Chapter 8 Attacking Access Controls

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"No low-privileged users will know that URL. We don't reference it anywhere within the application."


A catastrophic vulnerability of this kind occurs where an Account Information page displays a user's personal details together with his username and password. Although the password typically is masked on-screen, it is nevertheless transmitted in full to the browser. Here, you can often quickly iterate through the full range of account identifiers to harvest the login credentials of all users, including administrators. Figure 8.5 shows Burp Intruder being used to carry out a successful attack of this kind.


A different means of applying declarative access control exists at the application server level, via deployment descriptor files, which are applied during application deployment. However, these can be relatively blunt instruments and do not always scale well to manage fine-grained privileges in a large application.


A specific case of unprotected functionality can arise when applications expose URLs or parameters that are actually remote invocations of API methods, normally those exposed by a Java interface. This often occurs when server-side code is moved to a browser extension component and method stubs are created so that the code can still call the server-side methods it requires to function. Outside of this situation, some instances of direct access to methods can be identified where URLs or parameters use the standard Java naming conventions, such as getBalance and isExpired.


Access control defects can manifest themselves in various ways. In some cases, they may be uninteresting, allowing illegitimate access to a harmless function that cannot be leveraged to escalate privileges any further. In other cases, finding a weakness in access controls can quickly lead to a complete compromise of the application.


Access control vulnerabilities are conceptually simple: The application lets you do something you shouldn't be able to. The differences between separate flaws really come down to the different ways in which this core defect is manifested and the different techniques you need to employ to detect it. This chapter describes all these techniques, showing how you can exploit different kinds of behavior within an application to perform unauthorized actions and access protected data.


Access controls are broken if any user can access functionality or resources for which he or she is not authorized. There are three main types of attacks against access controls, corresponding to the three categories of controls:


Access controls are one of the easiest areas of web application security to understand, although you must carefully apply a well-informed, thorough methodology when implementing them.


Access controls can be divided into three broad categories: vertical, horizontal, and context-dependent.


Although there may not be a ready means of detecting whether an application's access controls make use of platform-level controls over HTTP methods, you can take some simple steps to identify any vulnerabilities.


Application logs are often a gold mine of information. They may contain numerous items of data that can be used as identifiers to probe functionality that is accessed in this way. Identifiers commonly found within application logs include usernames, user ID numbers, account numbers, document IDs, user groups and roles, and e-mail addresses.


As described in Chapter 3, the original purpose of the GET method is of retrieving information, and the purpose of the POST method is performing actions that change the application's data or state.


As noted in Chapter 1, broken access controls are among the most commonly encountered categories of web application vulnerability, affecting a massive 71 percent of the applications recently tested by the authors. It is extremely common to encounter applications that go to all the trouble of implementing robust mechanisms for authentication and session management, only to squander that investment by neglecting to build effective access controls on them. One reason that these weaknesses are so prevalent is that access control checks need to be performed for every request and every operation on a resource that particular user attempts to perform, at a specific time. And unlike many other classes of control, this is a design decision that needs to be made by a human; it cannot be resolved by employing technology.


Because this is a completely static resource, if it is hosted on a traditional web server, its contents are simply returned directly by the server, and no application-level code is executed. Hence, the resource cannot implement any logic to verify that the requesting user has the required privileges. When static resources are accessed in this way, it is highly likely that no effective access controls are protecting them and that anyone who knows the URL naming scheme can exploit this to access any resources he wants. In the present case, the document name looks suspiciously like an ISBN, which would enable an attacker to quickly download every ebook produced by the publisher!


Before starting to probe the application to detect any actual access control vulnerabilities, you should take a moment to review the results of your application mapping exercises (see Chapter 4). You need to understand what the application's actual requirements are in terms of access control, and therefore where it will probably be most fruitful to focus your attention.


Burp Suite lets you map the contents of an application using two different user contexts. Then you can compare the results to see exactly where the content accessed by each user is the same or different.


Certain types of functionality are particularly prone to this kind of problem, including financial websites providing access to static documents about companies such as annual reports, software vendors that provide downloadable binaries, and administrative functionality that provides access to static log files and other sensitive data collected within the application.


Chapter 18 contains a specific example of this type of vulnerability arising in a web application platform product.


Context-dependent access controls ensure that users' access is restricted to what is permitted given the current application state. For example, if a user is following multiple stages within a process, context-dependent access controls may prevent the user from accessing stages out of the prescribed order.


Figure 8.1 A site map comparison showing the differences between content that was accessed in different user contexts


Figure 8.1 shows the results of a simple site map comparison. Its colorized analysis of the differences between the site maps shows items that have been added, removed, or modified between the two maps. For modified items, the table includes a "diff count" column, which is the number of edits required to modify the item in the first map into the item in the second map. Also, when an item is selected, the responses are also colorized to show the locations of those edits within the responses.


Figure 8.2 The low-privileged user is denied access to the top-level admin page


Figure 8.2 shows the response returned when each user requests the top-level admin page. Here, the administrative user sees a menu of available options, while the ordinary user sees a "not authorized" message. These differences indicate that access controls are being applied correctly. Figure 8.3 shows the response returned when each user requests the "list users" admin function. Here, the responses are identical, indicating that the application is vulnerable, since the ordinary user should not have access to this function and does not have any link to it in his or her user interface.


Figure 8.3 The low-privileged user can access the administrative function to list application users


Figure 8.4 Using Burp to request a given item within the current browser session


Figure 8.5 A successful attack to harvest usernames and passwords via an access control vulnerability


Figure 8.6 A privilege matrix for a complex application


First, you should avoid several obvious pitfalls. These usually arise from ignorance about the essential requirements of effective access control or flawed assumptions about the kinds of requests that users will make and against which the application needs to defend itself:


Flaws in access control can arise from various sources. A poor application design may make it difficult or impossible to check for unauthorized access, a simple oversight may leave only one or two functions unprotected, or defective assumptions about how users will behave can leave the application undefended when those assumptions are violated.


For example, a servlet may be invoked using the following request:


For example, an administrator using the application may see URLs like the following:


For example, consider an administrative function to add a new application user. This may involve several steps, including loading the form to add a user, submitting the form with details of the new user, reviewing these details, and confirming the action. In some cases, the application may protect access to the initial form but fail to protect the page that handles the form submission or the confirmation page. The overall process may involve numerous requests, including redirections, with parameters submitted at earlier stages being retransmitted later via the client side. Every step of this process needs to be tested individually, to confirm whether access controls are being applied correctly.


Here are some questions to consider when examining an application's access controls:


Here, access to administrative functions is protected by the assumption that an attacker will not know or discover this URL. The application is harder for an outsider to compromise, because he is less likely to guess the URL by which he can do so.


Here, an attacker can simply review the JavaScript to identify URLs for administrative functionality and attempt to access these. In other cases, HTML comments may contain references to or clues about URLs that are not linked from on-screen content. Chapter 4 discusses the various techniques by which an attacker can gather information about hidden content within the application.


Horizontal access controls allow users to access a certain subset of a wider range of resources of the same type. For example, a web mail application may allow you to read your e-mail but no one else's, an online bank may let you transfer money out of your account only, and a workflow application may allow you to update tasks assigned to you but only read tasks assigned to other people.


However, in some cases, requests for protected resources are made directly to the static resources themselves, which are located within the server's web root. For example, an online publisher may allow users to browse its book catalog and purchase ebooks for download. Once payment has been made, the user is directed to a download URL like the following:


If care is not taken to devise rules that accurately allow access based on the correct HTTP methods and URL paths, this may lead to unauthorized access. For example, if an administrative function to create a new user uses the POST method, the platform may have a deny rule that disallows the POST method and allows all other methods. However, if the application-level code does not verify that all requests for this function are in fact using the POST method, an attacker may be able to circumvent the control by submitting the same request using the GET method. Since most application-level APIs for retrieving request parameters are agnostic as to the request method, the attacker can simply supply the required parameters within the URL query string of the GET request to make unauthorized use of the function.


If platform-level controls are used to restrict access to different application roles based on HTTP method and URL, these should be designed using a default-deny model, as is best practice for firewall rules. This should include various specific rules that assign certain HTTP methods and URLs to certain roles, and the final rule should deny any request that does not match a previous rule.


If you are attacking an application that employs a multilayered privilege model of this kind, it is likely that many of the most obvious mistakes that are commonly made in applying access controls will be defended against. You may find that circumventing the controls implemented within the application does not get you very far, because of protection in place at other layers. With this in mind, several potential lines of attack are still available to you. Most importantly, understanding the limitations of each type of control, in terms of the protection it does not offer, will help you identify the vulnerabilities that are most likely to affect it:


If you are using separate browsers to access the application as different users, you can create a different proxy listener in Burp for use by each browser (you need to update your proxy configuration in each browser to point to the relevant listener). Then, for each browser, use the context menu on the proxy history to open a new history window, and set a display filter to show only requests from the relevant proxy listener.


If you have only one user-level account with which to access the application (or none at all), additional work needs to be done to test the effectiveness of access controls. In fact, to perform a fully comprehensive test, further work needs to be done in any case. Poorly protected functionality may exist that is not explicitly linked from the interface of any application user. For example, perhaps old functionality has not yet been removed, or new functionality has been deployed but has not yet been published to users.


In a complex, security-critical application, layered defenses of this kind can be devised with the help of a matrix defining the different user roles within the application and the different privileges, at each tier, that should be assigned to each role. Figure 8.6 is a partial example of a privilege matrix for a complex application.


In addition to being used as references to data-based resources within the application, this kind of identifier is often used to refer to functions of the application itself. As you saw in Chapter 4, an application may deliver different functions via a single page, which accepts a function name or identifier as a parameter. Again in this situation, access controls may run no deeper than the presence or absence of specific URLs within the interfaces of different types of users. If an attacker can determine the identifier for a sensitive function, he may be able to access it in the same way as a more privileged user.


In addition to implementing effective access controls within the web application itself, as already described, a multilayered approach can be applied in various ways to the components that underlie the application:


In cases where static resources that the application is protecting are ultimately accessed directly via URLs to the resource files themselves, you should test whether it is possible for unauthorized users to simply request these URLs directly.


In contrast to this approach, the previously described method of using a central application component to enforce access controls has many benefits:


In many cases of broken access controls, sensitive functionality and resources can be accessed by anyone who knows the relevant URL. For example, with many applications, anyone who visits a specific URL can make full use of its administrative functions:


In many cases, vertical and horizontal access controls are intertwined. For example, an enterprise resource planning application may allow each accounts payable clerk to pay invoices for a specific organizational unit and no other. The accounts payable manager, on the other hand, may be allowed to pay invoices for any unit. Similarly, clerks may be able to pay invoices for small amounts, but larger invoices must be paid by the manager. The finance director may be able to view invoice payments and receipts for every organizational unit in the company but may not be permitted to pay any invoices.


In other unsafe access control models, the application uses the HTTP Referer header as the basis for making access control decisions. For example, an application may strictly control access to the main administrative menu based on a user's privileges. But when a user makes a request for an individual administrative function, the application may simply check whether this request was referred from the administrative menu page. It might assume that the user must have accessed that page and therefore has the required privileges. This model is fundamentally broken, of course, because the Referer header is completely under the user's control and can be set to any value.


In principle, requests specifying a server-side API to be executed need be no less secure than those specifying a server-side script or other resource. In practice, however, this type of mechanism frequently contains vulnerabilities. Often, the client interacts directly with server-side API methods and bypasses the application's normal controls over access or unexpected input vectors. There is also a chance that other functionality exists that can be invoked in this way and is not protected by any controls, on the assumption that it could never be directly invoked by web application clients. Often, there is a need to provide users with access to certain specific methods, but they are instead given access to all methods. This is either because the developer is not fully aware of which subset of methods to proxy and provides access to all methods, or because the API used to map them to the HTTP server provides access to all methods by default.


In some applications where sensitive functionality is hidden behind URLs that are not easy to guess, an attacker may often be able to identify these via close inspection of client-side code. Many applications use JavaScript to build the user interface dynamically within the client. This typically works by setting various flags regarding the user's status and then adding individual elements to the UI on the basis of these:


In some cases, platforms handle requests that use unrecognized HTTP methods by simply passing them to the GET request handler. In this situation, platform-level controls that just deny certain specified HTTP methods can be bypassed by specifying an arbitrary invalid HTTP method in the request.


In some versions of this model, the application determines a user's role or access level at the time of login and from this point onward transmits this information via the client in a hidden form field, cookie, or preset query string parameter (see Chapter 5). When each subsequent request is processed, the application reads this request parameter and decides what access to grant the user accordingly.


In the cases described so far, broken access controls enable users who have authenticated themselves to the application in a particular user context to perform actions or access data for which that context does not authorize them. However, in the most serious cases of broken access control, it may be possible for completely unauthorized users to gain access to functionality or data that is intended to be accessed only by privileged authenticated users.


In the majority of cases, users gain access to protected functionality and resources by issuing requests to dynamic pages that execute on the server. It is the responsibility of each such page to perform suitable access control checks and confirm that the user has the relevant privileges to perform the action he or she is attempting.


In the previous example, when a user attempts to load the user maintenance menu and chooses the option to add a new user, the application may verify that the user has the required privileges and block access if the user does not. However, if an attacker proceeds directly to the stage of specifying the user's department and other details, there may be no effective access control. The developers unconsciously assumed that any user who reaches the later stages of the process must have the relevant privileges because this was verified at the earlier stages. The result is that any user of the application can add a new administrative user account and thereby take full control of the application, gaining access to many other functions whose access control is intrinsically robust.


In this example, an attacker seeking to gain unauthorized access needs to know not only the name of the application page (ViewDocument.php) but also the identifier of the document he wants to view. Sometimes, resource identifiers are generated in a highly unpredictable manner; for example, they may be randomly chosen GUIDs. In other cases, they may be easily guessed; for example, they may be sequentially generated numbers. However, the application is vulnerable in both cases. As described previously, URLs do not have the status of secrets, and the same applies to resource identifiers. Often, an attacker who wants to discover the identifiers of other users' resources can find some location within the application that discloses these, such as access logs. Even where an application's resource identifiers cannot be easily guessed, the application is still vulnerable if it fails to properly control access to those resources. In cases where the identifiers are easily predicted, the problem is even more serious and more easily exploited.


In this example, in addition to testing the access controls over the getCurrentUserRoles method, you should check for the existence of other similarly named methods such as getAllUserRoles, getAllRoles, getAllUsers, and getCurrentUserPermissions. Further considerations specific to the testing of direct access to methods are described later in this chapter.


In this situation, the application typically enforces access control only to the following extent: users who have logged in as administrators see a link to this URL on their user interface, and other users do not. This cosmetic difference is the only mechanism in place to "protect" the sensitive functionality from unauthorized use.


Interpreting the results of the site map comparison requires human intelligence and an understanding of the meaning and context of specific application functions. For example, Figure 8.1 shows the responses that are returned to each user when they view their home page. The two responses show a different description of the logged-in user, and the administrative user has an additional menu item. These differences are to be expected, and they are neutral as to the effectiveness of the application's access controls, since they concern only the user interface.


Issues relating to access apply not only to the web application itself but also to the other infrastructure tiers that lie beneath it — in particular, the application server, the database, and the operating system. Taking a defense-in-depth approach to security entails implementing access controls at each of these layers to create several layers of protection. This provides greater assurance against threats of unauthorized access, because if an attacker succeeds at compromising defenses at one layer, the attack may yet be blocked by defenses at another layer.


It is common to encounter applications in which efforts have been made to protect this kind of sensitive functionality from unauthorized access but where the access controls employed are broken because of flawed assumptions about how the functionality will be used.


It is common to find cases where vulnerability in the application's horizontal separation of privileges can lead immediately to a vertical escalation attack. For example, if a user finds a way to set a different user's password, the user can attack an administrative account and take control of the application.


Location-based access controls are relatively easy for an attacker to circumvent. Here are some common methods of bypassing them:


Many businesses have a regulatory or business requirement to restrict access to resources depending on the user's geographic location. These are not limited to the financial sector but include news services and others. In these situations, a company may employ various methods to locate the user, the most common of which is geolocation of the user's current IP address.


Many kinds of functions within an application are implemented across several stages, involving multiple requests being sent from the client to the server. For example, a function to add a new user may involve choosing this option from a user maintenance menu, selecting the department and user role from drop-down lists, and then entering the new username, initial password, and other information.


Simply exploring the site map tree and looking at the number of differences between items is insufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of the application's access controls. Two identical responses may indicate a vulnerability (for example, in an administrative function that discloses sensitive information) or may be harmless (for example, in an unprotected search function). Conversely, two different responses may still mean that a vulnerability exists (for example, in an administrative function that returns different content each time it is accessed) or may be harmless (for example, in a page showing profile information about the currently logged-in user). For these reasons, fully automated tools generally are ineffective at identifying access control vulnerabilities. Using Burp's functionality to compare site maps, you can automate as much of the process as possible, giving you all the information you need in a ready form, and letting you apply your knowledge of the application's functionality to identify any actual vulnerabilities.


Since this is a well-known servlet, perhaps you can access other servlets to perform unauthorized actions.


Some applications employ a fundamentally insecure access control model in which access control decisions are made on the basis of request parameters submitted by the client, or other conditions that are within an attacker's control.


Some applications use controls at the web server or application platform layer to control access. Typically, access to specified URL paths is restricted based on the user's role within the application. For example, access to the /admin path may be denied to users who are not in the Administrators group. In principle, this is an entirely legitimate means of controlling access. However, mistakes made in the configuration of the platform-level controls can often allow unauthorized access to occur.


Sometimes, the URL that grants access to powerful functions may be less easy to guess, and may even be quite cryptic:


Testing an application's access controls thoroughly is a time-consuming process. Fortunately, some tools can help you automate some of the work involved, to make your testing quicker and more reliable. This will allow you to focus on the parts of the task that require human intelligence to perform effectively.


The URLs seen by ordinary users contain a different parameter, or none at all. Any user who is aware of the parameter assigned to administrators can simply set it in his own requests and thereby gain access to administrative functions.


The absence of any genuine access control still constitutes a serious vulnerability, regardless of how easy it would be to guess the URL. URLs do not have the status of secrets, either within the application itself or in the hands of its users. They are displayed on-screen, and they appear in browser histories and the logs of web servers and proxy servers. Users may write them down, bookmark them, or e-mail them. They are not usually changed periodically, as passwords should be. When users change job roles, and their access to administrative functionality needs to be withdrawn, there is no way to delete their knowledge of a particular URL.


The approach described in the preceding section — comparing the application's contents when accessed in different user contexts — is ineffective when testing some multistage processes. Here, to perform an action, the user typically must make several requests in the correct sequence, with the application building some state about the user's actions as he or she does so. Simply rerequesting each of the items in a site map may fail to replicate the process correctly, so the attempted action may fail for reasons other than the use of access controls.


The authors have encountered this type of vulnerability even in the most security-critical web applications — those deployed by online banks. Making a funds transfer in a banking application typically involves multiple stages, partly to prevent users from accidentally making mistakes when requesting a transfer. This multistage process involves capturing different items of data from the user at each stage. This data is checked thoroughly when first submitted and then usually is passed to each subsequent stage, using hidden fields in HTML form. However, if the application does not revalidate all this data at the final stage, an attacker can potentially bypass the server's checks. For example, the application might verify that the source account selected for the transfer belongs to the current user and then ask for details about the destination account and the amount of the transfer. If a user intercepts the final POST request of this process and modifies the source account number, she can execute a horizontal privilege escalation and transfer funds out of an account belonging to a different user.


The easiest and most effective way to test the effectiveness of an application's access controls is to access the application using different accounts. That way you can determine whether resources and functionality that can be accessed legitimately by one account can be accessed illegitimately by another.


The following example shows the getCurrentUserRoles method being invoked from within the interface securityCheck:


The following represents a best-practice approach to implementing effective access controls within web applications:


The platform-level configuration normally takes the form of rules that are akin to firewall policy rules, which allow or deny access based on the following:


This type of access control may sometimes be difficult to detect without actually using the application as a high-privileged user and identifying what requests are made. The techniques described in Chapter 4 for discovering hidden request parameters may be successful in discovering the mechanism when working only as an ordinary user.


This type of vulnerability often arises when the main application interfaces with an external system or back-end component. It can be difficult to share a session-based security model between different systems that may be based on diverse technologies. Faced with this problem, developers frequently take a shortcut and move away from that model, using client-submitted parameters to make access control decisions.


Vertical access controls allow different types of users to access different parts of the application's functionality. In the simplest case, this typically involves a division between ordinary users and administrators. In more complex cases, vertical access controls may involve fine-grained user roles granting access to specific functions, with each user being allocated to a single role, or a combination of different roles.


Web application developers often implement access control functions on a piecemeal basis. They add code to individual pages in cases where some access control is required, and they often cut and paste the same code between pages to implement similar requirements. This approach carries an inherent risk of defects in the resulting access control mechanism. Many cases are overlooked where controls are required, controls designed for one area may not operate in the intended way in another area, and modifications made elsewhere within the application may break existing controls by violating assumptions made by them.


What is more surprising, on the face of it, is that applications can still be vulnerable even if the platform-level rule denies access to both the GET and POST methods. This happens because requests using other HTTP methods may ultimately be handled by the same application code that handles GET and POST requests. One example of this is the HEAD method. According to specifications, servers should respond to a HEAD request with the same headers they would use to respond to the corresponding GET request, but with no message body. Hence, most platforms correctly service HEAD requests by executing the corresponding GET handler and just return the HTTP headers that are generated. GET requests can often be used to perform sensitive actions, either because the application itself uses GET requests for this purpose (contrary to specifications) or because it does not verify that the POST method is being used. If an attacker can use a HEAD request to add an administrative user account, he or she can live without receiving any message body in the response.


When a function of an application is used to gain access to a specific resource, it is common to see an identifier for the requested resource being passed to the server in a request parameter, within either the URL query string or the body of a POST request. For example, an application may use the following URL to display a specific document belonging to a particular user:


When all accessible functionality has been enumerated, you need to test whether per-user segregation of access to resources is being correctly enforced. In every instance where the application grants users access to a subset of a wider range of resources of the same type (such as documents, orders, e-mails, and personal details), there may be opportunities for one user to gain unauthorized access to other resources.


When designing role-based access control mechanisms, you must balance the number of roles so that they remain a useful tool to help manage privileges within the application. If too many fine-grained roles are created, the number of different roles becomes unwieldy, and they are difficult to manage accurately. If too few roles are created, the resulting roles will be a coarse instrument for managing access. It is likely that individual users will be assigned privileges that are not strictly necessary to perform their function.


When the user who owns the document is logged in, a link to this URL is displayed on the user's My Documents page. Other users do not see the link. However, if access controls are broken, any user who requests the relevant URL may be able to view the document in exactly the same way as the authorized user.


When you are testing multistage processes in different user contexts, it is sometimes helpful to review the sequences of requests that are made by different users side-by-side to identify subtle differences that may merit further investigation.


When you detect an access control vulnerability, an immediate attack to follow up with is to attempt to escalate your privileges further by compromising a user account that has administrative privileges. You can use various tricks to locate an administrative account. Using an access control flaw like the one illustrated, you may harvest hundreds of user credentials and not relish the task of logging in manually as every user until you find an administrator. However, when accounts are identified by a sequential numeric ID, it is common to find that the lowest account numbers are assigned to administrators. Logging in as the first few users who were registered with the application often identifies an administrator. If this approach fails, an effective method is to find a function within the application where access is properly segregated horizontally, such as the main home page presented to each user. Write a script to log in using each set of captured credentials, and then try to access your own home page. It is likely that administrative users can view every user's home page, so you will immediately detect when an administrative account is being used.


When you select Burp's "request in browser in current browser session" feature for a specified request, Burp gives you a unique URL targeting Burp's internal web server, which you paste into your browser's address bar. When your browser requests this URL, Burp returns a redirection to the originally specified URL. When your browser follows the redirection, Burp replaces the request with the one you originally specified, while leaving the Cookie header intact. If you are testing different user contexts, you can speed up this process. Log in to several different browsers as different users, and paste the URL into each browser to see how the request is handled for the user who is logged in using that browser. (Note that because cookies generally are shared between different windows of the same browser, you normally will need to use different browser products, or browsers on different machines, to perform this test.)


Where an application uses requests that give direct access to server-side API methods, any access control weaknesses within those methods normally are identified using the methodology already described. However, you should also test for the existence of additional APIs that may not be properly protected.


Within a security model of this kind, you can see how various useful access control concepts can be applied:


Within the application's core security mechanisms, access controls are logically built on authentication and session management. So far, you have seen how an application can first verify a user's identity and then confirm that a particular sequence of requests that it receives originated from the same user. The primary reason that the application needs to do these things — in terms of security, at least — is because it needs a way to decide whether it should permit a given request to perform its attempted action or access the resources it is requesting. Access controls are a critical defense mechanism within the application because they are responsible for making these key decisions. When they are defective, an attacker can often compromise the entire application, taking control of administrative functionality and accessing sensitive data belonging to every other user.

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