CHD Exam #2

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Social Policies and Family Development include:

Social policies for families tend to be inconsistent and can be contradictory which means that many issues facing families are not remedied. How family issues are defines is extremely important. Political ideology plays a role in how family issues are defined.

Spanking Children:

Spanking (Corporal Punishment) Highly correlated with abuse. One of oldest forms of punishment and has long-term negative effects. Has been associated with mental illness, depression, mood and anxiety disorders. The most damage is to the parent-child relationship. Some argue for conditional spanking.

Brief history of the American Anti-Poverty Program:

Started with the Social Security Act of 1935 and includes programs established with the "War on Poverty" in 1960s. Other programs include Aid to families of Dependent Children (AFDC), later revised by PRWORA (TANF), WIC, SSI, EITC, HUD, JTPA, WIA. The statistics on poverty are interpreted differently by liberals and conservatives. Conservatives point out that most families in poverty are single-parent.

SNAP stands for?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

What are some weaknesses to the current poverty measure?

The NAS report identifying weaknesses to the current poverty measure. The traditional income-based measure does not reflect the effects of governmental policies that alter the resources available to families. The traditional income-based policy does not take into account expenses that reduce disposable income. Such as the cost of holding a job. The traditional method does not take into account the variation in medical cost. The current poverty thresholds are anomalous and do not take into account important changes in family situations. The current poverty thresholds do not adjust for geographic differences in the cost of living across the nation. There exist numerous differences in cost of living and in basic goods and services across the nation, yet there is one standard for all.

International Adoption includes:

The United States is part of the (Hague Adoption Convention) which is a treaty that governs adoptions between the United States and approximately 75 other countries. The average cost range for international adoptions is $20,000 - $40,000 and is a collection of the different expenses that come up over the course of adoption, including documentation, travel fees, and more.

Florida's School Choice Bill includes?

The measure would make all students in Florida eligible for private school vouchers, regardless of income or whether they are in public school or being homeschooled. School vouchers give parents the freedom to choose a private school for their children, using all or part of the public funding set aside for their children's education. "The way these vouchers are designed, the schools get to pick winner and losers out of our kids"


The outcome for living together before marriage depends in part on the reason for cohabiting. Currently more couples cohabitate than at any time in US history. The pros and cons of cohabiting can be debated.

What are some effects of poverty on children?

The poverty rate has increased over the last decade and differs according to race. It is related to personal, social, cultural, economic and family variables including instability, violence, and poor housing health care, etc. Children's development is looked at as an ongoing interaction of biology and ecology. Poverty can reduce the quality of life throughout the lifespan.

Step families include:

There are certain characteristics that set stepfamilies apart from other families. Discriminative parental solitude explains some differences in how families support natural offspring from stepchildren. Stepparents do not have the same rights of parenthood as natural parents. Some researchers have proposed measures to help create legitimacy for stepparents. Stepchildren are receiving less emotional and financial support than biological children. (has been labeled as discriminative parental solitude.)

What are the 4 features of food deserts?

Transportation challenges: families are less likely to have a car or transportation to these grocery stores. Convenience food: While people living in food deserts lack affordable fresh produce but they do have access to highly processed foods (gas stations, convenient stores, fast food) Added risks: Reasons why big companies won't build in these types of areas: Fear of losing money, discrimination against black folks, poor neighborhoods are less profitable and more susceptible to crime. Income inequality: even when healthy food is available at local stores it can remain inaccessible to low income families due to the price.

What is Common Core?

Universal standards for education, including curriculum and teaching materials. Adopted in 2009 based on the need for consistent standards across state lines and needed because of the globalization of the workforce. Standards seek to promote critical thinking rather than methods that rely on rote memory. Proponents say content reading will be more helpful in promoting critical thinking. Critics are concerned that it reduced rigor in math and literature, and readings may be one-sided

what are the Risk factors for Child neglect?

Unsafe/dangerous neighborhoods is a risk factor. "Failure to protect": a characteristic of parenting where there is domestic violence. Chronic stress subjects families to ongoing anxiety and fear, which is then acted out in their role relationships. The accumulation of risk factors is the key factor.

What is Welfare state?

When large segments of society become dependent on government support programs.

What is Marriage?

a contract or union of spouses who paid bond for the purpose of psychological and sexual intimacy and cooperate to share resources and may have offspring or adopted children.

What is a Family?

a group consisting of two or more persons reading in the same household who are related biologically or by adoptions.

DOMA refused to...

acknowledge same-sex marriage as well as heterosexual marriage.

Other signs of child abuse include....

attempting to avoid going home, may not have appropriate peer interactions, restlessness or anxiety, mimicking symptoms of ADHD, talk ab their parents having mood swings, give vague nondescript answers on the marks on their body.

What is the non-traditional view of adoption?

both children and families are enhanced with diversity.

What is the traditional view of adoption?

children have a right to a mother and father.

International adoption rates have....

decreased as a result of Russia's cancellation of its international agreement with the U.S.

Abuse happens in 4 Stages of disclosure which are?

denial disclosure occurs recant their official denial reaffirmation of the abuse.

Gay and lesbian marriage is...

illegal in 37 states

Understanding poverty means understanding....

income method used by the federal government, Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), and The Consumption Approach.

What are food deserts?

is an area where it is hard for people to access fresh, healthy, and affordable produce. In the United States, it is typically an urban area marked by socioeconomic disadvantage, resulting from a long history of discriminatory policies against Black families and Households. In the United States, food deserts are a result of efforts to segregate U.S cities into predominantly Black and predominantly white neighborhoods through federal urban planning and housing policies.

What is food apartheid?

is used to highlight the racially discriminatory political structures that past and present impact food food access and control. The fight the end "food apartheid" is community driven. systemic oppression related to race and class creating barriers to resources such as food and land, leading to nutrition-related chronic disease.

Stepchildren are receiving ....

less emotional and financial support than biological children. (has been labeled as discriminative parental solitude.)

How much does adoption in florida cost?

little to nothing

The court ruling for gay and lesbian marriage was based...

on the 14th amendment

If you have dual income that goes above the threshold....

people don't want to get married.

The Respect for Marriage Act...

repealed DOMA.

DOMA denied...

same-sex partners, social security benefit

Asthma concerns are more....

severe and occurs more often in those living in poverty.

The marriage contract is through...

state law and may affect religious and cultural rituals.

What is a Household?

two or more persons who share the same dwelling. A household is not always considered a family.

What is grooming?

victim access, isolating the victim, trust development, keeping secrets, desensitization to touch and discussion of sexual topics, attempt by users to make their behavior seem natural.

What are signs of child neglect?

vitamin deficiencies, tooth decay, worn out or poorly sized clothing, chronically hungry, and lack attention to proper hygiene, their fatigue from poor nutrition and teen to lack energy when doing certain tasks.

Don't Say Gay Law includes:

"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

Steps in adoption:

1. Call 2. Orientation: 1 to 2 hour presentation to give parents to meet with people of experiences to provide an overview of the adoption process from start to finish. 3. Preparation Course: several different courses made available through the state, you do not have to pay for it, these courses are mandatory if you are adopting through foster care in Florida. Designed to give you the opportunity to assess yourself and your family. They are usually at night or on weekends. 4. Home Study: tp make sure you can provide the child with a safe and secure home, background checks are done at this time to any adults living in the home. You will be expected to have references from your employer, school, and from people who have known you. Then there is someone that comes into your home and asks you questions on your life, marriage, and the reasons you want to adopt, a lot of questions are asked during this. 5. Approval: All of this information is gathered into an application and sent to a specialist to be approved or denied. 6. Seeking the Right Match: You may continue to look at available children online by looking through pictures and a description of the child, (like an art gallery). There are also recruitment activities, like picnics and events and meeting the children. They do try their best to keep siblings together. 7. Match: you and your adoption worker have found a match and get to learn more about the child now and the child is learning about you and your family as well. When the child is comfortable and initial short visit occurs. This initial visit is followed by longer visits until the adoption worker, child, and adult agree that an overnight or weekend together can happen. (but there is not set time frame to get to know each other.) The child will be placed in your home when all 3 parties know the child is ready. (you do not have to be a foster parent beforehand to adopt a child.) 8. Placement Supervision: Must make monthly visits, supervision period ends when the adoption worker provides consent to your adoption journey. 9. Finalization: Usually a child lives with the adoption family for 6 months before the adoption is finalized.

What are the SNAP requirements today?

2 income tests and 2 asset tests. Gross income must be less than 130% of the federal poverty threshold for the household size. The gross income test is waived for households containing persons aged 60 and older and those receiving certain disability payments. The assets tests are a liquid asset test of $2,000 ($3,250 for persons aged 60 and older or disabled); such assets include, for example, most forms of cash, checking accounts, savings, stocks, and bond, and a vehicle value test of $4,650. Eligibility, income, assets, work.

How many people are living in poverty?

37.9 million people.

How does poverty affect children BEHAVIORALLY?

A poor postnatal environment can affect the functioning of the HPA axis which interferes with maintaining a steady emotional state.

DeSantis' Teaching Initiatives include?

A recruitment initiative targeted to bring retired first responders and retired veterans to the classroom through fee waivers and bonuses. An apprenticeship program that provides bonuses to teachers for mentoring aspiring teachers with an associate's degree to gain hands-on teaching experience. A scholarship program for K-12 teachers interested in teaching dual enrollment courses on high school campuses.

What is the Process of DCF (Department of Children and Families) investigation?

A report is made to DCF Case may or may not be opened DCF investigates Support, Substantiated Concern, or Unsupported Person(s) Responsible DCF Intervention

What are the maximum SNAP benefits for the 48 contiguous states?

About 80% of all benefits are used within the first 2 weeks of issuance, and more than 91% of all benefits are used by the 21st day.

How does poverty affect children at HOME?

Accounts for much of the differences in children's early IQ scores.

What is Megan's Law?

Allows for registration of sex offenders and community notification of their residences.

Effects of Child Neglect include:

Attachment risks for infants (anxious attachment styles) High risk for reduced brain growth and language acquisition. May lack age-appropriate development characterized by a failure to thrive syndrome. Lack of confidence and social competence. Older children have cognitive deficits and poor memory.. Highly correlated to juvenile delinquency, adult crime, mental and emotional illness.

Physical symptoms of child abuse include:

Black eyes and facial bruises. Broken bones that would appear to be non-accidental. Bruise marks in the shape of objects or fingers. Bruises in unusual places. Damage to the head. Burns that differ from splashes. Choke marks on the neck. Cigarette burns. Marks around the wrists or ankles. Bite marks Whelp marks.

Social Policy and Child Abuse/Neglect:

Child Abuse and Neglect is defined for both federal and state governments for civil and criminal purposes. Wasn't a problem until the 1960s. About 3.4 million children are abused in the US each year. US rate is higher than other industrialized nations. 2,000 children die each year in the US from abuse. 30% of abused children will abuse their own children. Defined by CAPTA, abuse refers to "any recent act or failure to act on the part of the parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm". Four types: Physical abuse Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Neglect

How does poverty affect children ENVIRONMENTALLY?

Children in poverty are more susceptible to diseases than children not in poverty.

How does poverty affect children's SCHOOL READINESS?

Children in poverty score lower on IQ tests.

Sex trafficking of Children includes:

Children may be manipulated in a number of violent and nonviolent ways: May be relocated throughout the US May become attached to their traffickers. Exploited children more likely to suffer many negative effects including: Depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol addiction and dissociative disorders. 25% of girls and 16% of boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.

Beaten or Hit with Objects Causing Physical Pain:

Children with special health care needs have a higher probability for being abused. Many cases of physical abuse may not be reported. Stress/trauma from physical abuse can cause disruption in brain development through HPA Axis, sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and reduced serotonin. Memory impairment and PTSD also related. Emotional blunting occurs except for directed at them. Poverty, low levels of education, mothers who smoke, single parent families, children born with low birth weights, and children with disabilities are at a higher risk of being beaten. Profile of underreported cases: white, living w parents, being younger than an adolescent head and stomach injuries.

Future directions in Education include:

Common Core does not meet the needs of the most and least gifted. May deemphasize creativity and not meet the individual needs of students. Robinson's ideas on creativity supports an agency-based approach.

Family Social Policy includes...

Contemporary parents believe that their parenting role is compromised by government interference. Governments have increasingly enacted policies that affect children and families.

Systems/Dialectical Perspective of Education?

Current accountability standards are based on linear thinking Nonlinear interacting system is proposed: As input comes into the system from outside, it would have reverberating effects throughout and alter/restructure process. Reorganization would be constant and allow for inevitable unpredictability. Change top-down approach which fosters the blame game: Learning is not enhanced by means that increase stress and punishment. New approach would be concerned with how students learn: Children learn at different speeds and through different means. Move beyond intellectual to physical, social, and emotions well-being. Increase play time in preschool and lower grades. Increase outdoor activities and unstructured time. Promote creativity. Allow: Allow for a paradigm shift in the definition of intelligence. Support: Support policy debated on such topics as whether a federal department of education is needed. Eliminate: Eliminate programs that are ineffective.

Physical abuse includes:

Damage of physical injury by parent deliberate or accidental. Physical abuse is correlated with children's brains producing lower amount of dopamine. Prone to depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, alcoholism, and suicidal ideation.

What are parental rights opponents?

Dangerous to children. Public education could be undermined. Parents already have the right to parent.

Stop WOKE act:

DeSantis' "Stop Woke Act" signed into law in 2022 essentially prohibits instruction on race relations or diversity that imply a person's status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, national origin, or sex. The bill also bans both schools and workplaces from "subjecting any student or employee to training or instruction that espouses, promoted, advances, inculcates, or compels such individuals to believe specified concepts constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin."

Family structure includes:

Debate over family structure as the cause of decline in family functioning. The family has been changing for decades. Wage-earning gap between women and men has been decreasing since 1970. For those working the same jobs, there is a very little difference in earnings.

What is DOMA?

Defense of Marriage Act

A systems/dialectical perspective on poverty:

Distinguished from other perspectives in a number of ways. Distinguished from theories of poverty that focus only on the individual. Distinguished from models that view culture or ethnicity as causing poverty. Systems/Dialectical position takes a "both/and" position.

What are the 6 Sub-Scales of Effects on Poverty and Children?

Education or responsiveness of the caregiver Avoidance of restriction of punishment Organization of the temporal and physical environment Provision of appropriate playing materials Parental environment with the child Opportunities for variety and daily stimulation

Emotionally Abused Children includes:

Emotional abuse is recognized as separate abuse, but the definition is somewhat unclear. Often related to cognitive deficits in processing information. More likely to experience negative consequences throughout their lifetimes, including lower educational levels, criminal behavior, mental, emotional, and social maladjustment.

Sexual Abuse also includes:

False allegations: about 5% of reports. Parental alienation syndrome accounts for confusion and false reports. How children are interrogated may affect the outcome. Court proceedings can re-victimize the child. Treatment of sexual abuse: Child Protection Services (CPS) involved to remove the child from the home, and both abusing and non-abusing parents are evaluated. Abused children need wide range of social and psychological support (often behavioral issues) and mother-child bond may need repairing.

What does SNAP do?

Formerly food stamps, SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits t communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.

What is foster care?

Foster care is a system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent" or with a family member approved by the state. The placement of the child is normally arranged through the government or a social service agency.

What are protective factors for child neglect?

Good parenting (positive and open communication, expression of empathy, and problem-solving skills) Active, engaged fathers, regardless of environment. Protective factors can often onset the risk.

What era prompted food stamps?

Great Depression.

What are Welfare state cons?

Hard working citizens resent having to pay more taxes. Results in a pattern of dependence. Not taking initiative. System is abused and taken advantage of.

What are parental rights proponents?

History of law and court cases supporting parents in the rearing and socialization of children. Teens who have open communication with their parents fare better. Bolster parent involvement.

What did the Original Food Stamp program of 1939 do?

Initiated to align growing food surpluses with a concern for the needs of the poor as the country emerged from the Great Depression. Orange stamps can buy any food Blue stamps can buy USDA food surplus Served 4 million ppl a month at its peak. By 1943 program was terminated due to reduced availability of surpluses.

Parenting/Attachment when living in poverty:

Lower SES parents are more punitive. They do not read as often to their children. They provide fewer toys for children to play with, limited language in communication, and provide less exposure to extra-familial stimulating outings. Rough or insensitive parenting is the most likely cause of disorganized attachment in children.

What is Jessica's Law?

Made lewd acts against a child under the age of 12 a life felony.

Sexual Abuse includes:

Mandatory Reporting of Abuse: Any professional who works with children is required to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Victim-Perpetrator: Males who are sexual abuse victims more likely to be perpetrators themselves, whole female victims are not. Recidivism Rates: Sexual offender recidivism rates are approx 10-15%. Two types of offenders: Those engaged in deviate sexual activity and those with antisocial personality. Contributing factors: Hostile unstable family. Lack of long-term affectionate bonds, accepting attitude toward sexual aggression.

The argument for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA):

Marriage between a man and a woman is viewed as the best option for children. Proponents for DOMA based beliefs on research. Believe that same-sex marriages will always be considered an alternative family form. Believe that marriage is a privilege, not a right. Believing that allowing same-sex marriages creates a slippery slope where other forms of marriage will occur.

No Child Left Behind includes?

Meant to close the achievement gap for minority and poor children. Made schools accountable for outcomes and scrutinized schools not meeting proficiency. Signed into law by George W. Bush in 2002. Goals of NCLB were to ensure accountability by annually administering standardized testing, holding teachers accountable for student outcomes, and rewarding schools with high achievement while punishing schools that fall below expected standards. Reducing resources for the most proficient students may create a "proficiency ceiling"

Debate over raising the minimum wage (Leave it alone):

Minimum wage jobs are not meant to create a high standard of living. Minimum wage earners are teenagers or persons in their first jobs who are not supporting a family. Believed to be damaging to the economy.

What are the 3 different kinds of marriage?

Monogamous: Consists of only 2 persons. Polygamy: One man and two or more women. Polyandry: One woman and two or more men.

Parenting education includes:

Most parenting education occurs under duress which may result in poor outcomes. Some parenting ed programs are geared to the transition to parenthood and others are geared toward therapy and remedial help. Parenting education trainers need to be able to tailor programs to meet specific family needs.

Why are children removed from their caregivers?

Neglect: The most common form of maltreatment. Substance Use: Caregivers are using substances in front of the children and/or giving it to them. Abuse: Sexual and physical Violence: Witnessing violence in the home

Child Neglect includes:

Neglected children have distinctive behavioral, psychological and physical characteristics. Most frequent form of abuse, but researched the least. Included in neglect is allowing child to participate in dangerous activities. Neglected children develop moral apathy. Parents who neglect their children tend to have substance abuse and or mental illness, though not all. Domestic violence and unsafe neighbors contribute to neglect.

American Education in Crisis includes?

Neither conservatives nor progressives are happy with current education policy and disagree on how to fix it. Some problems in Education: High teacher attrition rates. Need closer teacher/parent involvement. Students graduate with poor literacy skills. Reforming education has produced few results. Majority of the education budget goes to administration. NCLB Failed to increase the number of students graduating highschool.

Debate over raising the minimum wage (Increase it):

No one at the minimum-wage level can support a family and make enough income to live above the poverty level. Persons at the lower end of the economic status fall further behind, while those at the top keep increasing in wealth. States that have increased the minimum wage haven't seen any negative effects.

Gay and Lesbian Marriages include:

Obergefell v. Hodges was instrumental in making same-sex marriages legal, joining 19 other countries that legalized same-sex marriages. This court ruling was based on the 14th Amendment. By 2022 public support for same-sex marriage was 71%, but varied according to religious and racial groups.

What is the Food Stamp Act of 1964?

Original blue and orange stamps were replaced with food coupons, which participants were still expected to purchase. Became permanent program in 1964 (SNAP).

Parental rights includes...

Parental Rights Amendment is a movement to protect children from intrusive government social policies. Parents would be protected from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Respect for Marriage Act:

Passed in 2022 The act replaces provisions that define, for purposes of federal law, marriage as between a man and a woman and spouse as a person of the opposite sex with provisions that recognize any marriage between two individuals that is valid under state law.

Mandatory sentencing and Civil Commitment laws for sexual predators:

Prison time does not reduce the risk of committing future sexual crimes, but cognitive behavioral treatment does reduce risk.

Child Sexual abuse includes:

Probability of child rape is three times the adult probability. Reporting child sexual abuse has increased because of mandatory reporting. Majority of cases no committed by pedohiles: Most committed by family members or acquaintances. Grooming the victim. Generally, victims report well after the occurrence (into adolescence/adulthood)

In the 1970s SNAP....

Program revisions in 1971 replaced state-by-state rules with national eligibility standards. Something that people were trying in the 70s was to have restrictions on the type of food people could purchase but that DID not happen. You get a certain amount of money and can buy whatever type of food you want with it.

Public School and Property Tax includes:

Property taxation and school funding are closely linked in the United States. In 2018-2019, public education revenue totaled $771 billion. Tax revenue is collected and distributed to schools throughout a district, and in a growing number of states, to districts throughout the state. Local revenue for school support is derived almost entirely from property taxes levied by Florida's 67 counties, each of which constitutes a school district. Each school board must levy the millage set for its required local effort from property taxes.

The Argument against DOMA:

Proponents believe that it was a biased law based on relationship inequality. Argue that marriage has not always been viewed as between one man and one woman. Inappropriate links to religious beliefs about marriage. Research supporting traditional definition is flawed. Marriage will benefit same-sex couples economically. Improve mental health of same-sex individuals.

What are Welfare State pros?

Provide much needed assistance. Helps children. Helps reduce crime rates. Helps improve skill based. Health care can be more accessible.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

Replaced NCLB in 2015. ESSA Includes: Parent involvement Struggling students and schools State vs. Federal authority

What is the Systems/Dialectical Perspective of Child Abuse and Neglect?

Research and treatment must take a holistic approach: Biological, Physical, Psychological, Cognitive. Abuse reflects dysfunction in the social system. The abuse cycle is characterized by the reveal/conceal contradiction (as a result of shame from abuse) Full exposure of the abuse may never be revealed. Children expose the abuse in a spiral process. Demonstrates why continuous and ongoing change process to treatment and policy is needed.

The history of American Public Education includes?

Schooling evolved to meet the needs of changing society. Formal education was influenced by the writings of Locke and Rousseau. Brown vs. The Board of Education (led to the desegregation of schools) and the War on poverty ushered in new goals for education.

Sections of the parental rights amendment:

Section 1: Parents have the right to direct the rearing of their children. Section 2: No governmental body may infringe on the rights of parents without due clause. Section 3: No treaty or national or international government body can infringe on this right. Section 4: Current law regarding end of life or abortion will not change. Section 5: Prohibits judges from using international law to rule on parental rights.

Private/Infant Adoptions include:

Several factors influence the total cost of adoption in Florida. These include the agency you work with, the type of adoption you choose, the attorney who assists you and more. Because of this, the average cost of adoption is reported to range from $60,000 to $65,000.

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