Chapter 7
Practical Application of Goal Setting
1. Set Goals 2. Promote Goal Commitment 3. Provide Support and Feedback
Insights from goal-setting research
1. Specific high goals lead to greater performance (goal specificity) 2. Feedback enhances the effect of specific, difficult goals 3. Participative goals, assigned goals, and self-set goals are equally effective 4. Action planning facilitates goal accomplishment 5. Goal commitment and monetary incentives affect goal-setting outcomes
Equity theory
Is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for Fairness and justice in social exchanges or give and take relationships
Goal commitment
Is the extent to which an individual is personally committed to achieving a goal
Action plan
Outlines the activities or tasks that need to be accomplished in order to obtain a goal
Negative inequity
Person enjoys greater outcomes for similar inputs
Goal specificity
Pertains to the quantifiability of a goal. For example, a goal of selling nine cars a month is more specific than telling a salesperson to do his/her best
Refers to the positive or negative value people place on outcomes. Example: Negative valence = being laid off Positive valence = promotion
Represents an individual's belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance Effort -> performance expectation
Specific Measurable Attainable (realistic) Results Oriented Time Bound
Positive inequity
When his or her outcome to input ratio is greater than that of a relevant worker
Expectancy Theory
expectancy theory holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes.
Management by objectives
is a management system that incorporates participation in decision making, goal setting, and objective feedback.
Equity sensitivity
reflects an individual's different preference for tolerances for, and reactions to the level of equity associated with any given situation *Benevolents - higher tolerance for negative inequity *sensitives - individuals who adhere to a strict norm of reciprocity and are quickly motivated to resolve negative & positive inequity *entitleds - no tolerance for negative inequity
Vroom's Expectancy Theory
the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectancy that the act will be followed by a given consequence (or outcome) and on the value or attractiveness of that consequence (or outcome) to the actor. Two stage sequence: Effort -> performance and Performance -> outcome