Chapter 8 Exam

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Why was the U.S. Constitution amended during the Vietnam War?

a. To lower the voting age to 18

President Franklin D. Roosevelt died before World War II was officially over, and President Harry Truman took over the U.S. presidency. How was Truman's approach to international leadership different from Roosevelt's?

a. Truman was less trustful of Stalin.

The point of view expressed in this political cartoon is sympathetic to which of the following groups?

a. Workers

President Kennedy started the Peace Corps in order to —

a. assist third-world countries and limit the spread of communism

Third-party presidential candidate George Wallace promised to —

a. continue fighting in Vietnam to establish a solid victory

Despite the mass civilian casualties he knew its use would cause, President Truman chose to approve the deployment of atomic bombs because —

a. he believed his duty was to end the war and protect American lives

Floridians organized the Mosquito Fleet to

a. patrol the coasts during World War II.

Why is the Bill of Rights an important part of the U.S. Constitution?

b. It protects Americans' personal freedoms.

Why did the Supreme Court find Roosevelt's National Industrial Recovery Act to be unconstitutional?

b. The letters indicate that policies to protect customers' deposits have been mandated by the bank since the New Deal.

According to the information in this graph, which of the following would most likely have been shipped to Europe in the largest quantities?

b. iron ore

"A potential aggressor must know that he cannot always prescribe battle conditions to suit him. . . . The way to deter aggression is for the free community to be willing and able to respond vigorously at places and with means of his choosing." —John Foster Dulles, 1954 In this text, Dulles announced the policy of

b. massive retaliation.

The Hungarian revolt of 1956 was encouraged partly by

b. the hope that Khrushchev would be less repressive than Stalin.

Shelters such as this represented American concern about

c. a potential nuclear attack during the Cold War.

Many of the technologies developed in the United States to enable space exploration have benefitted our quality of life in unexpected ways. Technology developed during the space race to the moon resulted in —

c. cordless technology that allows us to work freely without being tethered to a power cord or electric wire

Free soil, Free speech, Free labor, and Free men Which part of this motto, adopted by the Free-Soil party of the 1840s, reflects one of the founding principles preserved in the Bill of Rights?

d. Free speech

What was the purpose of the War Powers Act?

d. It restricted the President's war-making powers by requiring the executive branch to consult with Congress.

The 38th parallel was the basis of

d. a cease-fire in the conflict between North and South Korea.

Why did President Johnson support and promote the escalation of American forces in Vietnam?

. He believed that a powerful American army, rather than the South Vietnamese forces, would be better able to win the war.

Why did antiwar protests increase when the United States invaded Cambodia?

a. Antiwar activists accused Nixon of widening the war.

In addition to the war waging in the Pacific, the war in Europe was fought on multiple fronts. Based on this map, what was the Allied strategy for victory against the European Axis powers?

a. Attack the Axis powers from the east, west, and south with the ultimate plan to capture Berlin

Which of the following was a religious leader known for his revivals?

a. Billy Graham

Which of the following best represents the message of the political cartoon about William Jennings Bryan and the Populist Party above?

a. Bryan's Populist views will take over the Democratic Party.

The old South rested everything on slavery and agriculture, unconscious that these could neither give nor maintain healthy growth. The new South presents a perfect democracy... and a diversified industry that meets the complex needs of this complex age. —Henry Grady, 1866 The author of this quotation would most likely support which of these economic approaches?

a. Building more textile mills in the South

One reason the United States got involved in the Korean War was to stop communism from spreading from the nation of —

a. China

In this political cartoon, the central figure speaking in favor of the Fair Deal is

a. Harry Truman.

"As an American, I am shocked at the way Republicans and Democrats alike are playing directly into the Communist design of "confuse, divide, and conquer." As an American, I don't want a Democratic Administration "whitewash" or "cover-up" any more than I want a Republican smear or witch hunt. As an American, I condemn a Republican "Fascist" just as much I condemn a Democratic "Communist." I condemn a Democrat "Fascist" just as much as I condemn a Republican "Communist." They are equally dangerous to you and me and to our country. As an American, I want to see our nation recapture the strength and unity it once had when we fought the enemy instead of ourselves." —Senator Margaret Chase Smith, "Declaration of Conscience" In this speech, Senator Smith is discussing the dangers of

a. McCarthyism.

What was the effect of the end of World War I on race relations in industrial northern cities?

a. Racial tensions increased and eventually erupted into violence and rioting.

The chart shows major civil rights legislation, which greatly increased equality in the United States. Which piece of legislation most clearly paved the way for President Nixon's establishment of affirmative action?

a. The Civil Rights Act of 1964

What is the importance of the letters displayed on the First Republic Bank shown in the photograph?

a. The letters indicate that federal policies enacted during the New Deal still protect customers' bank deposits.

How did the Enforcement Acts try to protect citizens?

a. They made it a federal crime to interfere with a citizen's right to vote.

"We have made tremendous public investments in highways, hydroelectric power projects, soil conservation, and reclamation. We have established a system of social security. We have enacted laws protecting the rights and the welfare of our working people and the income of our farmers. These Federal policies have paid for themselves many times over. They have strengthened the material foundations of our democratic ideals. Without them, our present prosperity would be impossible. Reinforced by these policies, our private enterprise system has reached new heights of production. Since the boom year of 1929, while our population has increased by only 20 percent, our agricultural production has increased by 45 percent, and our industrial production has increased by 75 percent. We are turning out far more goods and more wealth per worker than we have ever done before." —President Harry S. Truman, Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union Which of Truman's Fair Deal reforms is an example of the Federal policies he discusses in his speech?

a. a higher minimum wage

One of the consequences of the economic conditions shown in the graph above was —

a. formation of Farmers' Alliances

One of the consequences of the adoption of mass transit in cities during the late 1800s was the —

a. growth of streetcar suburbs

Under the terms of the Pendleton Civil Service Act, individuals who wanted to work for the government --

a. had to take an exam to qualify

During the Gilded Age, technological innovations led to greater wealth and more leisure time, resulting in a notable —

a. increase in the standard of living

Soon after he took office, President Johnson encouraged Congress to honor President Kennedy's memory by —

a. passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964

After the Civil War, Florida's economic recovery was due to

a. the railroads that supplied lumber to rebuild the South.

Population growth in suburban and urban areas in the 1950s and 1960s caused —

a. traffic jams and water shortages

The events in the graphic organizer above had the effect of —

a. turning more Americans against the Vietnam War

In 1956 a Congressional bloc of southern Democrats endorsed "The Southern Manifesto, " pledging to —

a. use all "lawful means" to oppose the Brown v. Board of Education ruling

How did Progressive reforms regarding child labor affect the lives of children in the early 1900s?

b. As reformers promoted laws limiting child labor, the percentage of children in public schools rose.

How did President Wilson's Fourteen Points illustrate his vision for "peace without victory" following World War I?

b. Instead of awarding territory to members of the Allied Forces, the plan promotes open diplomacy, independence, and national self-determination.

Why was the Tet Offensive a turning point in the Vietnam War?

b. It showed Americans that the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong remained dedicated to the war.

"I have here in my hand a list of 205 [individuals] that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department." This statement was made by

b. Joseph McCarthy

Which option below best completes the concept web of General Patton's military contributions during World War II?

b. Led American troops to help secure Allied victory in North Africa

If we must die—let it not be like hogs, hunted and penned in an inglorious spot. While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursed lot. . . . What though before us lies the open grave? Like men we will face the murderous, cowardly pack, pressed to the wall, dying but fighting back! — Claude McKay, "If We Must Die" What important issue of the early 1900s is reflected in McKay's poetry?

b. McKay is responding to racial violence with what he considers to be justifiable anger and militancy.

The largest number of migrants to California in the late 1950s were from the

b. Midwest.

Which of the following American entrepreneurs was involved in the retail merchandising business?

b. Sam Walton

What strategy did entrepreneur Estee Lauder use to create a profitable business?

b. She sold her products in upscale department stores.

Why was the Fifteenth Amendment unable to protect African Americans' voting rights?

b. States were still able to impose voting restrictions based on literacy or property qualifications.

How did the NWP's approach to achieving women's suffrage differ from the methods of the NAWSA?

b. The NWP favored more dramatic measures, whereas NAWSA focused on more conservative, legal means.

• Social Security benefits • Federal public-works projects • Federal regulation of banks and stock markets • Federal labor law The list above illustrates several ways New Deal legislation altered the role of the federal government in the lives of the American people. Which statement best summarizes this change?

b. The act permitted executive control over interstate commerce.

How did the third action in this time line initiate a new direction for the United States?

b. The action demonstrated that the United States was willing to extend financial aid for Cuban independence to the Philippines.

How did the Hawley-Smoot tariff affect world trade?

b. The change set a trend for foreign nations to follow suit.

"We have a grave problem confronting us in Nasser's reckless adventure with the canal, and I do not differ from you in your estimate of his intentions and purposes. The place where we apparently do not agree is on the probable effects in the Arab world of the various possible reactions by the Western World. You seem to believe that any long, drawn out controversy will inevitably make Nasser an Arab hero. This, I think, is a picture too dark. I believe we can expect the Arabs to rally firmly to Nasser's support if there should be a resort to force without thoroughly exploring and exhausting every possible peaceful means of settling the issue. Nasser thrives on drama. If we let some of the drama go out of the situation and concentrate upon deflating him through slower but sure processes (such as economic pressures, Arab rivalries, a new pipeline to Turkey, more oil for Europe from Venezuela. I assure you we are not blind to the fact that eventually there may be no escape from the use of force. But to resort to military action when the world believes there are other means available would set in motion forces that could lead to the most distressing results." —Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Prime Minister Anthony Eden, September 1956 In this letter to the British Prime Minister, Eisenhower is trying to

b. persuade the British not to take the Suez Canal back by force.

Despite the fact that beatniks had a positive impact on the arts, they also opposed the conformity of the middle class, which caused their critics to think —

b. their values would harm society

Vietnam after World War II • France keeps tight hold on Vietnam and all its colonies in Indochina. • Ho Chi Minh leads a popular Vietnamese independence movement • The United States supports France as a necessary ally against the spread of communism in Europe. • Communist governments offer financial and military support to Ho Chi Minh. How did the United States' involvement in the Cold War in Europe lead to its military involvement in Vietnam?

c. Its choice to support France's colonial claims eventually pitted the United States against communist powers in Vietnam.

Prohibition was instituted in order to end the undesirable effects of alcohol consumption on families, public health, and public crime rates. Based on the infographic above, what statement best describes the effect of Prohibition on American society?

c. Many Americans continued to drink alcoholic beverages, while the beer and wine industries suffered and alcohol-related crime rose.

Executive Order 9066 designated certain areas of the United States as war zones, from which anyone might be removed for any reason. What was the result of this order?

c. More than 100,000 Japanese Americans were evacuated from areas of the West Coast and held in internment camps, many for the duration of the war.

What statement below best describes how and why women's roles in society changed during the 1920s as exemplified in the table above?

c. Once women won the right to vote, they began to look for other ways to make an impact on society, government, sports, and the workplace.

What information in this chart suggests that President Roosevelt successfully persuaded U.S. businesses to support rapid military growth?

c. One artist developed music that demonstrated a new interest in instrumentation, while the other's music was purely vocal.

President Andrew Johnson's Approach to Reconstruction What condition replaces the question mark in the table above?

c. Ratified the Thirteenth Amendment

Study the chart. It appears that the largest pools of immigrants are from Asia and Latin America. What explanation could account for the speculation that, in 2050, the U.S. will be 29% Hispanic but only 6% Asian?

c. Since the 1960s, Hispanic immigrants have been arriving at a steadily higher percentage than have immigrants from Asia.

Which change in economic policy was a direct effect of the United States government's decision to enter World War I?

c. The United States government began to exercise strong and effective control over domestic economic decisions.

How did the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson affect both the North and the South?

c. The basis for separate but equal legislation was established.

How did technology during World War I create stalemate on the battlefield?

c. The power of defensive weapons prevented each side from advancing.

According to the information in the table, what did Alger Hiss and Julius Rosenberg have in common?

c. They were both implicated by known Communists.

Why did Booker T. Washington not devote his energies to overturning Jim Crow laws?

c. Washington advised African Americans to develop vocational skills that would eventually lead to economic equality.

Based on this political cartoon, the arms race made humans the world over feel —

c. fearful of the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union

The transcontinental railroad helped close the frontier in the late 1900s by —

c. making it easier for settlers to migrate westward

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus because —

c. she was protesting in a nonviolent way

The first significant postwar target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was the film industry probably because

c. some feared that movies might influence people's politics.

"The developments resulting from our assault movements have now assumed a clear definition. All hope of localization of the Korean conflict to enemy forces composed of North Korean troops with alien token elements can now be completely abandoned... No pretext of minor support under the guise of volunteerism or other subterfuge now has the slightest validity. We face an entirely new war." —telegram from General Douglas MacArthur to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, November 28, 1950 General MacArthur sees recent developments as creating "an entirely new war" because

c. the Chinese entered the Korean War.

"I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." —President Harry S. Truman, Address Before a Joint Session of Congress, March 12, 1947 In this speech, Truman was advocating

c. the Truman Doctrine

After refusing to recognize Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan, Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill. What did it require?

d. A majority of a state's prewar voters had to pledge an oath of loyalty to the Union; also required guarantees of African American equality.

How did the rise of Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party lead Italy on the path to World War II?

d. Its goal was to restore efficiency and order and make Italy great again, but Mussolini became a dictator who allied Italy with Hitler's Germany.

Which statement best compares how these two musical artists reflected the characteristics of the Depression Era?

d. New Deal programs promoted a laissez-faire government approach to business that keeps Congress from enacting strong reforms today.

While the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson did not end as the Republicans hoped, how did they benefit anyway?

d. President Johnson helped the Republicans to push through the Fifteenth Amendment.

What result of the policy reflected in the cartoon had a negative impact on government control of businesses?

d. Roosevelt's approach of differentiating good trusts from bad trusts without clear criteria caused controls to be considered unfair.

President Harding's increase of protective tariff rates after World War I had an effect on future events. How did his actions eventually lead the nation into the Great Depression?

d. The tariff forced European nations to raise their tariffs, making American products less marketable overseas.

Why didn't the Allied Forces try to liberate Hitler's concentration camps before 1944?

d. They focused their efforts on defeating Hitler and claimed they did not have sufficient resources to deal with the camps as well.

How did the actions of the House Un-American Activities Committee against the three people discussed in the table above, named in the Venona Papers as communist conspirators, intensify Cold War tensions?

d. They were seemingly responsible citizens who were convicted of crimes related to communist espionage, raising serious concerns about the loyalty of other Americans.

They had come to the conclusion, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were about to take over . . . direct control of the government. . . . It is my opinion that had the president let it go on another week the institutions of our government would have been very severely threatened. —General Douglas MacArthur, 1932 How did the effects of the Great Depression lead to the military action against veterans of World War I, to which General MacArthur refers?

d. Veterans who found themselves out of work lobbied and actively demonstrated for their approved bonuses to be paid early.

The Beatniks' attitudes and appearance was

d. a reaction against postwar conformity and materialism.

Fears raised in 1965 about the cost of Medicare rising in the future have been supported by the fact that —

d. more people live longer today, so the percentage of workers has declined, while the percentage of Medicare participants has risen

The rise in the Sunbelt's political power was primarily due to a concurrent rise in

d. population migration.

In response to Soviet aggression after World War II, member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization promised to —

d. provide military assistance to other member nations

•Affordable new houses were built. • New highways were constructed. • Low-interest home loans were granted. The reasons listed above explain the 1950s demographic shift to —

d. suburban areas

The routes shown on this map represent efforts by civil rights activists to —

d. test the federal government's willingness to enforce the Court's ruling that segregation on interstate buses and in waiting rooms was illegal

What Civil War legislation helped change the economy of the nation?

d. the raising of tariffs, the introduction of income taxes, and the printing of money

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