chapter one: humans and the microbial world

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microorganisms are useful in the study of higher life forms for which of the following reasons? (choose all that apply) a) microorganisms have the same basic metabolic mechanisms b) microorganisms have the same fundamental genetic properties c) microorganisms lack cells, making them easier to observe with a microscope d) microorganisms multiply quickly e) there are fewer species of microorganisms, so studying them is simpler f) microorganisms are cheaper to study

microorganisms have the same basic metabolic mechanisms microorganisms have the same fundamental genetic properties microorganisms multiply quickly microorganisms are cheaper to study

The principle that microorganisms cause certain diseases is called the ______ Theory of Disease.



Organism composed of one or more eukaryotic cells; members of the domain Eukarya are eukaryotes


Single-celled organism consisting of a prokaryotic cell; members of the domains Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes.

Which of the following is/are the correct way(s) to write an organism's binomial name? (choose all that apply) a) Staphylococcus aureus b) Staphylococcus Aureus c) S. aureus d) staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus S. aureus

Which name is written correctly? a) staphylococcus aureus b) escherichia Coli c) Staphylococcus epidermidis d) bacillus Anthracis e) Clostridium Botulinum

Staphylococcus epidermidis

For the name Streptococcus pyogenes, the first part (Streptococcus) indicates the ______ and gives information about the shape of the organism.


The term ______ refers to a multicellular parasite such as a roundworm or tapeworm.


The microscopic filaments of molds are called a) hyphae b) mushrooms c) yeasts


which of the following are characteristics of protozoa? (choose all that apply) a) multicellular eukaryotes b) microscopic c) possess a rigid cell wall d) single-celled eukaryotes

microscopic single-celled eukaryotes

In general, disease causing organisms are referred to as which of the following? a) microorganisms b) pathogens c) bacteria d) animacules


All of the following are emerging infectious diseases except a) smallpox. b) hepatitis C. c) Lyme disease. d) hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. e) mad cow disease.


although stocks of the causative agent still exist, humans have eradicated (eliminated) which of the following diseases? a) aids b) smallpox c) bubonic plague d) cholera


Benefits of normal microbiota include all EXCEPT which of the following? a) they aid in digestion by helping degrade foods we otherwise could not digest b) they damage host tissue, allowing our immune system to rid the body of microbes c) they compete with pathogens, thereby preventing disease

they damage host tissue, allowing our immune system to rid the body of microbes

which of the following describes how fungi gain energy? a) they manufacture their own carbohydrates b) they are photosynthetic c) they are all parasitic (benefit at the expense of the host) d) they degrade organic materials with enzymes

they degrade organic materials with enzymes

True or False: Some scientists could not reproduce the results of Pasteur's swan-necked flask experiment.


Which type(s) of microorganisms have cells that lack membrane bound organelles? (choose all that apply) a) bacteria b) protists c) archaea d) yeast

bacteria archaea

Members of which domains can be infected by viruses? (choose all that apply) a) bacteria b) eukarya c) archaea

bacteria eukarya archaea

spontaneous generation

belief that organisms can arise from non-living matter

______ is the process by which microbes carry out the decomposition of harmful chemicals.


Which of the following are produced metabolically by microorganisms? (choose all that apply) a) ethanol as a biofuel b) glass c) antibiotics d) cellulose used in stereo headsets e) uranium

ethanol as a biofuel antibiotics cellulose used in stereo headsets

The property of endospores that led to confusion in the experiments on spontaneous generation is their a) small size. b) ability to pass through cork stoppers. c) heat resistance. d) presence in all infusions. e) presence on cotton plugs.

heat resistance

emerging infectious disease

infectious disease that has become more common in the last 35 years

which of the following characteristics describe protozoa? (choose all that apply) a) most are motile b) ingest inorganic material as their main food source c) single-celled prokaryotes d) can be found in terrestrial and aquatic habitats

most are motile can be found in terrestrial and aquatic habitats

The Golden Age of Microbiology was the time when a) microorganisms were first used to make bread. b) microorganisms were first used to make cheese. c) most pathogenic bacteria were identified. d) a vaccine against influenza was developed. e) antibiotics became available.

most pathogenic bacteria were identified

algae are ______. (choose all that apply) a) multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes b) multicellular, non-photosynthetic eukaryotes c) single-celled, photosynthetic prokaryotes d) single-celled, photosynthetic eukaryotes

multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes single-celled, photosynthetic eukaryotes

which of the following could survive if there were no prokaryotes on the planet? a) your microbiology instructor b) your neighbor and her cat c) an apple tree d) mushrooms e) none of the answer choices are correct

none of the answer choices are correct

Which disease is less common due to rat control, precautions taken with infected patients, and antibiotic treatment? a) foot-and-mouth disease b) plague c) polio



the production of living things from other living things

consider the human microbiome project begun in 2007. the term "microbiome" has which two overlapping meanings? (choose all that apply) a) the ecosystem in which humans live b) the total genetic content of a microbial community c) the local environment in which an individual human lives d) the microbial community itself

the total genetic content of a microbial community the microbial community itself

what is biotechnology? a) the use of microorganisms to solve practical problems b) the breakdown of nutrients for recycling into the environment c) the introduction of organisms into an environment d) genetic manipulation that results in harmful bacteria products

the use of microorganisms to solve practical problems

Choose which of the following pairs is most closely related AND correctly written. a) Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli b) Escherichia coli and entamoeba coli c) Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis d) Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis e) escherichia coli and entamoeba coli

Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

Arrange the following sets of names from most closely related to least closely related: 1. Bacillus anthracis - Bacillus thuringiensis 2. Hipuris vulgaris - Proteus vulgaris 3. E. coli HB101 - E. coli DH5α a) 1; 2; 3 b) 3; 2; 1 c) 3; 1; 2 d) 2; 1; 3 e) 1; 3; 2

3; 1; 2


An acellular infectious agent consisting only of RNA.


An acellular infectious agent consisting only of protein.

eukaryotic cell

Cell type characterized by a membrane-bound nucleus.

prokaryotic cell

Cell type characterized by the lack of a membrane-bound nucleus.

where are algae most likely to be found? (choose all that apply) a) moist terrestrial habitats b) in layers of sediments at the bottom of lakes c) as common human pathogens d) surface of oceans, lakes, and streams

moist terrestrial habitats surface of oceans, lakes, and streams

Compared to the range of types of plants and animals, microbes as a group are a) less diverse b) equivalent in diversity c) more diverse

more diverse

Which of the following is/are true regarding viruses? (choose all that apply) a) outside of host cells, viruses are inactive b) viruses can only multiply within host cells c) viruses are composed of cells

outside of host cells, viruses are inactive viruses can only multiply within host cells

Which of the following cannot reproduce independently? (choose all that apply) a) prions b) archaea c) bacteria d) viroids

prions viroids

Algae and protozoa are also referred to as ______, a diverse group that falls within the domain eukarya



The highest level in biological classification. There are three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

prions are ______. a) infectious proteins b) a type of viroid c) a type of bacterium d) a type of virus

infectious proteins


prevention of infection by eliminating the infectious agents

Louis Pasteur helped disprove a) the cell theory b) evolution by natural selection c) spontaneous generation d) that life comes from life

spontaneous generation

Members of the genus Staphylococcus are often referred to by the informal name ______.


The cellulose that makes up the plant cell walls of grass can be digested by certain species of a) deer b) cows c) sheep d) microbes


why do microorganisms serve as important models for study of higher organisms? a) microorganisms cause diseases in other organisms that need to be cured b) there are many more species of microorganisms to choose to study c) microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms

microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms

all of the following are factors that account for the emergence of new diseases in developed countries EXCEPT a) parents don't have their children vaccinated b) suburban expansion into rural areas c) changing lifestyles of humans d) change in the organism's dna

parents don't have their children vaccinated

Although archaea and bacteria differ in a number of important characteristics, it was ultimately significant differences in their ______ that provided the basis for separating the two groups of prokaryotes into different domains. a) energy sources used b) cell wall composition c) ribosomal RNA sequences d) habitats

ribosomal RNA sequences


study of the microbial word where members are too small to be seen without a microscope

Viruses 1. contain both protein and nucleic acid. 2. infect all domains of life. 3. can grow in the absence of living cells. 4. are generally the same size as prokaryotes. 5. always kill the cells they infect. a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 3, 4 d) 4, 5 e) 1, 5

1, 2

If you wanted to increase your chances of obtaining a member of the Archaea (rather than a member of another domain), which would be the best site to obtain a sample? a) intestine of an elephant b) skin of an elephant c) a 95°C hot spring in Yellowstone d) a 45°C hot spring in Hawaii e) a raw hamburger patty

a 95C hot spring in Yellowstone


a disease only spread in a local area


a disease that spread worldwide

herd immunity

a phenomenon that occurs when a concentration of immune hosts prevents spread

If all prokaryotes were eliminated from the planet, a) animals would thrive because there would be no disease. b) archaea would thrive because there would be no competition for nutrients. c) all animals would die. d) animals and archaea would thrive.

all animals would die

Because they are often caused by a helicobacter pylori infection, most stomach ulcers are treatable with a) antacids b) a vaccine c) antibiotics d) surgery


Which of the following statements about the Germ Theory of Disease are true? (choose all that apply) a) this theory came about during the Golden Age of microbiology b) "germ" can include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, or prions c) this theory was proved by Louis Pasteur d) the theory suggests that microorganisms cause certain dieases

this theory came about during the Golden Age of microbiology "germ" can include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, or prions the theory suggests that microorganisms cause certain diseases

True or False: Without microorganisms, we would run out of certain nutrients



An acellular infectious agent consisting of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat.

like plants, some microorganisms... (choose all that apply) a) convert N2 into an organic form b) are photosynthetic c) produce oxygen

are photosynthetic produce oxygen

Unlike other organisms, most ______ have cell walls that contain peptidoglycan.


Because less than 1% of microorganisms can currently be grown in the laboratory, most of what we know about the other 99% comes from a) serology b) dna sequencing c) microscopy d) metabolic studies

dna sequencing

a patient living in seattle, washington is diagnosed with malaria. what is the most likely explanation for this diagnosis? a) the patient was infected while visiting a country where malaria is endemic b) the patient was bitten by a mosquito while hiking in the nearby olympic mountains c) the patient was infected by a fellow coworker

the patient was infected while visiting a country where malaria is endemic

True or False: Over the last 100 years, improvements in health have been in part due to using antibiotics to treat infectious diseases and vaccines to prevent them.


True or False: Studies indicate the normal microbiota of the body may affect brain chemistry.


True or False: We could not survive without microorganisms, but they can also be harmful


True or False: eukaryotic microbes are generally larger than prokaryotic microbes


Which is an example of bioremediation? a) using microbes to break down oil after a spill in the ocean b) genetically engineering microbes to produce animal proteins such as insulin c) the evolution of antibiotic-resistant microbes due to overuse of a particular antibiotic

using microbes to break down oil after a spill in the ocean

cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be prevented by a a) vaccine b) radiation therapy c) antibiotic d) chemotherapy


Antony van Leeuwenhoek could not have observed a) roundworms. b) Escherichia coli. c) yeasts. d) viruses.


Unlike the term microorganism, the word microbe also includes a) fungi b) protozoa c) bacteria d) viruses


which of the following about microbes is false? a) Prions are composed only of protein. b) Bacillus anthracis belongs to the genus bacillus. c) Yeasts are unicellular prokaryotes. d) Archaea are often extremophiles. e) Bacteria may be both beneficial and harmful.

yeasts are unicellular prokaryotes

To indicate slight differences, members of the same species may be given ______ designations.


Which diseases are due to organisms "jumping" from a natural animal host to using humans as a host? a) resurgent b) emerging


an infectious diseases that has become more common in the last 35 years is referred to as an ______ infectious disease (EID).


Characteristics of archaea that are similar to bacteria include their... (choose all that apply) a) energy sources used b) ribosomal RNA sequences c) prokaryotic cell structure d) method of multiplication e) shapes

energy sources used prokaryotic cell structure method of multiplication shapes

a microbial metabolic process used in the manufacture of food and beverages such as yogurt, cheese, pickled vegetables, bread, wine, and beer is known as a) fermentation b) respiration c) biotechnology d) bioremediation


in research, a model organism should a) look similar to other organisms b) have a similar life span as other organisms c) function in a manner similar to other organisms

function in a manner similar to other organisms

archaea are commonly found in which roles or environments? (choose all that apply) a) as human pathogens b) hot springs c) soils d) oceans e) extremely salty water such as the great salt lake and dead sea

hot springs soils oceans extremely salty water such as the great salt lake and dead sea

Which of the following infectious diseases killed more people in 1918-1919 than died in World Wars I and II combined? a) pneumonia b) ebola c) tuberculosis d) influenza


Which of the following describes a viroid? (choose all that apply) a) it consists of rna b) it has a protein coat c) it contains dna d) it can infect plants

it consists of rna it can infect plants

John Tyndall's experiments in the 1800s showed that microorganisms remained in some broths even after boiling for 5 hours. He later realized that the results of his experiments were due to the presence of endospores. Pasteur might have had results similar to Tyndall's if he had used which materials to make his broths? (choose all that apply) a) soil b) hay c) sugar d) yeast extract

soil hay

Choose which of the following results Pasteur might have obtained if the broth in his swan-necked flask experiment had contained endospores. a) the broth would become cloudy as soon as Pasteur boiled it b) the broth would remain sterile after boiling, unless the flask was tilted c) the broth would seem sterile after boiling but would soon develop bacterial growth d) the result of the experiment would be the same as that reported initially by Pasteur e) all of the choices are correct f) none of the choices are correct

the broth would seem sterile after boiling but would soon develop bacterial growth

the human body and its microbial inhabitants can best be compared to a) the earth's environments and their interacting inhabitants b) a growing tree being consumed by termites c) a bus filled with people

the earth's environments and their interacting inhabitants

prions are misfolded proteins that cause a) cells to enlarge and fuse with one another b) the normal version of the protein to also misfold

the normal version of the protein to also misfold

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