Chapter III: The pulse, conformation and treatment of hu huo, and yin yang du disease
when ulceration appears on the anus, should be treated with
Xiong Huang
the patient has no fever but somewhat restless with speedy pulse. he is reluctant to speak and prefers to lie in bed. sweating is also present. the first three or four days, his eyes are as red as those of turtle doves. By the seventh day or eight day, his canthi turn black, if the patient has a good appetite, pus will form. the following will provide a cure
Chi Xiao Du Dang Gui San
Hu huo is similar to bai he syndrome: the patient is reluctant to speak and tends to sleep, he cannot shut his eyes because he feels restless. when ulceration appears in the throat, this is Huo syndrome, when ulceration appears on external genitals or anus, it is hu syndrome. facial color varies, red to dark, patient has aversion to the odor of food, patient voice become hoarse. treated with
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang
when ulceration appear on external genitals, the patient has a parched feeling in his throat. the external genitals should be washed with
Ku Shen Tang