chapter 7

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The four levels of needs people seek to fulfill when joining organizations are a. survival, dreams, hope, and leadership. b. hunger, thirst, drive, and recognition. c. survival, social, recognition, and achievement. d. special, simple, achievement, and survival.


The purpose of employee empowerment is to a. ensure that effective decisions are made by the right employees. b. provide a mechanism by which responsibility for job-related decisions is vested in either individuals or in work teams. c. both a and b. d. none of the above.


Which of the following is a precondition for employee acceptance of managerial authority? a. The employee must understand the order. b. The employee must believe the order to be consistent with the employee's own goals. c. Both a and b are preconditions. d. Neither a nor b is a precondition.


mplementing an effective empowerment program has five key elements, including which of the following? a. a company strategy that emphasizes customer satisfaction b. customer encouragement c. managerial buy-in d. state laws which allow empowerment programs


Which of the following is NOT a way managers secure compliance with their directives? a. Ensuring clear communication of expectations between the manager and subordinates b. People joining an organization expect to do job-related tasks. c. Members enforce each other's compliance. d. All are correct.


Which of the following is a form of justice regarding employee reactions to how fairly or justly they are treated? a. distributive justice b. procedural justice c. informational justice d. all of the above


Which of the following is an example of "Rewarding A while hoping for B"? a. reinforcing desired behavior when it is observed b. rewarding one employee while hoping that another employee gets the first employee's job c. rewarding an employee in hopes that the employee will adopt other favorable behaviors d. none of the above


Which of the following is NOT a reason for employee compliance with managerial directions? a. The orders comply with the preconditions for authority acceptance. b. People in an organization expect to do job-related tasks when asked. c. Work-group members want the organization to run smoothly. d. Most employees believe in management by objectives.


The most basic need is survival.


Just as customers define the quality and value of the guest experience, so do managers define the quality and value of the employment relationship.


Money is not a great motivator because all employees need money for the same purpose.


The differences between the parts we play in the social and work groups to which we belong are called social-task conflicts.


The employee who provides the guest experience only needs to be well trained to meet the guest's quality and value expectations.


The need for recognition refers to how critical it is for a manager to be able to see when employees provide exceptional service.


The sense of belonging or not belonging has little effect on a well-trained, professional hospitality employee.


You can anticipate, train, and prepare for every possible problem, outcome, or customer request.


Research shows that role playing is actually better for the employee and the organization than genuine emotional involvement.


Rewarding the wrong behavior and not rewarding the right behavior are both big mistakes for a manager.


The first managerial challenge in meeting belonging needs is to identify the social groups employees belong to.


SMART criteria stands for a. specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented, and time bound. b. scientific, measurable, articulate, recurring, and transitional. c. sustainable, maintainable, achievable, recycling, and tested. d. none of the above.


The fit between what the leader says and what the leader does is called a. behavioral integrity. b. disparity. c. effective communication. d. focused communication.


The two desirable organizational outcomes of the goal-setting process are a. producing a logical and complete plan and adding value to the organization's ability to achieve its mission. b. letting employees know management cares and working on employees' individual futures. c. working with employees in teams and locking the employees into achieving their goals. d. none of the above.


Thinking of a job as a role can a. decrease the emotional labor expended. b. increase the emotional labor expended. c. increase the emotional labor involved in laughing on cue. d. increase the emotional labor involved in crying on cue.


The goal-setting process MBO stands for a. managing by observing. b. management by objectives. c. monitoring by objectives. d. managing behavioral outcomes.


Which of the following financial incentives or rewards are customer determined? a. merit raise b. pooled tips c. annual performance bonus d. recognition


Which of the following is NOT a precondition for accepting direction? a. The employee must understand the directive. b. The employee must be emotionally invested in the organization. c. The employee must believe that the directive is consistent with the organization's goals. d. The employee must believe that the directive is consistent with the employee's own goals.


___________ motivates employees to focus their efforts on achieving the organization's goals. a. Lack of focus b. Effect leadership c. Iron-fist direction d. None of the above


Rewarding desired behaviors is called a. helpful rewards. b. focused recognition. c. positive reinforcement. d. negative reinforcement.


Empowering employees requires sharing information and organizational knowledge that enables empowered employees to a. understand and contribute to organizational performance. b. make decisions that influence organizational outcomes. c. focus only on their jobs. d. both a and b.


Empowerment is less appropriate if a. the business strategy emphasizes high-cost, low-volume operations. b. the tie to a particular customer is short term. c. the technology is simple and routine. d. all of the above


Factors influencing the acceptance of managerial direction lie in a. the nature of the sender and receiver. b. the sender and receiver and their relationships to the organization and to each other. c. the nature of the communication itself. d. all of the above.


Role conflict can occur when a. a conflict is created within a person who receives different role expectations from different people. b. the situation arises where an employee's significant other objects to overtime work. c. you need to refuse to give friends a discount on a service product that you are responsible for selling. d. all of the above


The beliefs by employees that their knowledge, skills, and abilities are sufficient to perform at the desired level is called a. empowerment. b. expectancy. c. role beliefs. d. self-efficacy.


The employees who interact with dissatisfied guests must be a. skilled. b. emotionally ready to deal with them. c. effective at maintaining their professional poise. d. all of the above.


What company uses the terms cast member, on stage, and off stage? a. Starwood b. Warner Brothers c. Universal Studios d. Disney


Which of the following financial incentives or rewards are manager determined? a. pooled tips b. merit raise c. group incentive plan d. both b and c


It is easy to motivate all employees because they all have the same needs, expectations, capabilities, and behaviors.


A manager who fails to meet an internal customer's expectations does not need to put forth as much effort to fix the failure as the manager would need to when helping an external guest.


According to the authority-acceptance theory, whether a directive has authority or not is determined by the person in authority.


Authority is the power that good managers have that causes employees to accept their orders.


Employee job satisfaction has a much greater impact on performance than employee ability and role perception.


Empowerment is especially desirable when the business environment is highly predictable.


Every hospitality manager should understand this basic principle: Rewarded behavior tends to be repeated; unrewarded behavior tends not to be repeated.


Research has shown that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance levels than expressing vague goals.


A key advantage of non-cash awards is that they often create a lasting memory of the recognition for the employee that is more cost effective than cash awards.


According to equity theory, we compare what we get out of an endeavor to what we put into it and draw a conclusion as to the fairness of the ratio of the two


Achievement needs can be fulfilled while also satisfying social needs.


Because people join groups to satisfy needs, they will support an organization that helps them to satisfy those needs.


Customer satisfaction does not always depend on employee satisfaction.


Empowerment is the assignment of decision-making responsibility to an individual or group.


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