Chapter 8 - Transformational Leadership

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What are the strengths of transformational leadership?

- Has empirical support. -The concept is consistent with society's notion of what leadership means - Treats leadership as a process that occurs between followers and leaders; followers gain a more prominent position. - Provides a broader view of leadership through stressing leaders' attention to followers' needs. - Emphasizes followers' needs, values and morals; is morally uplifting. - Transformational leadership is shown to be effective; is related to positive organizational outcomes

What are typical behaviours of charismatic leadership?

- They are strong role models for the beliefs and values they want their followers to adopt - They appear competent to followers - They articulate ideological goals that have moral overtones - They communicate high expectations for followers and exhibit confidence in followers' abilities to meet these expectations - They arouse task-relevant motives in followers that may include affiliation, power or esteem.

What are the transactional factors?

1. Contingent reward; a specified effort by followers is exchanged for a specific reward from the leader. This is most effective when followers and leaders have high quality relationships. 2. Management by exception; involves corrective criticism, negative feedback and negative reinforcement. Instead of giving rewards, leaders use punishments. Can be active and passive: Active; the leader watches a follower closely for mistakes. Passive; the leader only intervenes after problems have arisen

What are the critisism of transformational leadership?

1. Lacks conceptual clarity; difficult to determine the exact parameters of transformational leadership. Lacks a clear way of measurement. 2. Treats leadership as a trait rather than a behaviour that can be learned. 3. Does not establish a causal link between transformational leaders and the positive outcomes, only proved that these are associated. 4. Is elitist and antidemocratic; the leader puts his own values above others'. 5. Has a heroic leadership bias; the leader moves the followers to do things. This view does not include reciprocal influence. 6. Has potential to be abused; psuedotransformational. 7. May not be well received by millennials; they are less willing to collaborate with others to achieve common goals. Moreover they expect rewards, which makes idealized influence and inspirational motivation ineffective.

Idealized influence factor is measured on two components, which are they and what do they mean?

1. attributional component that refers to the attributions of leaders made by followers based on perceptions they have of their leaders 2. behavioral component that refers to followers' observations of leader behavior.

What are the two other transformational perspectives?

Bennis and Nanus, and Kouzes and Posner. They identified a number of middle- or senior-level leaders. From this information, they constructed their models of leadership.

How can transformational leadership motivate followers to do more than expected?

By raising followers' level of consciousness about the importance and value of specified, idealized goals - Getting followers to transcend their own self-interest for the sake of the team or organization - Moving followers to address higher-level needs

What is charismatic leadership?

Charismatic leaders act in unique ways that have specific charismatic effects on their followers. The leader is dominant, have a strong desire to influence others, is self-confident and have a strong sense of his own moral values. OBS! Charismatic leadership is not synonym to transformational leadership, only an aspect of it! Charismatic leadership works because it ties followers and their self-concepts to the organizational identity.

One of the factors of transformational leadership is idealized influence/charisma; what does it mean?

Idealized influence describes leaders who act as strong role models for followers; followers identify with these leaders and want very much to emulate them. These leaders usually have very high standards of moral and ethical conduct and can be counted on to do the right thing. They are deeply respected by followers, who usually place a great deal of trust in them. They provide followers with a vision and a sense of mission.

What are the four components of transformational leadership?

Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.

What is Kouzes and Posner perspective on transformational leadership?

Identifying five fundamental practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished o Model the way; leaders need to be clear about their values and express them to others o Inspire a shared vision; leaders need to create compelling visions that guide peoples' behaviour o Challenge the process; leaders need to be willing to take risks and try new things o Enable others to act; leaders need to promote cooperation o Encourage the heart; leaders need to reward others for their accomplishments

What is Bennis & Nanus perspective on transformational leadership?

Identifying four common strategies used by leaders in transforming organizations: o Vision; the leader has a vision of the future state of the organization o Social architects; leaders are social architects that communicate transforming values o Trust; leaders create trust by standing by their defined values o Creative deployment of self; leaders emphasize their strengths, not their weaknesses

Why have transformational leadership become popular?

It is part of the "new leadership" paradigm, and its popularity might be due its emphasis on intrinsic motivation and follower development, which fits the needs of today's work groups, who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times of uncertainty.

What is authentic transformational leadership?

It is socialised leadership which is concerned with the collective good. Socialised transformational leaders transcend their own interests for the sake of others.

One of the factors of transformational leadership is Individualized Consideration; what does it mean?

Leaders who create a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the individual needs of followers. Leaders act as coaches and advisers while trying to assist followers in becoming fully actualized. These leaders may use delegation to help followers grow through personal challenges.

One of the factors of transformational leadership is Inspirational motivation; what does it mean?

Leaders who motivate and communicate high expectations to followers. Leaders use symbols and emotional appeals to make followers achieve more than they would in their own self-interest.

One of the factors of transformational leadership is Intellectual Stimulation.; what does it mean?

Leadership that stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values. This type of leadership supports followers as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues. It encourages followers to think things out on their own and engage in careful problem solving.

What are the non-leadership factor?

Non-leadership factor diverges farther from transactional leadership and represents behaviors that are nontransactional. 1. Laissez-Faire; represents the absence of leadership. The leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs. This could be strategic by the leader to acknowledge followers' abilities, decrease their dependency and increase their autonomy. On the other hand, it could just be a terrible terrible leader.

What can be said about the application of transformational leadership?

Provides a general way of thinking about leadership, but not guidelines for how leaders should act in particular situations to be successful. Despite this, it can be used for leadership development programs. An important part of the training includes focus of creating a vision.

What does laissez-faire mean?

Represents the absence of leadership. This leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs. There is no exchange with followers or attempt to help them grow.

What is transformational leadership?

The process of how certain leaders are able to inspire, change and transform followers to accomplish great things. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals. --> Attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership.

What is pseudotransformational leadership?

The term refers to leaders who are self-consumed, exploitive, and power oriented, with warped moral values. Pseudotransformational leadership is considered personalized leadership, which focuses on the leader's own interests rather than on the interests of others. It is self-serving, is unwilling to encourage independent thought in followers, and exhibits little general caring for others.

Why is transactional leadership influential?

They are influential because it is in the best interest of followers to do what the leader wants - because then they get rewarded.

What is the difference between transactional and transformational leadership?

Transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models that focus on the exchanges between leaders and their followers. Teachers are transactional when they give students a grade for work completed. Transformational leadership is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. These leaders encourage creativity, recognize accomplishment, build trust, and inspiring a collective vision. Whereas transactional leadership results in expected outcomes, transformational leadership results in performance that goes well beyond what is expected.

What are the effects on followers of charismatic leadership?

Trust in the leader's ideology, similarity between the followers' and leader's beliefs, unquestioning acceptance of the leader, expression of affection toward the leader, follower obedience, identification with the leader, emotional involvement in the leader's goals, heightened goals for followers, and increased follower confidence in achievement.

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