Chapter 8 - Extending HTML

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A collection of variables stored in a series. Arrays are used to hold multiple values; a variable can hold only one value.


A collection of variables stored in a series. Arrays are used to hold multiple values; a variable can hold only one value.

What is Dynamic HTML (DHTML)?

A combination of HTML, script, styles and the Document Object Model (DOM) that provides Webpage interactivity


A command that prints application output to a destination, often a computer screen. For example, you can create an application that prints information to a window on the screen so you can monitor the application's progress.


A command that repeats the input you type back to a terminal or an application window. Echo can also be used in an application to repeat input so that it can be processed or forwarded.


A set of files called a library that you can refer to in your code. Programmers often include libraries in their code to avoid having to re-create code that has already been written.

Using simple JavaScript code, you can use cookies to:

detect browser type and version.

The HTML5 geolocation API can be used to:

determine a user's current position, monitor the user's location, and update any changes to that location.

What programming statement executes a process only when a particular condition is true?

if / then

Which programming statement executes a group of additional commands when a given condition is false?

if / then / else

What are the two benefits of using Java?

it is object-oriented and platform-independent

HTML5 APIs are used to create apps for:

mobile devices

What are some disadvantages of using Python?

traditionally slower than other languages and has some limitations in building high quality, 3-D graphics. It is also not a good choice for mobile web development


used in Perl applications to point to the location of the Perl interpreter. Many problems with Perl scripts originate with an improperly created line of this.

Server-side scripts are used for various purposes, including:

Browser detection. Database connectivity. Cookie creation and identification. Logon scripts. Hit counters. File uploading and downloading.

In database technology, what is the term for the SQL coding necessary to create relationships with the data stored in a database?

Business Logic

A server-side language has the following attributes:

Code is executed by the Web server, not by the Web browser. Code is generally placed into files called applications. These applications are assigned execute permissions by the Web server. In some cases, code is embedded into HTML pages. Code executes because an interpreter has been installed and activated on the Web server.

In programming, what is the term for an application that processes code in standard text files into executable applications?


HTML5 APIs are the best examples of DHTML because they utilize multiple technologies to extend the functionality of HTML. These technologies are:

HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript to access the Document Object Model (DOM)

The HTML5 canvas API has only two attributes. Which are they?

Height and width

In programming, what is the term for software used to read and process code in standard text files?


What is the main advantage to using Java?

It is platform agnostic.

Why might you code your server-side scripts in Python?

It is well documented, flexible, and requires less code than traditional languages.

What is the advantage to selecting Go as your server-side language?

It shortens the production to distribution pipeline.

Active Server Pages (ASP)

Microsoft's original server-side scripting solution. It has largely been supplanted by .NET. You can create these applications using VBScript, which is quite similar to JavaScript, except that VBScript is a proprietary Microsoft language. PHP is an alternative to to this.

What are the common server-side languages?

PHP, Perl, Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic, Python, C# and Java.

SSI can be used to:

Place the results of a database query into a page. Execute other programs. Indicate the last time that the displayed document was modified. Insert text at the bottom of a page (i.e., a footer). The footer can contain any text you want, from the current date to a customized message. Add the current date as a timestamp to a page.

Do while

Runs ("do") a specified subprocess while a specified condition is true. For example, an application may continue to present an alternative window while the mouse is being right-clicked. Often used as a part of an if/then or if/then/else statement, the do while statement ensures that an action occurs the entire time a condition is true. Sometimes known as a repeat until statement.

What is the term for an instruction within an HTML page that directs the Web server to perform an action?

Server-side include

Do until

Similar to a do while statement, but runs the specified subprocess until a specified number of events have occurred. For example, a calculation process may add the number 1 to the result of the previous statement until the sum reaches 100, then exit.


Software used to read and process code in standard text files. Interpreters either reside on the server or are downloaded to a client. PHP, Perl and ASP are all languages that use an interpreter.

Visual Basic (VB) is best used for what purpose?

Stand-alone applications and server-side Web applications.

What is the term for a logical construct in programming that allows you to control the way information flows in the application?


What is the purpose of the manifest when working with the HTML5 offline Web application API?

The manifest tells the browser which files to store locally so the user can continue working without a network connection.

What is the programming term for a place in memory used to store information for later use?


What is the term for a set of software tools or code that is commonly used in the creation and management of online applications?

Web application framework


When placed inside of a statement, allows an application to break out of an infinite loop in case of a problem.

C# (pronounced "C sharp")

a compiled object-oriented programming language, and is the proprietary Microsoft competitor to Java. It was designed to be easier to use but still powerful. It is also sometimes known as Visual C#, the Microsoft product name. Because it is a Microsoft-specific language, it has features that make it much easier to develop applications and interfaces for the Windows operating systems.

Visual Basic (VB)

a compiled programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used for stand-alone applications and server-side Web applications. It is not often used as a client-side application in Web browsers, as is JavaScript or VBScript.

Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl)

a cross-platform programming language that enables users to write custom CGI programs and system management programs. It is a language commonly used for various purposes, including Web server processes.

Go or Golang

a programming language developed by Google. Announced in 2009, and dropping its 1.0 release in 2012, It is a relative newcomer in the world of programming languages


a programming language that was developed in the 1980s, but only started to gain popularity in 2004. It is touted for being easy to use. It is object-oriented and has a plethora of frameworks that makes it more flexible than other languages. It is well documented and typically requires less code to achieve its goals than more traditional languages.

To work with the Document Object Model (DOM) for any browser, you need to use:

a scripting language.

JavaServer Pages (JSP)

a technology that uses Java commands embedded into HTML code

Java servlets

an application that must be installed directly onto the remote server; code from a Java servlet is not downloaded to the browser. When using this, you must perform the following steps: Compile the it. Place it on a server that is capable of handling it.

Server-side includes (SSIs)

an instruction within an HTML page that directs the Web server to perform an action. It is considered to be an alternative to CGI because it does not use languages such as JavaScript, Visual Basic or Java. Rather, its instructions are written in SGML. The instruction is used to dynamically add content to a page just before it is downloaded to a user

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

an interpreted server-side scripting language for creating dynamic Webpages. It is embedded in HTML pages but is always executed on a Web server.


an object-oriented programming language.It is a compiled language. However, unlike most compiled languages, it is designed to allow its applications to run on any operating system that has the its interpreter installed.

In programming, what term describes a line of code that allows a language to respond to a specific event or user input?

Event handler

In programming, which of the following is a line of code that allows you to refer to an entire series of steps or commands?


The only Web-ready image file formats that support animation are:


Which server-side scripting language is Microsoft's original server-side scripting solution?

Active Server Pages (ASP)

What is the default administrative password for Windows systems for permissions typically assigned by an ISP?


What is the term for a set of universal commands, calls and functions that allows developers to communicate with an application or operating system?

Application programming interface (API)

What programming language is the proprietary Microsoft competitor to Java?


What is the W3C standard that describes the elements, or objects, within a document rendered by a Web browser?

Document Object Model (DOM)

Which three major objects are built into the JavaScript language?

Document, Navigator, Array.

Which programming command repeats the input you type back to a terminal or an application window?


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