Chapter 6: Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders, Abnormal Psychology Chapter 9, Abnormal Psych Ch 8 Schizophrenia, Chapter 8, Abnormal Psych Ch.12- Eating disorders, Abnormal 3, exam 3

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the proven methods for preventing weight gain and reducing weight are these:

-Eat more nutrient-dense foods and fewer foods with empty calories. -Aim for a mi`nimum of 30 minutes of physical activity daily. -Structure your environment so that healthy choices are easier to make; for example, keep low-fat foods readily available in your house and purge your cabinets of junk food. -Be more active throughout the day

lifetime prevalence of bulimia nervosa

0.5 in adults 0.9 in adolescents much more common in females than males

lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa

0.9 in adult women 0.3 in girls 0.3 in males in US

The DSM-5 states that in order to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, an individual must show two or more symptoms of the psychosis consistently for at least _____.

1 month

It is estimated that, within the United States, _____ of the population will develop schizophrenia at some time in their lives.

1 to 2 percent

It is estimated that, within the United States, _____ of the population will develop schizophrenia at some time in their lives.


mild builimia

1-3 episodes of inappropriate compensatory behavior per week

three other types of psychotherapy:

1. interpersonal therapy (IPT), -develop strategies to solve problems 2. supportive-expressive psychodynamic therapy, - clients talk about problems 3. behavioral therapy without a focus on cognitions- monitor food intake

what percent of americans are obese

1/3 or americans and 17% of children

family therapy treats the family as a unit and involves how many sessions?

10-20 sessions over 6-12 months

extreme bulimia

14 or more episodes a week

In the United States, which of the following age groups is more likely to have had a major depressive episode in the past month?

15-29 year olds

dsm-5 suggests a body mass index of what as healthy dsm-4 suggests...

18.5 kg/m2 15% below normal weight and women were required to show amenorrhea

2 subtypes of disordered eating patterns involving binge eating

1: dieting-concerned about body shape and size, will go on calorie restricted diets then binge eat then purge. 2: depressive- also concerned with weight but eat to quell feelings of depression and low self esteem

Amnesia is frequently seen in murder cases with _____ percent of people arrested for homicide claiming to have amnesia. 0-15 15-30 Correct! 25-45 50-75


Memories formed before the age of _____ tend to be sketchy. Correct! 3 5 7 10


46% of male body builders reported bingeing after most competitions, and 85 percent reported gaining significant weight in the off-season. women body-builders=

42 percent reported having been anorexic at some time in their life, 67 percent were terrified of being fat, and 58 percent were obsessed with food

% of all health care costs due to obesity


death rate of people with anorexia nervosa


Which of the following is true about the prognosis for people with schizophrenia?

50 and 80 percent of the people with schizophrenia will be rehospitalized at a later point in their lives for another episode.

15 years after disorder what percent still had symptoms qualifying for diagnosis


results of CBT

50% stop binge/purge cycle, show a decrease in depression and anxiety, increase in social functioning, and lessening of concern about dieting and weight

heritability of anorexia nervosa and binge-eating disorder

56% and 41%

What percentage of people diagnosed with psychotic disorders seek treatment in a mental health or general medicine facility in a given year?

90 percent

What percentage of people diagnosed with psychotic disorders seek treatment in a mental health or general medicine facility in a given year?


According to the research of Irving Gottesman, which of the following children is at highest risk for developing schizophrenia?

A child with two biological parents and a monozygotic (MZ) twin who are schizophrenic

Children who find it difficult to pay attention, control their impulses, and organize their behaviors are most likely exhibiting symptoms of _____.


Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop anorexia?

Abigail, 18, a European American college student

Which of the following is true regarding the genetic factors involved in depression?

Abnormalities on the serotonin transporter gene could affect vulnerability to depression in the context of stressful event exposure.

When are residual symptoms most evident?

After the acute phase of the disorder

Which of the following people would be at the greatest risk for suicide?

An 87-year-old European American male

Which of the following brain abnormalities have been implicated in depression?

An enlargement of and increased activity in the amygdala.

Fergus has lost one hundred pounds this past year through extreme exercise and dieting. His weight is 15 percent below what his physician says is a healthy for him, yet Fergus refuses to acknowledge his thinness or the serious risks of self-starvation. Fergus is afraid that if he gains weight, no woman will date him. Fergus is best exhibiting signs of ________.

Anorexia Nervosa

Which of the following is a reason an individual may develop dissociative identity disorder? Inability to control their behavior Correct! As a strategy to cope with traumas In order to gain attention for themselves Constant preoccupation with illness

As a strategy to cope with traumas

_____ programs provide comprehensive services for people with schizophrenia, relying on the expertise of medical professionals, social workers, and psychologists to meet the variety of patients' needs 24 hours a day.

Assertive community treatment

Which of the following is the most common hallucination?


Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?


Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is described as an inability to initiate or persist at common, goal-directed activities, including those at work, school, and home?


Which of the following is NOT one of the categories of symptoms of schizophrenia?

Behavioral deficits

Which of the following statements is true about the gender differences in disorganized thought and speech symptoms of schizophrenia?

Brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia may not affect women's language and thought as much as they do men's because women can use both sides of their brain to compensate for problems.

One of the most serious medical complications of this disorder is an imbalance in the body's electrolytes.

Bulimia nervosa

Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

Catatonic behavior

Theories of somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

Cognitive factors play a strong role. These can be dysfunctional beliefs about illnesses, paying too much attention to physical change, catastrophic thinking of symptoms. Post-traumatic stress disorder influences those who have experienced a stressor.

What is the concordance rate for schizophrenia in monozygotic (MZ) twins?

Compiled results of several studies indicate a rate of 46 percent

Dissociative identity disorder theories. Treatment

DID is a result of coping strategies used by persons faced with trauma. The sociocognitive model says that multiple identities are created to adopt an idea that fits the patient. integrating all alters into one coherent personality and helping to rebuild the capacity to trust healthy relationships.

_____ are ideas that an individual believes are true but are highly unlikely and often simply impossible.


Which of the following neurotransmitters is thought to play a role in schizophrenia?


binge-eating/purging type

During the last 3 months, the individual has engaged in recurrent episodes of binge eating or purging behavior

restricting type

During the last 3 months, the individual has not engaged in recurrent episodes of binge eating or purging behavior. Weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieting, fasting, and/or excessive exercise

Prevalence studies show that this is the most common eating disorder diagnosis.

Eating disorder not otherwise specified/Other specified eating disorder (Eating Disorder NOS)

The psychiatrist credited with labeling schizophrenia as dementia praecox was _____.

Emil Kraepelin

The psychiatrist credited with labeling schizophrenia as dementia praecox was _______.

Emil Kraepelin

Which of the following is NOT true about the families of people with schizophrenia?

Families tend to be more forgiving of the negative symptoms of the individual with schizophrenia than positive emotions, because negative emotions appear uncontrollable.

The theories of conversion disorder

Freudian, which comes from psychoanalytic theory, which says that the disorder is a result of the transfer of the psychic energy attached to repressed emotions, which can include primary and secondary gains. In behavioral theory, it states that stress is alleviated by removing the individual from the environment. Freudian, which comes from psychoanalytic theory, which says that the disorder is a result of the transfer of the psychic energy attached to repressed emotions, which can include primary and secondary gains. In behavioral theory, it states that stress is alleviated减轻 by removing the individual from the environment.

Religious delusions of having committed a sin are more common among individuals, with schizophrenia, from _____.


Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is a person most likely to overcome with the help of medication?


Which of the following statements is true of Eugen Bleuler's views on schizophrenia?

He believed that schizophrenia involved the splitting of integrated psychic functions.

Which of the following is a treatment goal for dissociative identity disorder? Identifying ways to help clients create a hierarchy of traumatic experiences and learning relaxation techniques to handle the stressors Correct! Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality Identifying the traumatic experience and implementing behavior modification to reward or punish the alters Helping the host concentrate on health-enhancing behaviors using exercise and dietary supplements

Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality

Which of the following techniques is heavily used to contact alters in the case of dissociative identity disorder? Channeling Dream analysis Correct! Hypnosis Memory exercises


Which of the following statements is true of delusional disorder?

Individuals have delusions that last at least 1 month, but do not show any other symptoms of schizophrenia.

Who among the following is more likely to develop an eating disorder?

Individuals who believe that being thin will bring social and psychological benefits

Which of the following treatments was used in the 1930s to treat schizophrenia?

Insulin coma therapy

Which of the following is true of expressed emotion and relapse in patients with schizophrenia?

Interventions that reduce family expressed emotion tend to reduce the relapse rate in schizophrenic family members.

Which of the following statements is true of psychogenic amnesia? It often involves anterograde amnesia. It typically involves the inability to remember new information. It involves a generalized loss of memory for the past. Correct! It involves memory loss that is limited to personal information.

It involves memory loss that is limited to personal information.

Some studies suggest that _____ may be more likely than other ethnic groups to experience dissociative symptoms in response to traumas. African Americans Correct! Latinos Asians Native Americans


Stewart, who is diagnosed with Bipolar I, has been warned by his psychiatrist not to miss any of his medication-check appointments. The drug he is taking can be lethal if not monitored properly. Which of the following drugs is Stewart most likely taking?


Which of the following statements is true of treatment programs for schizophrenia?

Much of the financial burden of caring for people with schizophrenia falls to state and local governments, which lack the necessary resources, or to families, who often cannot afford the high cost of care.

_____ are words that mean something only to the person speaking them.


In the context of changes in the DSM-5, which of the following is NOT true?

Only the paranoid subtype still exists.

Which of the following statements is true about the difference between self-deceptions and delusions?

People harboring self-deceptions typically acknowledge that their beliefs may be wrong, but delusional people often are resistant to arguments that contradict their delusions.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the difference between the binge/purge type of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

People with the binge/purge anorexia type are at least 15% below healthy body weight (i.e. BMI < 18.5) whereas people with bulimia nervosa typically are at normal weight or somewhat overweight

Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?

Persecutory delusions

Which of the following statements is NOT true of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, and schizophrenia?

Phenothiazines and neuroleptics increase the functional level of dopamine, which helps to reduce psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia.

Which of the following is true about factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia?

Prenatal and birth difficulties have been implicated as factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia.


Psychodynamic therapies provide insight into emotions that link to physical symptoms. Behavioral therapies learn and eliminate reinforcements that individuals get from symptoms. Cognitive therapies help to learn and challenge physical symptoms to help avoid catastrophizing them. Belief systems help to engage in therapy to work on the physical symptoms.

_____ has been shown to be more effective at preventing relapse than typical antipsychotic medications; it does not induce tardive dyskinesia, but it can cause sexual dysfunction, low blood pressure, weight gain, seizures, and problems with concentration.


Which of the following behaviors is most typically associated with bulimia?

Self-induced vomiting

_____ interventions include increasing contact between people with schizophrenia and supportive others, often through self-help support groups


_____ interventions include increasing contact between people with schizophrenia and supportive others, often through self-help support groups.


Which of the following disorders may appear similar in their presentation? Somatic symptom disorder and dissociative identity disorder You Answered Somatic symptom disorder and conversion disorder Correct Answer Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder Somatic symptom disorder and body dysmorphic disorder

Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

Which of the following is true of the role of environmental stressors in the development of schizophrenia?

Stressful circumstances may not cause someone to develop schizophrenia but they may trigger new episodes in people with the disorder.

Which of the following statements is true of the psychosocial perspectives of schizophrenia?

Studies have shown that first- and second-generation immigrants have a higher incidence of acute schizophrenia symptoms than members of their ethnic group who have been in the country longer or are native to the country.

Which of the following best describes a problem associated with understanding suicide through research?

Suicide is relatively rare, thereby making it difficult to study scientifically.

In the context of the theories of conversion disorder, which of the following best describes secondary gain? The reduction in anxiety as a result of the symptoms of conversion Correct! The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms The lack of concern or distress in the wake of a traumatic event The hysteria that comes with the repression of agonizing memories

The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms

n the context of the theories of conversion disorder, which of the following best describes secondary gain? The reduction in anxiety as a result of the symptoms of conversion Correct! The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms The lack of concern or distress in the wake of a traumatic event The hysteria that comes with the repression of agonizing memories

The attention and sympathy received as a result of the conversion symptoms

Which of the following is the most common alter found in dissociative identity disorder? You Answered The helper The host The persecutor Correct Answer The child

The child

Which of the following alters found in dissociative identity disorder offers advice to the other personalities or performs behaviors the host is unable to handle? Correct Answer The helper The host The persecutor You Answered The child

The helper

According to DSM-5, which of the following is a diagnostic criterion for illness anxiety disorder? Somatic symptoms must be present that are severe in intensity. Illness preoccupation should have been present for at least one month. Correct! The individual must perform excessive health related behaviors. The individual should show symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function.

The individual must perform excessive health related behaviors.

Which of the following is considered to be the most dangerous alter found in dissociative identity disorder? You Answered The helper The host Correct Answer The persecutor The child

The persecutor

Which of the following represents one of the difficulties in diagnosing somatic symptom disorders? You Answered The person is probably faking the symptoms The person has difficulty pinpointing the physical discomfort Correct Answer The person may have a real physical problem that is difficult to detect The person does not consciously produce or control the symptoms

The person may have a real physical problem that is difficult to detect

Individuals with this type of anorexia eat very small amounts of food each day, in part simply to stay alive and in part because of pressure from others to eat.

The restricting type

in cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia and binge-eating disorder

The therapist teaches the client to monitor the cognitions that accompany her eating, particularly the bingeing and purging episodes. Then the therapist helps the client confront these cognitions and develop more adaptive attitudes toward weight and body shape

According to family theories of anorexia nervosa, which of the following is NOT true of parents of girls who develop anorexia nervosa?

They allow their daughters to express negative feelings.

many people with anorexia who have an initial period of recover relapse into bulimic or anorexic behaviors because

They often continue to have self-esteem issues, family problems, and periods of depression and anxiety.

The interpersonal theory of suicide states that individuals high in the following three risk factors are most at risk for making a lethal attempt:

Thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, acquired capability

What are the goals of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating depression?

To change negative and hopeless patterns of thinking while helping the individual develop more effective life skills

Dissociative amnesia记忆缺失

Types of dissociative amnesia are organic amnesia caused by brain injury, organic amnesia can be along with the inability to remember new information for anterograde amnesia; psychogenic心理性的 amnesia arises in the absence of any brain injury or disease and has psychological causes; is a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact. retrograde amnesia is the inability to remember information from the past, has both organic and psychogenic causes.

Which of the following is true regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorder?

Women and mean are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder

A possible side-effect of antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia is akathisia, a) the inability to remain still. b) constant aching of muscles. c) severe confusion. d) severe vertigo.


A problem with any kind of treatment for schizophrenia is that a) some people with schizophrenia lack insight into their impaired condition and refuse any treatment at all b) the disorder is biologically based, so only medications can help. c) all therapies are upsetting to patients. d) they rarely help.


Among those with schizophrenia who suffer from delusions, a large majority experience a) delusions of persecution. b) thought broadcast. c) delusions of impulses imposed by others. d) hallucinations with the delusions


An exaggerated sense of importance, power, knowledge, or identity is known as a a) grandiose delusions. b) hallucinations. c) ideas of reference. d) none of the above.


Both Brief Psychotic Disorder and Schizophreniform Disorder share the characteristic that a) one of the symptoms is hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized speech. b) symptoms have a duration greater than six months. c) the symptoms are not the result of extreme stress. d) the individual is not aware of his or her symptoms.


Cognitive enhancement therapy seeks to a) enhance basic cognitive functions for people with schizophrenia. b) challenge belief structures. c) incorporate the family members of people with schizophrenia into CBT treatment. d) all of the above.


Commonly reported side-effects of the antipsychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia include a) sedation, dizziness, and sexual dysfunction. b) depression, anxiety, and confusion. c) hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. d) None of the above; antipsychotics were created to eliminate side effects present in previous medications.


Emil Kraepelin and __________ initially formulated the concept of schizophrenia. a) Eugen Bleuler b) Sigmund Freud c) Jerome Welchup d) none of the above


Family studies of the genetic basis for schizophrenia look at a) the rate of schizophrenia in relatives of patients with schizophrenia. b) concordance for schizophrenia in cultures where incest is relatively common. c) the likelihood that a patient with schizophrenia will have children. d) the effects of being raised by a patient with schizophrenia.


In the DSM-5, Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome is now a) included in section III (conditions needing further research). b) included in the Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders chapter. c) moved to the Trauma-Related Disorders chapter. d) combined into the Brief Psychotic Disorders diagnosis.


Indirect support for the dopamine theory of schizophrenia arose from a) cases of amphetamine psychosis. b) the finding of higher levels of homovanillic acid in the blood of schizophrenics. c) the development of catatonia when psychotic episodes end. d) blockage of dopamine reuptake by antipsychotic medications.


James suffers from schizophrenia and flails his limbs wildly with excitement. This is most appropriately labeled as a) catatonia. b) mania. c) hallucinations d) asociality


Studies show that, of the schizophrenic symptoms, the ones with the greater genetic component are a) negative symptoms. b) delusions. c) positive symptoms. d) persecution delusions.


The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is around __________ percent. a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7


What is the incidence of Schizophrenia for someone when both their parents have schizophrenia a) 27.5%. b) 7%. c) .86%. d) 15.6%.


When someone with schizophrenia has trouble performing daily living tasks or dressing normally, or acts in a silly manner, it is referred to as a) disorganized behavior. b) disorganized reactivity. c) avolition. d) blunted behavior.


Which of the following are examples of negative symptoms of schizophrenia? a) flat affect, lack of initiative b) hallucinations and delusions c) difficulty concentrating, low intelligence, poor memory d) catatonic immobility, waxy flexibility


Which of the following is an ongoing issue in the care of patients with schizophrenia? a) preventing substance abuse b) reconnecting patients with their friends c) obtaining affordable long-term residential treatment d) protecting communities from free-standing mental health hospitals


Which of the following suggests that dopamine receptors are mainly related to positive (not negative) symptoms of schizophrenia? a) Antipsychotic drugs reduce only positive symptoms. b) Administering dopamine produces little increase in positive symptoms. c) MRIs of schizophrenics with positive symptoms show more receptors. d) Parkinson's Disease involves similar symptoms.


Which of the following statements is true of mood disorders?

a diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder requires that the person alternates between cycles of hypomania and moderate depression that does not meet full criteria for a depressive episode

Jack, a 4-year-old boy, had a paper cut on his finger. His mother kissed his finger gently and said, "you are so clumsy, can't you do anything right?" This is an example of _____.

a double bind

Dissociative fugue treatment

a person suddenly moves away from home and assumes an entirely new identity, possesses no memory of previous identity, and occurs in response to some stressor. help the person identify the stressors leading to the fugue state and learning better coping skills.

Which of the following has been implicated to bipolar disorder but not in unipolar depression?

abnormality in the activation of the striatum of the basal ganglia

In Hilgard's study on the "hidden observer" phenomenon, he argued that there are two modes of consciousness: the _____ and _____. repressive mode; active mode Correct! active mode; receptive mode receptive mode; suppressive mode suppressive mode; repressive mode

active mode; receptive mode

Unlike a person with dissociative identity disorder, a person in a fugue记忆丧失症 state: Correct Answer actually leaves the scene of the trauma or stress. maintains his or her original identity. will not remember what happened during the fugue state. You Answered will behave quite abnormally in the new environment.

actually leaves the scene of the trauma or stress.

Common side effects of neuroleptics include _____, which includes slowed motor activity, monotonous speech, and an expressionless face, and _____, an agitation that causes people to pace and be unable to sit still.

akinesia; akathesis

One complication that arises in diagnosing amnesias is the possibility that: Correct! amnesias are being faked by people to escape punishment for crimes committed. amnesias may be the result of using dissociation as a defense against intolerable memories or stressors. amnesia may occur because individuals are in such a high state of arousal during the events that they do not encode and store information. people may forget some, but not all, events which may therefore lead to an inconclusive diagnosis.

amnesias are being faked by people to escape punishment for crimes committed.

Stanley has experienced a loss of the ability to experience pleasure. Stanley is most likely exhibiting _____.


Fergus has lost one hundred pounds this past year. His weight is 15% below what his physician says is a healthy weight for him (i.e. BMI <18.5), yet he refuses to acknowledge his thinness or the serious risks of his self starvation. Fergus is afraid that if he gains weight, no woman will ever date him again. Fergus is most likely exhibiting ___.

anorexia nervosa

People with _____ starve themselves, subsisting on little or no food for very long periods of time, yet they remain sure that they need to lose more weight.

anorexia nervosa

For several months, Reba's BMI has hovered around 18 due to her fear of gaining weight. She uses laxatives after eating a meal. She has become concerned because she has recently stopped mensrtuating. Which of the following diagnoses would Reba receive?

anorexia nervosa; binge/purge type

People with schizophrenia who have enlarged ventricles:

are less responsive to medication.

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia:

are most prominent in the prodromal and residual phases.

Individuals suffering depressive symptoms or negative affect are

at risk for the development of anorexic and bulimic symptoms

One group with additional pressure to maintain a specific weight and body shape is


Jerry hears voices accusing him of being a serial rapist. This is a(n) _____ hallucination.


Which of the following is the most common hallucination?

auditory hallucinations

The odd and eccentric behaviors seen in schizophrenia can resemble the symptoms of:

autism spectrum disorders

"My thoughts get all jumbled up. I start thinking or talking about one thing but then by the time I get to the end of the sentence, I find myself talking about something else instead." This is an example of which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia? a) delusions b) loose associations c) alogia d) avolition


A recent comprehensive randomized controlled clinical trial of medication for schizophrenia compared four second-generation drugs and one first-generation drug against one another. Which of the following was NOT a finding of this study? a) The second-generation drugs were not more effective than the older, first-generation drugs. b) The second-generation drugs were much more effective than the older, first-generation drugs. c) The second-generation drugs did not produce fewer unpleasant side-effects. d) Nearly three-quarters of the people stopped taking the medications before the 18 months of the study design had ended.


According to the DSM-5, symptoms of schizophrenia must be present for at least __________ in order to be diagnosed. a) 1 month b) 6 months c) 1 year d) 2 years


Anhedonia as a symptom of schizophrenia refers to lack of a) emotional expression. b) interest or pleasure. c) coherent speech. d) speech.


Children who develop schizophrenia as adults had signs of a cognitive deficit beginning at age a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9


During an acute episode of schizophrenia, the most prominent symptom(s) is/are a) disorientation. b) positive symptoms. c) difficulty concentrating. d) inability to bathe and take care of personal business.


Family therapy with families of individuals with schizophrenia commonly emphasizes a) discouraging inappropriate behavior. b) education about schizophrenia. c) minimizing use of drugs. d) genetic counseling.


Howard had a psychotic episode following the death of his wife. He had hallucinations in which he would hear her speaking to him, telling him to kill himself. Howard developed elaborate delusions about his ability to communicate with his wife's spirit. Howard recovered from this episode after one week and had no further symptoms What DSM-5 diagnosis would fit Howard's case? a) schizophreniform disorder b) brief psychotic disorder c) schizoaffective disorder d) schizophrenia


In regard to studies identifying chromosomal locations of genes involved in schizophrenia, a) there are a few locations that researchers are certainly involved in the disorder. b) the results of these studies are simply too varied to justify any firm conclusions. c) chromosomes 1, 2, 5, and 6 have been implicated in all of the studies to date. d) we now know that schizophrenia is a purely genetic disorder.


James is struggling with schizophrenia. He also finds it difficult to experience pleasure from activities that he enjoyed before his symptoms began. This is an example of a) alogia. b) anhedonia. c) avolition. d) asociality.


Mark's parents bring him to see a psychologist because they believe Mark is experiencing delusions. What piece of information would most indicate that Mark had schizophrenia and not some other diagnosis? a) His delusions only come when his parents are around. b) His delusions are highly implausible. c) His delusions have persisted for more than 5 years. d) His delusions involve other people.


Michael suffers from schizophrenia and was recently released from the hospital. Which of his behaviors are most likely to elicit critical comments from his family when he returns home? a) Believing that NASA has planted a tracking device in his head. b) Sitting on the couch for most of the day and refusing to go for walks with his mother, an activity he greatly enjoyed before his hospitalization. c) Hearing a voice telling him to kill himself. d) Wearing a winter coat, galoshes, and a ski mask while inside the house.


Research suggests the brain abnormalities found in those with schizophrenia may be due to a) long-term use of antipsychotic drugs. b) pregnancy and birth complications. c) chronic confused cognitive patterns. d) childhood malnutrition.


Sam is being treated with medication for schizophrenia. He involuntarily smacks his lips and seems unable to control his motor movements. Sam most probably is suffering from a) extrapyramidal side effects. b) tardive dyskinesia. c) dystonia. d) neuroleptic malignant syndrome.


Studies of children whose mothers had schizophrenia but who were raised by adopted parents indicate a) that there is not a strong genetic factor in the development of schizophrenia. b) that there is a strong genetic factor in the development of schizophrenia. c) that children who were adopted into homes with low EE (expressed emotion) were more likely to develop schizophrenia. d) These studies have been inconclusive.


Studies of socioeconomic class (SES) and schizophrenia find that the rate of schizophrenia a) is about equal in low-SES and high-SES individuals. b) is higher in low-SES individuals. c) is higher in high-SES individuals. d) cannot be determined.


Symptoms of schizophrenia have been classified as a) positive, neutral, and negative. b) positive, negative, and disorganized. c) organized, positive, and negative. d) organized, disorganized, and negative.


The term schizophrenia comes from the Greek word schizein meaning to split and phren meaning a) dissociation. b) mind. c) conscience. d) unconscious state.


What does the EE stand for when dealing with critical comments, hostility and emotional over involvement a) earned expression. b) expressed emotion. c) emotion expression. d) earned emotion.


When Marcia heard that her favorite cat had been hit by a car and killed, she giggled quietly. This is an example of a) flat blunted affect. b) inappropriate affect. c) anhedonia. d) incoherence.


When an individual with schizophrenia shows a blunted affect, that individual a) does not experience emotions. b) does not express emotions. c) does not experience physiological arousal in emotionally intense situations. d) all of the above.


Which of the following sociocultural factors is NOT associated with schizophrenia a) Poverty. b) Child rearing practices. c) Urbancity. d) Migration.


For extremely obese people with a BMI of 40 or over who have at least one severe health problem (e.g., diabetes),

bariatric surgery is an option which can result in weight loss of 25-30%

Dr. Rushford's patient has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is helping her patient learn how to initiate and maintain a conversation with others. In addition, she is also teaching her client how to gather important information by accompanying the client to selected places and demonstrating the skills necessary to accomplish this goal. This type of intervention follows a(n) _____ approach.


In _____ therapy, the client is taught how to monitor her food intake, is reinforced for introducing avoided foods into her diet, and is taught coping techniques for avoiding bingeing.


The onset of bulimia nervosa most often occurs:

between ages 15 and 29.

Dennis tends to eat excessive amounts of food several times a day. As a result of overeating, Dennis is 30 pounds overweight. Dennis is most likely exhibiting:

binge-eating disorder

Most theorists view schizophrenia as a _____ disorder.


Most theorists view schizophrenia as a _________ disorder.


cognitive factors in eating disorders

body dissatisfaction combined with low self-esteem and perfectionism

Laurell is of normal weight and is over-concerned with her weight and figure. She often will eat multiple boxes of doughnuts in one sitting and then because she feels a lack of control over eating that much will use laxatives to get rid of the unwanted calories. According to the DSM-5 criteria, Laurell will most likely meet the criteria for _____.

bulimia nervosa

The side effects of neuroleptics can be reduced:

by lowering dosages

The side effects of neuroleptics can be reduced:

by reducing dosages.

"When I am trying to relax and read a book, my father puts his thoughts into my head so that I cannot concentrate." This statement by a schizophrenic patient is an example of what type of symptom? a) affective b) motor c) positive d) negative


. The traditional drugs for treating schizophrenia a) enable schizophrenics to adjust to hospital life. b) commonly produce depressive side-effects. c) generally reduce only positive symptoms of schizophrenia. d) are effective with less than half of schizophrenics.


A consistent brain abnormality found among people with schizophrenia is a) frontal lobe enlargement. b) parietal lobe enlargement. c) enlarged ventricles. d) interrupted tracts in the reticular formation.


A recent review of 37 longitudinal studies of people after their first episode of schizophrenia found that a) psychosocial treatments predicted no benefit above and beyond medication. b) medication was useless in treating the disorder over long periods of time. c) the combination of medication and psychosocial treatment predicted the best outcome. d) medication alone predicted the best outcome.


Carla has schizophrenia. Which of her symptoms is most likely to be present outside of an acute episode of schizophrenia? a) Hearing a voice telling her she is not good at her job. b) Thinking that her thoughts are being broadcast so others can read them. c) Not showering for days on end. d) None of the above.


Carlos has schizophrenia and is living with his parents. One of his symptoms is a difficulty initiating any activity, and once started, he is unable to finish. This is an example of a) akathisia. b) anhedonia. c) avolition. d) alogia.


Clozapine, a newer medication for schizophrenia, has which dangerous potential side effect that requires close monitoring during administration? a) a sudden decrease in liver functioning. b) deterioration of spinal fluid integrity. c) loss of white blood cells. d) decreased insulin production.


Connie is receiving psychological therapy for schizophrenia. A major focus has been practicing more effective methods for dealing with others, as well as basic life skills such as ordering in restaurants, filling out applications for employment, and reading train schedules. She is likely receiving a) ego-analysis. b) psychoeducation. c) social skills training. d) token economy


Data on expressed emotion (EE) indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse (that is, return to the hospital) if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof. b) are uninvolved. c) are critical and over-involved with them. d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement.


Families with a member with schizophrenia are now encouraged to a) begin preventive efforts, since other family members are likely to develop schizophrenia themselves without early intervention. b) place their mentally ill family member in long-term, out-of-home care. c) join support groups and organizations for the mentally ill, to help reduce stigma and isolation. d) all of the above.


Mr. Cook grew up in severely impoverished circumstances. His mother was unmarried and homeless, and Mr. Cook and his six siblings lived on the streets or in shelters for most of their childhood. They had little formal education or opportunity to make progress in the world. After 17 years of this life, Mr. Cook had his first psychotic episode while digging through a trashcan looking for food for his mother; he heard voices telling him to take off his clothes and eat them. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Cook was picked up by police, taken to a psychiatric hospital, and diagnosed as schizophrenic. Mr. Cook's story fits the __________ theory of social class and schizophrenia. a) schizophrenogenic b) high-risk c) sociogenic d) social-selection


Mr. Hart spends long hours sitting in a chair with his arms behind his back and his left leg tucked under. No matter what is going on around him, he remains in this position. This is an example of which symptom of schizophrenia? a) somatic passivity b) anhedonia c) catatonic immobility d) inappropriate affect


Research investigating the role of the family in schizophrenia best supports the a) schizophrenogenic mother theory. b) triangulation theory. c) expressed emotion theory. d) dopamine theory.


Sam believes the Queen of England is in love with him. He does not have any other symptoms. His most likely diagnosis would be a) schizophreniform disorder. b) schizoaffective disorder. c) delusional disorder. d) bipolar disorder with delusions


Schizophrenia most commonly appears in a) early childhood. b) middle or late childhood. c) adolescence or early adulthood. d) late adulthood.


Sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment are called a) delusions. b) ideas of reference. c) hallucinations. d) flights of thought.


The DSM-5 criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia include all of the following categories EXCEPT: a) delusions. b) hallucinations. c) forgetfulness. d) disorganized speech.


The most common hallucinations experienced by those with schizophrenia are a) visual. b) tactile. c) auditory. d) olfactory.


The text points out that the appropriateness of a given treatment for schizophrenia depends on a) how many medications the patient can tolerate. b) the ratio of positive to negative symptoms the patient experiences. c) the stage of illness that the patient is in. d) how biologically based the patient's disorder is.


What is the risk of schizophrenia in the general public? a) less than 1%. b) 2%. c) 3%. d) 5%.


When a person incorporates unimportant events within a delusional framework and reads personal significance into trivial activities of others, it is called a) grandiose delusions. b) hallucinations. c) ideas of reference. d) absence of logic.


When people with schizophrenia are hearing voices, one of the parts of the brain that appears to be activated is a) the cerebellum. b) the reticular formation. c) Broca's area. d) Werner's region.


Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between EE (expressed emotion) and unusual thoughts in a person with schizophrenia? a) Critical comments made by family members lead a person with schizophrenia to have more unusual thoughts b) Unusual thoughts by the patient lead the family of a person with schizophrenia to be more critical c) Both a and b d) Neither a nor b


Which of the following findings led to the conclusion that schizophrenia may be caused by dopamine activity? a) Parkinson's disease is known to be caused by excess levels of dopamine. b) People with Parkinson's disease are more likely to develop schizophrenia. c) Drugs that relieve schizophrenic symptoms have side effects similar to Parkinson's disease. d) All of the above are correct findings.


People with conversion disorder: are usually willing to receive treatment. Correct Answer can be difficult to treat because they have difficulty believing that something is wrong with them psychologically. deny the existence of a traumatic experience that might have precipitated the disorder. You Answered cannot differentiate between reality and fantasy.

can be difficult to treat because they have difficulty believing that something is wrong with them psychologically.

A person with schizophrenia:

can experience several different delusions at the same time.


can result in a condition known as agranulocytosis.

consequences of anorexia

cardiovascular complications (bradycardia, arrhythmia), stomach expansion, osteroporosis, kidney damage, suicide rate is 31 times higher than general pop.

A lack of responsiveness to the outside world is referred to as _____ in patients with schizophrenia.


A lack of responsiveness to the outside world is referred to as ________ in patients with schizophrenia.


Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

catatonic behavior

race most likely to develop anorexia nervosa


The reformulated learned helplessness theory focuses on:

causal attributions, such as an explanation of why an event happened

Psychosocial factors such as stress and certain types of family functioning can:

cause a relapse in those who already have the disorder.

In the early 1950s, French researchers Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker found that _____, one of a class of drugs called the phenothiazines, calms agitation and reduces hallucinations and delusions in patients with schizophrenia.


People with depression tend to show:

chronic hyperactivity in the HPA axis.

T.J was asked if he liked the song that was playing on the radio. His response was, "song too long, long to wrong, wrong not right, right not fight." This is known as _____.


Blanche is receiving a drug that binds to the D4 dopamine receptor and influences other neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Blanche's schizophrenia is most likely being treated with _____.


the most researched treatment for anorexia nervosa and the most empirical support for treating bulimia nervosa

cognitive behavioral therapies

Luke is seeking treatment for his depression. His therapist begins by helping him discover the negative automatic thoughts that he habitually exhibits and how these thoughts are connected to his depression. Luke is encouraged to challenge these thoughts and his therapist helps him to develop skills such as assertiveness to help him cope better in his daily life. The therapy is Luke is most likely receiving is _______.

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (ISRT) for people with bipolar disorder continues ______ techniques with ______ techniques to help patients maintain regular routines of eating, sleeping, and activity as well as stability in their personal relationships.

cognitive; interpersonal therapy

Delusions are to _____ as hallucinations are to _______.

cognitive; perceptual


condition of being significantly overweight, defined by a BMI of 30 or over

Loftus's "lost at the mall" studies showed how easy it is to _____. Correct Answer create a false memory reveal repressed memories You Answered use hypnotism to uncover memories use sodium amatol to uncover lost memories

create a false memory

. In schizophrenia research, prodrome refers to a) neurobehavioral functioning in the disorder. b) positive symptomatology in the disorder. c) intellectual functioning in the disorder. d) the period before a person meets diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia but nonetheless shows some symptoms.


. In some studies, cognitive training therapies for people with schizophrenia appear to be a) as effective as psychoanalysis. b) effective for improving cognitive abilities. c) helpful in reducing EE (expressed emotion). d) effective for improving cognitive abilities, as well as improving symptoms.


A negative symptom of schizophrenia is a) restricted affect. b) asociality. c) agitation. d) both a and b.


Attenuated psychosis syndrome involves a) symptoms that have been present for at least one month, appearing at least once a week. b) beginning or worsening over the past year. c) distressing and disabling symptoms. d) all of the above.


In people with schizophrenia, the amount of gray matter in the temporal and frontal cortexes is a) greater than normal. b) normal. c) full of holes and lesions. d) less than normal.


Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following EXCEPT: a) avolition. b) alogia. c) anhedonia. d) delusions.


Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following EXCEPT: a) hallucinations. b) delusions. c) excesses and distortions of emotion. d) sociality


Recent research has found that those with schizophrenia have structural and functional abnormalities in the a) temporal cortex b) cerebellum c) prefrontal cortex d) both a and c


Research has shown that people being treated with some of the newer antipsychotic medications are less likely to drop out of treatment. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this fact? a) The newer medications are far more effective than the older medications that encourage people to continue to take their medication. b) The newer medications increase insight. That is, people taking the medications realize that they are sick and need the drugs. c) Compared to the older antipsychotics, the newer drugs can be discontinued after achieving the desired therapeutic gain. d) Compared to the older antipsychotics, the newer drugs have less extreme and intrusive side- effects.


Roger has a vacant stare. He answers questions in an apathetic, monotone voice, and shows no emotion, even when discussing such events as his mother's death. Roger's affect would be described as a) depressed. b) inappropriate. c) blasé. d) flat or blunted.


Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by disturbances in a) thought. b) emotion. c) behavior. d) all of the above.


Schizophrenia is diagnosed more frequently among: a) men b) women c) African Americans d) both men and African Americans


The DSM-5 removed the subtype of schizophrenia called a) paranoid. b) disorganized. c) catatonic. d) all of the above.


The symptom alogia refers to lack of a) intelligence. b) energy and interest. c) emotional response. d) speech.


The symptoms of schizophrenia can interfere with all of the following EXCEPT: a) maintaining employment. b) living independently. c) having close relationships with other people. d) all of the above.


The text concludes that research has shown that genetic factors in schizophrenia are a) not yet distinguished from environmental factors. b) primarily linked to positive symptoms. c) only weak contributors at best. d) clearly important but not conclusive as to what extent they contribute to the disorder .


Those diagnosed with schizophrenia may believe that a) thoughts have been placed inside their heads by outside sources. b) their thoughts are being broadcasted or transmitted to others. c) they are all-powerful and all-knowing. d) all of the above.


Which of the following have been proposed as likely contributors to the reductions in hippocampal volume observed in people with schizophrenia? a) stress reactivity and a disrupted amygdala b) anxiety and brain damage c) anxiety and limbic over-arousal d) stress reactivity and a disrupted HPA axis


Factitious 不自然的disorder

deliberate faking of an illness to gain medical attention. It's called Munchausen Syndrome. Malingering is faking a symptom or disorder in order to avoid unwanted consequences. Factitious disorder is falsifying illness in another person.

Although she has never met the actor Chris Rock, June believes that he is in love with her. This is an example of a _____.


Jeff believes that aliens from a parallel universe are controlling his thoughts. Jeff is most likely experiencing a _____.

delusion of thought insertion

_________ are ideas that an individual believes are true but are highly unlikely and often simply impossible.


People with _____ may believe that the comments of a local politician at a rally are directed at them.

delusions of reference

Schizophrenia was formerly known as _____.

dementia praecox

Schizophrenia was formerly known as _______.

dementia praecox

Ethel's conversations are hard to follow. She doesn't stay on the same topic, and there is no logical transition between topics. Ethel's speech is probably an example of _____.


It is difficult to understand what Carter is saying because he tends to slip from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic with little coherent transition. Carter is exhibiting _____.


Experiences of unreality or detachment with respect to surroundings are typical of individuals diagnosed with: You Answered dissociative fugue. factitious disorder by proxy. illness anxiety disorder. Correct Answer derealization disorder.

derealization disorder.

People with eating disorders tend to have a thinking style that is

dichotomous - judging things as either all good or all bad

Somatic symptoms and dissociative disorders are considered by some theorists to be the result of a psychological process known as _____, in which different parts of an individual's identity, memories, or consciousness split off from one another. dissolution disintegration degeneration Correct! dissociation


Binge-eating disorder differs from bulimia nervosa in that the person with binge-eating disorder:

does not regularly engage in purging or excessive exercise.

Several studies suggest that dysregulation of the _____ system contributes to bipolar disorder.


Which of the following neurotransmitters is thought to play a role in schizophrenia?


Conversion disorder

dramatic type of somatic symptom disorder that causes patients to lose neurologic神经病学的 function in a certain part of the body with no medical cause. For example, glove anesthesia is a loss of all feeling in the hand that wiped out physical sensation.

anorexia nervosa

eating disorder in which people fail to maintain body weights that are normal for their age and height and have fears of becoming fat, distorted body images and amenorrhea

binge-eating disorder

eating disorder where people compulsively overeat but do not compensate for overeating

A genetic risk for developing eating disorders appears to interact with the biological changes of puberty to contribute to the onset of

eating disorders in girls, but not in boys

complications of bulimia nervosa

electrolyte imbalances leading to heart failure suicide rate is 7.5 times higher than general pop.

Which of the following psychological factors has NOT been implicated in bipolar disorder?

enmeshned families

Depersonalization and derealization disorder

episodic feeling of detachment from one's own mental processes or body, like an outside observer of one's self. The causes are a significant stressor, sleep deprivation, or the influence of drugs. Diagnosis is episodes of frequent and distressing and interfere with the ability to function and having a history of childhood physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

Frankie has never been convinced that his parent love him unconditionally. He continues to do things to gain approval. From an interpersonal perspective. Frankie is most likely engaging in ____.

excessive reassurance seeking

Somatic 肉体的Symptom Disorders

experiencing significant physical symptoms for which there is no apparent organic cause, but is as a result of psychological factors. the diagnostic criteria for somatic symptom disorder includes A) one or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant disruption of daily life; B) excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the somatic symptoms or associated health concerns, this is manifested by disproportionate and persistent thoughts about the seriousness of one's symptoms, persistently high levels of anxiety about health or symptoms, excessive time/energy devoted to these symptoms or health concerns; C) although any one symptom may not be continuously present, this state of being symptomatic is persistent. It's specified the somatic symptoms predominantly involve pain.

Candice faked her symptoms to gain medical attention. She exaggerated her symptoms to the point that exploratory surgery was conducted. Candice most likely has a _____. factitious disorder by proxy Correct! factitious disorder somatic symptom disorder psychosomatic disorder

factitious disorder

People with schizophrenia who have enlarged ventricles:

fluid-filled spaces in the brain suggesting atrophy or deterioration of the brain tissue

the strongest predictor of eating disorder symptoms in the Fiji study was the amount of media exposure that who had?

girls' friends had.

Faith believes that she is the reincarnation of Cleopatra. Faith is most likely suffering from _____.

grandiose delusion

Vickianna's doctor is trying to distinguish between illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder. According to the DSM-5, to make the distinction he should be determine if Vickianna _____. Correct Answer has physical symptoms seeks medical help has anxious thoughts You Answered experiences acute stress

has physical symptoms

People with conversion disorder: You Answered appreciate psychological interpretations of their problems. tend to assume that serious illnesses are uncommon. Correct Answer have an inability to cope with distress or trauma in adaptive ways. are not actually prone to chronic depression and anxiety.

have an inability to cope with distress or trauma in adaptive ways.

People who develop dissociative identity disorder tend to be: less suggestible and hypnotizable. somewhat suggestible and hypnotizable. Correct! highly suggestible and hypnotizable. suggestible and hypnotizable to only a small extent.

highly suggestible and hypnotizable.

John feels that his memory is failing. His friends say that his behavior has changed of late and complain about his irregular jerks, grimaces, and twitches. If his condition is transmitted by chromosome 4, John is most likely suffering from:

huntington's disease

Many courts deny the use of hypnosis in the case of dissociative amnesia because of the possibility that: the individual may not be able to come out of the hypnotic state. Correct! hypnosis will "create" memories through the power of suggestion. the hypnosis will cause more damage to the individuals' well-being. some individuals are not suggestible and cannot be hypnotized.

hypnosis will "create" memories through the power of suggestion. the hypnosis will cause more damage to the individuals' well-being.

The _____ plays a central role in regulating eating.


plays a central role in regulating eating, sends messages to cease eating when nutrient levels are full


Bertram has spent years being concerned about his health even though he has no symptoms or pain. Several years ago, he read an article on tumors and became preoccupied with thoughts about getting a tumor. He rarely seeks medical help and in fact avoids doctors and hospitals. Bertram is most likely experiencing a(n) _____. Correct! illness anxiety disorder somatic symptom disorder dissociative disorder acute stress disorder

illness anxiety disorder

_____ was formerly known as hypochondriasis. Correct! Illness anxiety disorder Conversion disorder Factitious disorder Munchhausen syndrome

illness anxiety disorder

Disordered eating behavior might be caused by

imbalances in or dysregulation of any of the neurochemicals involved in this system or by structural or functional problems in the hypothalamus.

The idea that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are unable to maintain their attention and control their behavior at a level appropriate for their age because they are neurologically immature is known as the _____ hypothesis.


abnormalities in people with bulimia nervosa

in the systems regulating neurotransmitter serotonin

health conditions from obesity

increased risk of CHD, hyppertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer.

Which of the following treatments was used in the 1930s to treat schizophrenia?

insulin coma therapy

Double depression is characterized by:

intermittent episodes of major depression along with dysthymia

In _____ therapy, therapists look for four types of problems in depressed individuals—namely grief, role transitions, interpersonal role disputes, and skill deficits.


behavioral therapy involves

introducing forbidden foods, 3 meals a day. usually lassts 3-6 months and 10-20 sessions

Which of the following is a hormone associated with Bulimia that is implicated in the feeling of fullness/satiety while eating?


Obese people show ___ in certain reward areas of the brain than do when they actually consume such food

less activity than lean people

According to the study conducted by Torrey (2006), the majority of people with schizophrenia:

live independently or with their family.

For obese people with a BMI between 30 and 39, these diets are recommended

low-calorie diets (900 to 1,200 calories per day), often using prepackaged, portion-controlled servings (such as SlimFast shakes) also an increase in physical activity

abnormalities in people with anorexia nervosa

lowered functioning of the hypothalamus and abnomalities in hormones including serotonin and dopamine

A person filled with grandiose self-esteem, displaying rapid speech and impulsive behaviors, and showing an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for at least one week is exhibiting symptoms of _____.


Compared to people with schizophrenia in developed countries, people with schizophrenia in developing countries:

may have social environments that facilitate better adaptation and recovery.

Goldberg and Morrison's (1963) study of socioeconomic class and men with schizophrenia revealed that:

men with schizophrenia tended to end up in lower socioeconomic classes than their fathers.

people with bipolar II disorder experience episodes that meet the criteria for major depression, but have:

milder episodes of mania known as hypomania

Atypical antipsychotic drugs have shown to be _____ in treating symptoms of schizophrenia.

more effective than typical antipsychotic drugs

It is probable that _____ of people who commit suicide had been suffering from a diagnosable mental disorder.

more than 90 percent

Women are _____ likely than men to attempt suicide and _____ likely than men to complete suicide

more; less

Dissociative identity disorder was formerly known as _____. multiple personality fugue multiple disintegration disorder Correct! multiple personality disorder dissociative personality disorder

multiple personality disorder dissociative personality disorder

According to the negative cognitive triad, people with depression have:

negative views of themselves, the world, and the future.

________ are words that mean something only to the person speaking them.


People with anorexia nervosa:

often develop elaborate rituals around food.

people with anorexia nervosa typically do not seek treatment themselves,

often they do not come to the attention of a therapist until they are so malnourished that they have a medical crisis, such as a cardiac problem, or until their families fear for their life.

The DSM-5 allows the diagnosis _____ for individuals who have some severe symptoms of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa but do not meet the criteria for either disorder.

other specified feeding or eating disorder (Eating Disorder NOS)

percent of exercise people get

over 60% do not get 30 minutes a day 25% get none at all 2% high school kids, 8% middle school kids, and 4% elementary kids get daily amount

family dynamics of people with eating disorders

overcontrolling parents, dont allow expression of feelings

Which of the following statements is true of psychotherapy for anorexia?

people with anorexia nervosa highly value their thinness and so can be resistant to therapists attempts to change their behaviors or attitudes

The main difference between the amnesia in dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue is that: people with dissociative amnesia typically leave home and create a new life for themselves in another area, while people with dissociative fugue do not take flight and create new identities. Correct! people with dissociative fugue typically leave home and create a new life for themselves in another area, while people with dissociative amnesia do not take flight and create new identities. people with dissociative amnesia typically create alternative personalities, whereas people with dissociative fugue typically do not create new identities. people with dissociative fugue typically m

people with dissociative fugue typically leave home and create a new life for themselves in another area, while people with dissociative amnesia do not take flight and create new identities.

Oxygen deprivation during labor and delivery is known as _____.

perinatal hypoxia

Sebastian believes his neighbor is watching him and waiting for a chance to steal his stamp collection. This false belief would be considered a _____.

persecutory delusion.

Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?

persecutory delusions

If a person experiences depressed mood plus two other symptoms of depression for at least two years, and during the two years has not been without depressive symptoms for more than two months, the person is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

A healer who uses a traditional method that involves a series of rituals designed to transform the meanings of symptoms for persons with schizophrenia, thus diminishing their pain, is using a ______.

persuasive model

Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

poverty of speech, restricted (flat) affect, loss of volition (loss of motivation), social withdrawal

Emil Kraepelin gave the label "dementia praecox" to the disorder now known as schizophrenia because he believed that the disorder resulted from:

premature deterioration of the brain.

Prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia are evident:

prior to onset of the acute phase.

Amnesia is categorized as either _____ or _____. organic; physiological physiological; biopsychological biopsychological; psychogenic Correct! psychogenic; organic

psychogenic; organic

Many people with depression experience _____--they walk, gesture, and talk more slowly. On the other hand, some people may exhibit _____--they cannot sit still, and may move around or fidget aimlessly.

psychomotor retardation; psychomotor agitation

People diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder frequently have periods of all of the following EXCEPT _____. substance abuse depression anxiety Correct! psychotic disorders

psychotic disorders

According to interpersonal theories of depression, some depressed people have a heightened need for approval and expressions of support from others but at the same time easily perceive rejection by others, a characteristic called _____.

rejection sensitivity

cognitive therapy uses techniques such as

relaxation, rewarding, can lead to weight gain, reduction of symptoms

A severe reduction or complete absence of emotional responses to the environment in people with schizophrenia is called _____.

restricted affect

The inability to remember information from the past is known as _____. anterograde amnesia Correct! retrograde amnesia retrospective amnesia regressive amnesia

retrograde amnesia

Robert has an accident when he is out trekking with his friends. He cannot recall anything that happened just before slipping and hitting his head on a boulder. He most likely has _____. psychogenic amnesia Correct Answer retrograde amnesia anterograde顺行的 amnesia repressive amnesia

retrograde次序颠倒的 amnesia 易忘症

Lawrence experienced delusions and hallucinations for 2 weeks, and also had a manic episode following this 2-week period. He continues to experience delusions and hallucinations. Lawrence will most likely receive a diagnosis of _____.

schizoaffective disorder

In the DSM-5, schizotypal personality disorder is recognized as a part of _____.

schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Carlos has always functioned well but shows symptoms of schizophrenia for 1-6 months without the restricted affect. His prognosis is good but he will most likely be diagnosed as having _____.

schizophreniform disorder

Calista shows a pervasive pattern of social deficits and has a great deal of discomfort in close relationships. Her coworkers describe her as odd as she speaks in a peculiar manner, is often suspicious, and is inappropriate in her display of emotion. She would most likely be diagnosed with _____.

schizotypal personality disorder

Dimitri tends to move his body in a repetitive manner such as waving his hands. These behaviors sometimes are referred to as ________.

self-stimulatory behaviors

New research indicates that the interaction between _____ and dopamine is critical in schizophrenia.


When monozygotic (MZ) twins who were discordant for schizophrenia were compared with MZ twins who both had schizophrenia, researchers found that the MZ twins discordant for schizophrenia:

showed numerous differences in the molecular structure of their DNA.

drugs that supress appetite and help people lose weight

sibutramine(Meridia), orlistat (Xenical), and rimonabant (Acomplia)

The _____ model holds that symptoms arise from conflictual social relationships and healing involves mobilizing a patient's kin to support him or her through the crisis and reintegrating the patient into a positive social support network.

social support

Tabitha believes that an alien being is growing inside of her. Tabitha is most likely experiencing a(n)_____ hallucination.


Sherry believes that she has a serious illness. She has had a headache for several days with no relief from traditional over-the-counter medicines. Her visit to the doctor revealed no organic reason for the headaches. Unsatisfied with the results, she goes to several other medical professionals for treatment. Sherry is most likely suffering from a(n) _____. illness anxiety disorder Correct! somatic symptom disorder dissociative disorder acute stress disorder

somatic symptom disorder dissociative disorder acute stress disorder

Lola is a healer who offers treatment in the form of integrating the body, emotion, and cognition or the person, society, and culture. Lola would argue that the loss of integration results in the reappearance of the symptoms of a disorder. Lola most likely follows a _____.

structural model

Social drift refers to the:

tendency of people with schizophrenia to drift downward in social class.

The term "schizophrenogenic mother" refers to:

the idea that a mother is both overprotective of and rejecting toward her child, and this relationship creates schizophrenia in the child.

According to one of the cognitive perspectives, negative symptoms of schizophrenia arise from:

the need to withdraw and conserve scarce cognitive resources.

In dissociative identity disorder, an alter that inflicts pain or punishment on the other personalities by engaging in self-mutilative behaviors (such as self-cutting or self-burning) and suicide attempts is called _____. the oppressor Correct! the persecutor the tyrant the bully

the persecutor

Dissociative disorders

the process where components of mental experience are split from consciousness, but remain accessible through dreams and hypnosis.

Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as results of: the preconscious state of mind attempting to control the conscious state of mind. the id trying to surpass the functioning of the ego and super ego. Correct! the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories into physical symptoms. the displacement of unconscious anxiety onto a neutral or symbolic object.

the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories into physical symptoms.

Illness anxiety disorder

the worry that one will develop a serious illness, but does not experience severe physical symptoms. A) a preoccupation with acquiring or having a serious illness; B) somatic symptoms are not present - in the case of a preexisting medical condition, preoccupation全神贯注 is excessive, the preoccupation is clearly excessive or disproportionate; C) a high level of anxiety about health and the individual is easily alarmed about personal health status; D) the individual performs excessive health related behaviors or exhibits maladaptive适应不良的 avoidance; E) the illness preoccupation has been present at least 6 months, but the specific illness that is feared may change over that period of time; and F) the illness-related preoccupation is not better explained by another mental disorder. You may have known this hypochondria or a hypochondriac. In the DSM-5 the label for this is Illness Anxiety Disorder.

The diagnosis of depression in older adults is complicated because:

their symptoms often occur in the context of medical illnesses

Delusions are to _____ as hallucinations are to _____.

thoughts; perceptions

bulimia nervosa/bingeing

uncontrolled eating followed by behaviors to prevent weight gain from binges.

Psychosis refers to knowing the difference between:

what is real and what is not real.

Psychosis refers to knowing the difference between:

what is real and what is unreal

A person with schizophrenia may exhibit disorganized speech patterns that are completely incoherent to listeners. This is known as _____.

word salad

Harry has difficulty remembering information. He cannot hold information in his memory long enough to manipulate and process it. Harry is most likely having difficulty with _____.

working memory

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