Chapter 6 Bone and Bone tissue

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_____ is a central canal in compact bone containing blood vessels and nerves; surrounded by lamellae.

Haversian canal

A number of factors affect bone growth and maintenance....

Heredity, Nutrition, Hormones, Exercise

_____ or "hunchback" is an exaggerated thoracic curvature. While it may result from poor posture, it's also a common finding in individuals with osteoporosis.


______ is an inflammation of bone and marrow, usually the result of a bacterial infection.


_____ which means "porous bones" is a condition in which bones lost so much mass that they become extremely brittle. Even minor stresses, such as bending over or coughing, can cause a fracture. Fractures occur most often in the hip, wrist, and vertebral column.


The female symphysis pubis softens before _______, which expands as the newborn's head passes through the birth canal.


On the epiphyseal side of the cartilage plate, _____ continue to multiply. As these cells move toward the diaphysis, minerals are deposited and the cartilage becomes calcified. As long as these are produced in the epiphyseal plate, the bone continues to elongate.


In ______ the distal end of an appendage, such as the arm or leg, moves in a circle.


A slightly S shaped bone, the clavicle articulates with the sternum and the scapula and helps support the shoulder


The _____ is the most commonly broken bone in the body.


Typically, broken bones can be manipulated into their original position without surgery this is called ______

closed reduction

The matrix of bone consists of _____ fibers and crystalline _____. (primarily calcium and phosphate)

collagen, salts

In a _____ fracture, the bone is broken into pieces. This type of fracture is most likely to occur in a car accident.


Other osseous tissue called _____ bone, is dense and solid. Its density offers strength, which is why it forms the shafts of long bones and the outer surfaces of other bones.


_____ bone consists of an elaborate network of canals and passageways containing nerves and blood vessels.


_____ bone is a dense solid bone that forms the shafts of long bones and the outer surfaces of other bones.


____ fractures and fractures occurring in bones having a poor blood supply (such as the neck of the femur), take longer take longer to heal.


_____ involves moving the toes or foot upward.


The tiniest bone in the body is 3mm long and is found in the _____


Fracture locations typically vary with age: ____ fractures commonly occur in childhood. Young persons are more likely to fracture a lower leg bone while playing sports; while older people are susceptible to ____ fractures.

elbow, hip

Healing is also slower in ______ people as well as in those who suffer from a poor nutritional state.


______ is the process in the fetus wherby cartilaginous skeleton transforms into bone.

endchondral ossification

The process in the fetus wherby cartilaginous skeleton transform into bone.

endochondral ossification

The inside of the medullary cavity is lined with a thin epithelial membrane called the ______


_____ is a think epithelial membrane lining the inside of the medullary cavity.


A bump SUPERIOR to the condyle.


___ is a bump superior to a condyle.


Sometime between the ages of 16 and 25, all of the cartilage of the epiphyseal plate is replaced with spongy bone. When that occurs, bone lengthening stops, and we say that they epiphyses have "closed". What remains is a line of spongy bone called the _____ line.


When overstressed, the epiphyseal plate can separate from the diaphysis or epiphysis, resulting in an _____ fracture. When this occurs, future bone growth can be affected.


Bone lengthening occurs at the ______ plate; a layer of hyaline cartilage at the end of each bone.

epiphyseal plate

_____ is a layer of cartilage separating the epiphysis from the diaphysis at the each end of a long bone; the site where bone growth occurs.

epiphyseal plate

In growing children, a layer of cartilage, called the ____ plate or _____ plate, separates the epiphysis from the diaphysis at each end of a long bone. Once growth stops, the plate is replaced by an epiphyseal line.

epiphyseal, growth

The bulbous structure of the ______ strengthens the joint. It also allows an expanded area for the attachment of tendons and ligaments. It is made of spongy porous-looking bone.


The head of each end of a long bones is the _____


______ is the head of each end of a long bone.


Sex hormones such as ____ &______ influence bone growth.

estrogen, testosterone

The ____ bone contributes to the walls of the orbits, the roof and walls of the nasal cavity, and the nasal septum.


The _____ bone forms part of the roof of the nasal cavity. Is also called the cribriform plate.


_____ is the movement that turns the sole laterally, away from the other foot.


_____ involves straightening of a joint, increasing the angle between the bones.


_____ rotation occurs when a bone spins away from the body's midline.


____ is a flat surface


Ribs 8-10 attach to the cartilage of rib 7; these ribs, as well as ribs 11-12, are called _____ ribs.


In general, the true pelvis is wide and shallow in ______ and narrow and deep in males.


The _____ is the longest and strongest bone in the body. It articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis to form a ball-and-socket joint.


The long and slender ______ resides alongside the tibia and helps stabilize the ankle. It does not bear any weight.


The _____&_____ collateral ligament keep the knee from rotating when the joint is extended.

fibular, tibial

_____ is a long slit for blood vessels and nerves.


These thin, flat, often curved bones protect organs, such as the bones of the skull, the ribs, and the breastbone. Others, such as the shoulder blades provide a large surface area for the attachment of muscles.

flat bones

_______ involves bending a joint so as to decrease the angle of the joint.


Ribs 11-12 are called _____ ribs, do not attach to any part of the anterior thoracic cage.


At birth, part of the newborn's skull still consists of fibrous connective tissue. These areas called _____, or "soft spots," allow for safe compression of the fetus's head while passing through the birth canal.


____ a round opening, usually a passageway for vessels and nerves.


A large opening in the base of the skull, called the _____ , allows for the spinal cord to pass through as it connects to the brainstem.

foramen magnum

The skull contains a number of holes called the ____ that allow for passage of nerves and blood.


______ is a furrow or depression.


______ is a small pit.


A break in a bone is called a _____.


The ____ bone forms the forehead and the roof of the eye sockets.


The cranium bones include

frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid

Joint in which two bone surfaces slide over one another (ex: such as occurs in the tarsal bones of the ankle)

gliding joint

Often clustered in groups, these bones come in various sizes and shapes. Examples include the vertebrae and facial bones.

irregular bones

The ____ suture is the line of articulation between the parietal bones and the occipital bone.


In compact bone, layers of matrix are arranged in concentric, onion-like rings called ______ and around a central canal called a ____ canal.

lamellae, haversian

To repair a herniated disc a common surgical procedure called a ____ is commonly performed.


The ____&______ meniscus cradle the condyles and absorb shock.

lateral, medial

_____ are tough cords of connective tissue that help bind the bones more firmly together.


As the name suggests, these bones have a very long axis and are longer that they are wide. Examples include the femur and humerus. These bones work like levers to move limbs.

long bones

_____ or "swayback", is an exaggerated lumbar curvature. It may result from osteoporosis, poor posture, or abdominal weight gain.


The ear bones include

malleus, incus, stapes

This is the largest and strongest bone of the face. It articulates with the temporal bone at the temporomandibular joint, making it the only facial bone that can move.


The broadest part of the sternum ______


Bone _____ is a type of soft tissue that fills the medullary cavity of long bones as well as the spaces of spongy bone.


Bones encase bone ______, a major site of blood cell formation


The bones meet to form the upper jaw. This forms the foundation of the face; every other facial bone articulates with this. This forms part of the floor of the orbits, part of the roof of the mouth, and part of the floor and walls of the nose.


The study of bone is called _____


What is the basic structural unit of a bone?


_______ is a basic structural unit of compact bone consisting of a haversian canal and surrounding lamellae.


Transverse passageways, called ____ canals, connect the Haversian canals. These canals transport blood and nutrients from the bone's exterior to the osteocyte locked inside.


An important landmark for CPR, this provides an attachment point for some abdominal muscles.

Xyphoid process

_____ is the movement of a body part away from the midline of the body.


_____ is the movement of a body part toward the midline of the body.


The _____ is the weight bearing portion of the vertebra.


______ give the body its structure


_________ protect delicate organs, such as the heart, lungs, brain, and spinal cord


Some joints such as the knee, shoulder, and elbow contain small sacs filled with synovial fluid called ______


Bones store and release minerals such as _____ and ______-necessary ingredients for a variety of chemical reactions throughout the body.

calcium, phosphorus

______ is a tunnel through a bone


Microscopic passageways called ____, connect the lamellae to each other.


______ is microscopic passageways that connect lamellae to each other.


____ bone is spongy bone found in the ends of long bones and the middle of most other bones.


Small bones of the wrist are called the _____

carpal bones

Most bones evolve from _____. After about 3 months gestation, the fetus has a skeleton composed mostly of this.


The first skeleton is a developing fetus is composed of ____ and fibrous ______ tissue

cartilage, connective

In ____ joints, two bones are joined by cartilage.


The fact that bone cells are so well supplied with ____ and ____ allows bone injuries to heal quickly despite the hardness of the bone's matrix.

oxygen, nutrients

These bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate, part of the wall of the nasal cavity, and part of the floor of the orbit.

palantine bones

The skull contains several cavities, which include the _____ sinuses.


The ____ bone join together at the top of the head to form the top and sides of the cranial cavity.


Commonly known as the kneecap.


The two long bones of the hip for what's know as the ______.

pelvic girdle.

The bones of the legs, _______, and vertebral column support the body and hold it upright


The combination of the os coxae and the sacrum is known as the ______.


_____ arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body's antibodies attack the synovial membranes, leading to degeneration of the articular cartilage and thickening of the synovial membrane.


In adults, where is red marrow found?

ribs, sternum, vertebrae, skull, pelvis, and upper parts of the humerus, and femur

This joint allows bones to move back and forth and from side to side. ( ex: thumb)

saddle joint.

The ____ suture is the joint between the right and left parietal bones.


Bones absorb and release alkaline ____ to help maintain a stable pH


Located on the posterior portion of the thorax, the _____ lies over ribs 2 to 7.


______ is a lateral curvature of the spine, most often in the thoracic region. It usually occurs in adolescent girls, sometimes the result of the vertebrae failing to develop correctly on one side.


______ bones are small bones embedded in tendons. The kneecap is an example of this type of bone.


_____ hormones stimulate a growth spurt during puberty; they're also linked to fusion of the epiphyseal plate.


About as broad as they are long, these tend to be shaped like cubes. Examples include the carpal bones of the wrist and the tarsal bones of the ankle.

short bones

A hard blow to the top of the head can drive the dens through the foramen magnum and into the brainstem, resulting in _________

sudden death

______ is a groove or elongated depression.


____ is the movement that turns the palm upward.


The bones of the skull join together at immovable joints called ______


Fibrous joints also called _____ result when collagen fibers from one bone penetrate the adjacent bone, anchoring the bones in place.


The _____ is a moist, slippery membrane that lines the inside of the joint capsule, where it secretes synovial fluid.

synovial membrane

The lumbar vertebrae contain ____ bones


The cervical vertebrae contain ____ bones.


______ moves a part backward.


How many bones are in the adult human?


The skull contains ____ bones


Uncomplicated fractures heal in ___ to ___ weeks.

8 to 12

Each foot contains ____ bones; that means that 1/4 of all the body's bones are in the feet.


The vertebral column-a flexible structure consists of ____ vertebrae.


There are ____ bones in the vertebral column.


After about age ____, bone loss increases while bone formation slows, causing bones to weaked.


The thoracic vertebrae contain ___ bones


By age ___ the skull is completely ossified.


Cartilaginous joints are also called ________.


In the intervertebral disc there is a ring of tough fibrocartilage, called the _____.

annulus fibrosus

The ______&_____ cruciate ligament cross each other and further stabilize the knee. The ACL keeps the knee from hyperextending, while the PCL limits sideways motion.

anterior, posterior

Bones making up the limbs, pelvis, and shoulder areas. 126 bones

appendicular skeleton

_____ refers to an inflammation of a joint.


______ is a surgical procedure that replaces a diseased joint with an artificial device, or prosthesis.


_____ cartilage is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the surface of the epiphysis.


Covering the surface of the epiphysis is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage called_______. This cartilage, along with lubricating fluid secreted between bones, eases the movement of the bone within a joint.

articular cartilage

_______ is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the bone surface. In combination with synovial fluid, the articular cartilage permits friction-free movement.

articular cartilage

Joints also called _____ are the points at which joints meet.


The site of close approximation of two or more bones. Allow for muscle attachment, and depressions or passages that provide routes for blood vessels and nerves.


The ______ has no body, Rather, it consists of a delicate ring and a large vertebral foramen.


The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae all differ slightly from each other. However, the most unique of all the vertebrae are the first 2 cervicql vertebrae (C1 and C2) known as the ____ and the ______.

atlas, axis

Several other bones are associated with the skull but not considered a part of the skull. These include 3 bones of the middle ear. What are they?

auditory ossicles, malleus, incus, stapes.

The skeleton that forms the central supporting axis of the body. 80 bones

axial skeleton

The C2 vertebra, called the ____, has a projection called the ______, This projects into the atlas and allows the head to swivel from side to side (such as when saying no).

axis, dens

Joint in which the ball-shaped head of one bone fits into a cup-like socked of another. ( ex: humerus&scapula)

ball-and-socket joint

A _____ fracture is one in which the bone has pierced the skin. Damage to surrounding tissues, nerves, and blood vessels may be extensive. Also, because it has broken through the skin, there is an increased risk for infection..


Calcium salts allow bones to resist strong squeezing forces called ______ strength.


A rounded knob; usually fits into a fossa on another bone to form a joint.


_____ is a rounded knob; usually fits into a fossa on another bone to form a jo0int.


Joint in which an oval convex surface on one bone fits into a similarly shaped depression on another bone. (ex: distal end of the radius with the carpal bones of the wrist, as well as the joints at the base of the fingers)

condyloid joint

The ____ suture is the joint between the parietal bone and the frontal bone.


______ is a moderately raised ridge.


A ____ in physical exercise causes increased bone loss. This is particularly true in bedridden patients.


A sunken fontanel suggests _______


The central shaft-like portion of the bone is called the _______. This thick compact bone makes up the hollow cylinder, giving bone the strength it needs to support a large amount of weight.


______ is the central shaft-like portion of a long bone.


Synovial joints also called _____ are freely movable.


A ______ fracture is one in which the fracture is incomplete, similar to when a green stick breaks. This type of fracture typically occurs in young children, mainly because their bones are softer than adults bones, causing the bone to splinter rather than break completely.


____ hormone stimulates chondrocytes in the epiphyseal plate to proliferate, causing bones to grow longer.


The great toe is called the ____


_____ is the prominent, expanded end of a bone.


An intense pressure on the intervertebral discs such as may occur from lifting a heavy object using the back rather than the legs- can cause the annulus of the disc to crack. The nucleus pulposus can then ooze out from the center of the disc and press on the spinal cord or a spinal nerve, causing pain. This is called a _________

herniated disc

Joint that allows only back and forth movement.

hinge joint

The ______ is the long bone of the arm.


Assessment of the head of a newborn can provide valuable information. For example, suture lines that are abnormally wide suggest _____, a condition in which excessive amounts of cerebrospinal fluid accumulate in the brain, causing the cranium to expand.


Another bone associated with the skull is the _____ bone: a U shaped bone that sits between the chin and the larynx. This bone which is the only bone that doesn't articulate with any other bone. Serves as an attachment point for muscles that control the tongue, mandible, and larynx.


Upon autopsy, pathologists look for a fractured ____ bone as a sign of strangulation.


_____ is the extreme extension of a joint beyond its normally straight position.


Because bone adapts to withstand physical stress, it's possible to _____ bone density through physical exercise.


Bone _____ are often difficult to treat and typically require prolonged intravenous antibiotics.


The conchae bones contribute to the nasal cavity.

inferior nasal conchae.

______ rotation occurs when a bone spins toward the body's midline.


In between each vertebra is an _______ disc. Designed to support weight and absorb shock.


A bulging anterior fontanel signals increased ______ pressure, such as may occur following a head injury or infection.


Some bones, including those of the skull and face, start out as fibrous connective tissue, this process is called ______

intramembranous ossification

_____ begins when groups of stem cells in the tissue differentiate into osteoblasts. Clusters of osteoblasts called centers for ossification, deposit matrix material and collagen. Eventually, calcium salts are deposited and the bone is calcified.

intramembranous ossification

______ is the process in the fetus wherby fibrous connective tissue evolves into bone.

intramembranous ossification

_____ is a foot movement that turn the sole medially, toward the other foot.


The _____ extends from the periosteum of each of the articulating bones is a sheet of connective tissue that encloses the joint cavity.

joint capsule

This paper thin bone forms part of the side wall of the orbit.

lacrimal bone

Tiny gaps between rings of the lamellae are called _____.


_____ are tiny gaps between rings of lamellae in compact bone.


_____ is a tube-like opening.


The ____ and _____ epicondyle are the widest points of the femur at the knee.

medial, lateral

The central hollow portion of a long bone is called the ______

medullary cavity

____ is the central hollow portion of a long bone that contains bone marrow.

medullary cavity

Movement of the arms and legs as well as the ability to breathe results from the interaction between ______ and bones


These rectangular bones for the bridge of the nose; the rest of the nose is shaped by cartilage.

nasal bone

The facial bones include

nasal, maxillary, zygomatic, mandible, lacrimal, palatine, inferior nasal conchae, vomer

The ____ of the femur is a frequent site for fractures in elderly persons.


In the intervertebral disc there is a gel-like core, called the _________

nucleus pulposus

____ bone forms the rear of the skull.


_____ is a mature osteoblast.


______ are mature osteoblasts embedded in hardened bone matrix. These have a dual role, some dissolve bone while others deposit new bone.


Occasionally, surgery is needed to reposition the bones, after which screws, pins, or plates may be used to stabilize the bones. This is called an _________

open reduction

Bone or _____ tissue, is a type of connective tissue, like all connective tissues, it consists of cells, fibers, and extracellular material or matrix.


____ is bone tissue.

osseous tissue

Depositing of new bone is called _____


Through a process called ____, the early skeleton evolves into bone.


_____ is the creation of new bone.


_____ is a bone forming cell.


A bone widens when ____ in the periosteum lay down new layers of bone around the outside of a bone.


_______ help form bone by secreting substances that comprise the bone's matrix


_____ are bone cells that dissolve old or unhealthy bone.


_____ help dissolve unwanted bone or unhealthy bone


The maintenance of bone density depends upon a balance between the work of ___ (which cause resorption) and _____ (which cause ossification).

osteoclasts, osteoblasts

In remodeling, ____ remove matrix and reduce the mass of little-used bones. In heavy used bones, ______ deposit new bone tissue on the bone's surface thickening the bone.


Whenever bone experiences an increase in load, _____ stimulate the creation of new bone. For example, when an individual participates in weight-bearing exercise, these trigger the growth of new bone, making bones stronger.


A dense fibrous membrane called the _____ covers the diaphysis. Some of the fibers of this penetrates the bone, ensuring that the membrane stays firmly anchored. This contains bone-forming cells as well as blood vessels, making its presence crucial for bone survival.


_____ is dense fibrous membrane covering the diaphysis.


Joint in which a projection from one bone articulates with the ring-shaped socket of another bone, allowing the bones to pivot. (ex: atlas top vertebra & axis second vertebra)

pivot joint

______ involves moving the toes or foot downward.

plantar flexion

In particular, ________ white women have the greatest risk of osteoporosis


_____ is a projection or a raised area.


_____ is a movement that turns that palm downward.


____ moves a part forward.


One of the two bones of the lower arm, the _____ is located on the same side as the thumb.


Trabeculae are filled with ____ bone marrow. This marrow supplies spongy bone with blood and also produces blood cells.


_____ bone marrow is in charge of producing RBC's. Nearly all of a child's bones contain this type of marrow


In children the medullary cavity is filled with blood cell-producing _____ bone marrow. In adults, most of this marrow has turned to _____ marrow, which is rich in fat.

red, yellow

Reshaping or reconstructing part of a bone is called ________


_____ is reshaping or reconstruction part of a bone.


The destroying of old bone is called ______


_____ is the destruction of old bone; part of the bone remodeling process.


A ______ fracture is one in which the bone remains aligned and the surrounding tissue is intact.


A ____ is a cavity in the skull filled with air.


____ is a cavity within a bone.


Named for the Greek god Atlas who carried the world on his shoulder, the first role of the first cervical vertebra is to support the _____.


The ____ bone forms a key part of the cranial floor as well as the floor and side walls of the orbits.


Viewed posteriorly, the ____ bone looks like a giant moth. It lies behind and slightly above the nose and throat. On top of this bone is an indented area called the stella turcica, which houses the pituitary glands.


_____ is a sharp, pointed process.


A _______ projects posteriorly from the vertebra. This process are the bumps you feel when you run your hand along the spine.

spinous process

In a _____ fracture, the fracture line spirals around the bone, the result of a twisting force. The jagged bones ends often make this type of fracture difficult to reposition.


Some osseous tissue is light and porous; this is called ____ or cancellous bone.


______ bone is also called cancellous bone; found in the ends of long bones and the middle of most other bones.


______ bone is found in the ends of long bones and in the middle of most other bones; it is always surrounded by the more durable compact bone.


The _____ suture runs along the top edge of the temporal bone.


The _____ bone forms the side of the cranium and part of the cranial floor, also contain the structures of the inner and middle ear, including the: external auditory meatus, mastoid process, zygomatic arch, styloid process.


______ attach muscles to bone


Collagen fibers in the matrix make bone highly resistant to stretching forces called _______ strength


An infant's skull varies from that of an adult in 2 ways.

the suture lines in the skull have not yet fused the infant's skull contains fontanels

Of the 2 bones in the lower leg, the _____ is the only one that bears weight. Commonly called the shinbone, it articulates with the femur.


The knee is also known as the ______ joint and is the largest most complex joint in the body

tibiofemoral joint

Bone lacks the ability to endure twisting called ____ strength. In fact, most bone fractures result when torsional forces are exerted on an arm or leg.


Spongy or cancellous bone consists of a latticework of bone celled ______. This design adds strength without adding weight.


____ are arranged along the lines of greatest stress in a way that offers maximum strength. If the stress of a bone is exposed to changes, they will realign themselves to compensate.


______ is lattice work of osseous tissue that makes up the structure of spongy or cancellous bone.


The ______ ligament holds the dens in place. Thus secured, the head can swivel from side to side. In addition, as bony projections from the occipital bone rock back and forth on the depressions of the atlas, the head can move back and forth.


The ______ process extends from each side of the vertebra. Both the transverse and spinous processes serve as attachment points for muscles and ligaments.


____ is a large process; found only on the femur.


Portion of the pelvis that extends between the pelvic brim.

true pelvis

Ribs 1-7 are called _____, they attach to the sternum by a strip of hyaline cartilage called _____ cartilage.

true ribs, costal

_____ is a small, rounded process.


A rough, raised bump usually for muscle attachment.


_____ is a rough, raised bump, usually for muscle attachment.


The _____ is the other bone of the arm; it is longer than the radius.


An opening in the vertebrae called the ______ allows for passage of the spinal cord.

vertebral foramen

Bone is filled with blood_______, nerves, and living _______.

vessels, cells

Blood ____ and ____ run the length of the bone through the center of the canal.

vessels, nerves

This small bone forms the inferior half of the nasal septum.


Bones ____ and ____ throughout the lifespan.

widen, thicken

Over time red marrow is replaced with ____ marrow. Because its marrow cells are saturated with fat, it no longer produces RBC's. However, in cases of severe, chronic blood loss or anemia, this marrow can change back into red marrow.


These bones shape the cheeks and form the outer edge of the orbit.


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