Chapter 6: Skin

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epidermis, dermis

The two distinct layers of the integument consists of a layer of stratified squamous epithelium called the ____ and a deeper layer of areolar and dense irregular connective tissue called the ____.

Dermal blood vessels constrict

What is a normal response to excessive loss of body heat in a cold environment?

Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer

What layers of skin are affected by third-degree burns?

A, C, D

When skin has been damaged, which integumentary system components are NOT repaired? A: Nerves B: Blood vessels C: Exocrine glands D: Hair follicles

collagen, striae

When the skin is stretched beyond its capacity, some ___ fibers are torn and result in stretch marks, which are called ___.

B, D

Which are functions of the skin? A: Synthesis of red blood cells B: Barrier to water loss C: Calcium production D: Heat regulation


Which is not a function of nails? A: Helps us to walk properly B: Protect the distal tips of the digits C: Prevent damage or extensive distortion during jumping, kicking, or catching D: Assist in grasping objects


Which of the following chemical substances is not a form of vitamin D involved in the progression to the active form of vitamin D? A: Hydrocortisone B: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) C: Calcidiol D: Calcitriol


During the process of keratinization, the cell's ___ and organelles of the cells disintegrate and the cells start to die.

A, E

Epidermal dendritic cells are found in which of the following strata? A: granulosum B: corneum C: basale D: lucidum E: spinosum


Friction ridges on the tips of fingers are known as ____.


Friction ridges on the tips of the fingers are known as ___.


Keratinocytes of the epidermis are usually present for about ___ week(s).


Lines of cleavage (or tension lines) in the skin relate to the predominant orientation of ___ fiber bundles.

1. Hair shaft 2. Medulla 3. Dermal root sheath 4. Hair follicle 5. Hair bulb 6. Root 7. Cortex 8. Cuticle 9. Matrix

Match the hair structure with its description. Options: Matrix, Cortex, Hair bulb, Dermal root sheath, Hair shaft, Medulla, Hair follicle, Root, Cuticle 1. Protrudes above the surface of the skin. 2. Central axis of the hair. 3. Portion of the connective tissue that surrounds the epithelial root sheath. 4. Contains the hair; consists of epithelial and dermal root sheaths. 5. Expanded knob at the base of the hair root. 6. The portion of the hair that is below the surface of the skin. 7. Forms the bulk of the hair; consists of cells containing hard keratin. 8. Outer layer of the hair; single layer of cells containing hard keratin. 9. Mass of epithelial cells within the bulb that produce the hair.

1. Skin 2. Hair 3. Glands 4. Nails

Match the structure with its protective function. Options: Hair, nails, skin, glands 1. Protects against abrasion; contains melanin, which absorbs damaging UV light. 2. Protects against abrasion; acts as a heat insulator, protects the eyes against foreign objects. 3. Produce secretions that create an environment unsuitable for some microorganisms. 4. Protect the ends of the fingers and toes from damage; can be used in defense.


Second-degree burns involve the ___ and part of the ___.

B, C

Select that all that are true of calcitonin. A: Helps decrease blood calcium B: More effective in children than adults C: Inhibits osteoclast activity D: Signals the the kidneys to decrease the loss of calcium in the urine.

third-degree burns.

Skin grafting is normally necessary for ___.


Skin is classified as either thick or thin based on two parameters: the number of epidermal ___ in the epidermis and the relative ___ of the epidermis, rather than the thickness of the entire integument.

The subcutaneous tissue loses adipose tissue.

As a person ages, the skin undergoes what change?


As a result of the aging process, hair follicles can actually ___ production of hairs.


Sweat cools the body by

Stratum basle of the epidermis

Sweat glands and sebaceous glands develop from which layer of the integument?

False *The reticular layer is deep and the papillary layer is superficial .

T or F: There are two major regions of the dermis: a superficial reticular layer and a deeper papillary layer.


The ___ layer of the dermis contains areolar connective tissue and dermal papillae.

stratum spinosum/dermis

The ___ of the integument has immune cells.


The ____ layer of the dermis consists primarily of dense irregular connective tissue with large bundles of collagen fibers.


The ____ layer of the dermis contains areolar connective tissue and dermal papillae.


The cells of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of the protein ___.


The cells of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of the protein ____.


The delivery of drugs through the skin through the use of an adhesive patch is called ____ administration.

deep, collagen fibers

The dermis is ___ to the epidermis and contains primarily ___.

dense irregular connective tissue

The dermis is composed largely of

distribution of nerve fibers

The dermis of the skin has an extensive innervation, which refers to the ___.

B & D

Which of the following is a true statement regarding sebaceous glands? Check all that apply. A: Sebaceous glands are a form of sudoriferous gland. B: Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum. C: Sebaceous glands are modified mammary glands. D: Sebaceous glands are responsible for the oil that coats the hair on your scalp.


Which of the following is not a type of hair? A: Lanugo B: Vellus C: Keratin D: Terminal E: All of the above

D: Hair follicles

Which of the following is not found in thick skin? A: Sweat glands B: Stratum lucidum C: Stratum corneum D: Hair follicles

A, B

Which organs are involved in making calcitriol, the active form of Vitamin D? A: Kidney B: Liver C: Adrenal Glands D: Skin E: Speel F: Thymus

conversion of calcidiol to calcitriol

Which step in the formation of calcitriol is regulated by parathyroid hormone?

Nail bed

You accidentally cut your fingernail too far, causing a sharp pain and some bleeding. Which part of your nail was injured?


___ acts as a lubricant to keep the skin and hair from becoming dry, brittle, and cracked.


___ cuts to the lines of cleavage often results in slow healing and increased scarring.


___ glands are also called sweat glands.


___ hemanglomas or 'strawberry-colored birthmarks' appear in the skin as bright red to deep purple nodules that usually disappear in childhood.


___ is an inherited recessive condition where the enzyme needed to produce melanin is nonfunctional.

blood vessels

A hemangioma is a congenital anomaly that results in skin discoloration due to ___ that proliferate and form a benign tumor.

blood vessels

A hemangioma is a congenital anomaly that results in skin discoloration due to ____ that proliferate and form a benign tumor.

mole, melanin

A nevus is commonly referred to as a ___. It is a harmless, localized growth of ___ forming cells.


Because skin can absorb certain chemicals and block others, it is described as ___ permeable.

port wine, blood vessels

Cavernous hemangiomas, sometimes called ___ stains, involve large dermal ___ and may last a lifetime.

A, B, C, E

Check all that are a function of bone. A: Blood cell production B: Movement C: Support and protection D: Flexibility E: Storage of mineral and energy reserves

A, B, C, E

Check all that are a function of the integument. A: Protection B: Prevention of water loss C: Temperature regulation D: Movement E: Immune defense

A & C

Check all that commonly occur in the skin during aging. A: Collagen fibers in the dermis decrease in number. B: Sweat gland activity increases. C: There is reduced activity of skin stem cells. D: Melanocyte numbers increase.

B, C, D

Hair has important functions beyond just appearance. Which of the following functions are associated with hair? Check all that apply. A: Absorption of chemical signals B: Prevents heat loss from the scalp to the air C: Protects the scalp from sunburn and injury D: Associated tactile receptors detect light touch

Temperature regulation

How do sweat glands function in homeostasis?


If the body is too warm, the dermal blood vessels ___ so more blood can travel ___ to the surface and excess can be lost.

epidermal dendritic cells

Immune cells found in the epidermis are called

epidermal dendritic

Immune cells found in the epidermis are called ___ ___ cells.

A, B

In embryonic and fetal development, skin develops into certain structures from developmental layers. What structures are formed and what layers participate in this development? Check all that apply. A: Sweat and sebaceous glands develop from the stratum basale of the epidermis and first appear at about 20 weeks on the palms and soles of feet. B: In the seventh week periderm is formed. During the fetal period, periderm is sloughed off and mixes with sebum from sebaceous glands to produce a waterproof protective coating called vernix caseosa. C: Hair follicles begin to appear between 15 and 20 weeks of development as hair buds invade the overlying stratum basale of the epidermis. D: Fingernails and toenails start to form in the twentieth week of development. Fingernail development reaches the tips of the fingers by 32 weeks and toenails are fully formed by about 36 weeks.

collagen, elastic

In the dermis of the skin, ___ fibers impart tensile strength while ___ fibers allow some stretch.


In the first step of wound healing, cut blood vessels release ___ into the wound.


In the layer of the epidermis called the stratum ___, the process of keratinization begins.


In the layer of the epidermis called the stratum ____, the process of keratinization begins.

blood clot

In the second step of wound healing, a ___ ___ forms.


In the third step of wound healing, the cut blood vessels ___ and grow in the wound.


In thick skin, the layers of epidermis that contain dead keratinocytes are the stratum lucidum and startum ___.


In thick skin, the layers of the epidermis that contain dead keratinocytes are the stratum lucidum and stratum ____.

basale, spinosum, granulosum

In thin and thick sink, the layers that contain living cells are the stratum ___, stratum ___, and stratum ___.

fibrosis, regeneration

In what two ways are damaged skin tissues normally repaired?

A, B

In what ways are cleavage lines in the skin clinically significant? Check all that apply. A: Stretching of the skin during pregnancy or extreme weight gain will cause stretch marks along these lines. B: They are surgically important because any procedure resulting in a cut perpendicular to a cleavage line may gape and delay healing. C: Tattoos are not able to be produced across these lines. D: Breakdown of collagen fibers along these lines improves skin flexibility.


Melanin is produced and stored in


Melanin protects underlying cells against the effect of ____ light.

Stratum corneum

Nails are scalelike modifications of which layer of the integument?

dermis, epidermis

Nerve fibers in the skin monitor sensory receptors in the ___ and ___.


Of the following factors, which one does not contribute to skin aging? A: Beginning in middle age, reduced stem cell activity in the epidermis results in thinner skin that is less likely to protect against abrasive, mechanical trauma. B: Chronic overexposure to UV rays can damage the DNA in epidermal cells and accelerate aging as well as increase the risk of skin cancer. C: As individuals get older, collagen fibers in the dermis decrease in number and organization, and elastic fibers lose elasticity. D: The skin increases the number and efficiency of epidermal dendritic cells, causing an increase in immune responsiveness.

sebaceous, sweat

On many parts of the body, the components of the dermis include blood vessels, ___ glands, ___ glands, hair follicles, nail roots, sensory nerve endings, and smooth muscle tissue.

sebaceous, sweat

On many parts of the body, the components of the dermis include blood vessels, ____ glands, ____ glands, hair follicles, nail roots, sensory nerve endings, and smooth muscle tissue.


Potential complications of a wound under repair include ___ loss and ___.


Recall that all epithelia, including the epidermis, are avascular. Therefore, blood vessels within the _______ must supply nutrients to the epidermis.

dermal papillae

The epidermal ridges interdigitate with the ___.

dermal papillae

The epidermal ridges interdigitate with the ____ ____.

stratified squamous epithelium; dense irregular

The integument consists of the epidermis, which is composed of _____________, and the dermis, which is composed primarily of ____________ connective tissue.


The integument consists of the epidermis, which is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, and the __________, which is composed of connective tissue proper.

stratum basale

The layer of the epidermis that include melanocytes and a single row of columnar cells that undergo mitosis is the

A, C, D

The main functions of the subcutaneous layer are which of the following? A: Acts as an energy reservoir. B: To provide the skin with melanin to protect it from sunlight. C: Protects the body. D: Provides thermal insulation. A,


The major function of merocrine sweat glands is ___


The most numerous cells of the epidermis are ___ and the protein they produce is called ___.

away, conserve

The net effect of vasoconstriction of the dermal blood vessels is a shunting of blood ___ from the periphery of the body to ___ heat.


The predominant type of protein fiber found in the dermis is ____.


The release of water vapor from sweat glands when we are not sweating is a process called


The skin contains numerous receptors to detect, distinguish, and interpret different sensory stimuli. Which sensations are detected by the skin? Check all that apply. A: Vibration B: Pressire C: Touch D: Temperature

epidermis, dermis

The skin is made up of two distinct layers, the ___ and the ___.


The skin's response to severe injuries or burns, when functional activities are not restored, is called

collagen, stress

The specific orientation of ___ fiber bundles in the dermis is a result of the direction of applied ___ during routine movements.


The subcutaneous layer is also known as the ___ or superficial fascia.

areolar, adipose connective tissue

The subcutaneous layer or hypodermic is made up of two types of connective tissue: ___ & ___.

eccrine, apocrine

The sweat glands that produce a watery substance and are associated with exercise and stress are the _________ sweat glands, while glands that produce an organic substance that causes body odor are the __________ sweat glands.

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