Chapter 7 Political Parties

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Political Party

A group of individuals who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine policy

Describe the current status of the two major parties

A key characteristic of recent politics has been the extreme partisanship of party activists and members of Congress. The rolling realignment after the elections of 1968 resulted in parties that were much more homogeneous. By 2009, the most conservative Democrat in the House was to the left of the most moderate Republican. Ideological uniformity has made it easier for parties to maintain discipline in congress. Political polarization grew even more severe after 2010 elections. Many of the new republican members of congress were pledged to the Tea party of philosophy of no-compromise conservatism. Also significant is the number of independent voters, contribution to a potential dealignment in the party system.

Party ticket

A list of political party's candidates for various offices. IN national elections, the party ticket consists of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.


A local unit of a political party's organization, consisting of a division or district within a city.


A nickname for the Republican party - "Grand Old Party"

Party activist

A party member who helps to organize and oversee party functions and planning during and between campaigns, and may even become a candidate for office.

Party identifier

A person who identifies himself or herself as being a supporter of a particular political party


A political district within a city, such as a block or a neighborhood, or a rural portion of a county: the smallest voting district at the local level

Two-party system

A political system in which two strong and established parties compete for political offices.


A preliminary election held for the purpose of choosing a party's final candidate


A process in which the popular support for and relative strength of the parties shift and the parties are reestablished with different coalitions of supporters


A system of rewarding the party faithful and workers with government jobs or contracts


All of the citizens eligible to vote in a given election


Among voters, a growing detachment from both major political parties.


An alliance of individuals or groups with a variety of interests and opinions who join together to support all or part of a political parties platform

National party chairperson

An individual who serves as a political party's administrative head at the national level and directs the work of the party's national committee

Third party

In the united states, any party other than the two major parties (republican and democratic)

Explain how political parties function in our democratic system

Political parties link the people's policy preferences to actual government policies. They recruit and nominate candidates for political office, coordinate campaigns, and take care of a number of tasks that are essential to the smooth functioning of the electoral process. Parties also help educate the public about important political issues. Parties coordinate policy among the various branches and levels of government, and balance the competing interests of those who support the party. In government the minority party checks the actions of the party in power.

Majority party

THe political party that as more members in the legislature than the opposing party

Party platform

The document drawn up by each party at is national convention that outlines the policies and positions of the party

National Convention

The meeting held by each major party every four years to nominate presidential and vice-presidential candidates, write a party platform, and conduct other party business.

Discuss the Structure of American political parties

The party in the electorate consists of party identifiers and party activists. Each party is decentralized, with national, state, and local organizations. Delegates to the national convention nominate the party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates, and they adopt the party platform. The national party organization includes a national party committee, a national party chairperson , and a congressional campaign committees. The party in government consists of all of the party's candidates who have won elections and now hold public office. THe party in government helps to organize the government's agenda by convincing its own party members in office to vote for its policies.

National party committee

The political party leaders who direct party business during the four years between the national party conventions, organize the next national convention, and plan how to support the party's candidate in the next presidential election.

Minority party

The political party that has fewer members in the legislature than the opposing party

Describe the different types of third parties and how they function in the American political system

United states has two-party system in which the democrats and the republicans dominate national politics. American election laws and rules governing campaign and financing tend to favor the major parties. There are also institutional barriers, such as a single-member legislative districts and the electoral college system, that prevent third parties from enjoying electoral success. There are different kinds of third parties. An issue-oriented party is formed to promote a particular cause or timely issue. An ideological party supports a particular political doctrine or a set of beliefs. A splinter party develops out of a split within a major party, which may be part of an attempt to elect a specific person. Third parties have brought many issues to the publics attention and can influence election outcomes. Third parties also provide a voice for voter who are frustrated with the Republican and Democratic parties.

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