Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication

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Using nonverbal behaviors to help convey attraction and closeness. Leaning forward using a lot of paralinguistics such as uh huhs

Expressing and managing intamacy

When expressing and managing intimacy people tend to respond with ? When engaging in social control people tend to respond with?

nonverbal reciprocity, nonverbal complentary

Many people unconsciously mimic their partner's postures gestures and other movements in social settings. - status or dominance is likely to influence who mimics whom

Nonverbal reciprocity

12 to 25 feet Appropriate for ? such as lectures and performances

Public distance, public ceremonies

Uttered sounds that do not have the structure of language Ex. Uh huh, ah, er these typically serve as FILLERS


Gestures used to manage emotions


Grabbing, hitting and pinching

Aggressive touch

Clothing and accessories: that convey a nonverbal message about status, personality, success, or group membership


? are a key nonverbal indicator to power as in the US power is primarily based on an individual's access to economic resources and the freedom to make decisions that affect others - based on interpretations will exclude or include others

Artifacts and appearance

The study of the way people use time as a message


Two non-verbal terms used to refer time and space

Chronemics, proxemics

Using non-verbal behaviors to help clarify verbal messages and reveal attitudes and moods

Communicating information

Verbal and nonverbal messages that express the same meaning. "I like you" with leaning in and smiling


Verbal and nonverbal messages that send conflicting messages. Example: purposeful "What a nice pair of shows" with a sarcastic tone or accidental smiling while telling a child to stop when a child does something woring


? is one of the most important factors that influence the meaning of non-verbal communication


A type of touch used to establish dominance and power. Increases in herarchial settings such as ?

Demand touch, work

Gestures that stand for a specific verbal meaning. Giving the peace sign.


Using nonverbal behavior to exercise influence over other people. Smiling at someone when they want them to do them a favor or glaring at noisy patrons in a theater, Someone who is "charming".

Establishing social control

This type of nonverbal behavior expresses more than perhaps any other. These expressions are the primary channels of transmitting emotion, and the ? in particular convey important messages regarding attraction and attention. (facial expression is due to genetic programming) - taught to manage it

Face, eyes

Touch that is more intimate than social touch and usually conveys ?, closeness, and caring used with friends and acquaintances Ex. brief hugs, a hand on the shoulder

Friendship touch, warmth

Nonverbal communication made with part of the body, including actions such as pointing, waving, or holding up a hand to direct people attention


The study of the communication function of touch - the least studied forms of non-verbal communication.


Qualities such as speed, pitch, rhythm, vocal range and articulation that make up the "music" of the human voice (Obama vs Keanu Reeves)

Voice Qualities

Signals that accompany speech to clarify or emphasize the verbal message. Pointing while saying "it's over there"


How close or involved people appear to be with each other


0 to 18 inches Tends to be reserved for those whom one knows very well. Distance used for displaying physical and psychological intimacy, such as ?, ? children, ?someone, telling ?

Intimate distance, lovemaking, cuddling, comforting, secrets

Nonverbal communication send by the body, including gestures, posture, movement facial expressions and eye behavior


What are the 5 aspects of non-verbal codes?

Kinesics, paralinguistics, time (chronemics) and space (proxemics), haptics, appearance and artifacts

The touch most often used with one's romantic partners and family Ex. Long kisses, extended hugging and cuddling Conveys intamacy

Love-intimate touch

Which of the functions of non-verbal communication is the most automatic, but we tend not to think about it. Interpersonal distance, body orientation, and posture as well as more fluid behaviors like gaze, facial expression, volume and pitch


Using nonverbal behaviors to help manage conversational interaction

Regulating Interaction

All the messages that people transmit through means other than words It is a type of nonverbal behavior that has ? DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ? transmitted- to understand nonverbal you have to consider entire behavioral context, including what the person might be communicating verbally.

Nonverbal Communication, symbolic meaning, intentionally

All the nonverbal actions people perform - does not stand for anything

Nonverbal behavior

Distinct, organized means of expression that consist of symbols and rules for their use

Nonverbal codes

Respond to dominant behaviors with submissive ones and submissive behaviors with dominant ones (a stare - look away)

Nonverbal complementarity

Gestures used to control conversation


The vocal aspects on non-verbal communication and include RATE, VOLUME, PITCH and STRESS


18 inches to 4 feet. Describes the space we use when interacting with ?. Nearer for friends farther for acquantances

Personal Distance, friends or acquantances

A primary way to attempt to claim and maintain control of a space - such as using artifacts. Nonverbal communication that specifies territorial ownership

Personalization or markings

Type of touch used by certain workers such as dentists, hairstylists, and hospital workers, as part of their livelihood also known as ? does not communicate intamacy

Professional/functional touch

The study of how people use spacial cues, including interpersonal distance, territoriality, and other space relationships to communicate. (communicates physical and psychological closeness)


The degree of tensions displayed by ones body


Using nonverbal behavior to signal close involvement between people in impersonal relationships and contexts. Golf pros

Service-task functions

4 to 12 feet. In the US the distance we use when interacting with ?. For example impersonal business with grocery clerks and coworkers while the greatest is used for formal such as job interviews.

Social Distance, unfamiliar others

touch that is part of daily interactions in the United States, is is more intimate than professional touch but is still IMPERSONAL! Ex. Shaking hands when greeting acquaintances and casual friends Communicates some intamacy

Social-polite touch

Pushing another's arm away or refusing to hold ones hand

Withdrawal touch

The nonverbal component of communication include all the messages that people transmit through means other than words encompassing the sending and receiving of information through ?,? ?, ? and?

appearance, objects, environment, behavior, social setting

2 part of kinesics? and the subcategories?

body, face, gestures, posture, facial expressions, eye behavior

Non-verbal communication serce 5 functions during interaction:

communicating information, regulating interaction, expressing and managing intimacy, establishing social control, signaling service-task function

We often have difficulty reading others' nonverbal cues because ?

complex, continuous, multichanneled, and ambiguous

2 ways to improve nonverbal communication skills 1Check to see whether verbal and nonverbal is ? 2 Analyzing the ?, your ? and your own experiences (slapped on rear playing baseball)

congruent, contradicting, context, knowledge of the other person

Factors that influence non-verbal comm:

culture, context, background knowledge, gender

Influencers of nonverbal communication: 1. nonverbal gestures have vastly different meanings in different ? 2. ? between the people interacting affects the meaning of non-verbal communication (husband taking a wife's arm versus police officer) 3. How well we ? can affect how we interpret the meaning of non-verbal communication 4. ? is factor in how we interpret non-verbal communication ex. Hair flip sexual vs getting it out of your eyes

cultures, relationship, know someone, sex

Please name and give an example of the 4 types of nonverbal gestures

illustrators, emblems, adaptors, regulators

We evaluate posture in 2 ways: how ? it is and and how ? it appears

immediate, relaxed

What are the 4 distances people use to communicate?

intimate, personal, social, public

Other suggestions: 1. Recognize that others nonverbal messages dont always ? 2. Be aware of ? that influence meaning 3. Ask for ? if you don't understand a nonverbal message of if you perceive a contradiction 4. Remember that not every nonverbal message is ? 5. Don't place too much emphasis on fleeting nonverbal behaviors, such as facial expression or vocal tone; rather, ?

mean the same thing as yours, individual, contextual and cultural factors, intended to communicate, examine the entire set of behaviors

Engaging in one task or behavior at a time


2 ways to use time?

monochronically, polychronically

pg 146 What communication purposes do paralinguistics serve? Used to reveal ?, allow us to ? or stress a word or idea, create a ? identity, and along with gestures ? conversation

mood and emotion, emphasize, distinctive, regulate

The way you ? or ? can also communicate messages to others, particularly about your mood or emotional state

move, walk

Ethics You can still lie ? When communicators use nonverbal cues that ridicule, derogate or otherwise demean others, they run the risk of their behavior being viewed by others as ? You should consider: 1. Do you NVB reflect your ?attitudes, beliefs and feelings? 2. Do your NVB contradict the ? message you are saying? 3. Do you NVB ? or ridicule others? 4. Do you NVM ?, coerce or silence? 5. Would you want anyone to ? your NVB? 6. WOuld you want this NVB to be directed toward you or a ?

nonverbally, unethical, real, verbal, insult, intimidate, observe, loved one

Paralinguistics are those aspects of languages that are ? but not ?, that is it describes all aspects of spoken language EXCEPT for the words themselves

oral, verbal

3 types of territories: 1. a home or bedroom 2. An office or a cubicle 3. park benches, walking trails and roads

personal, temporary, public

Engaging in multiple activities simultaneously


Please name the 5 forms of general touch!! and Give examples PF, SP, F, LI, D

professional-functional, social-polite, love-intimate, demand

What are the 5 ways that non-verbal information help individuals communicate ie convey and interpret verbal messages? 1. By ? a message (winking while saying "I'm just kidding") 2. By ? or ? a message (Pointing at the door while saying "get out") 3.By ? or ? a message (Whispering while telling a secret) 4. By ? a message (Saying "I love your haircut" while speaking in a hostile tone) 5. By ? for a message (shaking ones head to indicate disagreement)

repeating, highlighting, emphasizing, reinforcing, complementing, contradicting, substituting

Nonverbal communication plays an important role in social interaction because: 1. It helps to express and interpret ? of communication 2. Influences how individuals ? - especially those related to feelings, moods and attitudes

verbal aspects, interpret overall message

Paralinguistics are composed of 2 types of vocal behavior:

voice qualities, vocalization

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