Chapter one: insurance

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contract under one insurance company indemnifies another comapny for all of their liabilities


covered by insurance companies, not a gamble, only result in loss

reciprocal insurance exchange

formal risk-sharing arrangment

fiduciary duty

trust client places in the producer in regard to handling premiums


unit of measurements used to determine rates charged for an insurance coverage - determining rates include age, medical history, occupation, sex

Managerial System

-Branch manager (supervises agents) -Salaried -Agents can be insurer's employees or independent contractors

purpose of risk retention

-to reduce expenses and improve cash flow -to increase control of claim reserving and claims settlements -to fund for losses that cannot be insured

Insurance Guaranty Association

An organization that protects policyholders and claimants in the case of an insurance company's impairment or insolvency. Insurance guarantee associations are legal entities whose members make guarantees and provide a mechanism to resolve claims.

lloyds association

Provides support facilities for underwriters or groups of individuals that accept insurance risk.


a method of handeling risk which elimiates exposure to loss


agent licensed to sell and negotitate insurance contracts on behalf of principal (insurer)

legal elements of a contract

agreement consideration: something of values each party gives to eachother competent parties legal purposes

domestic insurer

an insurance company that is incorproated in state


chance of loss occuring

characteristics that define pure risk

due to change, definate and measureable, predictible, not cataostrophic , large loss exposure

aleatory contract

exchange of unequal amounts or values

powers of the producers

express implied appartent


large number of people who are at similar risk for loss, share the insurace risk cost

agent/ producer

legal representive of an insurance company, producer: agents and brokers agents: agents of insurer

risk rention group

liability insurance company owned by its members: members are exposed to similar risk and they spread it amoung the group

reciprocity/ reciprocal

mutual interchange of rights and privileges


person covered by the insurance policy

contract of adhesion

prepared by one of the parties (insurer) and accepted or rejected by the other party (insured)

Types of Risk

pure, speculative


reducing the risk of loss (fire alarms ect)


reduction, decrease, or dissappearance of value of a person or property insured in a policy


represents a company regarding contact agreements with third parties


what losses are not covered by insurance

applicant submits an application to the insurer

when is an offer normally made

general agency system

-General agent-entrepreneur represents 1 company -Exclusive -Compensation and commissions -Appoints subagents

exclusive agency system

1 agent represents one company exculsive

independent agency

1 agents represents several companies non exclusive


A method of dealing with risk for a group of individual persons or businesses with the same or similar exposure to loss who share the losses that occur within that group.


causes of loss in an insurance policy

fraternal benefit society

chartible organization

risk purchasing group

offers insurance to group of similar business with similar exposure to risk


opporutnity for loss or gain, not covered or insurable


outside US

physical hazards

characteristics that increase chances of the loss, exist because of a condition, past medical history, or a condition at birth


company who issued insurance polcy

fails to communicate information that will help make sound desicions


proposed insured made a premium on a new insurance policy, if the insured should die the insurer will pay the death benefit to the beneficiary what type of contract is this?



conditions or situations that increase probalaility of a loss

insurance policy

contract between a policy owner and an insurance company , agrees to pay the insured or beneficiary for loss caused by specific events

in a review hazards, perils, loss, insurance

hazards: conditions and actions that increase risk or probility of loss perils: causes of loss loss: reduction of value basis for a claim insurance: transfer of loss, protection


incorporated in another state

types of marketing

insurance market products in different ways from agents or direct solicitation


insurance producer not appointed by insurer and is deemed to represent the client

surplus lines

insurance that is not available in regular market place

stock companies

owned by stakeholders, provide capital necessary to establish the company, issue nonparticipating policies in which policy owners do not own profits or losses dividends are payed to stock holders and not policy owners

mutual companies

participating policies, nontaxable, divideds are more when the premium and earning exceed the cost


person appying for insurance


state of mind that involves carelessness

common types of private insurance ownership

stock companies


subscribers agree to become liable for their share of losses and expenses that occur amoung all subscribes


the money paid to the insurance company for the insurance policy

direct marketing response

no agents, company advertises directy to costumers

guaranty association

formed to protect policy owners insureds beneficiaries and anyone entitled to payment under insurance policy

private vs gov

gov programs are funded with taxes and serve national and state social purposes


insurers promise to pay fir loses insured paying the premiums

life insurance

insures agianst the financial loss caused by premature death of an indiviual


tendencies towards increased risk invovle evaluating the chacter and reputation of the proposed insured refer to those applications who may lie

law of large numbers

the larger the number of individuals that are randomly drawn from a population, the more representative the resulting group will be of the entire population

policy owner

the person entitled to exercise the right and privilege's in the policy


the planned assumption of risk by an insured through the use of deductibles, copayments, or self-insurance


transfering risk from an indiviual or group to an insurance company relives the insured of fiancial loss

adverse selection

insuring of risks that are more prone to losses than the average risk


not stated in agent contract but required to conduct biz

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