Chapter 7 - Evolution

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Where are the Galapagos Islands located?

600 miles west of Ecuador, near the equator

In the projected video showing the growth of bacteria, why did the bacteria grow up to the edge of the area with antibiotics, pause, then continue to grow across the area with antibiotics?

A few bacteria experienced random mutations in their DNA, which allowed some of them to grow even though antibiotics were present.

Which of the following correctly describes what the video referred to as a "microbial cure"?

Antibiotics are used to kill all of the infectious bacteria in a person.

Which of the following is true?

Countries besides the U.S. have legislation in place regarding the use of antibiotics in livestock.

Remember that color is an inherited trait in beetles. Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

Green beetles leave more offspring than brown beetles because they are better at finding food

Which of the following prompted the passing of the new legislation regarding antibiotic use in livestock?

The decreasing effectiveness of antibiotics in humans

What is the concern about using antibacterial and antimicrobial soaps?

The use of any chemical that kills bacteria can eventually lead to resistance to that chemical in the population of bacteria.

A particular antibiotic kills 99% of a bacterial population. What will be the result of the continued application of this antibiotic?

Over time, the antibiotic will become less effective at killing the bacteria.

HIV has become an important source of mortality for humans. If AIDS persists as a major factor for humans for many generations in the future, natural selection theory predicts that _____.

any heritable traits that help humans survive and reproduce in the presence of AIDS should become more frequent over time

In the video, what does the UK's Chief Medical Officer suggest for promoting the development of new antibiotics?

encouraging big pharmaceutical companies to start investing again in new drug research and development

In a population with brown and green alleles for color, genetic drift

has more effect on the evolution of a small population.

Which species is threatening the natural wildlife on the Galapagos Islands?


Which of the following contributes the LEAST to the problem of antibiotic resistance?

taking the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor

If color is an inherited trait in beetles, and birds are more likely to eat brown beetles than green beetles,

the frequency of the green allele will increase.

Which of the following sets of animals are likely to be found on the Galapagos Islands?

tortoises, finches, blue-footed boobies

Darwinian fitness is measured only in terms of the number of healthy offspring produced.

true (By definition, Darwinian fitness is the contribution that an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation in comparison to the contributions from other individuals.)

Which of the following are testable hypotheses that could explain the researchers' data? Select all that apply.

-The population size of cliff swallows living near roads has decreased over time. -Scavenger population sizes have increased, and more road-killed swallows get eaten before they can be found -Traits that help individuals avoid being hit by cars have evolved through natural selection in the cliff swallow population.

Over time, bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Which of the following best explains this in terms of natural selection?

Bacteria that happen to have natural resistance to antibiotics survived and reproduced.

Imagine that four people are infected with HIV from a common source (an infected blood sample). Initially, the patients' HIV populations are genetically identical. By the time they develop full-blown AIDS, how would the viral populations of the four patients compare?

Each patient's viral population would be unique, specifically adapted to deal with—and overcome—his or her unique immune system responses.

Color is an inherited trait in beetles. If brown beetles move into a population from a nearby island, which of the following statements is correct?

Gene flow causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase

You are a cattle rancher and will abide by the new legislation. Which of the following will you be allowed to do?

Give antibiotics to an animal in your herd that is ill.

As proposed by Darwin, what sorts of traits are favored by natural selection?

Heritable traits that help individuals survive and reproduce more successfully than others in the same population.

Which of the following people is most likely to be against the new antibiotics legislation?

The CEO of the National Pork Producers Council.

The human immune system cannot effectively suppress the HIV virus on its own. What key feature of HIV makes it so hard to beat?

The HIV virus has an extremely high rate of mutation.

Which of the following is not an assumption that Darwin made about how evolution acts on populations?

The most fit individuals will always have the most offspring.

Which statement correctly describes the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

The presence of an antibiotic in an environment leads to the selection of those individuals that are most resistant to it

What does the FDA think drug companies will do regarding voluntary label changes on antibiotics for livestock?

They will comply with the new recommendations.

Natural selection is best described as _____.

a filtering process that fine-tunes the traits of populations by sorting among existing, randomly produced variations

The Galapagos Islands were the first place on Earth to _____.

be declared a world heritage site

Tourism on the Galapagos Islands is being restricted by requiring tourists to _____.

be escorted by trained guides at all times

Horses and donkeys can reproduce to produce mules. Thus, horses and donkeys are considered to be a single species.

false (Mules are sterile. Thus, even though horses and donkeys can reproduce, they are still considered to be separate species. This type of reproductive barrier is called hybrid weakness.)

Speciation is always a slow, gradual process.

false (The fossil record has many examples of species that appear suddenly, persist with little change, and then suddenly disappear. The term "punctuated equilibrium" describes this type of species change through time.)

Imagine that you start with a population of red, white, and blue flowers, a trait controlled by genetics. If you always cut blue flowers before they have a chance to reproduce, the number of blue flowers will change from generation to generation; however, the gene pool will still remain constant.

false (The gene pool represents all the forms of all of the genes at any one time. It will change as a result of the enhanced reproductive success of the red and white flowers compared to that of the blue flowers)

The evolution of populations due to chance is

genetic drift (Genetic drift describes the evolution of a population due to chance.)

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