Chapter 9: Performance Management
Developmental Purposes
"Develop" -Tool to help employees improve their weaknesses and realize their long-term goals and career objectives
Performance Management in Practice:Regulatory Issues
- Efforts to reduce discrimination in the performance management process - The importance of documenting employee performance
Developing Action Plans to Improve Performance: Taking Action
- Removing Barrier to employee success - Training and Development Activities - Coaching and mentoring - Work Design and technology solutions - Addressing quality of employees perforamnce
Frame-of Reference Training
- to help raters understand performance standards and dimensions and develop common evaluation standards
Administrative Purposes
-"Documentation" -Tool for administrative decisions such as: compensation,promotions, retention-termination, layoffs, and recognition
Examples of Behaviroal
-Critical Incidents -Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales( " BARS")
Results Based Appraoch
-Direct Measures Management -by- obejctives
Weighting Performance Critera
-Each job differs in terms of how it adds value to the organization -some forms of contributions may be more important than others for particualr jobs -weights are used to adjust the relative imporatnce of different perforamnce dimensions
Examples of Attribute
-Graphic Rating Scale - Forced Choice
Steps in Performance Management PRocess
-Identifying performance Dimensions -Developing performance Measures -Evaluation Performance -Providing Feedback -Developing Action Plans to improve Performance
Disadvantage of GRS
-If you get a new manager there criteria of above average and oustanding can be different from former manager
Performance Measure Standars
-Levels of performance that relate o levels of task or job effectiveness
How can reduce some of these measurement errors?
-Make rating formats more specific, defining precisely what is being evaluated -Use multiple raters -Provide Appraisal Training and Frame-of reference training
Source of Performance Data
-Supervisors -Co-workers -Self-Appraisal -Subordinates -Customers
Provide Feedback
-required to appraise employees every 6 months
Three main tyes of appraoches evaluation perforamnces
1. Individual Comparison 2. Absolute Approaches 3. Result based
A key source but may not have time to monitor and observe employees every day
Global Perfoamnce Measure
A single score to reflect overall performance
Deficient Performance Measures
An incomplete appraisal of an individuals performance when important aspects are not measured
Attempts to define the behaviors an employee must exhibit to be effective in the job
Absolute Approach: Measuring Traits and Behaviors
Comparing employees against certain standards rather than against each other -Each employees independent other,and include traits,attributes,and beahviors
Individual Comparison:Ranking Appraoch
Comparing employees to each other (best to worse)
Designed to measure the extent to which an employee possess certain characteristics such as loyalty,dependability,creativity,initiative, and leadership; viewed as importarnt for the job and the organization in general
Individual Comparison: Paired Comparison
Each employee is compared to every other employee and points are assigned to the "better" individual, points are totaled and compared
Graphic Rating Scale
Evaluate employee performance on the following performance dimensions.Circle the most appropriate rating to refelct performance
Advantages of Forced Distribution?
It is easier to determine who to layoff or promote if need be -detemine who needs to imporve or look elsehwere for work
Individual Comparison: Forced Distribution
Managers are forced to distribute employees into predetermined categories and prevented from rating everyone as outstanding, or average -10% A's, 25% B's,35% C's....
Direct MEasures
Managers gauge outcomes of employees work such as sales,productivity, absenteeism
Managers meet with employees and jointly set goals for them to accomplish during particular time period
May be able to comment on cooperation and support, but may intentionally skew rating
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales( " BARS")
More Defined and gives example of what it is
Refers to Exhibit 9.3: Paired Comparison
Page 333
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the ranking method?
Ranking method managers don't like because of ranks -Employees don't like it because they are forced into boxes
Valid Measures
Reliability refers to how well a measure yields consistent results over time or across raters -Extent to which you are measuring what you want to measure and how well it is done
Satsifiaation level may only report extremely good or bad exeprienes
Develpoing Action Plans to Improve Performance: Understanding the Causes of Poor Performance
Seek to understand causes of poor performance,
The clarity of the performance standars
Performance Dimension
The specific task and activities for which employees are responsible
Appraisal Training
To familiarize raters with errors that can occur
Causes of poor performance
Work environment Design of jobs Technology Support or performance of co-workers Employee's competencies, attitudes and behaviors
can be useful starting point and developmental tool to help employee improve perforamne
Leniency Error
constantly rating employees on the high end of the scale
Strictness Error
constantly rating employees on the low end of the scale
Disadvantages of Forced Distirbution
forced to be placed into a certain group or box
The RANKING approach is an example of a_______.
indiviual comparasion
Performance Measurement Error: Contrast Effect
manager artificially inflates or deflates an employee's rating after comparing employee to another individual
may be hard to separate skill from "likebalitiy"
Performance Measurement Error: Halo/Horn Error
overall positive or negative view of employee's performance biases the ratings given on individual criteria
Recency error
rater focuses on employee's performance near the time of the evaluation
Error of Central Tendency
rating everyone "average"
Simlair-to-me error
when managers rate more highly employees who resemble them in some way
Primacy error
— rater's earlier impressions of individual biases later evaluations of the person