Chapter 6

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Who are some homophobic people that fought hard against LGBTQ and ended up in scandals?

-US Senator Larry Craig -preacher Ted Haggard -psychologist George Reckers (reparative proponent)

What is good about the Kinsey Scale? What is bad?

-allows variability and people can change #s -doesn't include things like asexuality or pan sexuality

What was the recruitment method in the first study? What about the more recent study?

-based on self-report of identity -bisexuality determined by history of sexual/romantic relationships with men/women -2nd way better method

How did groups rate on the feeling thermometer?

-bi men and women 2nd lowest rated group below gay/lesbian -only group lower was injection drug users -attitudes have improved to bisexual, but not to the same degree as homo (more negative-neutral)

What are 2 unscientific conclusions people make about sexual orientation?

-conscious choice -transmitted, caught, or no good hetero experiences yet

Can gay people have committed relationships?

-most common stereotype -no evidence -gay/hetero men report equally high sex drives, gave not stronger libido then -don't differ in how committed they are in romantic partnerships

How may homophobia trace back to how individuals are raised?

-parents fail to support child's independence and kids susceptible to develop discrepancy between true identity and one expressed to world -behave ways consistent with parents desires/beliefs even if opposite to feelings -prominent when self-worth dependent on parent's approval

Why are there so many inconsistencies in research on sexual orientation?

-too discrete classes -should maybe look at types of hetero/homo/bi sexuality -sexuality very complex, likely multi-determined

How may fear cause sexual prejudice?

Fear of one's own same-sex attraction -homophobic hetero men show sig. greater sexual arousal in response to gay porn than non-homophobic hetero men

What is the Fraternal Birth Order Effect?

For each extra brother, odds of being gay go up 33%

What did one study show in terms of dominant moms and distant fathers?

Gay men more likely to report dominant moms and distant dads -correlation/causation problem -parents behaviours contribute to dev. of homosexuality or children who grow up to be gay behave in ways that elicit these changes in parental behaviour?

In the live imaging, how did gay men's brains look? Lesbians?

Gay: closer to hetero women and greater nerve connections left side of amygdala Lesbian: closer to hetero men, asymmetrical, more right amygdala nerve connections

Do we have lots of research for evolutionary theories on female homosexuality?

Less for sure

Did the Psychological Science and Biological Psychology studies use same methods?

Identical methods, using penile strain guage -different was recruitment methods

Are most people with HIV gay or bisexual men?

In US, yes as most new infections attributed to gay/bisexual men -in other parts world, not true at all, especially Africa -HIV most prevalent in Africa (most hetero, 1/2 women)

What evolutionary theory has been suggested for sexual orientation?

Kin Selection Hypothesis

What evidence supports that women's sexuality effected more?

1. catholic nuns greater success celibacy than priests 2. female adolescents more similarity sexual attitudes/behaviours to parents

What are some sexual orientation myths?

1. men cannot truly be bisexual 2. all gay men effeminate and all lesbians masculine 3. in a gay relationship, someone must play husband and someone wife 4. gay parents tend to raise gay kids 5. homosexuality correlated with pedophilia 6. all gay men are promiscuous and are incapable of comittment 7. bisexual people can't maintain monogamous relationships 8.most people who have HIV are gay or bisexual men

What are 5 important things about asexuality?

1. not same as celibacy 2. not sexual dysfunction or fear of sex 3. not necessarily mean one is sexually inexperienced and/or single 4. many masturbate and have sexual fantasies 5. scientists believe distinct sexual orientation

What evidence supports that women's sexual behaviour fluctuates more?

1. women more likely same-sex activity in jail (prevalence same sex activity higher in women in general) 2.married swingers same-sex common among wives but rare husbands

What evidence supports a greater discrepancy in sexual attitudes for women?

1. women way more likely to engage in sexual activity when do not have the desire for it

What is the evidence for women having more erotic plasticity?

1. women's sexual behaviour fluctuates and varies more across time 2. culture, education, and religion stronger effect female sexuality 3. greater discrepancy between sexual attitudes and behaviours for women

What did a National US survey over 10 years show?

1/2 men with bisexual identity evidenced some identity change -study was small though (only 34) -more recent large studies have confirmed this

What did the National Health and Social Life Survey find for prevalence of gay men and women? What about for same sex contact? Attraction?

2.8% men gay and 1.4% women lesbian and bi -5% men and 4% women -6% men and 5.5% women

What did a poll find about Americans?

2/5 Americans believe sexual activity among same-sex wrong (2016) -less now, and one decade prior most felt this way (2009)

What did England find?

5.3% men and 5.6% women non-heterosexual

What did the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour find in individuals 14-94?

7.8% men, 6.8% women identified non-hetero -men: 4.2% gay, 2.6% bi, 1% other -women: .9% gay, 3.6% bi, 2.3% other

What do each of these studies tell us in comparison to Kinsey's findings?

All significantly less than 10% -estimates may be skewed due to not revealing true identity, etc

What type of theory is the exotic becomes erotic theory? what is good about this theory?

Biopsychosocial -links bio/environmental influences and accounts for bisexuality and correlates with fact that gender nonconformity one of strongest predictors homosexuality

What can be concluded about bisexuality?

Complex with many different meanings for different people and definition used in research can effect results -possibly 13 or more definitions/meanings

Is homosexuality correlated with pedophila?

No link at all -hetero/homo men shown sexually suggestive pics boys/girls all ages and assess with penile strain gauge -gay men did not respond any more to images of male kids than did hetero men to female

Are gay men correlated with molestation?

No more likely to molest children than hetero men

Is there one definition for sexual orientation?

No universal definition of concept -depends on research needs (eg. psychologist looks at attraction/identity)

Is sexual fluidity theory an alternative to Bem's theory?

No, a complement, and her's may be better for women

What is one of the early psychological theories of sexual orientation?

Polymorphously Perverse: humans can derive sexual pleasure from almost anything-Freud

Is male bisexuality real?

Research supports it

What is an example of a culture where the Kin Selection Hypothesis is supported?

Samoan fa'afafine: third gender that is widely accepted and plays important role in culture

Are bisexuals aroused by both men and women?

Studies can be conflicting

What have studies shown in terms of brain structures?

Third interstitial nucleus of anterior hypothalamus (INAH3) in hetero men more than 2X size homo men -homo similar size to hetero women

What research has failed to support the kin selection hypothesis? Where has it been supported?

Western research, but has been supported in cultures where same-sex attracted bio males adopt feminine gender roles and identities

How does asexuality classify on the Kinsey Scale?

X classification based on behaviour -more modern asexuality seen as a lack of attraction rather than behaviour

Is the female fertility theory plausible?

Yes as accounts for male homosexuality as enhanced fertility more than compensates for fact that not all children in that gene pool end up having own genetic offspring

Define sexual fluidity

ability to adapt sexual and romantic attraction toward a specific person instead of gender category

Why does the alloparenting hypothesis make sense?

adaptive for female ancestors when father is out of picture or leaves, this lets women secure help/resources to raise children by starting relationships with other women

What does the American Psychological Association encourage?

affirmative therapy for gay/lesbian clients -goal to help patients accept sexuality and not change identity, attraction, or behaviour -tx helps cope with stress/stigma

What did a study of 100 women over 10 years show?

all had some level of same-sex attraction in past and saw sexuality to be bisexual, lesbian, or unlabelled -2/3 changed sexual orientation label at least once -often coincides with romantic partner at time -pattern called sexual fluidity

What do we especially need in research on sexual orientation?

all phenomenon's researched further, especially in racially/ethnically diverse groups

What is one evolutionary theory for female homosexuality?

alloparenting hypothesis: women have evolved a flexible sexuality that can shift between attraction to men and women

What is the Kin Selection Hypothesis?

also called "gay uncle hypothesis", people who don't necessarily produce own genetic offspring may enhance survival of family's genes by providing resources to relative's children

Describe Samoan fa'afafine characteristics

anatomically male, but feminine appearance and behaviour from young age -most sex with men, but don't consider selves gay -more altruistic to nieces/nephews than hetero men/women without kids

Who can hold these biases?

anyone, gays/lesbians too -eg. gays feeling biexuals denying true identity

What is heterosexism?

assumption everyone is heterosexual and attraction to other sex is the norm -can be heterosexist and not homophobic

Define monosexism

belief that exclusive attraction to one sex is the norm

Who is most prejudice?

bio hetero males tend to be more homo/biphobic than heterowomen -all have negative attitudes, but less to sexual minority women as often eroticize them

What is the modern approach to sexual orientation?

biological perspective looking for physical/genetic markers of non-heterosexuality -is at least partially bio

What does a 1999 US survey show?

biphobia more prevalent than homophobia -had hetero participants rate how they felt towards various groups of people using a feeling thermometer (0-100)

What were the results of the 2005 self-report study?

bisexual arousal always stronger in response to men, consistent with stereotype of latent homosexuals

What do sexual minorities often live with?

chronic stress -study on gay men: more sexuality-related stressors linked to greater symptoms of psychological distress, substance use, and riskier sexual behaviours

How was homosexuality viewed for most of the 20th century?

considered mental illness, in DSM as paraphilia until 1974

Who is Alfred Kinsey?

created orientation continuum called Kinsey Scale

What is erotic plasticity?

degree a person's sex drive/behaviour is flexible and responsive to cultural/situational pressures

Define sexual prejudice

describes all forms of prejudice that stem from person's actual or perceived sexual orientation

What is the erotic part of the theory?

difference feelings evoke nonsexual physiological arousal when child near peers they feel different to -at puberty: sexual feelings begin to develop, and physiological arousal turns to sexual arousal

What is wrong with some of these evolutionary hypotheses?

difficult to test, limited, and don't explain women who are exclusively lesbians

What did a National Health and Social Life survey show about gay men?

do have higher average # of partners -attributed to small # gay men who reported exceptionally large # partners -median: gay men only more more partner than hetero -may also be easier to find willing male partners

Define pansexuality

encompasses attraction t members of all sexes and gender identities, including transgender -broader than bisexuality

What does Polymorphously Perverse suggest?

everyone inherently bisexual -normal progress through psychosexual stages usually results in heterosexuality -male homosexuality from phallic fixation in dev. or unresolved Oedipal Complex due to overbearing mom and absent dad (no data)

What exists to all findings?


What fixation provides evidence that women more erotic plasticity?

fetishes more frequent in men, rare in women

What are the consequences of sexual prejudice?

frequent victims of violent crimes and vandilism -1/3 gay and 1/8 lesbians victim property crime or personal violence

Who is Evelyn Hooker?

gave psych tests to hetero and gay men and presented results to panel of experts and asked to sort them -no difference in psychological adjustment among men -this work and Kinsey's cause for reevaluation

What did the pupil dilation study show?

gay and hetero men only showed dilation in response to desired sex -hetero women dilation response to male and female sexual images

What did a study on gay people suggest?

gay more likely to have sex with bisexual person than a relationship

Provide an example of homophobia being impacted by same-sex feelings

gay person raised by parents who see it as wrong, that person represses same-sex desires and expresses homophobic attitudes that might earn parental approval/love -creates lifelong pattern outwardly homophobic denying own homosexuality to gain social acceptance

What is one thing that may cause parental behaviour changes?

gender nonconformity

What does greater female fertility lead to?

greater female fertility=greater likelihood of gay children

Do people have more ability to "come out" today?

growing countries passing laws protecting rights of sexual minorities in housing/employment, and some legally recognize marriage civil unions, and domestic partnerships -lost of support groups

What else do sexual minorities also frequently experience a part from violence?

harassment, bullying, intimidation, and discrimination -takes huge toll on physical and psychological well-being

What do homosexual people do in countries where it is illegal to act on same-sex feelings?

have sex change operations even though not transsexual (legal in Iran) -one of highest rates due to it being medical condition, not sin -can then act on sexual attraction without fear of prosecution

What does facial symmetry show in sexual orientation?

heater usually more symmetrical (correlated with gaydar) -likely subconscious like speech and movement too

What study provides overall evidence for greater erotic plasticity in women?

hetero women exhibit strong levels of genital arousal in response to many kinds of porn while men only to women

What did 3 studies over 3600 participants show?

hetero women with high-sex drive correlated with reporting greater attraction to men/women -for gay/hetero men, higher sex drive correlated with increased attraction only to desired sex

What do we see in terms of hands in heterosexual men? Gay men?

hetero: index a bit shorter than ring (at least for right hand, sexually dimorphic) gay: more exaggerated masculine pattern (only when 2+ older brothers, maybe)

What do we see in terms of hands in heterosexual women? Lesbian women?

hetero: index same as ring length lesbian: more masculine pattern

What may male homosexuality be a byproduct of?

high female fertility -gay men's female relatives on mother's side tend to have sig. more kids than hetero men's maternal female relatives

How prevalent did Kinsey say being gay was?

his work found 10% predominantly gay men and 3% gay women -not reliable as oversampled from gay community

What are some common origins of sexual prejudice?

holding strong religious beliefs among most potent, lower education, older age, and little contact with gay/lesbians

What has research on hands shown in terms of sexual orientation?

homo orientation more likely left-handed with sex-atypical finger length ratio

What is most psychological research on?

homosexuality and bisexuality -lots of others too but less research -growing body asexuality research

What does this survey tell us?

identity and behaviour show a major discrepancy -not everyone who has same-sex sex identifies as gay eg. hetero but occasional sex with men eg. fluidity

Are bisexuals monogamous?

if desired, study of sexual fluidity found 89% of women who identified as bisexual wound up in long-term, monogamous relationships

Where is there more tolerance for homosexuality?

in Western world than Africa/Asia -homosexulaity criminal in 38/53 Africa nations -Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen punishable by death

What does fa'afafine mean? What concept is missing in such cultures?

in the manner of woman -concept of homosexuality nonexistent

What do children seek according to the exotic becomes erotic theory?

kids seek playmates who like same activities -gender conforming kids see selves different from other sex over time, while nonconforming feel different from same-sex

Define asexuality

lack of sexual attraction or no interest in partnered sexual activity

Do scientists use the exotic becomes erotic theory?

largely rejected -doesn't apply equally to men/women -implies if change in nature of child's behaviour=changes in sexual orientation which is doubtful

What was wrong with the genital arousal and pupil dilation studies?

lesbians did not match hetero women and were closer to hetero men -so lesbians may not show same degree erotic plasticity

What did 18 studies on finger length show?

lesbians typically show more masculine pattern than hetero women, but findings did not support previous gay men findings (except in mainly white samples)

Are all gay men effeminate and lesbians masculine?

lots of variation, not always true

What studies support homophobic hypocrisy?

male/female college students in US/Germany-those whose parents (especially dads) discouraged independence were most likely to have discrepancy between explicit/implicit sexual identities -also most hostile to homosexuality and most likely to support public policies that discriminate

What is another way that the alloparenting hypothesis is adaptive?

may reduce conflict in Polygnous marriages (sexually attracted to co-wives, so less tension)

Does someone have to play the husband?

media always portray gay couples this way, often no assigned roles and share responsibilities

So can men be fluid too?

more evidence for women but men can too -these studies also account for bio/environmental/social factors

What are men more likely to identify as?

more likely to identify gay, women as bisexual or something else

What is a general theory on birth order and sexual orientation?

more older brothers a man has (bio) the more likely he is to be gay

What have twin studies shown with sexual orientation research?

more shared genetic material=more likely same sexual orientation -higher for identical -possibly due to prenatal hormone exposure as both gay/lesbians exposed higher than usual androgen levels in utero

What were the results of the 2011 study?

most bisexual men high arousal to both male/female porn -not necessarily equally strong (but that's not required to be bisexual, Kinsey Scale)

What did a Psychological Science study find?

most men who identified as bisexual exhibited stronger arousal to male porn than female -misleading

What may explain Fraternal Birth Order Effect?

mother's body may change with each son, creating antibodies to male proteins -not all consistent results as some fail and few connections between male homosexuality and # older sisters

Has such an effect been found for paternal relatives?


Do gay parents raise gay kids?

no support for idea, no more likely than hetero parents -if was true, why do hetero parents raise gay kids?

What is the Exotic Becomes Erotic theory by Daryl Bem?

not born certain sexual orientation, but a temperament leading to preferences for some activities over others (behaviours typical to our sex, gender conformity for most)

What is the general finding from surveys when comparing self-identity to behaviour?

numbers generally lower when sexual orientation assessed with self-identity and higher #s with behaviour

What do these homophobia studies suggest?

parenting styles and internal conflict may play a large role in the development of homophobia and explain psychological factors underlying hypocrisy and bullying/hate crimes

What did brain imaging on live patients find in terms of sexual orientation?

participant's self-report sexual orientation associated with brain symmetry and the number of nerve connections in the amygdala

What did the study in which home videos were supplied show?

pre-homosexual kids rated significantly more gender nonconforming than pre-heterosexual kids

Define biphobia

prejudice specific to bisexuals -often fear and anger

Define homophobia

prejudice towards gay/lesbian persons -stems from irrational fear (phobia) -usually many negative attitudes

What is the Kinsey Scale?

ranges 0 (exclusive pattern hetero attraction/behaviour) to 6 (exclusive pattern homo attraction/behaviour) -3 = equal hetero/homo and rest varying degrees bisexuality -widely used today

What do a handful of therapists encourage?

reparative (conversion) therapy, not the norm -efforts to ban intensified recently

What is the sexual fluidity theory proposed by Lisa Diamond?

sexual orientation may have stronger bio component in men than women, so men more likely hardwired for attraction to one sex -women more likely variations sexual attraction patterns

What was the flaw in the study on INAH3?

sexuality not known for sure due to post-mortem dissection -almost all men he listed as gay died of AIDS so was size of INAH3 from disease?

What did a study in Biological Psychology show?

shows true bisexuality among men exists

according to the exotic becomes erotic theory, why do some kids engage in gender nonconformity?


What contradiction has been found?

the fact that gay/lesbians have been exposed to higher than usual levels of androgens in utero contradicts gay men's brain's findings

What is one of the problems with evolutionary theories?

trouble explaining prevalence of homosexuality

Define sexual orientation

unique pattern sexual and romantic desire, behaviour, and identity that each person expresses

What is the severity of hate crimes?

very serious, some beaten, tortured, or killed

What is the downfall the Lisa Diamond's research?

wasn't using representative sample -doesn't explain why some women fluid and others not

What is the exotic part of the theory?

we come to see those who engage in other activities as exotic

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