Chapter 7- Bone Tissue

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The primary and secondary cavities generally unite as a single cavity

by late teens and early twenties

The hardening process of the bone is called mineralization or


a form of vitamin D produced by the sequential action of the skin, liver and kidneys - used to RAISE blood calcium concentration


bones are made of ________ and _________ groups

calcium and phosphate

A major constituent of the embryonic and young vertebrate skeleton, it is converted largely to bone with maturation.


What is enlarged in the primary ossification center?


Epiphyseal line

where the growing plate used to be

Marrow that no longer processes blood


___________ bone marrow no longer produces blood


The bone matrix is about ____ organic matter


By weight the skeleton is _____ spongy bone


The bone matrix is about _____ inorganic matter


By weight the skeleton is _______ compact bone


What is the normal range for calcium?

9.2-10.4 mg/dL

I thin wall of cartilage separating the primary and secondary marrow cavities on one or both ends of the bone

Epiphyseal plate

A extremely rare condition that causes spontaneous formation of new bones

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progression (FOP)

ossification that starts with a soft sheet of mesenchye in the fetal skeleton


what process produces the flat ones of the skull and most of the clavicle?

Intramembranous ossification

the secondary marrow cavity is located in the ____________


Why do we need calcium? (4)

exocytosis (stuff out of cell), neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction, and blood clotting

In adults, most of the bone marrow turns to

fatty yellow bone marrow

Most of the cranial bones are made up of thin curved plates called

flat bones

The lesser amounts of inorganic material in the bone matrix include

fluoride, magnesium, sodium, etc.

holes on the bones that allow blood vessels and nerves to penetrate


Common site for fractures in children

the epiphyseal

The shell of compact bone encloses a space called

the medullary cavity or marrow cavity- which contains bone marrow.

what is the function of nerves and blood vessels in bones?

to get the RBC out of the marrow and to provide nutrition for growth of the bone.

Why does Messenchype (embryo tissue) have a lot of blood vessels?

to go through cellular respiration and eliminate waste

when can yellow mare change back to red?

in the case of trauma

bones that do not fit into the category of short, long, or flat

irregular bones

where do osteoclast hang out?


osteons are canals along with its circumferential


In adults, red bone marrow is found where?

limited to the skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, part of the pelvic girdle and the proximal heads of the humerus and femur

The most important bones in the body movement are the

long bones

multiple osteogenic cells that have merged together are called


What maintains bone homeostasis of minerals?


the bone stem cells are called

osteogenic cells

soft collagenous tissue similar to bone except for a lack of minerals

osteoid tissue

the central canal that allows blood vessels and nerves to runt the length of the bone


What could cause hypercalcemia? and what would the effects be?

overuse of antacids, hyperparathroidism - could make you weak, sluggish reflexes or cardiac arrest

For a time, the __________ produces chondrocytes and the cartilage model grows in thickness- then it produces osteoblast


The early cartilage model is covered with a fibrous ________________, in the location of future bone


sheath and layer of osteogenic cells that goes around bone up until the articular cartilage


Epiphyseal plate = ________ Epiphyseal line = ______

plate= growth, line= past growth

what could cause hypocalcemia? what could it cause?

pregnancy, lactation, diarrhea, low vitamin D, hyperpyrhoidism/ hypo --- could cause carpopedal spasms

As the center of the forming bone is hollowed out and filled with blood and stem cells, it becomes known as the

primary marrow cavity

During ossification, the region of chondrocyte enlargement is called the

primary ossification center

In a child, nearly every bone is filled with

red bone marrow- often called hemopoietic tissue that produces red blood cells.

What is the purpose of bone remodeling? (3)

repair microfractures, release minerals into blood, reshapes bone in response to use and disuse

when chondrocyte enlargement and death occur in the epiphysis of the model it creates the ______________

secondary ossification center

Bones that are approximately equal in length and width

short bones

Why do we need phosphate? (4)

Buffering of pH, Phospholipids, ATP, DNA/RNA

Hormone secreted by the C cells of the thyroid gland when blood calcium is too high


Where does Fibrodysplasia ossificans progression occur?

Chromosome 2

What is the organic matter of the bone matrix made up off?

Collagen, Glycosamionglycans and other proteins

Process in which bone is preceded by hyaline cartilage "model" that becomes replaced with osseous tissue

Endochondral ossification

The long shaft art of long bones, acts as a lever


Most of the bones of the body including the long bones, vertebrae, sternum, ribs, scapula, and pelvics are formed by

Endochondral ossification

Connects bone to bone


What holds bones together


What is the study of Bone?


Hormone that is secreted as a response to hypocalcemia

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)

What is Wolff's law of bone?

The architecture of a bone depends on the stresses placed upon it; the bone remodels itself to adapt to those stresses

Messenchype (embryo tissue) cells enlarge during ossification and become_______


Yellow marrow is found in ________ only


The joint surface where one bone meets another is covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage called

articular cartilage

hemopoietic tissue produces

blood cells

soft tissue that occupies the marrow cavity of a long bone, the spaces amid the trabeculae of spongy bone and the larger central canals

bone marrow

The outside layer of long bones composed of dense white osseous tissue is called

compact bone

Most of the long bone is... (structure)

composed of an outer shell of dense white osseous tissue called compact or dense bone

ossification of complete, adult bone- epiphyseal plate has "closed" and no further bone elongation possible


a thin layer of connective tissue that lines the internal marrow cavity and covers the surfaces of the spongy bone


The head of the long bone, enlarge structure for attachment or articulation


What makes up 85% of mineral composition of bone?


85% of the inorganic material in the bone matrix is _______________

hydroxyapatite (a calcium phosphate salt)

more than 10.4 mg/dL of calcium is called


The enlargement of cells


less than 9.2 mg/dL of calcium is called


what is spongy bone?

loosely organized form of osseous tissue

embryonic connective tissue is called


The transition from cartilage to bone at the end of the primary marrow cavity is called a


does ossification end with birth?

no, continues throughout life with growth and remodeling of bones, bones grow in length and width

Connective tissue in which the matrix is hardened by the deposition of calcium phosphate and other minerals

osseous tissue

The formation of osseous tissue


The organic matter of the matrix is synthesized by the _______


building cells- build the bone; mineral deposition


osteoblast also release a hormone called

osteocalciun- this increases insulin sensitivity

Old osteoblast are called


bone dissolving cells


dissolve bone


has a ruffle boarder that increases the surface area and thus enhance the efficiency of bone resorption


At the end of the bone is... (structure)

spongy bone

During infancy and childhood, the epiphyses is filled with ____________

spongy bone

In adults, where is red bone marrow found?

sternum, pelvic girdle, proximal heads of humerus and femur

Connects bone to muscle


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