Chapter 7

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(Q035) The Constitution mandates that the President of the United States must be a(n)

"natural born citizen."

(Q049) The final plan of the U.S. Constitution called for a two-house Congress consisting of a House of Representatives with its members apportioned according to population and a Senate in which each state was represented by two members.


(Q051) Only thirty-nine of the original fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document.


(Q002) One of the leading Federalist thinkers, known as the "father of the Constitution," was

James Madison.

(Q036) What territory did the United States acquire from France in 1803?


(Q047) Fewer than one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans attended college in the late eighteenth century.


(Q070) While Thomas Jefferson was outwardly horrified by the idea of miscegenation between blacks and whites, he apparently fathered children with his slave, Sally Hemings.


(Q067) The founding fathers inserted clauses into the Constitution that ultimately weakened the institution of slavery in America.


(Q028) This founding father sought to recapture his slave, twenty-year-old Ona Judge, while serving as President of the United States.

George Washington

(Q039) Under the Articles of Confederation, national government consisted of a weak legislative branch and a strong judicial branch.


(Q040) Movement of Americans westward slowed dramatically under the Articles of Confederation.


(Q042) The Constitution imposed high property qualifications for voting.


(Q045) The Bill of Rights offered Indians a vital source of protection against further intrusions upon their land.


(Q061) By 1790, there were no slaves in New England.


(Q062) After the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, twelve Native American communities ceded most of their land from Ohio and Indiana to the federal government.


(Q063) The American Revolution widened the divide between free Americans and those who remained in slavery.


(Q016) Which of the following founding fathers served as ambassador to France during the Washington administration when Shays's Rebellion took place?

Thomas Jefferson

(Q041) Shays's Rebellion was inspired by a belief that the Massachusetts government was not doing enough to protect indebted farmers from losing their land.


(Q023) In James Madison's view in The Federalist, the "first object of government" is

the protection of property rights.

(Q022) The eighty-five essays published by "Publius" and gathered into a book in 1788 was entitled

The Federalist.

(Q027) The U.S. Constitution

is a purely secular document that contains no reference to God and bars tests for federal officeholders.

(Q065) The Constitution embodies three basic political principles: federalism, anti-federalism, and the system of checks and balances.


(Q066) Federal judges are nominated by the president and approved by the House of Representatives.


(Q013) Which of the following is a true statement regarding Benjamin Hawkins?

He promoted civilization among the Native Americans.

(Q004) By 1795, the Native American population had declined from the early colonial era, but the area west of the Appalachian Mountains was still known as

Indian Country.

(Q018) Why did the founding fathers create the initial House of Representatives with a relatively small number of members?

It was thought that only prominent individuals could win elections in large districts.

(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Shays's Rebellion; Philadelphia Convention; ratification of Constitution

(Q021) Under the rule of the U.S. Constitution, which of the following remains in the hands of the states?


(Q008) Which of the following was a key principle embedded in the Bill of Rights?

freedom of speech

(Q030) The costliest loss of human life suffered by the U.S. Army in warfare against American Indians in American history--630 dead--occurred

in the Ohio Valley in an attack by the Miami Confederacy led by Little Turtle.

(Q005) Of the possible uses for the western lands and its settlement, the Confederation government faced conflicting pressures, including

land sales as they would not be a potential source of revenue due to Indian involvement.

(Q038) To prevent them from being seized by British vessels and "impressed" into the British Navy, Congress in 1790 granted citizenship to

noooblack sailors.

(Q029) Jefferson's idea of the "empire of liberty" involved

the United States admitting the area's population as equal members of the political system.

(Q011) Which state was eventually created from the region delimited by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


(Q057) The majority of African-Americans were slaves during the late 1700s.


(Q058) As originally written, the Constitution acknowledged and tacitly supported the institution of slavery.


(Q060) By the time of the Declaration of Independence, the United States had already become larger than Great Britain, Spain, and France combined.


(Q024) In James Madison's view in The Federalist, the nation's large size both geographically and in terms of its population was

a source of political stability.

(Q009) Which of the following was an attribute of the new nation?

broad distribution of property ownership

(Q019) The U.S. Constitution provides that the president is to be elected

by an electoral college.

(Q014) Shays's Rebellion in late 1786 and early 1787 was a rebellion of

debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts.

(Q012) The 1787 Northwest Ordinance prohibited


(Q054) Alexander Hamilton was an Anti-Federalist.


(Q020) Federalism refers to

the relationship between the national government and the states.

(Q032) Which two states voted against ratification of the Constitution?

Rhode Island and North Carolina

(Q010) Which of the following was a characteristic of the Articles of Confederation?

Amending the articles required unanimity of all the states.

(Q007) Which of the following statements accurately describes the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists during the ratification debates?

Anti-Federalists criticized the Constitution for lacking a Bill of Rights; Federalists did not see a need for a Bill of Rights.

(Q031) Who, out of the following, helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

Benjamin franklin

(Q050) Alexander Hamilton was one of the few political framers from the former colony of Georgia.


(Q053) Thomas Jefferson was one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.


(Q059) The founding fathers meant "We the People" to refer to all Americans.


(Q001) Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to

declare war.

(Q026) Which of the following statements is true regarding the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

They declare that rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are "retained by the people."

(Q025) Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the Anti-Federalists?

They were often small country farmers.

(Q015) Who wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"?

Thomas Jefferson

(Q043) One of America's earliest trade experiences was with China.


(Q044) The Bill of Rights was a concession offered by the Federalists to overcome widespread fears of a despotic national government.


(Q046) The 1790 Naturalization Act barred non-white foreigners from attaining American citizenship.


(Q048) More than half of the fifty-five men at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 had attended college.


(Q055) The first written Constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation.


(Q056) Charles Willson Peale painted portraits of the founding fathers.


(Q064) After the Revolutionary War, there was little distinction among which tribes had sided with the enemy, those that had aided the patriots, and those that had played no part in the war at all.


(Q068) President Washington distributed agricultural tools and spinning wheels to Indians in order to encourage Indian assimilation into American society.


(Q069) The Constitution excluded Indians "not taxed" from being counted in determining each state's number of congressmen.


after the revolutions' American became bigger


(Q033) What state had the largest slave population in 1790?


(Q034) What state had the largest free black population in 1790?


(Q005) Of the possible uses for the western lands and its settlement, the Confederation government faced conflicting pressures, including

the economic health of the new republic as farmers obtained access to land in the West.

(Q006) As a result of the three-fifths clause,

the white South gained greater power in national affairs than its free population warranted.

(Q044) The Bill of Rights was a concession offered by the Federalists to overcome widespread fears of a despotic national government.


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