Chapter 5
Live Icons
Icons allow you to preview the actual contents of a specific file or folder without actually opening the file ex. Details view, large and extra icons views
application software is OS dependant
Note that most application software is OS dependent. You need to make sure you get the correct version of the application software for your OS, such as Microsoft 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office 2011 for OS X.
file names
can have as many as 255
database; microsoft access 2007 and 2010
utility program
is a small program that performs many of the general housekeeping tasks for your computer, such as system maintenance and file compression. A set of utility programs is bundled with each OS, but you can also buy standalone utility programs that often provide more features.
presentation, microsoft powerpoint 2007 and 2010
multiuser operating system (also known as a network operating system)
) lets more than one user access the computer system at a time by handling and prioritizing requests from multiple users. Networks (groups of computers connected to each other so that they can communicate and share resources) need a multiuser OS because many users simultaneously access the server (the computer that manages network resources such as printers). ex. windows server, linux, unix
application programming interface (API)
. For programs to work with the CPU, they must contain code the CPU recognizes. Rather than having the same blocks of code for similar procedures in each program, the OS includes the blocks of code—each called ....—that application software needs to interact with the CPU. APIs not only prevent redundancies in software code, but they also make it easier for software developers to respond to changes in the OS
boot process
All data and instructions (including the OS) are stored in RAM while your computer is on. When you turn off your computer, RAM is wiped clean of all its data (including the OS). It runs through a special boot process (or start-up process) to load the OS into RAM. The term boot, from bootstrap loader (a small program used to start a larger program),
computers platform
CPUs have different designs, which can require modifying the OS software to allow it to communicate properly with each CPU. The combination of an OS and a specific processor is referred to as
organizing files
Creating folders is the key to organizing files because folders keep related documents together
If the data or instructions in the swap file are needed later, the OS swaps them back into active RAM and replaces them in the hard drive's swap file with less active data or instructions. This process of swapping is known as
period or dot (.)
In a Windows application, an extension, or file type, follows the file name and ....
basic input/output system (BIOS)
In the first step of the boot process, the CPU activates the .... is a program that manages the exchange of data between the OS and all the input and output devices attached to the system. is also responsible for loading the OS into RAM from its permanent location on the hard drive. is stored on a read-only memory (ROM) chip on the motherboard. Unlike data stored in RAM, data stored in ROM is permanent and is not erased when the power is turned off.
The OS also coordinates multiple activities for peripheral devices , the OS puts the request in another temporary storage area in RAM
The OS is therefore responsible for coordinating the space allocations in RAM to ensure that there is enough space for all of the pending instructions and data has limited capacity. When there isn't enough room in RAM for the OS to store the required data and instructions, it borrows room from the hard drive. This process of optimizing RAM storage by borrowing hard drive space is called virtual memory.
device driver
Each device attached to your computer comes with a special program called a driver that facilitates communication between the device and the OS. translates the device's specialized commands into commands that the OS can understand, and vice versa
Eventually your computer will become sluggish as it is forced to page more and more often. This condition of excessive paging is called The solution to this problem is to increase the amount of RAM in your system so that it can avoid having to send data and instructions to virtual memory.
graphical user interface (GUI)
Mac OS became the first commercially available OS to incorporate thiswith user-friendly point-and-click technology. The latest version, Mountain Lion, Unlike command- and menu-driven interfaces, GUIs display graphics and use the point-and-click technology of the mouse and cursor, making them much more user-friendly. GNOME and KDE is used for linux
real-time operating system (RTOS).
Machinery that performs a repetitive series of specific tasks in an exact amount of time Also called embedded systems require minimal user interaction. perform regimented tasks or record precise results—such as measurement instruments found in the scientific, defense, and aerospace industries in everyday devices such as fuel-injection systems in car engines, automobile "infotainment" systems, and some common appliances
power-on self-test (POST)
The first job BIOS performs is to ensure that essential peripheral devices are attached and operational, a process called ... The BIOS compares the results of the POST with the various hardware configurations permanently stored in CMOS (pronounced "see-moss"). CMOS, which stands for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, is a special kind of memory that uses almost no power.
Disk defragmenting programs
group together related pieces of files on the hard drive, allowing the OS to work more efficiently.
.htm or html
hypertext markup language (html) for a web page. any program that can read HTML
portable document format; adobe acrobat or reader
naming files
the file path might be C:\Documents\HIS182\Term Paper\Illustrations\Acarnegie.jpg. C: is the drive on which the file is stored (in this case, the hard drive), and Documents is the file's primary folder. HIS182, Term Paper, and Illustrations are successive subfolders within the Documents main folder. Last comes the file name, Acarnegie, separated from the file extension (in this case, jpg) by a period. The backslash characters (\), used by Windows, are referred to as path separators. Mac files use a colon (:), and UNIX and Linux files use the forward slash (/) as the path separator.
Application software
the software you use to do everyday tasks at home and at work.
word processing document; microsoft word 2007 2010
workbook; microsoft excel 2007 and 2010
menu driven interface
is one in which you choose commands from menus displayed on the screen.
command-driven interface
is one in which you enter commands to communicate with the computer system.
joint photographic experts group (jpeg image. most programs capable of displaying images
System software
the set of programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and the computer's hardware devices.
cloud computing
Now that broadband Internet access and providing computer resources via the Internet (so-called ....) are becoming more commonplace, operating systems have features that are tied to cloud computers. Here are a few examples: Windows 8 features tighter integration with the cloud. Using your Windows Live account, Windows 8 stores your settings and keeps track of applications you've purchased from the Windows store online. You can easily access and store files online in your Sky Drive account. You can also log on to any Windows 8 machine and see your familiar desktop and applications
kernel (or supervisor program)
Once the system files are loaded into RAM, the kernel (or supervisor program) is loaded. The kernel is the essential component of the OS, responsible for managing the processor and all other components of the computer system. Because it stays in RAM the entire time your computer is powered on, the kernel is said to be memory resident. Other less critical parts of the OS stay on the hard drive and are copied over to RAM on an as-needed basis so that RAM is managed more efficiently. These programs are referred to as nonresident. Once the kernel is loaded, the OS takes over control of the computer's functions.
swap file
When more RAM space is needed, the OS swaps out from RAM the data or instructions that have not been recently used and moves them to a temporary storage area on the hard drive
Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS, or just DOS)
a command-driven interface for first personal computers
a program that helps coordinate all print jobs currently being sent to the printer
.rtf or .txt
text (rich text format); any program that read text documents
compressed file. various file compression programs.
user interface
the desktop, icons, and menus that let you communicate with your computer.
plug and play devices
Today, most devices, such as flash drives, mice, keyboards, and digital cameras, come with the driver already installed in Windows. The devices with included drivers in Windows are called ... Plug and Play (PnP) is a software and hardware standard designed to facilitate the installation of new hardware in PCs by including in the OS the drivers these devices need to run. Because the OS includes this software, incorporating a new device into your computer system seems automatic. PnP lets you plug a new device into your computer, turn it on, and immediately play (use) the device.
operating system (OS)
a group of programs that controls how your computer system functions. The OS does the following: Manages the computer's hardware, including the processor, memory, and storage devices, as well as peripheral devices such as the printer. Provides a consistent means for application software to work with the central processing unit (CPU); and Is responsible for the management, scheduling, and coordination of tasks coordinates and directs the flow of data and information through the computer system. assigns a slice of its time to each activity that requires the processor's attention. The OS must then switch among different processes millions of times a second to make it appear that everything is happening seamlessly
a multiuser, multitask OS that is used as a network OS, primarily with mainframes, although it's also often found on PCs. Mainframes and supercomputers also require multiuser operating systems. Mainframes routinely support hundreds of thousands of users at a time, and supercomputers are often accessed by multiple people working on complex calculations. Examples of mainframe operating systems include UNIX and IBM's IBM I and z/OS, although the vast majority of supercomputers use Linux.
utility programs
are small applications that perform special functions. Utility programs come in three flavors: Those that are included with the OS (such as System Restore) Those sold as standalone programs (such as antivirus software) Those offered as freeware (such as anti-malware software like Ad-Aware from Lavasoft) In general, the basic utilities designed to manage and tune the computer hardware are incorporated into the operating system. The stand-alone utility programs typically offer more features or an easier user interface for backup, security, diagnostic, or recovery functions. For some Windows programs, like Task Manager and Resource Monitor, no good stand-alone alternative exists.
contains information about the system's memory, types of disk drives, and other essential input and output hardware components. If the results of the POST compare favorably with the hardware configurations stored in CMOS, the boot process continues.
disk cleanup
is a Windows utility that removes unnecessary files from your hard drive Disk Cleanup also removes temporary Internet files (web pages stored on your hard drive for quick viewing) as well as offline web pages (pages stored on your computer so you can view them without being connected to the Internet) the program scans your hard drive to determine which folders have files that can be deleted and calculates the amount of hard drive space that would be freed by doing so