Chapter 8 Assessment

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XYZ Inc. brings together specialists from production, marketing, and finance from around the world, and gives each such team the power to make its own decisions. This implies that the firm is creating a(n) ________ team.


Which of the following is not a task role?


Team member characteristics should ________ the responsibilities of the team if the team is to be effective.


Belinda takes on the role of ________; she tends to mediate conflict through humor.


During the forming stage, team effectiveness is low and independence is


In which stage of the group development process do group members resolve their power struggles so that something can be accomplished?


A person in the ________ role will encourage all group members to participate.


Which of the following statements about norms is not true?

Norms are typically written down and discussed openly by groups

During a group meeting, Nadia comments, ________. She is performing a maintenance role.

"Let's accept and praise the various points of view."

Harriet is an active member of the large Freshman Orientation board. There are five separate teams on this board, and they all want Harriet as a member because she is good at keeping the team on track. Which of the following behaviors does Harriet exhibit?

A. She helps plan and organize work; monitors progress; and provides constructive feedback.

________ is the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome.


Masami is a member of a group that raises money for a homeless shelter. She feels that the group spends too much time arguing the merits of different fundraisers and needs to make a decision. She calls for a vote at today's meeting. Masami has taken on the role of?


________ are deliberate plans that outline exactly what the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining roles.

Team performance strategies

Lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions make building trust relationships difficult. What type of challenge is this for a virtual team?


Linda wants to leave her company. No one ever seems to do what they say they will do. In addition, her manager's expectations seem to change from one day to the next. Linda is missing

contractual trust.

What is the group development process called where groups establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles and/or objectives?

punctuated equilibrium

Which of the following is an individual function of a group?

satisfy the person's need for affiliation

An audit team in the payroll department, working full-time on audits on site is what type of team?


As a manager, Haley has established a new work group to tackle a particular project. She has introduced all the members to each other and the group has elected a leader. However, lately Haley has noticed that some group members are procrastinating on their duties. Two cliques have formed within the group and they are frequently arguing with and challenging the group leader's opinions. Which of the following stages of group development process is Haley observing?


Communication trust is

trust of disclosure

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