Chapter 8 Enviro

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A good liner for a landfill is made of clay. sand. silt. basalt. loam.

point D.

New ocean floor is created at point A. point B. point C. point D. point E.

lowers the pH of the soil and streams in the area mined.

Acid mine drainage raises the pH of the surrounding water bodies. may be caused by plants in the mining basin. causes black lung disease. lowers the pH of the soil and streams in the area mined. is only a problem in the northeastern United States.

ash from an Icelandic volcano.

Air travel across the Atlantic Ocean was disrupted during the spring of 2010 due to a huge eruption of lava from Mount St. Helens. a volcano in the Philippines. ash from an Icelandic volcano. an earthquake at the mid-Atlantic ridge. numerous hurricanes.

I and II

Acid rain is destructive to I. limestone gravestones. II. marble statues III. granite outcrops only II only I and II I and III I, II, and III

Igneous—liquid magma

Select the correct rock type connected with its mode of origin. Igneous—liquid magma Sedimentary—exposure to high temperatures and pressures Metamorphic—compression of mud by overlying sediments Sedimentary—compression of magma All of the above

magma rises.

At a hot spot, water rises. earthquakes are rare. magma rises. plates are stationary. magma sinks.

I, II, and III

The damage an earthquake causes is predicted by I. its magnitude on the Richter scale. II. the proximity of the epicenter to densely populated areas. III. the quality of building construction close to the earthquake zone. I only II only II and III only I, II, and III

All of the above

Environmental problems associated with mining involve use of mercury. damage to streams. soil erosion. habitat fragmentation and destruction. All of the above

All of the above

Erosion is caused by wind. water. gravity. burrowing animals. All of the above


The Earth is about ____ billion years old. 1.6 2.6 3.6 4.6 8.6

point B.

A subduction zone is shown at point A. point B. point C. point D. point E.


An earthquake that measures 8.0 on the Richter scale is ____ times stronger than an earthquake that measures 5.0. 3 300 3000 1000 10,000

I only

Fossils, formed from plant or animal remains, are found in I. sedimentary rock. II. metamorphic rock. III. igneous rock. I only II only III only I and III II and III

physical weathering.

Freeze thaw is an example of chemical weathering. physical erosion. physical weathering. chemical erosion. both physical and chemical weathering.

continental crust.

Granitic rock is the dominant rock type in oceanic crust. continental crust. at subduction zones. at areas where seafloor spreading is taking place. in the Hawaiian Islands.

All of the above

Hybrid electric cars come with environmental trade-offs including pumping acids into deep boreholes to dissolve surrounding rock. ground disturbance, which enables air and water to react with other minerals in the rock. fragmentation of natural habitat. acid mine drainage flowing over land. All of the above

chemical weathering because they produce weak acids.

Lichens are very important in chemical weathering because they produce weak acids. chemical weathering only when they are in contact with limestone. chemical weathering because they create carbon dioxide. physical weathering because they cause landslides. preventing physical weathering because they cling to plant roots.

water dissolves them and they precipitate out to form veins.

Rich deposits of gold and silver may be concentrated when water dissolves them and they precipitate out to form veins. veins open to expose them to the surface. they form underground. caves are filled with gemstones. ore is buried.

Both A and B

The E horizon is a zone of eluviation. the zone through which iron and aluminum pass from overlying horizons. the zone that receives dissolved organic acids that pass from overlying horizons. present in all soils. Both A and B

3000 km

The core of the earth is approximately ____ below the Earth's surface. 2000 miles 2000 km 3000 miles 3000 km None of the above

is common in areas with sandy soils because water flows through them easily

The infiltration of pollutants into groundwater is rare in areas with sandy soils is common in areas with clay soils because water flows through them easily. is most likely in geologic regions with basaltic bedrock. is common in areas with sandy soils because water flows through them easily. is impossible in areas that were at one time connected with an ocean.


The layer of soil on the surface of the earth is at the top of the crust. mantle. core. asthenosphere. None of the above

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

The legislation that mandates that land should be minimally disturbed during the mining process and reclaimed after mining is completed is called the Mining Law of 1872. General Mining Act. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. Surface Mining Act of 1987. General Surface Mining Act of 1998.

all of the crust.

The lithosphere includes part of the core. all of the crust. the entire mantle. all of the core. both A and C.


A geologist finds a substance with uniform crystalline structure and composition throughout. In the lab it is determined that the substance consists of more than one element. The term that properly identifies the substance is soil. rock. mineral. gold. crystal.

8,300,000 years

A rare rock formation is found 300 km from a matching formation. The continent on which it is found is part of a plate that is moving at a rate of 36 mm/year. Which answer most closely approximates how many years ago the matching rocks were separated? 8300 years 83,000 years 8,300,000 years 830 years 10,800 years

rock formations in sequences that match on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

Alfred Wegener's evidence for claiming that the continents have not always been positioned where they are today is found in fossils in Antarctica matching fossils in Greenland. rock formations in sequences that match on opposite sides of the Atlantic. fossils of animals that are mixed up from their original positions. the presence of mammalian fossils in both South America and Africa. All of the above

I, II, and III

As plates move, organisms must respond to changes such as I. speciation. II. extinction. III. alterations in behavior of predators and prey. I only I and II I and III II and III I, II, and III

point C.

Asthenosphere is shown at point B. point C. point E. point G. point I.

proportion of soil bases to acids.

Base saturation of the soil is a measure of the ability of water to drain. ability of nutrients to adhere to clay particles. proportion of soil bases to acids. particulate matter in lakes. percentage of water to particles in a sample.

is high, meaning that it adsorbs and releases positively charged ions.

Cation exchange capacity in clay is high, meaning that it retains water efficiently. is low, meaning that it releases ions with a negative charge. is high, meaning that it absorbs and releases positively charged ions. is low, meaning that it cannot adsorb positively charged ions. is high, meaning that anions are adsorbed.

Both B and D

Chemical weathering is detrimental to Earth. is part of the cycle that allows nutrients to be renewed to the soil. is responsible for global warming. may reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. Both B and D

Possibly, if there are more people living in the area.

Could an earthquake that has a magnitude 5.9 on the Richter scale be more damaging than one that measures 7.5? Never, because it is not as strong. Yes, because it causes a different kind of damage. Possibly, because it is 1000 times stronger. Possibly, if there are more people living in the area. Not likely, if the construction in the 5.9 is earthquake resistant.

All of the above

Erosion of soil can be accelerated by which of the following practices? Road building Logging Construction Agriculture All of the above


Magma circulates in convection cells in the crust. asthenosphere. core. lithosphere. mid-ocean ridge.

Both B and D

Metamorphic rocks can only be formed from rocks that originate from magmatic melt. have been subjected to high heat and pressure. can result from exposure to tectonic forces. include marble and slate. Both B and D

B horizon, the subsoil.

Mineral nutrients are primarily present in the A horizon, the zone of eluviation. B horizon, the subsoil. E horizon, leached zone. C horizon, the parent rock. B horizon, the topsoil.

All of the above

Ores may form when igneous rock is deposited. as a precipitate when magma comes into contact with water. in veins. as a result of physical separation from other materials. All of the above

both physical and chemical weathering.

Plant roots cause only physical weathering. only chemical weathering. both physical and chemical weathering. neither chemical or physical weathering. only erosion.

granite→feldspar→clay→potassium ions.

Rocks comprise primary minerals that erode to secondary minerals and then to ionic forms of these minerals. An example is basalt→granite→feldspar→magnesium. basalt→feldspar→clay→nitrogen. feldspar→clay→marble→calcium carbonate. granite→feldspar→clay→potassium ions. granite→clay→calcium carbonate→sodium.

All of the above

Sedimentary rock may be formed by sediments deposited on an ocean floor. by sediments deposited in a stream. by sediments deposited on a lake bottom. as a result of compression by overlying sediments. All of the above

Both B and C

Select the correct combination of igneous rock type and composition. Granitic—high concentrations of magnesium, iron, and calcium Granitic—feldspar, mica, quartz Basaltic—high concentrations of magnesium, iron, and calcium Basaltic—feldspar, mica, quartz. Both B and C

Obsidian—smooth, very fine grained, hardens rapidly, so crystals don't have time to develop

Select the correct combination of igneous rock types and conditions under which they form. Intrusive—small crystals because they form slowly, giving them time to develop Extrusive—large crystals because they form slowly, giving them time to develop Subsurface—primarily heavy metals Obsidian—smooth, very fine grained, hardens rapidly, so crystals don't have time to develop Both A and C


Select the correct order of physical size of sediment particles from largest to smallest. Sand-silt-clay Silt-sand-clay Loam-silt-clay Loam-sand-silt Clay-silt-sand

compaction by the use of heavy machinery.

Soil degradation is caused by compaction by the use of heavy machinery. burrowing animals such as earthworms. nitrogen fixing bacteria. pesticides. All of the above

primarily sand.

Soil drains most rapidly when it is made up of primarily sand. roughly equal proportions of silt and clay. primarily clay. roughly equal proportions of sand, silt, and clay. primarily silt.

the parent material has a high calcium carbonate content.

Soil is more fertile when it has been farmed for many years because the crop plants contribute many nutrients to the soil. the parent rock has a high quartz content. there are few organisms and other biotic components in the soil. the parent material has a high calcium carbonate content. the soil is located in the humid tropics.

more permeable.

Soils that develop from granitic rock tend to be less permeable. more permeable. less fertile. more fertile. None of the above

is a form of surface mining in which "strips" of soil and rock are removed to expose ore.

Strip mining is a form of subsurface mining in which "strips" of soil and rock are removed to expose ore. is a form of surface mining in which "strips" of soil and rock are removed to expose ore. refers to both surface and subsurface mining. is the most dangerous form of mining for the miners. is not practiced in the United States.

0.02 km

The European continent and North America are moving away from each other at a rate of 36 mm/year. Which answer most closely approximates how much farther apart the continents were in 2010 than when Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic in 1492? 0.02 km 0.2 km 180,000 mm 1800 mm 1.8 cm

oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and iron.

The crustal abundance of four elements makes up greater than 88% of the Earth's crust. These elements are gold, copper, nickel, and silicon. oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and iron. oxygen, gold, aluminum, and iron. oxygen, silicon, nickel, and iron nitrogen, silicon, aluminum, and iron.

chemical weathering results in new substances.

The difference between chemical and physical weathering of rock is that physical weathering creates new substances. chemical weathering results in new substances. chemical weathering results in erosion. physical weathering results in erosion. there is no difference because both result in deteriorated rock.

weathering refers to the breakdown of the rock; erosion refers to the removal of the rock from its landscape.

The difference between weathering and erosion is that weathering is a chemical process; erosion is strictly physical. weathering refers to the breakdown of the rock; erosion refers to the removal of the rock from its landscape. erosion refers to the breakdown of the rock; weathering refers to the removal of the rock from its landscape. weathering happens in the tropics; erosion happens in temperate environments. there is no difference between weathering and erosion.

soil is nutrient poor in the humid tropics because of the warm temperatures and high rain creating

The effect of temperature and rainfall on the soil is that soil is richest in the humid tropics because of the warm temperatures and high rain creating conditions most able to decompose organic matter. soil is nutrient poor in the humid tropics because of the warm temperatures and high rain creating conditions most able to weather rock and leach nutrients from the ground. soil is thickest and most fertile nearest to the poles because the land freezes and contains decomposed organic matter. soil is thickest on steep slopes in very dry areas. soil has very little organic matter on the surface in temperate areas because of rapid decomposition of organic matter

most dense elements are in the center, called the core

The elements of Earth are separated such that the most dense elements are in the center, called the mantle. most dense elements are at the surface, called the crust. least dense elements are at the surface, called the mantle. most dense elements are in the center, called the core. least dense elements are in the center, called the core.

All of the above

The function(s) of soil is/are the following: filter of water and atmospheric chemical compounds. habitat for organisms. anchor for plants. location for recycling of organic matter. All of the above

radioactive decay.

The high temperatures at the center of the earth are the result of continued spinning due to the orbit created when the solar system originated. absorption of solar energy. radio signals. radioactive decay. ultraviolet rays.

C horizon.

The least weathered zone in a soil is the A horizon. O horizon. E horizon. C horizon. B horizon.

how quickly it drains.

The porosity of soil is a measure of ts cation exchange capacity. how deep its topsoil layer is. how much biological material it contains. how quickly it drains. None of the above

All of the above

The rock cycle operates in the following order: sedimentary-metamorphic-igneous. igneous-metamorphic-sedimentary. sedimentary-igneous-metamorphic. metamorphic-igneous-sedimentary. All of the above

a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that promotes water drainage and retention.

The soil that is best for growing most plants is composed of clay because it retains nutrients and water tightly. sand because water drains most easily. silt, because it is a medium sized particle. a mixture of sand to drain well and clay to hold nutrients. a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that promotes water drainage and retention.

more soil bases than acids.

The soil that yields the greatest productivity for agriculture has high cation exchange capacity and low porosity. low cation exchange capacity and high porosity. greater than 20% clay because it creates cation exchange capacity. an equal amount of soil acids and bases. more soil bases than acids.

Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates, which move.

The theory of plate tectonics states the following: Earth's asthenosphere is divided into plates, which move. Earth's mantle is divided into plates, which move. Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates, which move. Earth's core is divided into plates, which move. The crust of the Earth is molten.

A horizon.

Topsoil is the A horizon. O horizon. B horizon. C horizon. parent material.

O horizon

Use Figure 8-2. Identify the zone labeled A on the figure above. A horizon O horizon B horizon C horizon E horizon

C horizon

Use Figure 8-2. Identify the zone labeled D on the figure above. A horizon O horizon B horizon E horizon C horizon

40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay

Use Figure 8-3. Using the soil triangle above, what is the percentage of sand, silt, and clay at Point A? 40% sand, 20% silt, 40% clay 40% sand, 30% silt, 10% clay 30% sand, 40% silt, 30% clay 40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay 35% sand, 35% silt, 30% clay

20% sand, 40% silt, 40% clay

Use Figure 8-3. Using the soil triangle above, what is the percentage of sand, silt, and clay at Point B? 20% sand, 40% silt, 40% clay 20% sand, 50% silt, 30% clay 30% sand, 50% silt, 20% clay 40% sand, 10% silt, 50% clay 40% sand, 30% silt, 30% clay

All of the above

Volcanoes may be found at or near plate boundaries where ____ is happening. subduction divergence convergence seafloor spreading All of the above

Nuclear power plants are programmed to shut down if ground movement above a certain threshold occurs.

What is true about the operation of nuclear power plants in seismically active areas? The large majority of nuclear power plants are located in seismically active areas. Nuclear power plants are designed to harness the energy of seismic activity to generate additional power. Seismic activity has no safety implications for nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants are programmed to shut down if ground movement above a certain threshold occurs. Because of safety concerns, no nuclear power plant has ever been constructed in a seismically active area.

e) Both A and C

When minerals within a rock respond differently to temperature changes, it results in a) physical weathering. b) chemical weathering. c) differential cracking of the rock. d) creation of courser grains in the rock. e) Both A and C

the rock weathers more rapidly because there are greater surfaces on which chemicals can work.

When surface area of a rock is increased, the rock is less vulnerable to chemical weathering. the rock is less vulnerable to physical weathering. the rock weathers less rapidly because fewer surfaces are exposed. the rock weathers more rapidly because there are greater surfaces on which chemicals can work. erosion slows down.

I and III

Which of the following chemical reactions are involved in the creation of acid rain? I. Sulfur dioxide and water vapor combine to create sulfuric acid. II. Hydrogen and chlorine combine to create hydrochloric acid. III. Sulfur and oxygen combine to create sulfur dioxide. I only II only III only I and II I and III

A hybrid car has the potential to use only half as much gasoline as an internal combustion car.

Which of the following statement about hybrid vehicles is accurate? Cars that use a combination of electricity and gasoline present a mode of transportation with negligible environmental impact. A hybrid car has the potential to use only half as much gasoline as an internal combustion car. There are so many downsides to the use of hybrid SUVs that they should not be sold. The lanthanum required for use in a hybrid car is a renewable resource. The metals needed for producing hybrid cars will be depleted by 2012.

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