Providence and Kingsport

d. Lexington and Concord

Which of the following men was a British prime minister during the reign of George III? a. John Locke b. Thomas Hutchinson c. Lord Dunmore d. Lord Frederick North e. John Wilkes

d. Lord Frederick North

All of the following were true of the early Revolution EXCEPT: a. Americans were farmers, not soldiers b. The Patriots lacked military training and discipline c. The British army was the best trained and equipped in the world d. Patriots were universally united behind the cause of independence e. Americans had the advantage of knowing the local terrain

d. Patriots were universally united behind the cause of independence

Which of the following was not a result of the Seven Years' War? a. The British won b. It created a common bond between some British and American soldiers because they fought side by side c. It planted seeds of misunderstanding and suspicion between the British and the Anglo- Americans d. The Acadians established a new homeland in Nova Scotia e. France ceded all its claims east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, to Britain

d. The Acadians established a new homeland in Nova Scotia

What happened to the Acadians after the Seven Years' War? a. They agreed to take a loyalty oath to England and became British subjects b. The British moved them to a new homeland in Canada c. British soldiers intermarried with Acadian women d. The Acadians were forced from their homeland and eventually relocated to Louisiana e. None of these choices

d. The Acadians were forced from their homeland and eventually relocated to Louisiana

The immediate consequence of Pontiac's Rebellion was most Americans believing that: a. they could now live in harmony with the Native Americans b. they should abandon their forts and move east c. Pontiac was too strong to be defeated d. all Indians must be removed e. victory against the French was at best a mixed blessing

d. all Indians must be removed

As a result of the Boston Massacre: a. dozens of Americans were killed by the British b. the Sons of Liberty adopted peaceful methods c. Samuel Adams defended the British soldiers d. all but two of the British defendants were acquitted e. Americans now quietly paid their taxes

d. all but two of the British defendants were acquitted

Benjamin Franklin

d. architect of the Albany Plan of Union

Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Olive Branch Petition? a. a cease-fire at Boston b. repeal of the Coercive Acts c. opening negotiations to establish guarantees of American rights d. colonial administration by the British cabinet rather than King George e. maintenance of peace between Britain and the colonies

d. colonial administration by the British cabinet rather than King George

The Navigation Act of 1660 specified "enumerated" goods that: a. Americans were not allowed to export b. could only be purchased with gold or silver c. would not be taxed once imported into the mother country d. could only be shipped to England or its colonies e. could be sold at discount prices

d. could only be shipped to England or its colonies

Colonial royal governors: a. held their offices for life b. tended to be devoted and effective public servants c. were elected by property-owning males d. had veto power over colonial assemblies e. were required to be devoutly religious

d. had veto power over colonial assemblies

All of the following are true of Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence EXCEPT: a. it took many ideas from George Mason and John Locke b. it was revised by other members of the Congress c. it was meant as a statement of American principles and grievances d. it secured American independence e. it spoke of certain "unalienable rights"

d. it secured American independence

John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania is significant because a. Benjamin Franklin signed and endorsed it b. it was the first written essay to suggest that the colonies break from England c. it outlined how burdensome taxes were to struggling farmers in the colonies d. its condemnation of the Townshend and other duties introduced the language of taxation without representation into the debate with England e. All of these choices

d. its condemnation of the Townshend and other duties introduced the language of taxation without representation into the debate with England

The Dominion of New England: a. was created by Oliver Cromwell b. was limited to the colonies founded by the Puritans c. led to the bloody overthrow of James II d. marked an attempt to bolster the authority of the Crown e. delayed the American Revolution by seventy-five years

d. marked an attempt to bolster the authority of the Crown

One change brought to the American colonies after the Glorious Revolution was that the: a. concept of the Dominion of New England was extended to the southern colonies b. colonies were inspired to lead a revolt against King William c. new monarch showed little interest in the colonies because of his desire to force the French out of North America d. monarchy attempted to tighten its grip on the colonies by making more of them royal colonies e. Crown paid for more people to migrate to the colonies

d. monarchy attempted to tighten its grip on the colonies by making more of them royal colonies

The Declaratory Act of 1766: a. required Americans to declare loyalty to the Crown b. recognized the principle of "no taxation without representation" c. repealed all prior British taxes d. reasserted the government's right to tax the colonists e. gave Americans some seats in Parliament

d. reasserted the government's right to tax the colonists

One of the chief objectives of policy under George Grenville was to: a. continue the practice of "salutary neglect" b. require jury trials for American smugglers c. challenge the authority of the king d. reduce Britain's enormous debt e. give colonial assemblies more power

d. reduce Britain's enormous debt

In April 1775, the British marched to Concord, Massachusetts, in an effort to: a. shut down a rebellious newspaper b. collect taxes c. prevent a town meeting d. seize a stockpile of weapons, ammunition, and powder e. arrest Paul Revere

d. seize a stockpile of weapons, ammunition, and powder

How were women important to colonial resistance? a. They led the non-consumption movement b. A group of women established the Daughters of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act c. In response to the Revenue Act, three hundred Boston women denounced the consumption of tea d. They helped to expand domestic cloth production e. All of these choices

e. All of these choices

What did Virginia governor Lord Dunmore promise slaves in 1775? a. They would be freed if they helped the colonial cause b. They could return to Africa if they continued to serve Virginia until after the revolution c. Their children would be considered free citizens if they did not fight for the British d. They would be granted refuge if they had escaped from Florida e. If they were able-bodied and helped in restoring royal authority over rebel colonists, they would be granted freedom

e. If they were able-bodied and helped in restoring royal authority over rebel colonists, they would be granted freedom

Which statement is not true concerning the Albany Plan of Union? a. It was based largely on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson b. It came to nothing because no colonial legislature would surrender control over its powers of taxation c. It called for a Grand Council that would devise military and Indian policies and demand funds from the colonies d. It was organized to resolve differences among the colonies and restore the confidence of the Indians e. It called for establishing the capital of the United States at Albany, New York

e. It called for establishing the capital of the United States at Albany, New York

Which of the following was not a provision of the Sugar Act? a. It placed a three-pence per gallon duty on foreign molasses b. It required that colonists exporting lumber, iron, whalebone, and other commodities to foreign countries first land their shipments in Britain c. It ordered accused violators of the law to be tried before vice-admiralty courts d. It required captains to fill out a confusing series of documents to certify his trade as legal e. It established that trials regarding alleged violations of trade regulations would be conducted in conformity with traditional English protections

e. It established that trials regarding alleged violations of trade regulations would be conducted in conformity with traditional English protections

How did the British government react to the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act? a. It revoked the act and slowly began to return its colonial policies to those of salutary neglect b. It reinforced all British garrisons in North America and prepared for a long conflict c. It concluded that the colonies were incapable of cooperating and that the next phase of imperial restructuring should begin d. It imposed harsh martial law on the colonies and revoked all civil liberties e. It revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases

e. It revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases

What was the principle of virtual representation? a. It was the idea that every person should vote on each issue b. It was the idea that every male should be able to select a representative to represent his interests in Parliament c. It was the idea that everyone had representation since the king was a representative of all the people d. It was the idea that male property holders should hold elected offices e. It was the idea that members of Parliament represented all British subjects because they considered the welfare of all subjects - and not just the interests of some - when deciding issues

e. It was the idea that members of Parliament represented all British subjects because they considered the welfare of all subjects - and not just the interests of some - when deciding issues

The colonial wars had a devastating effect on the people of: a. Virginia b. Quebec c. Pennsylvania d. New York e. Massachusetts

e. Massachusetts

Which of the following did the French settle first? a. Mobile b. New Orleans c. Detroit d. St. Louis e. Quebec

e. Quebec

What happened in the Boston Massacre? a. A large force of British troops ruthlessly fired on unarmed civilians, killing fifty b. An unpopular customs informer killed two young boys when he fired birdshot at several children bombarding his house with rocks c. A fictitious confrontation, invented by Samuel Adams, took place between British troops and Boston citizens d. Unemployed Boston fishermen ambushed a squad of British soldiers, killing them and twenty innocent bystanders e. Tensions between British soldiers and Bostonians erupted when Bostonians hurled objects at British soldiers, who then fired and killed five citizens

e. Tensions between British soldiers and Bostonians erupted when Bostonians hurled objects at British soldiers, who then fired and killed five citizens

Which of the following was a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763? a. France lost all its possessions in the New World b. Most of Spain's New World empire was transferred to France c. Louisbourg was returned to the French in exchange for a British outpost in India that the French had taken during the war d. Britain lost Canada and India, while the French transferred St. Pierre to the Dutch e. The British gained Florida and Canada and became supreme in eastern North America

e. The British gained Florida and Canada and became supreme in eastern North America

Which of the following is NOT true of the Townshend duties? a. The colonists were further antagonized b. A number of colonial imports were taxed c. British manufacturing was hurt because British exports were taxed d. They were designed to raise revenue for the Crown e. The shipbuilding industry was hurt as imports and exports decreased

e. The shipbuilding industry was hurt as imports and exports decreased

Which of the following is not one of the results of the Coercive Acts? a. They restructured the Massachusetts government b. They closed Boston harbor c. They permitted certain murderers to be tried in England d. They became known as the "Intolerable Acts" in the colonies e. They established Roman Catholicism as Quebec's official religion

e. They established Roman Catholicism as Quebec's official religion

The triumph of what Britain called the Great War saw Americans: a. very nervous about their own future b. compassionate toward the French c. jealous of British military power d. turn their anger on the king e. celebrating as joyously as Londoners

e. celebrating as joyously as Londoners

In 1678, a defiant Massachusetts legislature declared the Navigation Acts: a. an insult to the colonists b. only applicable to the southern colonies c. in violation of international law d. an act of treason by Britain e. had no legal standing in the colony

e. had no legal standing in the colony

The Quartering Act required Americans to: a. do military service b. surrender their weapons c. pay higher taxes d. be loyal to England e. house and feed British soldiers

e. house and feed British soldiers

The Royal Proclamation of 1763: a. caused Pontiac's Rebellion b. gave Florida back to Spain c. imposed new taxes on imports d. lowered taxes on the colonies e. prohibited American settlement west of the Appalachians

e. prohibited American settlement west of the Appalachians

In 1766, in response to American protests, Parliament: a. gave Americans representation in the House of Commons b. removed British troops from the colonies c. blamed George III for its mistaken policies d. issued an official apology e. repealed the Stamp Act

e. repealed the Stamp Act

Pontiac's Rebellion involved all of the following EXCEPT: a. Indian attacks on the British frontier b. British use of germ warfare against the Indians c. the leadership of an Ottawa chief by that name d. Indian rejection of the terms of the Treaty of Paris e. the return of French soldiers to Canada

e. the return of French soldiers to Canada

Paul Revere

e. warned citizens of Lexington of a British military advance

John Locke

f. wrote Two Treatises on Government

William Pitt

g. was a British war minister during the French and Indian War

Samuel Adams

h. organized the Sons of Liberty

George Grenville

i. proposed the Stamp Act

Edmund Andros

j. was the governor of the Dominion of New England

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