chapter 9 human relations

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helmstetters six steps for dealing with change

recognize and understand the change , make that decision to accept or reject the change , choose the attitude you are going to have toward the change, choose the action that you are going to take everyday, review the steps and evaluate your process daily

OD change agent

a company's formal change agent often an outside consultant who specializes in planned change or organizational development.

Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Scale

a listing of many kinds of changes rated from 100 to 0 on the basis of their intensity and the adjustment problems they can creates

local incrementalism

a model that acknowledges that bringing about changes in a large organization is usually time consuming and complicated and presents a method of simplifying the process

organizational development

a planned company-wide systematic method of achieving change in an organization.

Lewin's Change Model

a workplace change model with three steps unfreeze the status quo making changes then refreezing to the previous work mode.

moving to another condition

actual changes are made

the power of denial

although denial is normal stage in the change process dwelling in it for too long will prevent you from adapting to a situation as it really is

Force Field Analysis positive in three ways

first it gets the changers to plan got the change second it allows those who are organizing the change to take a close look at the forces likely to restrain them and out together a strategy to overcome that restraint. third analyzing the restraining forces before a conflict starts can often keep the conflict from beginning at all

Kurt Lewin

1890-1947 Social psychology whos ideas became very influential in management and organizational behavior

Force Field Analysis

A model in which the status quo is like a battlefield being fought for by two armies: the driving forces and the restraining forces. where the driving forces are trying to take over and change the status quo and the restraining forces are trying to defend it

bottoming out

releasing the thoughts tensions and memories and emotions that force you to hold on to the past. at this point you are allowing the life completing processes to take their course. the shock denial and anger are becoming memories.


rebirth , the cycle is complete this is not to say that the past won't re-emerge nor does it mean there won't be fallback days

quality circles

bring employees and managers together to brainstorm and find ways to improve quality and performance

personal change

can affect your self esteem any change that affects something or someone close to you is likely to upset your self concept which is your view of who you are .

organizational change

change that a group of people must learn to accept and implement.

unfreezing stage

could involve promoting employees or letting them go preparing them for change or convincing them of the need to change

john Paul Kotter

developed an organizational change model establishing a sense of urgency, creating the guiding and coalition , developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering employees for broad based action , generating short term wins, consolidating gains and producing more change, anchoring new approaches in the culture

seven stages of personal care

emotional standstill, denial,anger, helplessness,bottoming out, experimenting, and completion


emotional vacuum left by denial the anger felt at this time usually contains a feeling of helplessness of being a victim who was unable to prevent the change. most psychologists advise that thus anger should be expressed in a way that will not harm others. this is the point where support groups can be helpful having other people who will listen and empathize with you can help you defuse your anger.

john Paul Kotter developed an organizational change model that is widely followed today

establishing a sense of urgency , creating the guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision , empowering employees for broad based action , generating short term wins. consolidating gains and producing more change , anchoring new approaches in the culture


failure to confront your problem, characteristic response by an alcoholic

five stages of logical incrementalism

general concern; a vague feeling or awareness of a threat or opportunity broadcasting a general concern or idea without details : the new idea is tried out on other in general terms , with details to be filled in later. this procedure is often described as the trail Ballon. using an opportunity or crisis to begin the change plan: something important that gets everyone's attention such as a crisis that the change plan can solve can be used to get the ball rolling ongoing adaptation of the plan ; managers see logical incrementalism as an accurate description of how change occurs in most successful companies. thus the model shows a natural process as it should happen critics of logical incrementalism see it as generally ineffective indeed when the change plan is poorly defined the process does fail. logical incrementalism is most successful when used to bring a well designed plan into general acceptance

Why employees resist change

hearing only what they want or expect to hear , fear of the unknown, fear of loss, resentment of the change agent , belief that change is wrong, rebellion against the speed of change


if the loss is death bereaved people might not allow themselves to believe the loved one is really gone. in a divorce it might be the false hope that the marriage will survive. with denial the mind is keeping the suffering from accepting reality fully and completely. the longer the period lasts the longer it will take to move through the healing process.


is different because it takes a continuous long term approach to improvement


is founded upon five main elements , teamwork , personal discipline, improved morale , quality circle , suggestion for improvement


is the process of returning to a point where you know who you are and feel good about yourself once again

when an organization undergoes change

it is not the organization that changes it is the people in the organization.


literally to become good through change the concept of kaizen is one of restructuring and organizing every aspect of a system to ensure optimal efficiency

seven major life changes

loss, separation , relocation, a change in relationship, a change in direction , a change in health , personal growth

essential climate change

methods of conflict management and the decision making process

organizational development agent

participative operations , equality , respect for others , confrontation, trust and mutual support


people are forced into another job out of financial necessity before they are emotionally ready to adapt. in these cases the bottoming out and experimenting must be done in different contexts.

one danger with the seven step recovery diagram

people might be tempted to think they should passively let these steps happen to them

change management

requires that leaders in the organization prepare employees for the change, equip their employees to make a change and support the change in process, workflow and work processes, to use ot technology, to organizational structure, to job roles and behaviors even to their identity in the work place .


slipping backward to an earlier stage of growth it can be either temporary or permanent

management professor James Brian Quinn

studied many large organizations involved in important changes and devised a system to address those forces


the final step in Lewin's change model, in which new attitudes, values, and behaviors are established as the new status quo

emotional standstill

the first reaction someone usually has to the news of sudden death "oh no! how did it happen? when?


the first three steps in the acceptance of personal loss. this is where emotional standstill denial and anger take place


the individual is trying but still failing to move forward the person is still suffering and now is afraid to bottom out into the helpess condition of total despair. in this stage the individual might try to share too much emotion with other people or they will retreat into isolation. both extremes are negative. the first one is a quick way to lose friends or alienate others and the second is self destructive. to move through this stage effectively the individual must be constantly aware of the reality if others that most friends cannot and should not enter into another person's deep sorrow every when trying to be helpful. the others in the personskl life would more appropriately share in small doses of grief


the last three general steps in the acceptance of personal loss. this is where experimenting and completion take place

Greek philosopher Heraclitus

the only constant in life is change, more than 2,000 years ago .

change agent

the person responsible for an organization change effort

neutral zone

the second of the three general steps in the acceptance of personal loss. the neutral zone is the area where helplessness and bottoming out take place. what William bridges calls a gap in the continuity of existence

seven major life changes have basic characteristics in common

they happen to everyone , many of them seem to happen without your control, each one of these changes has its own ripple effect, people feel the results of change before,during and after the event

Resisting Change

throughout an organization people will think of excuses many similar to those in this list for resisting change they may believe in these excuses very strongly and may spend alot of effort trying to prevent change from occurring

Resisting Change

throught an organization people will think of excuses many similar to those in this list for resisting change they may believe in these excuses very strongly and may spend alot of effort trying to prevent change from occurring

od intervention

training tools that teach members of the organization how to solve problems they face or make needed changes to organizational development

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