Chapter 6 quizzes

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d. 34%

According to the American Heart Association, approximately what percentage of adult Americans have metabolic syndrome? Multiple choice question. a. 20% b. 12% c. 40% d. 34%

b. round and pear shaped.

An endomorph has a body type that is Multiple choice question. a. muscular and lean. b. round and pear shaped. c. thin and light. d. suited for activities like running.

d. 40%.

In 1960, the rate of obesity in the U.S. was about 13% but by 2016, it had increased to about Multiple choice question. a. 62%. b. 25%. c. 32%. d. 40%.

c. short-term weight loss d. unrealistic goals

Many people fail to obtain a fit and healthy body because they overemphasize which of the following? Multiple select question. a. permanent lifestyle changes b. a long-term wellness program c. short-term weight loss d. unrealistic goals

b. abdominal areas.

Men and postmenopausal women tend to store fat in their Multiple choice question. a. hips, buttocks, and thighs. b. abdominal areas. c. lower legs. d. faces and necks.

c. a healthy diet.

People who want to change their body composition must make lifestyle changes, including regular exercise and Multiple choice question. a. frequent fasts. b. B12 vitamin shots. c. a healthy diet. d. multiple medical prescriptions.

d. hydrostatic

Underwater weighing is also known ______ weighing. Multiple choice question. a. demi-flotational b. irrigation-type c. aquamatic d. hydrostatic

a. BMI greater than 34.9

In the NCHS meta-analysis, what is considered severe obesity? Multiple choice question. a. BMI greater than 34.9 b. BMI greater than 30 c. BMI greater than 14.9 d. BMI greater than 24.5

b. doubles

Obesity ______ mortality rates. Multiple choice question. a. decreases b. doubles c. quadruples d. triples

c. overweight

What is the classification of an individual with a BMI value of 26.02? Multiple choice question. a. underweight b. obese c. overweight d. normal

a. under the skin d. around major organs

Adipose tissue (fat cells) is found in which of the following parts of the body? Multiple select question. a. under the skin b. on the surface of the skin c. around the bones d. around major organs

a. intra-abdominal fat c. visceral fat

Adipose tissue (fat cells) that is found around major organs is also referred to as which of the following? Multiple select question. a. intra-abdominal fat b. organic tissue mass c. visceral fat d. subcutaneous fat

d. insulin resistance syndrome.

Another name for metabolic syndrome is Multiple choice question. a. multiple sclerosis. b. Crohn's disease. c. Down syndrome. d. insulin resistance syndrome.

c. glucose

Diabetes causes a buildup of ______ in the bloodstream. Multiple choice question. a. red blood cells b. insulin c. glucose d. white blood cells

b. decline by as much as several years.

If current overweight and obesity trends continue, scientists predict that the average American's life expectancy will soon Multiple choice question. a. increase about 1 to 2 years. b. decline by as much as several years. c. increase by a decade or more. d. decline for men and increase for women.

d. abdomen

In the NIH and WHO guidelines, fat in what area of the body is most indicative of increased disease risk? Multiple choice question. a. thighs b. buttocks c. chest d. abdomen

b. a scale cannot tell the difference between overweight and overfat.

People should be wary about using a body weight scale to assess their body composition because Multiple choice question. a. scales can determine if weight loss is based on changes in the body's muscles. b. a scale cannot tell the difference between overweight and overfat. c. scales can assess how much of a person's weight is water weight. d. manufacturers make scales incorrectly in order to get consumers to buy more of them.

b. hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Premenopausal women (in contrast to postmenopasual women) tend to store fat in their Multiple choice question. a. lower legs and feet. b. hips, buttocks, and thighs. c. abdominal areas. d. faces and necks.

c. how many fat cells a person has.

Regarding body fat, genetics determines Multiple choice question. a. how large fat cells can become. b. the amount of fat a person consumes. c. how many fat cells a person has. d. the number of calories in a pound of body fat.

a. how many fat cells a person has.

Regarding body fat, genetics determines Multiple choice question. a. how many fat cells a person has. b. the amount of fat a person consumes. c. how large fat cells can become. d. the number of calories in a pound of body fat.

a. fatty liver disease b. chronic inflammation d. erectile dysfunction

Since metabolic syndrome affects glucose and insulin, people with this syndrome are at risk of developing which of the following? Multiple select question. a. fatty liver disease b. chronic inflammation c. low blood pressure d. erectile dysfunction

a. thickness

Skinfold assessment involves checking which of the following qualities of skinfolds? Multiple choice question. a. thickness b. height c. shape d. weight

c. physical activity.

Studies of people who lost weight and maintained the loss conclude the key to their long-term success is Multiple choice question. a. the athletic triad. b. building adipose tissue. c. physical activity. d. bioelectrical impedance.

a. can be inaccurate for people like bodybuilders.

Tables that list ideal weights for specific heights Multiple choice question. a. can be inaccurate for people like bodybuilders. b. are how sports scientists determine ideal health today. c. are used by nutritionists to plan ideal diets for people. d. identify unfit people since they automatically weigh more than the tables' listing.

b. displaced air in the chamber.

The Bod Pod takes its measurement of body fat by the amount of Multiple choice question. a. water a person can drink. b. displaced air in the chamber. c. solids a person excretes. d. calories burned on a treadmill.

a. body fat and fat-free mass.

The body can be roughly divided between Multiple choice question. a. body fat and fat-free mass. b. body fat and energy-producing mechanisms. c. energy-producing mechanisms and fat-free mass. d. temperature-regulating and energy-producing mechanisms.

d. does not distinguish between fat weight and fat-free weight.

The body mass index could be an inaccurate method of assessing body composition for some individuals because it Multiple choice question. a. distinguishes between men and women. b. submerges people in water to see if their body fat will make them float. c. measures the water weight and adipose tissue in people. d. does not distinguish between fat weight and fat-free weight.

b. people short in stature c. serious weight trainers

The body mass index is not particularly useful for which of the following groups? Multiple select question. a. men with an average body type b. people short in stature c. serious weight trainers d. women of average height

d. visceral

The most harmful form of body fat is ______ fat. Multiple choice question. a. essential b. subcutaneous c. percent body d. visceral


The relationship between calorie intake and body weight remains constant regardless of changes in body weight. True false question. True False

b. abdomens.

The risk of diabetes, stroke, and mortality is increased for people who carry excess fat in their Multiple choice question. a. necks. b. abdomens. c. arms. d. thighs.

c. weight and height.

To calculate someone's BMI, you need measurements of a person's Multiple choice question. a. temperature and weight. b. blood glucose level and HDL level. c. weight and height. d. height and waist measurement.

b. waist circumference by hip circumference.

To calculate waist-to-hip ratio, divide Multiple choice question. a. waist circumference by hip diameter. b. waist circumference by hip circumference. c. hip circumference by waist circumference. d. hip diameter by waist circumference.

a. less than 3% for men and less than 8% for women.

Too little body fat is defined as Multiple choice question. a. less than 3% for men and less than 8% for women. b. less than 23% for men and less than 28% for women. c. less than 33% for men and less than 38% for women. d. less than 13% for men and less than 18% for women.

d. fat has a lower density and thus floats.

Underwater weighing operates on the principle that Multiple choice question. a. muscle has a lower density and thus floats. b. water changes a person's BMI. c. people burn more calories underwater. d. fat has a lower density and thus floats.

c. autopsy

What is the only method for directly measuring the percentage of body weight that is fat? Multiple choice question. a. bod pods b. hydrostatic weighing c. autopsy d. skinfold measurement

a. diet c. gender d. age

Which factors play the greatest roles in determining the amount of fat stored in fat cells? Multiple select question. a. diet b. genetics c. gender d. age

a. Notice how your clothes fit. b. Monitor your body weight. f. Track your energy levels.

Which of the following are among the best ways to identify your progress toward your body composition goals? Multiple select question. a. Notice how your clothes fit. b. Monitor your body weight. c. Record your athlete triad. d. Compare your body to models' bodies. e. Visit your doctor weekly. f. Track your energy levels.

b. high blood pressure d. fat deposits in the abdominal regions

Which of the following are conditions associated with metabolic syndrome? Multiple select question. a. malignant melanoma b. high blood pressure c. high metabolic rates d. fat deposits in the abdominal regions

a. They move with greater efficiency. c. They are healthier. d. They are at lower risk of many chronic diseases.

Which of the following are generally true of people with an optimal amounts of fat and fat-free mass? Multiple select question. a. They move with greater efficiency. b. They are extremely skinny. c. They are healthier. d. They are at lower risk of many chronic diseases.

a. muscle b. teeth d. connective tissue

Which of the following comprise fat-free body mass? Multiple select question. a. muscle b. teeth c. adipose tissue d. connective tissue

c. Choose goals that are reasonable to maintain. d. Make sure they are healthy. e. Keep them realistic.

Which of the following principles apply when developing body composition goals? Multiple select question. a. Focus on changing diets but not activity levels. b. Focus primarily on reaching an ideal weight. c. Choose goals that are reasonable to maintain. d. Make sure they are healthy. e. Keep them realistic.

b. fat-free tissues

Which one of the following types of body tissues is the best conductor of electrical current? Multiple choice question. a. subcutaneous fat b. fat-free tissues c. adipose tissue d. visceral fat

b. metric system.

A person calculating body mass index using the standard method would use the Multiple choice question. a. algorithms for sines. b. metric system. c. Celsius scale. d. Fahrenheit scale.

b. overweight

A person whose weight is above the recommended range for good health is considered Multiple choice question. a. prematurely fat. b. overweight c. to have a lower risk of health problems. d. to have a body mass index.

c. underweight.

A person with a body mass index of 18.1 is classified as Multiple choice question. a. overweight. b. normal weight. c. underweight. d. obese.

a. overfat.

A person with too much body fat, regardless of their total weight, is considered Multiple choice question. a. overfat. b. viscerally fat. c. overweight. d. overcomposed.

d. basic body build.

A person's somatotype describes his or her Multiple choice question. a. reaction to stress. b. ability to learn. c. sexual orientation. d. basic body build.

a. 3,500

A pound of body fat is equivalent to _____ calories. Multiple choice question. a. 3,500 b. 3,000 c. 2,000 d. 2,500

c. waist circumference measurement.

A simple way to assess abdominal fat distribution is to use Multiple choice question. a. bioelectrical impedance analysis. b. Bod Pod readings. c. waist circumference measurement. d. height and weight charts.

c. 12%

A typical female who is 20 to 24 years old has about ______ of essential fat. Multiple choice question. a. 25% b. 18% c. 12% d. 3%

d. 12%

A typical female who is 20 to 24 years old has about ______ of essential fat. Multiple choice question. a. 3% b. 25% c. 18% d. 12%

a. 5%

A typical male who is 20 to 24 years has approximately ______ essential fat. Multiple choice question. a. 5% b. 15% c. 12% d. 25%

a. they are not getting enough physical activity.

Although Americans on average have consumed fewer daily calories in recent years, their overweight and obese rates have continued to increase because Multiple choice question. a. they are not getting enough physical activity. b. people walk more places instead of driving. c. restaurant portion sizes have decreased. d. fast food sales are lower.

d. lifting weights.

Based on their body type, endomorphs would probably excel in activities like Multiple choice question. a. distance running. b. ballet dancing. c. gymnastics. d. lifting weights.

b. resistance.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis works by using a small electrical current to measure the body's Multiple choice question. a. temperature. b. resistance. c. height. d. DEXA.

b. nerves d. mammary glands

Body fat is incorporated into which of the following? Multiple select question. a. hair b. nerves c. tooth enamel d. mammary glands

a. BMI.

Body mass index is also known as Multiple choice question. a. BMI. b. RPM. c. CFC. d. HDL.

c. one's weight should be proportional to one's height.

Body mass index is based on the concept that Multiple choice question. a. height and weight do not need to be proportional in a healthy person. b. obesity prevents people from developing illnesses. c. one's weight should be proportional to one's height. d. exercise cannot improve one's overall physical fitness.

c. insulin

Diabetes disrupts the normal secretion of ______ from the pancreas. Multiple choice question. a. testosterone b. glucose c. insulin d. estrogen

d. absent or infrequent menstruation.

For women, an extremely low percentage of body fat is often associated with Multiple choice question. a. the development of uterine cancer. b. the condition of chronic inflammation. c. an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. d. absent or infrequent menstruation.

b. It measures the tissue absorption of high- and low-energy X-ray beams.

How does dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) work? Multiple choice question. a. It estimates lean body mass by passing a body through a magnetic field. b. It measures the tissue absorption of high- and low-energy X-ray beams. c. It uses a series of MRIs of areas of the body with varying tissue densities.

a. It estimates lean body mass by passing a body through a magnetic field.

How does total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) estimate lean body mass? Multiple choice question. a. It estimates lean body mass by passing a body through a magnetic field. b. It measures the tissue absorption of high- and low-energy X-ray beams. c. It uses a series of MRIs of areas of the body with varying tissue densities.

d. slightly plump to unhealthily thin.

In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, society's idea of the "ideal" body type—as presented by the media—changed from Multiple choice question. a. slightly plump to obese. b. very muscular to unhealthily thin. c. obese to endomorphic. d. slightly plump to unhealthily thin.

b. total body weight

Methods of assessing body composition based on _____ are less accurate than other methods but are still commonly used. Multiple choice question. a. total muscle mass b. total body weight c. muscle density d. water intake

a. discrimination b. anxiety d. contentment

Obesity can lead to which of the following social or psychological problems? Multiple select question. a. discrimination b. anxiety c. inflammation d. contentment

c. increased risk of death from many types of cancer.

Obesity has also been linked to other health issues, including Multiple choice question. a. rapid-growing cataracts of the eye. b. lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease. c. increased risk of death from many types of cancer. d. alopecia and hair issues.

a. body fat.

Obesity is characterized by an excessive accumulation of Multiple choice question. a. body fat. b. fat receptors. c. omega fats. d. antibodies.

b. Moderately obese people had similar death rates to normal-weight people. c. Overweight people had a lower all-cause death rate than normal weight people.

The NCHS meta-analysis returned which controversial results? Multiple select question. a. Those with severe obesity (BMI greater than 34.9) had a higher death rate from all causes than did people with normal weight. b. Moderately obese people had similar death rates to normal-weight people. c. Overweight people had a lower all-cause death rate than normal weight people.

d. percent body fat.

The proportion of total body weight that is composed of fat is called the Multiple choice question. a. nonessential body fat. b. adipose tissue. c. essential fat. d. percent body fat.

d. plethysmography.

The technical name for the technique used by the Bod Pod is called Multiple choice question. a. arthroscopy. b. endoscopy. c. ultrascopy. d. plethysmography.

b. caliper.

The tool that is used in assessing body composition via skinfold measurements is a Multiple choice question. a. ruler. b. caliper. c. stethoscope. d. measuring tape.

a. a pear.

When fat is stored in the lower region of the body in the hips, buttocks, and thighs it is said the individual has the shape of Multiple choice question. a. a pear. b. a carrot. c. an apple. d. a pineapple.

a. skinfold measurement d. underwater weighing

Which of the following are methods to estimate body fat percentages? Multiple select question. a. skinfold measurement b. electroencephalography c. stress test d. underwater weighing e. blood test

a. It cushions body organs. c. It helps regulates body temperature. d. It is a source of stored energy in the body.

Which of the following are true of fat? Multiple select question. a. It cushions body organs. b. It is not needed in the body. c. It helps regulates body temperature. d. It is a source of stored energy in the body.

a. a woman with a BMI of 28 with a waist circumference of 34 inches

Which of the following individuals is more at risk for health problems? Multiple choice question. a. a woman with a BMI of 28 with a waist circumference of 34 inches b. a man with a BMI of 25 with low blood pressure c. a man with a BMI of 28 with a waist circumference of 36 inches

b. pregnancy complications c. hypertension e. sleep and breathing disorders

Which of the following risks are associated with obesity? Multiple select question. a. Marfan syndrome b. pregnancy complications c. hypertension d. sickle cell anemia e. sleep and breathing disorders

c. mesomorph

Which somatotype is lean and muscular, with a wedge-shaped body and little body fat? Multiple choice question. a. biomorph b. endomorph c. mesomorph d. ectomorph

a. Muscle weighs more than fat.

Why are height-weight tables often inaccurate measures of healthy weight? Multiple choice question. a. Muscle weighs more than fat. b. The tables were designed when "healthy" people were fatter. c. The tables were only ever meant for physiologists to use.

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