Chapter 6 Program Design and Implementation

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Team Development

community programs require a team approach for strong team development rooted in interprofessional collaborative practice which is when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care Key activities of team include communication, decision-making, delegation, and problem-solving team dynamics are important; must be grounded in rules and allow team members to identify each of the processes required for the team to be successful

Compliance with Practice Regulations

it is important to consider practice regulations when developing a program implementation plan if OTs have questions about whether the program falls within OT regulations, they should contact the state licensure board to ensure the program is in compliance; reimbursement regulations should be followed at all times

What to consider about exploration of space

- consider the needs of program participants - consider liabilities, accessibility for participants - regulations and use of the space depending on program needs - due to liability, program budget should include insurance to cover the facility - other considerations such as availability of ramps, elevators, accessible entrances, parking lots and lighting - maintaining the space used is also consider (i.e. cleaning)

Program development and implementation process

1. review needs assessment data 2. create a mission statement 3. establish partnerships 4. design the implementation plan 5. develop program goals and objectives 6. recruit and market program 7. implement the program 8. assess program outcomes and sustainability

Trauma-informed approach to program design/implementation

IMPORTANT: when designing and implementing a program, we may not be aware of participants' histories of various forms of trauma and therefore, developing programs using a trauma-informed approach will allow us to consider these unknowns to produce a sensitively constructed program that will be helpful to participants Programs must consider psychological safety, physical safety, and environmental safety

Vision and Mission

Vision = outlines the ideal state or ultimate level of achievement to which an organization aspires; always something the program or organization is trying to attain Mission = an organization's core, underlying purpose or basis for its existence, focus and actions Mission has 3 objectives: - informs audience of what you do - focus and motivate your team - guide strategic planning and decisions

Supplies and Equipment

each program will have a need for unique supplies and equipment; brainstorming a list of these equipment is crucial in successful plan implementation donated equipment must be cleaned and sometimes repaired, which requires cleaning supplies and tools supplies may be donated or already be bought by an organization allowing its use by a program

Establishing Partnerships

formed between two or more sectors to achieve a common goal that could not otherwise be accomplished separately Collaboration is the foundation of partnerships; requires commitment; can be formal/informal

Program Goals and Objectives

goals are written to be long term and future-oriented; defined as a statement of a quantifiable desired future state or condition objectives are more specific, identifying how goals will be met. Goals and objectives should indicate the program's priorities and intended outcomes, the communities' priorities, and the evaluation plan SMART objectives written goals and objectives should align with community needs and wants to ensure they are relevant, improving the likelihood of success

Staffing and Personnel

greatest resource of any program is the staff who make the program a success staff may be hired for specific roles in program management and evaluation administrative and support staff may also be a benefit to help with appointments or with basic administrative tasks. establishing an infrastructure for staff evaluation is critical to ensure that personnel are successful in their ability to engage in their roles and that the program runs smoothly staffing and personnel includes having job descriptions for those being recruited volunteers may also be considered if paid staffing is not an option

Implementation Plan

includes the goals, objectives, activities, and desired outcomes of the program the development of an implementation plan is important to identify specifically how program goals and objectives will be realized program implementation also requires thoughtful planning in order to maintain focus and ensure that activities are completed in a timely manner implementation planning should be completed in a group environment to promote communication among team members, especially if a program is in development provides an opportunity to clarify who will do what and when it will be done implementation plan should be tied clearly to the strategic and evaluation plan and used to aid in garnering funds, such as grants.

Location and Space

location and space for program implementation also need to be addressed in program development program managers may need to make a formal request for such space and should follow the policies of the institution with which they partner If paid space is necessary, this needs to be addressed including budgeting and determining the program costs faith communities (i.e. church, mosque, etc.) may be willing to donate space for health programming that benefits their constituents and the greater community local nonprofit agencies may also be willing to share space or provide space at a reduced cost in exchange for lower fees for participants or just as goodwill to the community; universities and local libraries are also good options for exploring space utilization

Program Management

programs are important to the communities they serve. Advisory board is a collection of community members who provide feedback to a program; these members may be community stakeholders and/or community members advisory board displays quality assurance to the community by demonstrating that the organization is listening to the voice of the community board of directors = important in program management since they guide the organization in its mission, finances and programming

Participant Recruitment

the recruitment and retention of program participants must be considered in the planning process and are crucial in program design. inattention to this step can negatively impact the use and success of the program and ultimately result in a failure to meet the community's needs identifying who is eligible to receive the equipment may need to be based on income, access to health insurance or a vetting process to ensure those most in need of benefit programs may choose to target both the health-care professionals and the general public through newspaper articles or TV segments, such as with a community-based fall prevention and home safety programs

Program Sustainability

this is crucial and should be part of the program design and implementation sustainability is more than simply having the funding to continue a program and includes other factors that influence the program's ongoing success Successful elements include thorough design and planning that meets a community's needs, ongoing outcome evaluation and process evaluation to amend programs or aspects of programs, marketing efforts, and capacity-building strategies that include developing a good relationship with community partners (p. 108). Planning for sustainability is critical given the work that is required to preplan and implement a program, and then evaluate for its ability to meet objectives and outcomes.


useful framework for developing mission statements 1. Identify core values 2. name the population 3. set the vision 4. plan how to achieve the mission 5. identify activities that align with the mission 6. review, revise, and refine 7. enlist others

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